🔥 Lil Treasures #264: Groundhogs, Dumpster Fires + Mariachi Bands
Don't forget to take your Stupid Walk™️
Well, hello! Welcome to another Friday newsletter 💃
Are you guys doing okay? It’s an easily spiral-able time so I hope you’re hanging in there and taking care of yourselves. Seriously, make sure to take your vitamins and go on that Stupid Walk™ you’ve been putting off.
If that dang groundhog sees his shadow this Sunday, I’m simply going to pass on to the Lord Most High. I told my kids to go outside and play the other day because it was “warm” (38 degrees, not too shabby). Living in Alabama has lowered my tolerance for cold weather, and I am officially done with winter. Especially with *all the other things* going on right now. Good riddance!
In some more exciting, non-weather related news, it is a VERY BIG AND FUN week in my world, because my book is finally coming out! We are just 4️⃣ days away from I’ve Got Questions’ big debut. I’m trying to be chill, but really I am reaaaaaaally excited, super nervous, and freaking out a little bit. It’s cool.
Okay, before we move on, I wanted to remind you that if want to cash in on the pre-order bonuses that are available, you’ll need to make sure to get your pre-order in this week! You can order from Baker Book House (you still get 40% off, free shipping AND a signed book plate this way) or on Amazon at this link. (Quick PSA: Amazon orders are taking a little longer, so if you want, you can switch your pre-order to Baker, that way you’ll get it sooner AND get a signed book plate!)
The book is also available at other booksellers if that’s more to your fancy. Some of the books got shipped out a little early, so let me know if you got yours in the comments!
Thank you so much for your support! I can’t wait to celebrate with some of you in person next week at the Birmingham and Thomasville, GA events. It’s gonna be a fun time!
The treasures await!
🎺 This video of high school mariachi bands playing in a Whataburger is the best thing I’ve seen all week. What I wouldn’t give to hear that while enjoying some spicy ketchup and Dr. Pepper, please and thank you.
🤝 In the last week, the U.S. Department of State decided to stop federal funding for refugee resettlement support, which leaves organizations who work with refugees at a huge loss. World Relief is one of those organizations and is doing real, important work to help provide basic needs like food, shelter, clothing and transportation to refugees, and are now grappling with how they can continue this. To help them continue this essential work, you can donate here!
🤸🏼♀️ Here to remind you that a world full of weirdos is the best, most beautiful kind of place via this poem called She’s Such a Weirdo.
🧙♀️ Alright I need to know, which bookish meme are you?
👏 Like the wise and wonderful David Gate, I am just out here trying My Very Best. And that can look different each day, you know?
❓As a hat tip to my book coming out this week, this week’s episode of Faith Adjacent is all about tackling some of YOUR questions on wrestling with God. If you’ve spent any amount of time doubting, asking questions or wrestling with your faith, let me gladly point you to this episode!
Need some memes? I got you covered.
Thanks for reading, beauties! I am honored to get to bring you these treasures each week, and even more honored that you would continue coming back to read them. I’ll never get over your support during this season of writing and publishing a book. Couldn’t do any of this without you! Until next time! Love you, mean it.
My kids' school is closed today due to excessive illness so my 15 year old asked if she could come to work with me and then we could go shopping. Um YES good excuse to cut the day short! And my college kid is home for the weekend ❤️
You know it's been a long week when a High School Mariachi band in a Whataburger makes you cry ...