I went to the store for butter and come home with a pumpkin roll. Not sorry.

I also made chili, but I changed my recipe and can't decide if it is wonderful or if I ruined it. haha

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Y'all. I don't know if anyone drops by here on Sunday, but I had to share two treasures:

1. My daughter smiled for the first time since the accident!!

2. A different kind of treasure, but still important. When I got my new to me record player, I signed up for the Magnolia Record Club. Well, today I got an email that November's record will beat brand new DOLLY PARTON CHRISTMAS ALBUM!! I am envisioning so many nights sitting by the player with a whiskey-related drink in my hand. YES PLEASE.

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OMG the best 2 treasures!!!!

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I’m a holiday purist and do not listen to Christmas music before Black Friday, but I understand that sometimes we are just looking for a good vibe as the time changes and it gets colder. A few years ago I came up with a compromise between purists like me and the early birds. I proposed that old school jazz and swing should be the Official Music of November/Thanksgiving™️, since it hits those cozy and nostalgic notes, but isn’t actually about mistletoe and holly. I called my proposal the Franksgiving Accord (after one Frank Sinatra, and because I love puns). Frankly (ha!), it has never caught on with many people, but I greatly enjoy pulling out my playlists on November 1st every year. I thought I’d share my two main playlists in case anyone else is interested, because we can all use some extra good vibes this year. I’ll probably still add to them as the month goes (I seem to be missing some songs I remember from last year), and I don’t put them in any particular order (I enjoy on shuffle):

Franksgiving Party (more upbeat) - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4IEBJ8OVQaXcRv4iHT7Wv1?si=szGTT9tmQ_CXhBHWh72v2g

Cozy Elladay (slow and chill) - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2laKB7VUNeIdWMAKuF6bcZ?si=ZHRlOISxRGORyGNVa0mknQ

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This is good. I started celebrating Halloween way too early this year (mid-Sept) and the novelty wore off way before the spooky day arrived. I def don't want the same thing to happen with Christmas, so I think this is a good idea for the in-between time.

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I am here for this compromise. Thank you for the playlist 💕

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Hello friends! I read these comments every week and I love feeling like I'm getting to know you all... those with Boys, and Lindsay's cute twins, and seeing Erin and Melissa G and everyone :D I have a handful of chronic illnesses so I rarely have the spoons to comment myself, but I know some of y'all are in the same spoonie boat. You are seen and loved! <3

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You are also seen and loved. I am so happy you are here.

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Thank you <3

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We figure the results of this election will take weeks to sort out, so my husband and I are:

1) praying

2) planning trips for long-term future

3) studying languages for the #2 trips

4) planning a bourbon & bubbles tasting with charcuterie boards

5) call/FaceTime with as many as young family members as possible

6) watch bad TV and good documentaries in the meantime

7) see #1

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What bad TV and good docs are you watching?

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Hi! I’m a sucker for Bravo TV shows. My current favorite is Real Housewives of Potomac. I’d start from season one. Of course, The Bachelorette is a delightful dumpster fire of a show, and I like Married at First Sight. It is interesting to see a modern-day arranged marriage. Crazy!

As far as documentary series go, Love Fraud was INSANE. My husband and I both have been watching the two series on the NXIVM cult. The one on HBO is called The Vow, and the one from Showtime is called Seduced. Both are bonkers.

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This season is SO GOOD!

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This is such a solid plan. You are setting yourself up for a great week.

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Thanks! Here’s hoping you have a fun, safe weekend and an even better week!

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Thanks for the Election First Aid Kit, I think I'm leaning towards pretending like it's not happening but I'm sure I'll guilt myself into being a grown-up and watching with horror on Tuesday. A few treasures and one turd:

* Some friends at my intern church (which is predominantly Asian American and I'm not) took me out for dim sum as a cultural learning experience and it was amazing!! I have been craving personal in-person interaction and it was just what I needed. We were all safe because all of those friends still believe the pandemic is real and should not be tempted.

* We had our last night of Alpha on Tuesday night and it was so lovely to see each of our guests genuinely interested in investigating faith further with us. We're trying to figure out what that can look like so keep praying for that, please.

* I finished the audio version of One to Watch and it was delightful. Don't sleep on that book everyone. I think it was a green light sometime over the summer.

* My new Kindle reader, that's all.

* This insta-story is so strangely satisfying:



* You guys youth group was hard last week. There were over 30 teenagers on a Zoom on a Friday night and it's just a lot for this introverted enneagram 2 to handle after a long week of grad school reading and interning. On top of that, the guy who was teaching out of Romans (which we all agreed on to teach out of the whole year) taught on Romans 1 which has some things to say about men laying with men etc. I am trying to hold grace and truth together in my hands right now as I believe he thinks this is truth, Biblical truth for that matter but also thinking of the odds that out of those 30 kids, there is at least one kid who identies as LBTQ and that feels traumatized and/or shamed by what he said. All I want to do as a youth worker is create a safe place for kids to come and ask hard questions and struggle and doubt but also see God's love manifest. I'm not sure if that happened last week, I pray that it did. I also from a teaching standpoint don't think it was a great lesson, a lot went over the heads of the sixth graders in my small group. Sorry for the word vomit here, I haven't been able to vent about what happened last week. But this is always a safe space. I don't know how to pray for me as a youth worker, as a missionary with an evolving faith, as an intern that still feels like a guest sometimes. I do know to pray that I would still maintain holding grace and truth together. Also, the next youth group meeting starts in ten minutes so, some urgent prayer would be great!

Happy Weekend All.

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One to Watch is on my TBR and Kindles are so lovely and helpful to a rich reading life!

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Many blessings to you, and I hope youth group went well last night! Being a youth worker or volunteer is always so hard, but those solid mentors are so important. You're awesome!

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I got a fancy hotel room, will be ordering a massive ribeye steak and champagne/red wine (let’s be real both) and will be celebrating in pajamas in a room I don’t have to clean myself!

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That sounds amazing!

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I’m recording a ton of Hallmark Christmas movies and watching them all throughout election week!

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Here we go. I do have a turd this week. Our area of the state was hit hard with an ice storm in the first part of this week. This is particularly unfortunate due to the fact that most trees still had all of their leaves, meaning more area for ice to accumulate, thus making limbs even heavier. It looks like a tornado went through the entire metro. At one point mid-week there were in the neighborhood of 300,000 households without power, with temps hovering right around freezing. I don’t know what the current number of outages is but am thankful for all those folks working around the clock to restore power for those who lost it.


💡We only lost power for a few minutes at a time (one of those during a shower for me and since we are on a well that means no water if no power...so that was fun) but we stayed warm and were able to provide a meal for a family who didn’t have power for a couple of days.

🌳 Fortunately, all of our trees are away from the house so the falling limbs did not do damage to any structures, nor did they block any roads.

🥚We finished a whole 30 on Wednesday and I am feeling MUCH better than I have in a while.

🧮 I worked at a firm for 10 years and in early 2019 moved to a firm closer to home for family reasons. It didn’t pan out like expected and when my old job asked me to come back this past summer, on terms they they left entirely up to me, I said yes. My boss trusts me and respects me and I am just so thankful for a job that doesn’t make me wish I could hide under the covers.

Alright. That’s a random bunch of things but that’s where we are today. My Election Day plan is 100% avoidance. I’ve been on the struggle bus with anxiety already due to 2020 and I have voted and that’s all I can control so I’m going to distract myself with The Masked Singer and a new season of Somebody Feed Phil.

I’m off to rest up because ice storm debris cleanup starts bright and early tomorrow. Happy weekend!

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Sombody Feed Phil came out at exactly the right time! We need his wholesomeness this week!

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Oh yes, the new season of Somebody Feed Phil is so needed! We watched episode 1 last night. Rio de Janeiro has some beautiful scenery!

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My Election Day Survival Kit involves our new puppy. She brings all the joy and light to our house- reminding us to play and have fun.

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You all are the actual best group all on the internet in all the world!! Mister Rogers would be so proud! Thank you so much for the prayers. They were the support my soul needed. We have a long road of work ahead of us, a road towards healing and justice. I’d very much appreciate it if you confined praying. We are all so tired. Physically and emotionally. Much love🤎🤎🤎🤎

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Still on it, dear Erin!!!

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Feeling STRESSED about the election. My boyfriend, parents, and roommates, who are pretty much the only people I talk to anymore, all disagree with me politically. I know that I'm not supposed to echo chamber myself and surround myself with people who think like me, but it is a terrible experience to be surrounded by people who disagree. One of my roommates lowkey might doubt my faith now, so that's a bummer. This first aid kit is very helpful.

I've started catching myself when I go to the Comments section of articles or posts and ask myself the questions, "Why am I looking to read these? Am I looking for something to be upset about, or am I looking for more conversation?" Normally, the answer is something to become angry about. I never have been an argumentative person, but social media has made me addicted to being angry and I'm sick of it.

My treasure is that it's beautiful weather outside, so even though I'm stressed about my roommates, I can escape and sit on our porch and do work while listening to my neighbor blasting some solid 70s/80s hits. I also got to log on for a virtual coffee chat at work with two coworkers yesterday and we chatted about Harry Potter. It's nice to have something else to talk about.

As always, it's a joy to read y'all's comments. So, so grateful for this space.

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I’m so sorry you’re feeling so stressed. I totally get it. Right up until I filled in the box for president (and...let’s be real...after) I felt that same stress. Something that has helped me is remembering that, despite the rhetoric out there right now, for *most* people, who you vote for isn’t your identity. It’s a choice you make based on the info you have in front of you. Sounds like you did your best.

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I totally understand your pain. My friends and family think I’m nuts for voting the way that I do. Solidarity! Let’s challenge ourselves not to look at the comments this week. Every time I do it’s because I’m either looking for validation, or looking to get mad at a stranger. Neither are good. 💗

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I am coping with my election anxiety by being a poll worker! I can focus on that instead of the abject darkness that my mind keeps going to when I consider the election. Also helping me is this newsletter....and The Great British Baking Show....and The Mandalorian. ❤️

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That is so awesome! I wanted to be a poll worker, but all of my county’s positions were full, so that’s good overall 💗

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My treasure is teaching two of my favorite novels to read each year: The Great Gatsby and Pride & Prejudice. My bigger treasure is that we will be off campus Wednesday-Friday after the election so I can choose to watch or not watch as much coverage as I choose in the comfort of my own home.

Hey - if you are interested in homemade cards or Christmas card addressing, check out my etsy shop. I hope this is allowed in our little Swipe Up village... https://www.etsy.com/shop/handwrittenbynoel

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Teaching those two books is a treasure indeed!

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I loved teaching Gatsby, tooooo! My first job out of college, I introduced the novel by hosting a "party" for my classes that included plastic champagne flutes and ginger ale. Looking back? Not my best choice. But...they liked it!

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ha! We watch the movie with my freshmen and then later read Romeo and Juliet - I have had students ask if I chose curriculum based on Leonardo DiCaprio... which is honestly a great guess :)

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I fully support this curriculum. (And I loved showing that R&J version. Such a good throwback!)

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Just a lil treasure for ya...I can't stop with this instagram. Be forewarned it's all the same joke over and over but I am very into that joke. This one is my favorite, if you were obsessed with The Killers in the 2000's like me you maybe will too?


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Enjoyed that video very much 🤣

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maybe you will like it too?* geeeeze it's been a week

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Hello lovelies!

I've not been in the comments for a few weeks because *life!* That said, I wanted to pop in and say hey and share a truly amazing treasure.

This week, my (grown) niece and her husband drove from Iowa to Ohio to surprise my parents with a visit. She hasn't been here since 2009, and this was her husband's first visit. My brother (her dad) drove from Michigan to be part of the surprise as well. I drove up from N.C. last weekend.

It's been an incredibly sweet, wonderful time together. I think now, perhaps more than ever, being with people I love who share DNA has been balm for the soul. I've spent so much of this pandemic alone at home (with a kitty who is lovely but not the greatest hugger), that being able to hug my mama after a particularly hard work day darn near relegated me to tears.

Story time: Wednesday we went to Amish country as a family. It was BEAUTIFUL. There was still fall color in the rolling hills (yes, Ohio has hills), and the way the land is farmed in that community makes the hills look like a patchwork quilt. My mom was in the height of her maternal glory taking us around the area and directing us to her favorite places to visit. But then this took the cake: my niece's husband got a belt from the same Amish saddle shop that made belts for my grandfather. My grandpa passed away in 2005, and was a very hard man. But he always went to Amish country with whatever of his (eight) children were in town for a visit each summer. Whenever he needed a belt, he would stop at a that particular shop. I mentioned this to the Amish gentleman who helped us, and he said his grandfather started the shop in the 50's, and his father was manning the register. Y'all, the grandson of the man who crafted belts for my grandfather crafted a belt for my nephew right there in front of us while we waited. He even let my dad watch him in his workshop area and learn what he was doing.

It was...a moment. To feel connected to my grandfather and Mom's generation while watching my niece and her husband connect to that same space was so deeply meaningful.

SO. As per the usual, I have no internet treasures to share this week. Just lots of gratitude for my irl time with family, as well as my Lil Swipes friends here and The Comfortable Words community.

Looking forward to catching up in comments after my drive home tomorrow!

P.s. Months ago, one of you Swipes shared of an Amish woman who was missing from one of your communities. I cannot remember the name of the Lil Swipes, nor the Amish woman (but keep thinking of Linda?) but wanted you to know I prayed for her so many times Wednesday on our time there.

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So glad that you were able to share that moment together. So special!

I was the one who shared about the missing 18 year old Amish woman. Her name is Linda Stoltzfoos. She was abducted on Fathers Day while walking home from church. The abduction was caught on a surveillance camera and her abductor is in custody but isn’t talking, and she is still missing. It’s all so heartbreaking. Thank you for praying for her. It’s been a really tough few months for many of my Amish friends and acquaintances.

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Oh, I’m so glad you posted, Jacki. I’m thankful I had her name right (not one of my gifts). I’ll keep praying. It’s very good news they captured her abductor, but dear Jesus, please bring peace and resolution for Linda and her family!!!

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I’m from Ohio too!!

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Go Bucks! What part? I grew up in Newark and settled in Cincinnati as a young adult (before moving to N.C.).

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Go Bucks! I’m down in the southeastern area! Most people know my little town because of OU.

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I know that town! My cousin went to OU. 🙂

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Love that story! So glad you could spend time with family.

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Thank you so much!!

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I am So so so so glad this trip happened!!!

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Thank you so much!!!! We have catching up to do. There shall be messages...

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