In other skin care news. I saw past recommendation from Erin, Some Call me Crunchy skin care is offering free shipping

site: https://somecallmecrunchy.com/?mc_cid=6342ce5339&mc_eid=b332b0d221


I think some oil cleanser is going in my cart!

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Hey Swipe Squad. Was finishing up an episode of the Big Boo cast where Melanie talked about vitamin c serum.... do you guys have a favorite vitamin c product you like? Bonus if available at Sephora or Amazon.

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I live in the Midwest, but I'm currently in Australia visiting my family. It's not quite as crazy here, nothing is shut down yet, but I'm a little terrified we're going to get stuck on the way home. I'm pregnant and traveling with a 2 and 4 year old.

Re-reading Harry Potter is helping my soul right now.

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https://open.spotify.com/track/275SxfFiepqWJeKXvNlGKq?si=mV8ALVjzQGmtSKmjO9_Epg Rita Wilson has made a playlist and it's 1. called Quarantunes and 2. very fun.

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Oh man. The idea of being able to help each other out almost made me cry. We’re both freelancers and most of our work has been cancelled. It’s about to be so rough for a lot of us ❤️❤️

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We are trying to do small business as much as possible. I know those will be the ones hurting the most. I can’t afford to pay someone’s salary but we figured every little bit helps.

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Late to the party since I tend to stalk the thread from my work computer on Fridays, and we were off for spring break.

Break has been extended for a week and my 2yo’s day care has also extended their break for a week, so we will be home together next week, myself being fully pregnant with 9 lbs of twins and 6 weeks to go.... trying not to freak out about it too much haha. Thankfully it’s looking like my husband will get to work from home, but we’re still ironing out details.

My plan is to maybe try to cook/bake one thing each morning because my son loves to help in the kitchen and that should keep him occupied and us fed. If I can fill the morning with something, then we get to the magical afternoon where EVERYONE NAPS! Seriously, that is a gift from the Lord Jesus himself for me to get a nap on a weekday to continue gestating these twinnies!

Also it’s my husband and my birthdays next week which I almost completely forgot about. But hey that’s 2 cakes to bake! Ha.

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I deliberately waited until today to read this thread after a dumpster fire of a week.

I came down with Tuesday night. Like a responsible adult, I called off work Wed, and went to the doctor Thursday. By the grace of God, it’s just a sinus infection. That said, this people-loving, hug-adoring extrovert has already been home alone for three days. The idea of two-four weeks has me whimpering a little bit, because it’s just me and a kitty here.

I waited for this contact with the outside world like the manna from heaven it is.

Bless you, l’il swipes. We extroverts need you in this dark hour!!!!!!!

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I have definitely started unfollowing people on social media and I have no regrets!

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Erin this was much needed. Thank you internet friend 🥰

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Erin, you may need to love us lil swipes deeper and drop a few more Lil Treasures during this time period. I can't get to my therapist, so I'm putting it all on your shoulders.

I am not a TP hoarder, but I want to confess here...I went to my library yesterday and checked out 40 books to split between myself and my children. I'm sorry. I had to do it. I had no self control. The Lord Forgives. And last night at 11pm I received the email that my library is closing for 30 days. SO....nanananabooboo...I win. Okay, sorry for that too...just a little.

I have already baked 3 loaves of fresh bread, my daughter has made 3 dozen sugar cookies...I'm thinking while the rest of you people are gonna get pregnant, I'm just gonna be buying pregnancy pants after this.

Well, I must go. It's 7:30 a.m. and my 8 year old is staring at me asking me to go bike riding. Is it okay to drink wine before 9 a.m.? Oh, yes...yes it is....communion....

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Follow BlackFairyGodmother on IG. She fundraises for domestic violence survivors and others. She might be able to guide you in doing something similar.

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This evening while talking to my sweet mother on the phone, she regaled me with tales of having to set mouse traps in her suburban Kansas home and coming up with lots of mice. Her husband refused to dispose of the caught mice, so she did it like her Midwest Prairie ancestors before her, and I may have christened her Ma Ingalls for this. So thanks to whoever suggested the Long Winter as a reread, CAN’T WAIT!

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I'm in for the Pen Pal thing. I'll msg you on IG if you haven't left that behind, too, and see if you want to switch addresses...

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Something I love to do when I'm stressed is dance ridiculously around my apartment. I'm currently working on a playlist to get us through the next couple of weeks of quarantine and I'll share this masterpiece with the people once it's finished. Current bangers include the COVID-19 theme song "Come on Eileen" (henceforth known as "COVID-19") and "Can't Get Next To You" by the Temptations. I'm taking suggestions for the playlist in my DMs on instagram and you can drop them in the replies on this comment if you'd like! I can't promise that everything is going to be super kid-friendly so maybe have the skip button at the ready if you're going to be playing around littles, but I'll be putting the link in my instagram bio once it's done (@megs_trief)

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In these dark times, I would like to offer this golden Instagram nugget:


You’re welcome.

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Annie Downs put out a collaborative playlist on Spotify that started with ~30 songs and has grown to more than 2 days of music (as of last night). It’s called DO NOT FEAR. ❤️


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Everyone here is just the greatest! Who knew there were other people who also love sending snail mail?? I am finding some joy in remembering I can still go outside and practice social distancing. Get that good vitamin D and outdoor therapy, friends!

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Re: French bread and olive oil- I strongly suggest adding a drizzle of balsamic, a spoonful of parmesan (fresh grated, from the can, I'm not here to judge), and a heaping helping of chopped garlic to that olive oil. Like Erin said, sit in front of the TV and GET THEE TO TOWN.

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I'm reading this while curled up under a weighted blanket, eating Reese's mini eggs. It's been quite a week out there! I'm very fortunate to live in a place where as of yet we have not seen much impact from the virus, but people are still taking the precautionary measures to keep the infection rate low. I work at a drug store so can I please ask that should you go to your local pharmacy and they are out of the items you need, keep in mind that it's likely well beyond the control of the staff people there and maybe show them a little kindness? We know you want hand sanitizer and toilet paper but we just do not have any - swearing at us won't make it magically appear. Also, keep all the medical staff and emergency responders (police, fire, and EMT's) in your prayers as, pandemic or not, they have to keep on showing up for work regardless, and those are tough jobs at the best of times.

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Those posters are THE BEST!!!

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I'm pretty encouraged that a lot of universities are cancelling classes but not closing campuses - like elementary students who depend on free lunches for a vital part of their nutrition, many college students can't afford to either leave campus in the first place or stay away longer than they originally planned for spring breaks.

Also: your public library has lots of ebooks that you can check out and read for free without ever leaving your home or breathing public air! I've saved so much money and unnecessary pants-wearing from that.


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I'l just extend the offer: If anyone reading this wants mail, I love sending little cards or letters, email me: mellemo@gmail.com I have stationary at the ready. I also have a 7 year old boy who would love to draw pictures and write letters to new friends. :)

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You know I was dealing with the fact that they shut down all the schools in the state . What I am not dealing with is the potential library and indie bookstore closures. A few in the surrounding area have closed and I'm praying soooo hard they don't shut my library. I need access to my books!

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I want to be angry about that Enneagram Tweet but...it's pretty funny. Erin, I can tell you put lots and lots of heart and soul into this particular edition of Lil Treasures. Thank you. I feel it and love it.

Those posters are so fantastic.

I'm, honestly, trying not to panic about THE THING and I'm not a panic prone person. But...it's hard. I'm almost relieved we THE THING here now so the countdown can start...you know? I do not have enough cheese-it's and diet coke to be quarantined for two weeks.

I like the helping hand idea. In addition to the madness that is this world, my mother has become very sick and I'm trying to figure out how to navigate that. I don't know how to handle everything that has happened with her in a short time and she is not able to assist in her care.

Back to watching funny videos and looking at pretty pictures.

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On the helping people fund: Shea Serrano did something similar with his Christmas Kindness Thread a few months ago that’s definitely worth reading about https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/San-Antonio-s-Shea-Serrano-and-his-Good-Enery-14927417.php?utm_campaign=CMS%20Sharing%20Tools%20(Mobile)&utm_source=share-by-email&utm_medium=email

Also, I finally got around to watching the Actors on Actors with Lady Gaga and Lin-Manuel Miranda and it’s a great way to spend an hour of your time

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"And they will bite you on your FACE." Needed that laugh. =D

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I am IN for pen pals. Do schools still do that? I remember how magical it was when I was in elementary school. My first grader would love it.

Also, I work on a global team, so I both already work from home (and we are traveling NOWHERE right now) and talk to people in Europe and South America almost every day. It’s a weird time, but super helpful to interact with people outside the US. Plus, I have a colleague who lives in Milan and left on what was probably one of the last flights. He is a Colombian National who is currently in Dubai. Travel restrictions are very complicated.

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I loved every second of this email- what a gift today! Thank you so much, Erin!!! And I'm in for kid pen pals if Illinois gets its freaking act together and closes schools!

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Goodness if this isn’t the thread we all need right now! Made my day. Also making my day-Singing “Friends in Low Places” instead of happy Birthday when washing my hands. Don’t think I’m not going to teach my future little ones that trick!

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You rescued my day with this. Thanks for the help reframing what had started out to be a horrible day/weekend.

Niall Horan released a new album today and I believe it is a gift from Above. On repeat, thanks.

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Erin, I have DIED at those national park posters. Thank you for finding and sharing. Absolutely made my day.

I'm an HR manager for a chemical plant that makes soap and detergent so the panic hasn't hit us yet because we're in full production mode. I did have to give a talk on hygiene to 40 grown men and was shocked at the results. Here is a clip of me giving this hygeine talk:


Apparently there hasn't been soap in the men's restroom in the back of the warehouse for months and people didn't know where to get soap to replace it so they HAVEN'T. This is also the point where I had to reiterate that we MANUFACTURE AND SELL SOAP so we literally have it everywhere, please come find me if you don't know where to get soap refills for the bathroom. We had a come to Jesus FO SHO. Personally, I'm stocked up on wine, mac & cheese, and treats, however did not expect toilet paper to go like it did and we're almost out...so there's that. Thank you for this bright and encouraging newsletter!

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Always a good read, especially for someone on self-isolation and going a little crazy. Even introverts want to leave the house when someone tells them they can’t. I’m just Americans to my prayers because you guys need better testing. How it went down in Alberta where I live - got back from cruise, husband has a little bit of cough, respiratory tightness but no fever/sore throat. Call the designated number and tell them what’s going on. Since I have a little chest tightness we are both told to self isolate but not our kids as they have no symptoms and did not go on the same trip. Within 24 hours we were given a testing time and place, which was full of hand sanitizer, masks and protective gear for the nurses. Now we wait for the results- it’s been over 24 hours but we were told up to 4 days and that the negatives take longer than positive. I wish upon all of that ease of getting tested plus our unemployment insurance added self isolating as a reason to get benefits (luckily my husband can work from home).

But my one question from the cruise is what’s up with Texans? You guys need to calm down on your whole song, flag everywhere thing. This comes from someone who lives somewhere described as the Texas of Canada.

Now pray for me over spring break when it’s still cold and I can’t take my kids to anything because it’s all shutting down.

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To be honest, I love The Goop Lab on Netflix. Please don't hate me forever.

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Mar 13, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

I made the brownies last night. Enjoyed every bite.

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Re: Just Add Water... Here are two ways to make bath time more fun (aka last longer) from a mom of 3-year-old twins who often fills up the tub at 9:15 am just to get through the morning.

-Crayola Bath Drops: Turn the water blue! Or pink! Or mix a few together until you get something vaguely resembling a swamp!

-Squiggz: These are the best not-actual-bath toys ever. Stick 'em to the tub, stick 'em to themselves, stick 'em to a tiny butt.

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Amen. Sometimes Jesus IS a brownie. What a year to give up sweets and booze for Lent. 😭 I need a wine fort. Aside from finding the last package of toilet paper, I stocked up on mac and cheese and I bought one of those adult coloring books to color while I stream shows. And today I am connecting my kindle with my library to add to the books. My poor husband. Sunday is his birthday and it is supposed to rain all weekend. We can't do any of the fun things we'd planned for him. Well. Almost. 😉 But still. What a week.

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One idea I'm tapping into was from a post I saw on Facebook (credit to Peter Jurney) "Fear of the Corona virus is keeping people away from restaurants, who usually operate on small margins. So here's something you can do: go to your favorite restaurant and buy a gift certificate (or get it online if possible). Buy it directly from the restaurant, so they get the use of your money for a month or two. Then when things have settled down, treat your sweetie to an evening out and use your certificate!"

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This post of the medical staff in Wuhan finally being able to close their temporary hospital brought a smile to my face! :


Thank you, Erin! All of this, plus that last article, is exactly what I need. It’s been both comforting AND a gut punch. I have unfortunately been in the camp of “everyone is overreacting,” which I realize has been selfish on my part. So, today, I will work on not making this about me. Instead I want to expand my heart to see how my decisions affect my community around me!

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I’m in on the Helper Fund™️. Did I just name your fund? Yes. Yes I did. Also, I’m going to talk to my school district to see if they have a plan for children who need to eat if the schools close.

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Trying to be brave and wise and not flippant over here today. I work in a public library that has been almost dead all week. Praying for wisdom in my city leadership that if they close schools they also close us to the public. Schools out usually means the hordes flock to the library. its kinda scary.

https://www.patreon.com/posts/handwashing-song-34796616 THIS handwashing song from Lucy Knisley has been the ONE that sticks. I'm a children's librarian. what can I say 😂😂

Also, because the heart WILL NOT be distracted by viruses dammit, I'm obsessively checking my phone because its friday, and its unspoken that friday is the day The Boy and I hang out separate from the church crew, and we have a 5 week streak going, and my brain says that if that streak breaks it will surely be the End of All Things. #priorities yall. I have them. (jk. I'm very concerned about the world right now. I'm just also selfish and conflicted. I'm a human.)

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To piggyback on the olive oil/bread/tv therapy, also try this:

Slice a baguette into little discs. Lightly toast if you feel fancy and have the time. Top with real butter. (Be generous with yourself. Jesus is sometimes butter, too.) Over the butter, place several thinly sliced radishes, and sprinkle with good salt. Rejoice over the tiny perfect morsel of fat, salt, crunch, and freshness on top of soft and welcoming bread. Best enjoyed in front of TV or while chatting with a friend.

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I love the idea of helping each other out with expenses! My husband is a full-time student right now so this speaks to my soul!! And, I also love the idea of a Pen-Pal group for kids (can we have one for adults, too?) Finally...the National Parks posters. HILARIOUS.

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First off, I'm totally 100000000% into your idea of sharing some expenses. I am a broke college student who might sometimes need help paying for car insurance but I still tithe, so I think I can be a valuable contributing member.

Ever since THE THING really started to take off, (what was that? 2 days ago? no, it had to be 5 years ago. that is my truth) I have been thinking about the possible long-term effects on our society. My hope is that we will remain at a reasonable level of hygiene and be more conscientious as a culture of how germs spread. Whether or not the Chads of the world will continue to wash their hands EVERY TIME WITH SOAP remains to be seen, but I have hope. My dear mother's car decided to crap a transmission a few weeks ago, and due to the circumstances of normal life my parents have not been able to get her another vehicle yet. So she has been self quarantined since before it was a thing. She's a cool mom. As I was talking to her yesterday morning we were discussing my hope for the long-term effects of THE THING, and she adamantly agreed that there could be very positive cultural outcomes. This is a direct quote; "Maybe people will actually start READ again!" Being stuck at home people may be forced to slow down and enjoy life a little more. #lent

Adding to your list of things to do/ways to be involved: Consider how your home could be a sanctuary for people (I'm thinking college students) who are displaced from their campuses and homes. My parents have a large house and farm in a rural, uninfected area. My brother attends a small university that has moved the classes online, so he will be going home soon. So our parents have opened their home up to any of his friends as a safe place to stay and get away from it all for as long as they need.

This kind of grace and hospitality is what our world needs!

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This really made me feel calm. I’m in NYC and it’s like Contaigon out here, but no hot Matt Damon to make it better. I’m working from home to avoid humans and already going nutso. Please send TV suggestions ASAP.

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Love your list of ideas! My goodness- I would have LOVED a pen pal club when I was in school. I recently found some letters my cousin and I wrote to each other when we were in elementary school. Hysterical! We eventually stopped writing letters because stamps were too expensive 😂😂

My action this morning was to call a local university and offer our guest bedroom if they had a student who needs a place to go during their extended break.

(I know I’m in a different place in life than many- my girls are still tiny and at home all the time, so I’m not entertaining school aged kids who are normally not here during the day. Also not trying to do some kind of humble-brag. Just how I felt I should take action this morning.)

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Mar 13, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Tha k you Erin - this is great and just what I needed today!!

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Re: helping each other with bills, @blackfairygodmother on insta runs a ministry doing essentially this but mostly for single moms/women leaving abusive situations. Following that account eminds me of the good in humanity.

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That article! 😭😍💪 Love it. I’m here in Portland where things have gotten, as Knox McCoy would say, the real. I’ve been snuggling my dog a lot (more than usual, which means almost all day), and it is very helpful indeed. Last weekend we watched The Skeleton Twins starring Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader. It was very good, and they are both fantastic, but it has a lot of tough stuff (triggering suicide attempt content, for example), so maybe not the most uplifting thing to consume. But! There is a scene with the two of them lip syncing and dancing that I’ve watched multiple times since. Look up “bill hader kristen wiig nothings gonna stop us now” on YouTube and enjoy!

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Introvert here, cheering that all our commitments have been canceled, and trying to not panic about three weeks with all the kids at home. Add to your list of things to do: make a Quarantini - it's a regular martini, but you drink it in your house, by yourself. (H/T to Instagram, of course.)

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