Can we talk more about that Plough article? Wow. Here I am thinking I’m a privileged front row person, and he slams my taste for Filet-O-Fish sandwiches. But whatever… My first reality check with “the back row” was going on a police ride along in my hometown of Indianapolis. I was 21 and got to sit on an old couch in a filthy apartment in the projects and hold the hand of a woman who had just had a chunk of her forehead bitten out by a prostitute while we waited for the EMT. That was wild! That was when I began to stop fetishizing poverty like he talks about. Since you live in Birmingham, Erin, I’ll tell you that my husband spent 4 years at Christ Episcopal Church in Fairfield, and I lived for awhile in the Ensley neighborhood while we were dating! It was 2008, and we thought Obama would help set the world aright. We eventually left, but my husband kept in touch with some people who are doing pretty well now.

I still struggle with the tension of wanting to live amongst the poor and wanting to live in a safe and well-cared for area. After 5 years of my little ones being in “bad schools,” it’s so exciting to see them finally making strides and having good attitudes when they come home. But then part of me feels guilty. We still live below our means, not the wealthiest part of town, and it’s still a public school, but I still feel guilty because I’m a complicated person with big feelings. Whew! That felt good to get off my chest, I guess. Anyway, I’m glad you shared this article. I think it shows that what we make into political issues are much more nuanced than we want to believe.

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A couple more thoughts… because clearly, this brought up a lot of them… someone who’s also really good at nuance and understands dignity is Trevor Noah.

I also want to nod my head about the subtle racism from the front row… aka white supremacy or white-educated supremacy because that’s what it is. The more you start to see the dignity in people different from the dominant culture, the easier it is to see.

Also, I know I can’t blame Obama for all my problems in life. I suppose I put too much pressure on the guy when he didn’t even know I existed. Sigh… Again, with the big feelings!

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One of my biggest pet peeves is people rewriting Hallelujah into a worship/Christmas song. A of all, Leonard Cohen was one of the greatest poets of his generation and none of these fools can come close. B of all, see above re: Jew singing about sex, and C of all Cohen himself thought that song was overdone. Maybe give Suzanne a try, which is partly about sex but also has a really beautiful verse actually about Jesus. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

I've spent most of the day dealing with a propane situation as I woke up in the small hours absolutely freezing and eventually figured out that the heater had not been running overnight and the nights are starting to get pretty brisk here in central TX. Propane is sorted, heater is functional, and the trailer hasn't exploded, so I think we're ok. I really hope I find a job soon so I can find someplace to live with actual insulation before real winter sets in.

I found out recently that two of my very good friends are pregnant, and I've been very in my feelings about it. I'm excited for them, but while I don't even really want kids, other people moving on to new life stages is a great way to wake up the insecurity monster. So anyway I stumbled across this little poem that took me from completely fine to sobbing in about 30 seconds, proceed with caution: https://twitter.com/kjramseywrites/status/1451652984857890819?s=20

I love this guy - it's a lot of slightly niche medical humor, but this one is approved for all audiences. https://twitter.com/DGlaucomflecken/status/1455594485925105667?s=20

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Well, that poem should NOT be read out in public. Whew, I've got a LOT of dust in my eyes right now

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I tried to warn you.

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October felt very long and also like it lasted two seconds. Halloween is my favorite holiday and now that's its over and the sun is leaving, I'm in full sad mode. I'm having a great hair day and a terrible mental health day so I guess god is fair🤷🏻‍♀️ Writing that sentence let me discover that the fancy MacBook I bought with student loan money has a little touch screen where I can choose emojis just like on my phone so ✌🏻😎

Anyways, I have a few hard things this week but a few delightful treasures too!

-My therapist asked if I'd ever been evaluated for ADHD and at first I thought that was wild and then I read about ADHD in adult women and 🤯. It turns out that not a lot of people do ADHD evaluations for adults and of the handful who do, almost no one takes my insurance and of the even smaller handful of people who check both of those boxes, none of them have appointments before the end of this year so that's fun.

-I've had a headache more days than not lately. Not migraine level but definitely interfering with daily life. My GP agreed with my therapist on evaluating for ADHD and because apparently headaches can be a common issue with untreated ADHD, she doesn't want to do anything about them until we run that out. The soonest appointment I can get for an evaluation is the end of January so that's a real bummer. I've tried a lot of things but I am here for any suggestions on how to deal in the meantime.

-I started dealing with anxiety a few months before the pandemic hit and that's included a few panic attacks but it's been more than 6 months since I've had one. I had a really bad one on Sunday that seemed to come out of nowhere.

-I spent the last several weeks watching Halloween adjacent movies and that's truly one of my favorite ways to spend my time. Shirley Jackson is one of my favorite writers and I finally watched The Haunting of Hill House which I loved.

-I'm about a month away from being done with my grad school semester and also winter break fro the preschool I work at part-time. I can't wait for the very brief amount of free time.

-I just finished reading Seven Days In June and it was so, so good. I've got a stack of other books to start and am trying to be more intentional about reading regularly as it's one of the things I love most. I've had a hard time focusing lately and it's been rough.

-I finished up my writing mentorship with Taylor and part of that included starting a substack blog where I can share my writing. It's only got two posts right now - both of which I wrote for the mentorship. Hoping to continue building an intentional writing routine and sharing more regularly. Here's the link if you'd like to check it out: https://talesfromabibliophile.substack.com

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I too have been doing some research into ADHD in females and it is highly fascinating to me. And I’ve worked with teenagers with adhd and my best advice is to find ways to move outdoors (walks, kicking a ball around, going to a local park and swinging, etc) whatever gets you moving and in some fresh air. And exercise will help with the anxiety too some (I need to take my own advice on that one). I hope that helps you some as well with adhd there is always some trial and error to find what works best for you but there is hope and strategies out there so I’m glad you have a counselor and a gp who are listening to you.

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I am fascinated with the idea of ADHD in adults, and I've seen more chatter about it the past few months. I just found a podcast about ADHD in mothers that I'm planning on listening to, so I thought I'd pass it on! https://simplefamilies.com/episode283/

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Thanks for sharing this podcast, going to listen now.

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One of my favorite headache (and even migraine, which is what I have :( ) tips is to give your neck TLC... especially if your headaches are in any way stress-induced. Lay down with an ice pack under your neck, or a heating pad, whichever feels good. Gently stretch your neck: lay down with a rolled towel under the base of your neck to gently stretch it over the bump (do for a couple minutes at a time starting off so it's not too intense!). And make sure you're warm enough at night so you're not tensed in your sleep, as much as possible. I hope this helps while you're waiting for the ADHD appointments!! <3

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Ugh, Carley, I'm so sorry about not being able to get in for an earlier evaluation. I've struggled with headaches since I was 6, and the only advice I have (which you probably already know) is to keep multiple ice packs in the freezer and as soon as you feel it coming go ahead and take something and eat.

I want to watch the Haunting of Hill House, but is it super scary? I watched Midnight Mass and really like it, so I want to watch something else by Mike Flanagan.

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Hill House has a very few jump scares, but most of the scary stuff is telegraphed pretty well. I loved it.

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Here's a song I wish I had written: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIFhxXlo2Ho

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Enjoy the beach Erin, I have been at the beach all week as I took the week off for my birthday. First full week off in over a year so I’ve been enjoying just sitting and reading on the beach. I enjoyed the new Sophie Kinsella book. This week has been a good time with my family and being able to just play games, read and do a puzzle together. If you guys have any idea for presents for a 7 year old boy who doesn’t like to sit still I will take them as shopping for my nephew this year and I have no ideas.

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I just got the new Sophie Kinsella book in at the library and I've been less than impressed with her past few, but I just can't quit (and I hear this one is supposed to be better!). My suggestion for kids 5-8 is always Legos. It's not impressive, but they seem to do the trick pretty well. Or a stomp rocket. My 5 year old got one last Christmas and it's been used almost every day (through snow, rain, and sun!).

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Sounds like a lovely vacation! My son is 6 and a non-stop ball of energy. One of the best gifts he got recently was one of those big balls with a handle you sit and bounce on. Also a stomp rocket.

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Whaaaaaat, I just suggested a stomp rocket too, and then saw this comment. Haha boy moms unite!

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I second the stomp rocket! Signed, a mother of wild 6-year old.

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Stomp rocket bought, thank you all!

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Thanks for that McDonald's article,, Erin. I'd heard of this guy,, but wow.. what a great profile. I've already shared it with several people. Happy Friday, everyone. So great reading these treasures! I'm working a ton these days and I suppose one treasure is that I'm making progress on my project. That feels good. But I can tell I am ready for a vacation. I may take some time off at the end of the year to recuperate... I don't spend much time lately consuming things, but I do have two things.

📺 My husband has a friend from Sheffield who shared this episode of Top Gear, and I just kept cracking up. Very Brittish prattfall humor - but with a dorky car. Watch "Rolling a Reliant Robin - Top Gear - BBC" on YouTube


🦸‍♀️ Tyler Huckabee shared a link to a guy who sketches superheroes as though it was a photograph from Life magazine in the 60s and 70s. https://philnoto.com/hank-pym-photo-archives I thought it was interesting. And well done.

🍁 It is beautiful here. And cool. And I am going to lean in to cozy season with all my might. Nov-Jan is hard on me, but this weekend I am going to hike in the fall color and craft and read and make soup. Time to light candles and wear the soft, comfy socks.

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I love that you're leaning into the season in spite of it not being your favorite. Soup heals all kind of stuff. And cozy socks forever!!

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Amen! I'm wearing some now. 😁

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I love a good episode of Top Gear!

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So happy it’s Friday, y’all.

A few weeks ago I could feel myself becoming weary, so I took today off of work because I could. I am so, so glad I did.

Monday, I had one of the worst dr’s appointments I have ever had - the doctor was fine but it involved a pelvic exam which always causes me to spiral, and I suddenly remembered a pretty traumatic experience I had as a thirteen year old with my mom, and it was like time stopped and I couldn’t breathe. So the rest of this week has been trying to rest after that. I am excited to hear about the rest of your weeks. More treasures are:

🎂 My boss at Salt & Honey, Ashley, has a Baking Club that she started back up and invited me to. Every other Wednesday, we watch two episodes of GBBO together and we all bake one of the challenges and we all judge each other’s baked goods anonymously and it’s so fun and it’s a community I didn’t know my heart needed.

🎂 We are redoing our living room and things are finally coming into place!! We painted the wall green and got a new light fixture and my friend is hemming our curtains for us this weekend and then I can hang them from the new rod!

🎂 I am V READY FOR APRIL TO COME - first the Chicago live show for The Popcast and then over my birthday (april 21) we will be in NYC! I can’t wait!

Love you all. Glad to be here. Cant wait to hear about your weeks!

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My heart over your triggered feelings after that pelvic exam. I SEE YOU and hope you were able to sit in your feelings and process what happened. ❤

Also, SEE you in April!

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SHELBY! I'm so glad you're taking time for yourself. I hope you know that you are a remarkable person, and an amazing friend too! I love love love the idea of a baking club, how do I start a Chicago chapter lol. When you visit I feel like we will HAVE to do some kind of baking (or at least visit some bakeries in the city!) And I meant to say this earlier, but your green wall is making me green (see what I did there?) with envy, I love a bold wall, but I also have tiny children, so we'll stick with plain, wipable colors for now haha. April is only 5 months away, HOORAY!

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Count me in for the Chi Bakery TOUR!

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YES PLEASE. We could literally JUST do a donut tour and we'd have like 5 places

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I'm in!!! LOL - what's your favorite type of pastry? I would say scones or cake for me.

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Haha can I say all of them? A good piece of cake is hard to beat though!

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I watched your stories about the GBBO party and it looks so delightful. I am so glad it was a life giving time for you!

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I saw your baking club pics on Instagram and it looks and sounds incredible! Especially since everybody brings something, you can try everything w/o having had to make everything (at least that was my thought haha!).

Sorry about the pelvic exam; I have a lot of trauma stored in that part of my body and wowzer exams get intense fast.

I am so excited to keep following along your living room redo!

Love ya pal <3

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I love your baking club!

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That baking club sounds divine!

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How do I join this baking club as that sounds so delightful. And I’m so glad you could take today off to get some much needed rest.

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Good for you taking today off. Trauma hangovers are the worst. Exhausting.

This baking club sounds wonderful!

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I'm so glad you're taking the day off, especially after dealing with that doctor's appointment. I hope today is restful and restorative!

That baking club sounds like a delight and I am so jealous! I don't know anyone else who's as into complicated baking projects as I am.

I truly cannot wait until the live show in April!!!

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Happy Friday!!

Last time I jumped into the comments, a bunch of you shared kind advice with me about how to prepare for the seasonal change (re: last winter was brutal for me and I’ve been anxious this year would be too), so I just wanted to thank you all for being such real and compassionate humans. Between my therapist, my PCP, some new supplements/tools/rhythms, and a general outlook shift of embracing the change instead of bracing for impact, I’m feeling a lot more hopeful about things than I was when I reached out here. Thank you all 🧡


🎶Lord Huron’s music is on repeat for me lately! This song is especially fun to listen to while driving past all of the changing autumn colors. https://open.spotify.com/track/4yyg2J2uXOjCtCyT64984C?si=Tc1rfWvpRT-L_VCeipAE1w

🦉 I dressed up as Hermione for Halloween and won a prize at work for the category, “This costume fits my personality” without even trying. I was pretty amused, to say the least!

📝This poem by John O’Donohue on new beginnings. https://sage-ing.org/wp-content/uploads/ODonohue-ForaNewBeginning.pdf

💆🏼‍♀️ Making use of the hot tub, steam room, and sauna at my YMCA. Huge motivator for working out when it’s cold and dark!

💕An upcoming trip to see my sisters! It’s lovely to have things to look forward to, especially when it involves three of my favorite humans on the planet.

✨This post from Shauna Neiquest about delight. I love the last line so much: “Delight is a sparkler in the darkness.”


Can’t wait to read all of your treasures too! Have an amazing weekend everyone.

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I JUST saw that Shauna quote (I think someone else reposted it) and I love it so much!

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A path of plenitude. A sparkler in the darkness. These are treasures! So glad you have some hopefulness for the months ahead!

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So glad you’re feeling hopeful. Winter is hard but it sounds like you’re putting some good tools in your toolbelt to pull out when you feel weary. ♥️

Have fun with your sisters! How exciting!

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That John O'Donohue poem has me crying at my desk. I'm about to change jobs and start the closest thing I've ever had to a "dream job" so those words hit home. Thank you for sharing!

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Ahhh, that’s amazing Hope! What’s the dream??

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P.S. If anyone has any good recommendations for shows/movies/podcasts that are light and/or funny, I could use some new ideas!

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Podcast: Forever 35

Show: Babysitters Club on Netflix

Movie: The Wedding Date & Clueless (throwbacks that are MY FAVE)

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I just discovered Ruined, which recaps horror movies for those of us that are too chicken to watch them but are still kind of curious. I watched a movie this week called "In a World", which is about the daughter of a famous voice over artist trying to make her own way in the cutthroat voice over world - very fun. Star Trek: Lower Decks - if you're new to Trek I think this is as good a place as any to start, especially if you think of it more as a show about friends than anything else.

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If you're into British humor, they posted all 11 seasons of taskmaster on youtube last year. I'm working on season 6 now and I don't think I've ever laughed more.

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I just watched the entire first seasons of hacks last night. some heavy themes but uses humor to carry through. I like dark humor though so ... take with a grain of salt. Kim Convenience on the other hand is light hearted and delightful

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Following - cuz I could use some too.

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Happy Friday, Swipes! I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that it is November. Our month is cray-cray, so I am going to try to find little pockets of time where I can enact No-Move November.


- We are heading to Wichita this weekend, and we get to take our boys to Botanica, one of my favorite places in the city. It's a large botanical garden, with lots of places for kids to play. I am so excited.

- I finished Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow and loved it. Highly Recommend.

- I started reading HP & Order of the Phoenix to my 9 year old this week. It is my favorite Harry Potter, so I am looking forward to the re-read for me, the first time read for my son.

That's it! It's been a weird week - I've felt a little off, then took a bike ride yesterday in the crisp fall air and felt a little better. I need to be better about making that time a priority.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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Ok, when did you start reading HP with your child? I'm thinking my 5 year old might be ready, but I also know that once we start, he'll want to go through the whole series, and I don't know that he's ready for it to get darker.

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I started at age 5 - my oldest was interested after he got a HP lego set that included owls. We checked out the illustrated version from the library, and I told him that if he had any questions about anything, that he should interrupt me while reading so we can address it right away. I think we did the 2nd book when he was 5, too, then took a break because 3 and 4 start getting a little dark. My middle is 7 and we started 4 with him this year.

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This is so helpful! I think he could handle the reading level since I'd be reading it out loud, but I don't know that he could handle the content past the first couple books yet. Maybe next year. Also, I love the idea of starting with the illustrated versions!

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Oooh maybe I will start book 5 with my 10 year old. (I am fascinated that this is your favorite HP book - please share more!). We got through book 4, then are taking an extended break to read through all the Redwall books, but we only have 1 or 2 left.

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I weirdly really relate to the Harry in book 5 - I see my own angst-filled, hidden anger teen self in him. I also think it became my favorite after I read all seven books; there’s so much set up in book 5. Also, Luna 😍

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This makes sense! It started as my least favorite book, but has gradually grown on me. (As has Luna - idk why, but I also really didn't take to her at first, but now like her a lot more.)

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Happy Friday friends!

It's my brother's annual Friendfest, which he hosts every year on the week surrounding his birthday. By lucky happenstance, my birthday is the day before his (also 2 years before his), so I also get to reap the rewards and participate in all the fun challenges, as well as actually make one each year. This year my challenge is: "Make a braided enriched challah bread by hand. While waiting for the dough to rise, listen to Igor Stravinsky's Firebird suite and write down how it made you feel. Contemplate the life, death, and rebirth of yeast into a delicious bread and share a video of your finished loaf and ruminations on renewal. Plait must have at least 3 strands." YAY.


~ My kids have been really into listening to The Firebird lately, and it makes me teary every time because it's just so pretty. We're also playing The Nutcracker all day every day, but I refuse to listen to any other Christmas music yet, mostly on principle and because I love Thanksgiving with all my heart.

~ Going off of Erin's stories earlier in the week about having a sports person, what is your favorite sports memory? Mine is a toss up between watching the Pittsburgh Penguins win the Stanley Cup in 2009 (that whole playoff run was just fantastic), and being at the game in the stands with the marching band when JMU beat Virginia Tech in 2010. How about you, what sports memory still makes you grin like a little kid?

~ Not sure this is even a recipe because it's so easy, but we make this almost once a week and use it in SO many ways. Crock Pot BBQ Chicken (but usually I'm too lazy to put the peppers in) (sandwiches, tacos, in a salad, ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES) https://playswellwithbutter.com/easy-healthy-5-ingredient-slow-cooker-bbq-chicken/

~ For my birthday (next Wednesday) I bought myself a pair of boots and I'm just giddy because I never buy shoes https://www.sorel.com/p/emelie-chelsea-1749291.html

~ Finally, TJs has honeycrisp sparkling apple juice, and last night I poured that over an ice filled glass with a shot of captain morgan private stock and holy moly, that drink is going to get me through Thanksgiving for sure. YUM.

I hope everyone has weekends filled with coziness and warm things and sweaters and silliness. I'll be over here watching College Gameday, baking challah, listening to Stravinsky, and drinking my coffee with a scoop of hot chocolate, because life's too short not to make it a bit more sweet. LOVE TO ALL OF YOU.

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LOVE all of this!!! Especially your very specific and thoughtful challenge.

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Oh, favorite sports memory - I have 2, both with the Saints. The first is I was lucky enough to be at their first home game when the Super Bowl re-opened following Hurricane Katrina. Green Day & U2 played, & it was Drew Brees & Sean Payton's (& Reggie Bush's) first ever home game with the Saints. It was one of my biggest expenditures to date, but I will never, ever, ever forget it. Then of course I'll never forget their Super Bowl win, specifically the onside kick. We were still living just outside New Orleans at that time, and were watching with a big group of friends at their house. Then Mardi Gras was about a week later - just so special! :)

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This sounds so memorable! I feel like a football game is always fun, but it also feels like it means more after events like Hurricane Katrina. Kind of like saying "hey, we're still here, we can still play" and the fans still support them. Like the team's playing for more than just themselves, they're playing for the whole city.

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Kathryn—I am traveling to New Orleans the first week of February. Just for 4 days. Is there anything that I must do while there? I have a swamp tour and riverboat tour with jazz already planned (ticketed events), and I’m also planning a historical cemetery tour (self-guided). And beignets, obviously. But any hole in the wall restaurant and/or specific foods and/or areas of the city that are a must-do???

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Oh how exciting! :) you are already doing some really great stuff! hopefully a real native will comment with some ideas also. On one of our last weekends before we moved away, we rode on a streetcar for the first time, just to do it, and it ended up being so much more fun than I thought it would be. My favorite meal I've had in New Orleans was at Jacques-Imo's, and the last time we flew back to visit, we planned the flights specifically so we could eat there again 🤣 The Garden District is really nice to walk through, and Joey K's on Market Street was a real favorite also. The Spotted Cat on Frenchman Street is great for live jazz.

Must-don't, this is a true story, once (when I was super pregnant) we ate at the Alpine under duress (I now see it is permanently closed). Our waiter had a name tag that said "Father Time." It took two hours for our food to arrive from when we ordered it, although everyone around us was eating, paying, and leaving. I now wonder if it was some sort of performance art or a fever dream, but the people I was with swear that this happened.

I haven't been back since covid though, so not up to date on covid protocols. I hope you have a wonderful trip!!!

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Or a must-don’t? 😆

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Happy early birthday! Those drinks and food sound amazing!

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I was in the basketball pep band in high school and my senior year we went to the state tournament with our boys team. We ended up winning the whole thing, beating out our rivals in the finals. There had always been rumors (which now seem pretty silly) that the bracket had historically been rigged to prevent this matchup, I guess because it wasn't a very friendly rivalry and crowd shenanigans were likely. Anyway, it was our first state championship in several years and it happened in front of a packed arena and the band was there for the whole ride.

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Gah, isn't that the best? I did pep band in high school and college too, and going to tournaments and being at big games was SUCH a rush!

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I’ve never cared about any sport except baseball, but that love was always wrapped up in specific teams and players. As a child in the 70s my family went to Texas Rangers games to watch Bucky Dent and Buddy Bell from the nosebleed seats (which might only be the third level in current ballparks!). In the 90s I followed the Seattle Mariners (Griffey Jr and company), the Yankees during their championship World Series runs, Chipper Jones’s Braves, the Astros’ Killer Bs + Brad Ausmus, and the Padres when Andy Benes was on the team. Since then I’ve continued to be a Yankees fan but it’s diminished since Jeter retired. I always followed players: Jeter (my heart forever), Jay Buehner, A-Rod from his rookie season in Seattle until the cheater years. Baseball has changed a lot since it became moneyball but those 90s-00s seasons were incredible and still the core of my love for the game.

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I think my husband still has a Chipper Jones jersey! His family was super into watching the Braves growing up, especially his mom, so he really enjoyed watching them win the other night (his mom passed away a while ago). I've always been a team follower (Pittsburgh has my heart always and forever), so it's fascinating to me that people can follow a player exclusively!

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Best sports memory: Alabama vs. Tennessee football. The 3rd Saturday in October, 2009. The blocked field goal with seconds left in the game. I thought that the ensuing rammer jammer cheer was going to bring Bryant Denny Stadium to the ground. So much collective thunderousness!

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Doesn't it seem like big games ALWAYS come down to the last second? Blocked (or made) field goals are the secret mvps of football games. I remember watching Sam Ficken be a pretty terrible kicker for Penn State one year, and then the entire stadium say his name the next year when he made his field goals. Crazy how one tiny thing can completely change the trajectory of a game!

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Friendfest sounds very intriguing and fun (and a little intense, but in a good way)

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Haha it DEFINITELY can get intense, but you can pick and choose how much you participate, and everyone supports each other. It's kind of what I hope Lil Swipes Camp will be like one day (maybe less drinking though haha).

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Personal best sports memory - Making state my Senior year of basketball. My friends and I had been playing together since the 6th grade and it was truly a dream come true. Best watching sports memory - when UNI beat Kansas in the NCAA tournament must have been 12 years ago because we were on a family cruise and watching the game in my parents tiny cabin and my dad got so excited he jumped up and literaly punched the ceiling. (We are tall Iowa folks)

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I love this so much! It's so fun to be a part of something, whether as a fan or actually on the team, and to get to go to state with all your friends sounds like a true delight!

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I also want to hear more about friendfest as that sounds like a great way to celebrate. Hope you have a happy birthday! And running to tjs to find this to make hay drink

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Friendfest is so much fun! My brother started it in college as a way to extend his birthday celebrations for the whole week, and now (because our birthdays are a day apart) we celebrate virtually the whole week with silly challenges and lots of fun. It's my favorite!

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OK. What is this awesome friendsfest? That sounds so great! 😃 And I just saw another reference to Firebird this week, so I think I need to listen to that this morning. And that Thanksgiving cocktail sounds delish!

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So we played Firebird my senior year of marching band (my husband was actually the drum major conducting us) and then I played it my sophomore year of college. Now my sister (who is also a sophomore) is playing it at the same college 15 years later, and my kids are mildly obsessed, which I love. Plus, it feels like a piece of music that is really indicative of this whole pandemic mess, and I am just waiting and waiting for us to get past the scariness and sadness to the redemption and regrowth.

And Friendfest is wonderful! My brother and his friends started it in college and it's a great week to hang out online with friends and do silly challenges. Always a blast!!

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I love how this music is woven into your family story!

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Me too! And since I'm a little nerdy like that, we listen to it on the way home from school every afternoon, then compare and contrast it to another work. Even though my kids whine and there's more than occasional pushing, at least they're into classical music right now?

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I love this practice! And yeah, ride this wave as long as it lasts

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I want to know more about this friends fest!! Your challenge sounds amazing! Also I don’t have any super great sports memories mainly because I just don’t really care about sports lol. BUT I LOVE SORELS YAY GO AMANDA

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I also would like a complete list of the challenges and the parameters! Friends fest sounds amazing.

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Haha find me on Facebook and I'll add you to the group! It's so so so much fun, I've already drank a gallon of water, I'm 4.2 miles into my 13.1 miles to complete for the week, and I made challah while listening to Stravinsky!

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Lol Erin posted about those shoes after her trip to Boston and they looked SO perfect! I summed up Friendfest for Melanie, but it's basically a great time to hang out (virtually but sometimes in person if we can swing it) doing fun and silly challenges with people you care about. My favorite way to start the holidays!!

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My mom loves sports a ton, and when I was a kid, it really bothered me (because I didn’t care and my brother did and it got him attention, lol). Once I got older and realized my own love of sports, my mom and I have some great memories of texting during big games. One year, I was home during the NCAA championship game, and we stayed up so late to watch Kansas win, but we took turns taking cat naps and waking the other person up when something good happened. 😂 It is a wonderful memory for me.

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Ahh, I love that! There's nothing like the excitement of the NCAA tournament - I remember being in pep band for my university and getting SO into basketball! I'm really glad you have such a special memory with your mom!

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I'm so intrigued by this Friendfest idea! Your challenge sounds so fun!

I have precisely zero specific sports memories, but the Olympics in general have my whole heart.

Your weekend sounds delightful and super cozy!

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So my brother has always been suuuuuper close with his friends, and they started this challenge in college (probably as an excuse to do crazy stuff) around the week of our birthdays, and since they are spread across the country now, they host it online. It's 15-20 challenges, and if you do all of them you get a tshirt. But I've never done every one because I've got kids and can't chug a 40 in the middle of the day or do some of the other challenges and still be a competent mom in the morning. I still participate though because it's really fun, the facebook group supports each other the whole week, and it's always been the best way to kind of kick off the holiday season and remind me that deep down, people are pretty awesome. (Basically, it feels like what I imagine a slightly more raunchy Lil Swipes Camp will be in the future haha).

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Ahh, that's incredible!! It sounds so fun!!!

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Yay for an Advent study Erin! That sounds fantastic.

Grateful to have made it through this tough week. Preschool germs got all FOUR of us sick including the wee bebe and it has been rough. Thankful to be only “cold sick” not virus sick but when you still have to parent and breastfeed and be patient with incessant 3 year old whining it was alot.

Good news is that I finished a huge project for a personal review I have coming up to keep my certification. I meet over zoom next week with two former colleagues in Chicago, and one long time colleague in Washington State. The silver lining about the pandemic is that they are not picky about us meeting in person, so I get to do it with lovely people I miss dearly. Prayers are appreciated that it goes ok.

My husband officially starts his baby paternity leave and after all the talk the past few weeks about baby leave in the congress bill I am more grateful than ever that his company is allowing six weeks of paid leave! Everyone should have that and more! We have alot of projects around the house and he will still be seeing his therapy clients on Mondays, but it will be so nice to go through the end of the year with more family time.

Hoping to have time to catch up on some more entertainment treasures with weekend. Love to all of you wonderful people!

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There is nothing like a 3 year old whine because they really get their whole body into it and aren't afraid to throw themselves on the floor. I totally get it. Lots of prayers for everyone to recover and for your project to go well and for you to (hopefully) get a bit of time to yourself to relax!

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Thank you! Yeah the whining is my version of nails on a chalkboard😵‍💫

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Gah, same. That and super messy rooms are the cause of all the deep breathing I'm doing around here right now lol

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Yes 💯

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So glad your husband gets that kind of leave, that is amazing! Sorry about the colds and hope all is well soon .

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Thank you! Yes we are hoping to enjoy it once we get well😵‍💫

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Hooray for family time during cozy season!

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Exactly! So grateful!

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Ugh, being sick is the worst. Hope you all feel better soon! So excited for you that your husband gets paternity leave!

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Yes! We are so thankful!

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Oh my gosh that McDonald's article just *wrecked* me in a very beautiful and sad way. Thank you for sharing, Erin! Enjoy the beach!

Good morning, lovelies! I am finished with my second week of my three-week notice and I'm hella happy about it! One more week to freedom! Also I have absolutely no plans tonight and am getting my hair done tomorrow, so... Come at me, weekend!


- Love Hard came out on Netflix today and I'm sure it's gonna be a little cringy but it's a Christmas romcom with the hot guy from Never Have I Ever, Nina from Vampire Diaries, and Heather McMahon so I'm diving in head first!

- This little boy giving (who I assume is) his mother a ROUSING pep talk in an old-man-Southern accent made me gasp last night https://www.instagram.com/p/CVUlxIJlPCd/

- As previously stated, new hair tomorrow!

- All my single ladies - https://www.instagram.com/p/CVfkGp6Lkkb/ You deserve the lightening!

I'm so grateful that y'all are here every week. Even on the Fridays I don't even have the energy to read other comments, much less post. Even on the days I do post but I'm sad and you don't ignore my sadness, you acknowledge and comfort. And then on the Fridays that are lighter and more joy-filled, you join in the joy as well. All that to say - thank you for consistently being the loveliest of humans on the internet. I wish you all the weekend that you need. <3

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I might just copy this pep talk and save it to my home screen, what a delightful thing to read. This community really is the best at support and kindness.

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Here for the good, here for the sad. It’s a Li’l Swipes motto! ❤️

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You could be president! Sigh. I gotta find a way to watch Ted Lasso. Congrats on your new hair! Have a lovely weekend.

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You haven't watched it yet?? Holy Moly yes -- find a way!

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My husband just booked an air bnb for us and it has Apple TV! I'm so excited!

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Good morning, party people!!! These past 2 weeks have been crazy with academic advising at the school I work for, but I really enjoy being busy every day. It makes the week go by so quick.

Can I brag on myself for a minute? I have bought almost all of our Christmas gifts, and purchased most of the non-perishable items for Thanksgiving. I am feeling so prepared and I'm excited that I will be able to enjoy the holidays and not have to spend my time off running around trying to get everything done.

Q for the group: what are some good gifts for coworkers? I have 3 ladies that I work VERY close with and I would really like to get them something special. Thoughts?

I can't wait to catch up with y'all in the comments!!! Be blessed this weekend!

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Ooo, I think Anne Bogel's reading journals would be a great coworker gift! And reading about how you have most everything organized for Thanksgiving and Christmas just made me so happy for you. It's SO nice when things come together like that, yay!

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Personally, I am super into a thoughtful Starbucks card (or if there’s something else that’s more their speed or something), maybe $15 or so each so that they can get two or so things. Even better if a local place sells gifts cards!

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Way to go for planning ahead!! :)

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I think that my coworkers favorite gift from me was the one year I got stuff for their snack drawer (popcorn, some candy, a tea or hot chocolate, etc.) just put it in a small gift bag and didn’t cost me very much

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Wow! I was excited to have ordered and received my Christmas cards. 😆 I hope you *do* get to relax and enjoy this holiday season! Are they readers? A book and some tea. And maybe a new mug or fancy cup and saucer.

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I don't know if it fully qualifies as something special, but I get all of my team members homemade (not by me) soap. I figure everyone needs soap, and homemade soap makes it nicer. It also doesn't break the bank when I'm buying 13 of them. I do, however, select the scents with them in mind, in an effort to make it more personal.

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I like this idea.

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Dude - ALL the presents?! "You bow to no one!" Would your coworkers appreciate a mani/pedi or massage gift card? A restful treat after holiday craziness?

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Yay for being so prepared, that's hard work! I usually go the homemade gift route- last year I did hot cocoa mix and homemade marshmallows (which really weren't hard if you have a stand mixer).

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I would love for someone to give me home made marshmallows!

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Hellooooo, Friday friends. 😊 First, I think my exam on Tuesday went really well! I got my score back, but I won’t actually know if I passed until mid-December, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I feel good about it!! So grateful that’s behind me.

✨I pre-ordered The Lazy Genius Kitchen yesterday! She has pre-order bonuses and one of them is “How to Host Thanksgiving” which is timely because I’M HOSTING THANKSGIVING. 😵 It will be with my family, and it’s going to be great (and I’m very excited to use my *fancy plates*), but I’m grateful for Kendra’s tips so I can do my best to not lean into high expectations for myself and perfectionism. 🦃

✨My siblings & I are doing our annual Secret Santa this year, and I can’t even begin to express how beautiful and wonderful this is after the year my family has had. God’s grace is abundant, y’all.

✨I finished The Midnight Library by Matt Haig and it has become one of my most favorite books.

✨All my GF friends: our family has been trying out recipes from jessicaeatsrealfood.com and every single one has been DELISH. I would honestly go as far as saying her sausage & kale soup is literally the best soup recipe we’ve tried: https://jessicaeatsrealfood.com/whole30-sausage-and-kale-soup-paleo-keto/

✨Finally watched the finale of Only Murders In The Building last night! What a gem of a show.

Okay, that’s it from me! Cheers to the weekend and to all of us who have to change our clocks. ⏰🙃

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I have used the pioneer woman's turkey recipe for years, but now I'm reconsidering everything. I LOVE cooking Thanksgiving dinner - I start small about a week out and make the rolls, then I just do one dish or so that I can keep in the fridge and just make a few things the day of. It's super fun for me because there's so much to organize (WHAT A TYPE ONE!)

And we love love loved Only Murders in the Building, so fun!! (I'm purposely choosing to ignore the reminder to change my clocks because we all know our kids won't know the difference ughhhhh)

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Yay, you! Thanksgiving is the best one to host! And you are right about the fancy plates. 🍽 Will have to check out midnight library.

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OMITB was so great!! Also you just convinced me to preorder Kendra’s book. I don’t really knows what was holding me back but the How To Host Thanksgiving is also necessary for me because we’re hosting over here too!!

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I really enjoyed The Midnight Library! I’m glad you did, too.

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I finished it earlier this week, too!

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I'm helping my mom host Thanksgiving this year and I'm hopeful it can just be a peaceful day full of good food. Wishing the same for you and yours!

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Kendra’s Turkey recipe is LEGIT. I made it two years in a row and people lost their minds.

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This is VERY good to know 🤩🤩🤩

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Look at me "liking and commenting" like it's the easiest thing in the world. Anyway, soooo funny as always, and YAY! for the beach.

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According to the schedule, we are halfway through our kitchen remodel. Cabinets showed up this week and that's pretty amazing. I am so so so sick of living in chaos, though. How can I do another month + of this??

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I used to work in that industry (actually, I designed the cabinets!) and a V V V common thing customers told us was that after like three weeks of living with their new kitchen that they loved, they couldn’t remember what it was like to live in the chaos. So there’s hope that Ellen in three months won’t even remember this!! Best of luck to you. It’s hard!!

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You've got this, eyes on the prize! Haha, I'm sure it's challenging now, but hopefully everything will just begin to come together more and more, and then you'll have a lovely kitchen!!

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Keep your eye on the prize. You’ve got this!

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