1. I felt the tweet about remembering random people’s birthdays in my soul. I will tell him/her happy birthday on Facebook or something and then go back days later and think oh gosh do people think I’m weird for telling that person Happy Birthday. So that’s my life.

2. The teachers got Wise at my kids school and scheduled a teacher workday for Valentine’s Day so they had parties yesterday, so they didn’t really get out of the whole party part but I was so proud of myself because I bought skittles as Valentine’s Day gifts and I didn’t even have to write the kids names on them I literally just put enough skittles (individually wrapped bags of course ) in a plastic bag for each kid’s class and told the kid to pass them out accordingly.

3. I am currently conducting my pre-Super Bowl prep of listening to the performers scheduled for the halftime show so that I can remember what song is facing out of time.

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I did not expect to Olympic as hard as I usually do because a) we just had one and b) China is sketch, but I physically can't not watch Olympic figure skating and the next thing I know the only thing on my TV for 2 weeks straight is Olympics. Sorry not sorry. Some thoughts on the games so far:

- We are proud of Nathan Chen for his beautiful win, yes, but also for his extremely conscientious masking practices. Good job Nathan!

- Was anyone as excited as I was to see Jason Brown back on the Olympic team? He is so good and has obviously grown up so much and I'm just so proud of him. Jason, if you're reading, I want to be your friend. Hit me up.

- Shaun White leaving the corral after his last ever run to be met by all his snowboarding bros? Cue tears.

- The AUDACITY of the NFL to have a Superbowl during the Olympics. You couldn't postpone for 2 weeks? Really?

I can't get any agents to return my emails about helping me find a rent house, so it looks like I may be on my own for this particular chore. I just want to give someone a list of what I'm looking for so they can narrow it down and the whole thing can be done in a day or two.

If you have some time, this ACL episode with Phoebe Bridgers and Olivia Rodrigo is worth a watch. All of Olivia's teenage fangirls were so precious. https://www.pbs.org/video/olivia-rodrigo-phoebe-bridgers-umz1ai/

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Is it cool to just pop in here to say “present” 🙋🏻‍♀️?

This month has been bipolar; one week of vampire hours + hibernation with shingles vax side effects, the next week of creative energy and restless sleeplessness. I’m DRAINED. Your treasures and your trash moments are refilling my spiritual tank and reminding me to just chiiillll. Love you gals!

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

I feel like I could write the memoir about having to apologize for what I said when I was hungry. There would be a nice long entry for last night when I had to apologize to my boys while I put them to bed🙄. Also, from now on I shall consider evangelical culture a teeny tiny tea bag😂

Treasures this week: today, honestly. We all slept in. I made pumpkin bread. I did some work from home while the boys made me snacks in their pretend kitchen. Then we played games together. It was basically perfect. Tonight is our valentines date night and my mom is coming over to hang with the boys- I know everyone will have a good time and no one will go to bed at a reasonable hour. Here’s hoping they sleep in again tomorrow😂

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

I get to see my cousin and his boyfriend tomorrow- they live in Brazil so it's definitely a special occasion. Also my dad had prostate surgery Tuesday and is doing well. I'll get to see him, my mom, and sister as well. I was looking forward to going to the movies by myself tomorrow to watch Jackass Forever and Death on the Nile (I contain multitudes) but this is better, at least the seeing my cousin part for sure!

It's homecoming week and it's been so much fun. Monday was 'anything but a backpack' day and we had everything from a microwave to toddler shopping carts to a traffic cone!

I bought a humidifier for our bedroom. The old one still turned on but didn't actually put out any humidity.

Turd: I'm still apparently gritting my teeth while I sleep and it's affecting both my sleep and my daytime.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Hello all!

Erin, I am very much looking forward to the Lenten study. Psalms! Can't wait.

Today's turd that was also kind of a treasure was that I didn't have internet access for most of the day. I couldn't get here until late, then again, not starting the day with social media was kind of great. Who knew? 😉

This week has been kind of "meh" with the biggest turds being hormonal and/or involving slipping on ice and landing on my sacrum. Zero stars, would not recommend. But there have been some pretty nice treasures as well!

🎂 Birthday leftovers. Cake and bubbly for days, baby!

📺 Starstruck, season 2. I blew through it and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

🎧 If you're looking for a short podcast episode that somehow manages to combine spiritual formation, anti racism and Encanto, may I direct you to the latest episode of The Slow Way?


Finally, here is some live footage of me writing an email/Instagram caption/Lil Swipes comment. https://twitter.com/5tevieM/status/1490281467393495045

Have a great weekend, friends!

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Well hello friends! What a week! Erin - you are the biggest treasure! Thank you so much for what you do (waves arms expansively) here for all of us!

In the world of both and - a treasure and a turd - it was almost 80 here yesterday and will be again today...the weather is simply spectacular and yet, Californians know that warm weather this early with no rain in sight means an early fire season and the PTSD that anyone who's been close to a fire carries with them starts cropping up. While it lasts, I'm definitely enjoying this weather, and watching the hills turn prematurely brown.

I had a tough conversation with leadership at my church this week about the ableism I see as the rush is on to get back to "normal" - whatever that is. Love my church, and know that we have to move forward both as the small c church and the capital C church, but hoping that leadership is looking over their shoulder to see who they're leaving behind as they move forward. Was I heard? No idea... I'm part of a study group for people who have a chronic illness and the consistent feeling globally is the knowledge that they are not seen and being left behind at church. Oof. It's a hard one, that's for sure.

Treasures! Our little nonprofit that could is getting a tiny bit of traction and may even have found our first corporate sponsor! Whoo hoo! We've also been nominated for a local "Spirit" award and if that brings media coverage, yippee! Our patients could sure use the help!

Have a great weekend friends - my birthday is next week, and my transplant anniversary was last week, so I'm celebrating! I sent an email out to our nonprofit friends asking them to do a random act of kindness to honor my transplant anniversary and my birthday and will issue that challenge here too! Let's all find a random act to kindness to do for someone who needs it! If you do - tag our foundation - I'd love to know about it! @heartfelthelpfoundation

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Hi friends! Frequent lurker, rare commenter here with a heartfelt endorsement specifically for Every Broken Thing. That guide cracked my heart wide open. Stoked for Mercy Seat! (Is it weird to be stoked for Lent? I always am though.)


- Winter sunsets on the Gulf Coast. Florida really delivers in the sky department from October - February.

- After scoffing *so hard* and not even attempting to finish the introduction a couple of years ago, I finished listening to the audiobook of Jess Connolly's "You Are the Girl for the Job" and whew, I needed that. Would highly recommend her audiobooks because this lady's preaching/reading voice is v effective.

- Half off Target cozy clothes

- My precious middle school students, I just love them.


- I work in the front office of a public middle school and this week I had some rough parent interactions. Our sweet teachers, staff, admin and kiddos are doing their very best but some parents are just cruel and it's hard.

- Hormones, an eternal mystery to manage yet can ruin your day

Hoping all of you have a gentle respite of a weekend, if you're able!

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

TGIF!!! I have been needing a day off. This week was long and weird. Between super demanding/entitled clients and other more unusual happenings it’s just been weird. Not necessarily bad, but I definitely don’t have any energy left.

Treasures this week include getting my Galentines gift of a puzzle and a fantastic Golden Girls mug. Slight turd: I kept the gift note so I could properly thank my person and my husband who INSISTS on tidying up ALL THE THINGS seems to have thrown it away. I’m pretty sure it was Tara?! If you see this, please let me know who you are! I love my gift!

Other treasures include looking forward to our annual friend date for the Super Bowl, getting ready to move to a new office at work (my mentors old office which is both very weird and also kind of full circle), lunch with a friend, and some fantastic weather after a week or so of super cold nasty weather.

Also, I would 100% be on board with adult field trips. Wonder how I can make this happen at my place of employment.

Happy weekend to all!

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

I actually really love Lent. Thanks for doing another guide for us, Erin.

Well, I spoke too soon, I guess. The scary eye situation is still evolving. Follow-ups. More exams. No answers yet. Waiting. Watching. Cultivating that sweet hypervigilance. Sigh.

A few treasures:

💝 For Valentine's I cut out pastel hearts and then my husband and I write "conversation heart"-style sayings on them, buy they are personal to us and then hang them up. It makes me laugh every day to see "jingle bells" and "ya fagaht ta file ya papahwahk" (Roz from Monsters Inc) along with sweet notes. It's dumb but makes me happy.

🏖While looking for something else, i saw this lounge chair with a face hole, arm holes, and patent-pending boob hole 😁 that lets you read face down. Get comfortable, ladies! Does anyone have one of these? Does it work? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008FYHB0A/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_ZRYA7EEKJ4V3GGRE4B9K?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

🤖I'm getting ready to upgrade some of my cleaning tools - hello DJ Roomba! - and someone posted this the other day. A tiny steam cleaner sounds kind of handy. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0016HF5GK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_V60FQSNKP89DPDAHV4GD

Everything is so expensive I want lots of info before I spring for something. Does anyone have a vacuum they love? Those robot mops kind of scare me a little. Do they work?

🚀I was looking up books to suggest for book club and came across this article that talks about "hope punk" (a Sci fi sub-genre). https://www.wired.com/story/is-becky-chambers-ultimate-hope-science-fiction/

I had just been introduced to the existence of solar punk (which I guess is a sub-sub genre? I don't really know how it works) the other day and I was intrigued, because so much literature is bleak and dystopian, it was cheering to find out that people are thinking up art that is hopeful. I could use some hopeful art. Does anyone read these kinds of books?

Looking forward to your comments everyone!

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

I am feeling the chaotic energy this week! So here's just some scattershot treasures & turds. I'm going to be employing the "end everything with exclamation points" from the tweet roundup a few weeks ago, because I feel that fits my energy today


+ Super Bowl!!

+ girls night with sangria!!!

+ got nominated for a work project where I work with campus big wigs who don't know I exist on the evening shift!!!

+ husband has an opportunity to pick up a side project that would bring in some much needed cash!! ...


- .... this side project would mean I would be solo parenting for 9 days .... what even! ....

- I have to get the next part of my gum graft done next month; in deep denial!

- there's a whole situation going on with my in laws where we are getting deeply involved in finding them somewhere safe to live, something they are extremely reluctant to do but is super necessary!!!

All right, off to the races, comment section!!

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I am the big 4-2 today, and never have a felt my age until this week. My biggest turd was falling down our stairs while holding the 6 month old, and gracious, my body is still not speaking to me. (Baby was fine, just freaked out.)

Birthday treasures:

1. My hubby paid attention to my wish list (which is in itself the biggest gift - I am an enneagram 9, so if I make a wish list, it means I actually have an opinion, please pay attention to said opinion) and got me these earbuds https://rayconglobal.com/products/e25-true-wireless-earbuds?variant=39559430570007

I have never owned earbuds and am super excited to not have a wire tangling up in my hair and clothes or getting caught on cupboard handles while doing chores and listening to podcasts.

2. I also received these two cookbooks from my folks: https://www.amazon.com/Smoothie-Project-28-Day-Healthy-Matter/dp/1419740423/ https://www.amazon.com/Half-Baked-Harvest-Cookbook-Mountains/dp/0553496395

I am very excited to read them later and mark them up with washi tape.

3. I told my boys that since it is my birthday, we are going to do some things that mom wants to do, which includes watching some Olympics and reading. It's going to be a great day.

4. Oh! I got the sweetest Galentines gift this week from Lil Swipe Sara: https://www.etsy.com/listing/786437421/the-moon-says-hello-book-of-original

I will be spending some time it this poetry when we have birthday reading time later.

That hangry memoir tweet gets me; this morning I told my oldest that I was going to write a book called Invasion of the Mutant Socks: Memoirs on Raising Boys. Which got me thinking about memoir titles - what's your favorite? What would yours be?

May your weekend be filled with all of your favorite things, plus snacks.

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Wow I watched that deconstruction TikTok no less than 10 times, that was just *chef's kiss*

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Happy Friday, friends!

Don't mind me, just over here crying about Bob Saget telling all of his friends that he loves them.

We had friends from college spend the weekend with us, which was super fun and also kind of exhausting (my "spending time with people" muscles have still not recovered full strength). We were talking about how neither of us have found a church yet after moving to Florida, and my friend said, "Have you heard of deconstruction? Because I think that's what I've been doing for the past few months!" 😅 It was really comforting because I've always thought of her as way more spiritual and secure in her faith than I am, and it was nice to feel like we're going through this together.

Related, the phrase from the end of the deconstruction and tea TikTok is sticking with me: Admit our complicity and prioritize empathy. It feels like a good mantra for life.

I cannot express to you how excited I am to have a sporting event to watch this weekend that isn't football. We are planning to have all the Super Bowl snacks but only watch the Olympics. However, I haven't yet decided on which snacks to make, so I'd love to know what your favorite Super Bowl snacks are!

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Happy Friday! I am on my last full day of vacation and while I am bummed to be leaving Disneyland Resort, I’m so relieved that I’ll be back in my own bed tomorrow because Lord Jesus these beds here are TOUGH. I’ll be in the comments when I can! ❤️

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Feb 11, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Happy Friday! My allergies are acting up and anytime I'm remotely sick I think of Emily in The Devil Wears Prada saying "I feel like death warmed up", so that's the vibe for today, lol.

💩 The turd of the week is that I'm probably not going to London in August. I was going to piggyback on my brother's work conference, but it's been switched to virtual. I'm not surprised and it's probably the right decision for the conference, but I also don't think I'm ready to travel internationally by myself.

☕ I've been following Kevin Wilson for a little while and just love him, the tea/deconstruction comparison is on point.

🖋 My new pens came and their delightful! 0.38 is my favorite and to have some in colors makes grad reading more fun.

👨 My mom has a boyfriend and she called Sunday to tell me how well it's going. He's met all the family local to St Louis and they got a long really well. I think mom's surprised that it's going well and that's treating her right. It's really cute.

Alright, that's all I've got. Looking forward to catching up in the comments.

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