After a long weekend, I’m finally here reading comments and checking in.

My treasure this week is that after a long road of infertility, I am pregnant. Still feels unreal to type/say/think.

My turd is that hours after finding out my joyous news, I was laid off from my job with no explanation or warning. I’ll admit that I might have been performing worse during active IVF, but I had hoped after a really great year in 2021, there would be some grace.

If you’re a praying person, please think of me this week. I’m worried about how ends will meet with my husband being our sole provider and how anyone will ever hire me pregnant. But, trying to focus on the blessing right now.

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As if I didn't already ❤️ you I'm a total Gillian Anderson fangirl 😍 I'm a cis gal but she's on my LIST IYKWIM

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Very cute of us to think that anyone will be studying this era in history classes within the next 100 years. I think we might have touched on the 1920s in my U.S. History class circa 2007, and I feel pretty confident that nothing in the 20th century was discussed in any real detail.

I followed Under the Desk News on IG this week and it was a great decision. Definitely recommend.

I have been watching Adam Rippon's YouTube channel this week. It is apparently now defunct, but it will be fun while it lasts.

The Texas primaries were this week and we are electing a governor this year. I am very concerned that Beto wasted too much political capital on his presidential run to win, but y'all, Abbott and his compadres have got to go. Very much hoping that folks remember that Beto was actually doing the work and helping people during the Big Storm last year while the actual elected officials whose actual job it was...were not doing that.

I'm looking at a couple very promising-looking houses tomorrow! Really hoping one of them works out and I can move ASAP because this commute is killing me.

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Friends - I have a prayer request for you. I have a friend who has been suffering the last two months from...something. It seems likely that it's a burgeoning auto immune disease. But none of his doctors are quite sure what is going on. He's in pain, suffering from brain fog, having a hard time working. I found out the other day that he hasn't told his family what is going on, or any of his other friends. He's trying to suffer through this almost completely alone. I've been praying for him - for healing or at least for peace of mind as he goes through something really traumatic. When I found out I was one of the only people who knows I knew my prayers wouldn't be enough and I wanted to reach out to you all to ask for prayers for him. I'm legitimately concerned both for his physical and mental health at this point, though there is little I can actually do to help. So this is what I am doing. If you feel moved to do it, prayers for healing for my friend Casey. Thank you all - this is such a great community.

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Uno cards, bowl plates, and can we just agree our MCM on a Friday is Zelensky? So inspiring. So many prayers.

I’m new 🥰 and this is my first post. I’m blessed to be home fighting a rare cancer after my community generously gave me a year’s salary to help with the cost of care and cover my monthly pay. To say we were overwhelmed with this gift is an understatement. I’m pretty much quarantined until chemo and radiation are done, which does not feel great as the pandemic is lifting and I’m still here. So I’ve reached out for community and here you are. Here’s a few books from my giant stack (this is what I’m feasting on during Lent):

📚 A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles-a novel you can snuggle up and disappear into. As Putin’s horrific choices rage, it’s good for my soul to remember the beauty of the Russian culture.

📚 All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. A well-weaved novel of humanity in times of war. Set in WWII. You can’t put it down.

📚 Attached to God by Krispin Mayfield. How our Attachment Style might be why God feels so far away. Practical. Hopeful. For those of us disentangling.

📚 Poet Priest Vol. I by Andy Squyres. A book filled with raw gorgeous poetry and haunting everyday images for those of us walking a journey of suffering mixed with joy. You are seen in these words.

My fourth round of chemo is on Monday. I will have 12 more after that and then six weeks of radiation. My win this week was that I got into my art studio and started processing. Finished a little piece using color and texture to convey what it’s like to willingly take in chemo, how it invades and brings death -but ultimately life.

I love reading your posts and I’ve been listening to your voice, Erin for awhile. Your podcasts are on regular rotation. 🧡

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Your treasures are so good, Erin. I teared up several times. Laughed out loud. Teared up some more. Dug out an Uno Reverse card to carry in my purse. The tweets! As usual, a tour de force. I have no fun links this week, because I have had no time to do fun things on the internet. I am super exhausted because:

For work, I've been drowning in new project stuff, which is exciting, but chaotic at the same time that a bunch of deadlines for older projects are happening. THankful for the work, but a bit overwhelmed.

For family we are doing the anual onslaught of all the medical appointments (Oh, how I wish we could just have one day where we do All the Medical Things instead of having to schedule 15 appointments over a 5 week period. If I could just take one day off work and get it all done in one day -- with a massage and pedicure afterwards, because when someone you barely know smashes your boobs and jams something up your hoo-hah, you deserve a treat - just sayin' -- that would make my life a lot simpler.)

Also for family - we are putting an offer in on a house today. And possibly firing our loan people (on the same day! E9 here. This is not my favorite!) And reviewing more listings to go look at in the next few days, because the market here is Nutso Bananapants, so even though we are putting in an offer, we can't stop looking at other places.

But chaos aside, there is so much I am thankful. for Work for our business. Health insurance for medical appointments. Houses to look at. The means to buy a house at all. At our current house the trees are in blossom and the garden has burst into life. Flowers everywhere. It is gorgeous! The birds and squirrels are beginning their springtime frenzies. And y'all. Mercy Seat is good stuff. Lent is off to a good start. Thanks again, Erin, for creating these materials and providing this space for us to connect with God.

Looking forward to catching up with all your treasures in the comments over the weekend. Have the best Friday available to you, Swipes!

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

Had the exact same thought about the news this week. The crazies let you read their news for free. I do feel like everyone should have take a crash course from Sharon Says So on how to discern real facts in the news and how not to spread misinformation. My mother in law sent me a link to watch a seven part series on the “deadly vaccine”, it was quickly followed with a not for you because she knows I think she is crazy on this subject.

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Good morning friends!

Late to the comments today because I spent the morning in my sister's kindergarten classroom! I got to read them a book and help with her centers (until they went to lunch at 9:55am, what in the world 🙄). It was such a delight to see my sister in her element, and spend time with kindergarteners again, and we decided I'm going to come back every Friday I have off and I'm so excited!

In less great news, yesterday my right hand started cramping really painfully, basically whenever I try to use it. I'm using Zach's hand brace and trying to rest it, but it's making my life difficult!

See you in the comments!

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I'm so glad that it's finally Friday!!! The weather keeps playing games with my heart (BSB) and tomorrow it's supposed to be a high of 66☀. Today it's 30 degrees and freezing🥶 ... I cannot wait, but my sinuses are not prepared.

📺 Abbott Elementary makes me laugh out loud (literally) with every single episode. I love every single character, even the Janitor. Jeannine coming in with my favorite day is Monday because I get to see all of you, just got me in my feels...

📺 Love Is Blind S2 Reunion is tonight on Netflix and I know this is trash tv, but the heart wants what it wants. I'm hooked on this show, and mostly just want to see Nick Lachey put Shake in his place.

📚 Doing an IG buddy read of Pachinko - reading 16 pages a day and this is something I didn't realize I needed, plus I've been wanting to get to this book FOREVER.

🎙 Forever 35 podcast- truly a delightful podcast that balms my soul.

🎂 Publix Cake: My mother attempted to ship me a birthday cake from Publix, and it was so thoughtful and heartwarming, friends- the cake did make it, but smashed to smithereens- I have the image of Ace Ventura when he's delivering that UPS box in mind. It's still delicious and now I have the ingredients to make cake pops (paging JBG) and cake shakes.

Hope everyone has a delightful day and weekend ahead filled with moments of peace. ❤

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Greetings from my office where I'm masked and feeling like being here is a break.


Because moving is a lot of ding dang work.

I am so thankful and grateful we got our new house after *YEARS* of the struggle, of denied offers, of fighting to get into the offer ring, of rejection and sadness over what we could not control.

But again, moving when you have jobs, kids, a pandemic, and the expectations you have to show up for everything -- IS a lot.

Also moving in your 40s vs 20s? Whole different ballgame.

But the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel of all the BIG stuff is getting so much brighter.

So my treasures

- My father-in-law having all the SKILLS. This man is a phenom and I adore him.

- Electricians, painters and HVAC guys who show up on time and do the work.

- Paying for an extra team of movers to handle getting furniture we got at a steal.

- Having funds available to pay all peeps

- Having a goodwill so close to us so I can keep going there almost every other day to drop off items.

- Having 2 houses with garbage pick-up because the trash and recycling is a whole thing right now

- The patience to know I am not an influencer who is going to have a film crew in my house anytime soon so where we put the things will be okay for now

- Having sons so excited about having their own space and closets that they are patient about all the chaos

- A boss who has been very flexible about my schedule

- Milo (our solo dog) now loving to sleep with me at night. Hearing his deep breaths as he snuggles into me? THE BEST.

- Using a mobile hot spot

- My backyard. My new backyard is an oasis. We saw 4 deer there Weds and I freaked the fark out about it. If deer ever stop being a delight for me, that is when you know I'm in trouble. Also so many birds! SO MANY BIRDSSSSS!

- Swipes who have been there to listen, to see my overwhelm, to know my tears are from so much and supporting me in ways I cannot simply put in a Thank You card.


- Gifts that are not gifts right now: I get some intent is there, but. There are some things I do NOT need right now. This includes sheet cakes and holidays decorations (ha)

- When a plumber says they will be there "after 10 am" and it really means "3 pm, enjoy sitting there all day waiting for me"

- Not knowing where SOME stuff is and feeling like I just have too much and a weird feeling of shame that happens with that.

So everything else in the world I have had to close myself from. I cannot take on sacrifice of Lent, my body aches for Ukraine and the ripple effect. My heart and soul ache for transgender children in so many states facing so many roadblocks to existing (Iowa just joined S. Dakota in banning transgendered girls and women from 'female' sports). I pray for all these things. I want to keep my tank of hope filled. And for that I pray.

Wishing everyone love who is reading this


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Hey there! I missed you last week because my niece (and her parents) were visiting since she had a week off school. I used to see them all the time but they moved away in January 2020 and then... Well, you know. But now we got to hang out and play board games that made us laugh so hard our cheeks hurt and we nearly peed our pants. It was such a huge treasure! 😊

💩 Living under a low-key threat of war isn't good for my nerves. Putin has made som threats, Russia violated our (Sweden's) airspace the other day and the authorities are telling us to make sure we have canned food and batteries. I was already in a fragile state mentally and this is not helping! But there are still treasures and thank God for that.

🌸 Spring is here! Trees are staring to bud and the first flowers are coming up. It's still in the 30's or low 40's but hopefully it will be warmer soon.

📺 British TV is really good right now and I've been bingeing all of it!

📚 Last week I got to go to the Big Library (the one nearest my house is tiny) and I had the best time! The next day my left arm was really sore from carrying a stack of 15 books around for nearly half an hour. 😂 I'd forgotten how much fun it it to peruse the shelves and discover books you didn't even know you wanted to read!

Take care friends. I hope you weekend will be wonderful and exactly what you need.

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Happy Friday, friends! I had just the best, restful weekend and then this week hit hard. I was annoyed at first but this morning I was able to see the lord's kindness in letting me rest before facing the week. So, turds:

👵 My 89 yo grandma went in for an x-ray and they found spots in her lungs, after her pulmonology appointment Tuesday they're almost certain it's cancer. We don't have the biopsy results back, but her Dr. is pretty confident. The last few times I've visited I've just been struck by how fragile she is, her age is apparent and her health is declining. While she's ready and willing to do chemo, I'm just afraid she's not physically strong/healthy enough.

👴 In the middle of that, her husband had to go to the ER for a pretty serious bout of dizziness and is now getting some PT to help.


☀ Sunshine! We have had the most beautiful early spring weather this week and it just warms my soul.

🔖 His Testimonies, My Heritage by Kristie Anyabwile I've know about this for a while, but finally bought and started it. It's a collection of teachings on Ps 119 by BIPOC women. It is so rich.

🛌 Rest. In addition to the emotional turmoil of the week, my period hit hard Thursday and I just felt awful. So I went home. By boss is super willing for people to take sick time when they need it, but asking for help is hard and as a teacher you're just not supposed to take days off (another reason I'm glad to be at the library right now). It was just what I needed and I'm thankful for the reminder that work isn't what sustains me.

Alright, have the best weekend available to you friends! Our beloved Hope and I are planning a meet up tomorrow and I've got my audio books ready for a beautiful sunny drive.

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Hi friends-Thanks for all these treasures Erin. I feel in need of them. That post about kids in school was very touching. As many of you know my oldest daughter is autistic and school is challenging to say the least for so many reasons.

That tweet about the Ukrainian family caring for a Russian soldier was very touching. I have been in awe of what that country is trying to do in the face of such evil, and yet also sad with the continued racism that happens in the best and worst of times.

My big treasure this week is that we closed on our house!🥳🥳 There’s some repairs that will happen before we move in, but it’s exciting to think about what this new space will allow for our family. There’s a deck off our new bedroom that looks towards the hills where I love to go hiking. Thinking about having that view outside my window is giving me hope for the current chaos.

Entertainment treasures have been reading and a little TV. I really enjoyed Jamie’s green light “Unmissing” for a twisty ride. You can read it free on a Kindle unlimited trial. It does have some abuse triggers FYI.

I skipped over the second season of Emily in Paris when it came out at Christmas, but finally watched it this week. It was OK. I love the scenery and outfits but the plot lines leave much to be desired. I’m really enjoying this season of Maisel and I’m looking forward to my favorite formula one “drive to survive” show to come out next week. Truly got my hooked on the sport when I knew nothing about it before.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I am grateful to experience Lent with many of you through Erin’s excellent guide.

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Good morning, swipes!!! I hope everyone is having a good Friday so far, and I hope it only gets better from here ;)

Can I just say, I have the plates that are also bowls (I think they're technically called pasta bowls) and they are wonderful. I use them so much. Pasta, large salads, baked potatoes, anything that might get a little saucy or soupy. They're perfect.

My work (who takes public safety extremely seriously) announced they will be lifting the mask mandate in almost all situations for those who are vaccinated on April 1st and we will be having return-to-office discussions with our managers soon. I've already talked with my manager about permanently being a hybrid employee, but these announcements make it feel like the p-word is coming to an end *knocks on wood and all the other things* AND we will be having our first in-person team meeting since November 2019!!! Our Region merged with another state in April 2020, so there's a whole group of people I've never met face-to-face yet, even though I talk with them almost every day.

I finished The Midnight Library last night and I ended up really enjoying it. It gave me a lot to think about regarding my everyday decisions and outlook on life. It was an easy read that most people could probably finish pretty quickly.

*Turd* It has been in the high 70s, low 80s all this week and it's been amazing, BUT we are going back to the 50s and 60s next week......... this time of the year is so confusing and my sinuses hate it!! I'm just ready for it to be permanently warm!

*Treasure* We are going to Asheville, NC in late June for a wedding. We think we'll go up on a Thursday and come back on a Sunday. If you have been to Asheville, what are the spots we must hit? I'm especially looking for some good restaurants. Let me know what y'all think

Okay, that's it! Can't wait to catch up in the comments <3

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Hello all!! I have been MIA for the past few weeks, tending a house full of germs & a work project & winter restlessness. Very much looking forward to catching up with you all today as I procrastinate my workout :)

I gave up fiction books for Lent (probably the hardest thing I've ever chosen to give up, but I have felt convicted about the amount of time/mental and emotional energy I have been channeling into my reading and also the quality of my book choices lately) and I am already hard core missing my favorite characters. I have a slew of non-fiction and theology books amassed but am very much looking forward to Sunday as a feast day! I did randomly check out Aggressively Happy by Joy Clarkson from Hoopla and it's been a surprise hit.

Treasures: a massage yesterday (courtesy of a long delayed Christmas gift), new lipstick, a walk later this afternoon with my neighbor, and sourdough starter that I miraculously haven't managed to kill yet from a new friend (though let's be real, my husband is doing most of the maintenance).

Can't wait to see what is making you smile and to commiserate with the heaviness of the world at large. Much love, Swipes.

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I just love this newsletter so much!!!

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