It has been a fun and crazy and exhausting week. I spent last Saturday through Thursday on a Spring Break trip to Universal with my family. We drove this year and all was great, minus, you know, traffic. We all loved Universal and the kids got along great. On the way back, we spent the night in Nashville where they left me until my friends from Missouri picked me up Friday afternoon so we could head to Birmingham! We had a great time exploring a little of the city and trying out Popcast recommended places. Then, the show! So, so good! Erin - you looked amazing! You all did a fantastic job and my cheeks were hurting from smiling/laughing. Those of you still going and meeting up are going to have the best time. I wish I coups be there again! Now to drive back to MO - on my birthday. 😜 Hopefully traffic does not get backed up at all today. That’s my birthday wish. I am no ready to be home in my own bed.

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Shout out to this Substack app for making it much easier to hop in the comments now! 🥰 I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I normally am not a fan of April Fools, but yesterday one of my classes got me good. It’s my first year teaching 8th grade at a new school, and my students all hid in another teacher’s room after lunch. If I hadn’t found them, it was going to be mortifying to have to call the office and admit I’d lost my entire class. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Middle schoolers can be infuriating but are also pretty funny at times!

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If I could eat one food for the rest of my life it would be baklava (particularly from Hella’s in Tarpon Springs, FL)…so I will be watching these baklava making videos forevermore. Thank you for this 🤗🤌

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I feel the “trying to get my s-word together, keeping things short and sweet” vibe, Erin, as I am trying to get all my s-word together before I leave my four children behind for an actual vaycay with my husband - a week away, the longest we’ve left the kids since the p-word started and the first time I’ve left the baby behind, plus no cell service AT ALL for five of those days - so I am all up in my feels and my enneagram stress number (I am a 9, so I am 6ing HARD right now going through AAAAALLLLL of the worst case scenarios).

Short and sweet treasures:

1. Smoothies 🥤

2. Playing video games with my boys 🎮

3. Reading my fave HP out loud to my oldest (#5) 🪄

4. Baby kisses 😘

5. Lil Swipes book club discussion 📖

6. Friends who can lend you a manual breast pump at the 11th hour (TMI? Maybe. Sorry.). 👙

7. This quote:

"Tell God all that is in your heart, as one unloads one's heart, its pleasures and its pains, to a dear friend. Tell Him your troubles, that He may comfort you; tell Him your joys, that He may sober them; tell Him your longings, that He may purify them; tell Him your dislikes, that He may help you to conquer them; talk to Him of your temptations, that He may shield you from them; show Him the wounds of your heart, that He may heal them; lay bare your indifference to good, your depraved tastes for evil, your instability. Tell Him how self-love makes you unjust to others, how vanity tempts you to be insincere, how pride disguises you to yourself as to others. If you thus pour out all your weaknesses, needs, troubles, there will be no lack of what to say. You will never exhaust the subject. It is continually being renewed. People who have no secrets from each other never want for subjects of conversation. They do not weigh their words, for there is nothing to be held back; neither do they seek for something to say. They talk out of the abundance of the heart, without consideration, just what they think. Blessed are they who attain to such familiar, unreserved intercourse with God.”

          –Francois Fenelon

In the words of Porky Pig, That’s all folks! I hope so many of you have a blast at the upcoming Live shows and have the best week available to you!

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Hello, hello!

🤗 First of all, thank you so much for your Ts and Ps last week! After a week in bed I woke up on Saturday without a migraine and I was able to go to my parents' anniversary celebration as well as my niece's part the day after! And two days of talking and laughing with my siblings and niblings made my heart so full and happy! ❤

🛁 I finally have a functioning, and whole, bathroom sink again after a year of using a very broken (and smelly) one and a little over a week of brushing my teeth and washing my face in the kitchen. My landlords have been promising to replace the old one since May last year and when they finally did, the new one didn't fit and my landlord had to go to Germany for work and left it unfinished until he came back. 😂

🤯 One thing that always fascinates me is that there are so many jobs out there that I just never knew people could have. (Like, did you know there are chocolate historians?) Yesterday I read this article about a man who makes his living making dukachus for movies and TV and... well, I'm still processing. 😳🍆 https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2022/mar/28/hollywoods-no-1-penis-maker-chris-hemsworth-thors-hammer-prosthetic-schlong?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Good morning Lil Swipes!

The last few Fridays have been bonkers & I’ve completely missed even reading Erin’s email, so it feels so nice to be back. ☺️

🤕 Thank you for the great advice I got a few weeks ago about my sprained ankle! It is a bad sprain, but not a terrible one. 3.5 weeks in & I’m still on crutches, but I have an appt with my doc today to possibly get a PT rec - I just really want to be healthy to walk a million miles on both feet for our Europe trip at the end of May.🤞 In the meantime, I’ve been working out in therapy why it’s been so hard for me to accept help (wow so much fun 😂). But, a week ago I challenged myself to accept help *every time* someone offers, and it has been (surprisingly) more good than hard! Who knew? 🤣

🎟 Hardcore praying that the PMG can get a little closer to California next time 😆. But anyone else watching the Dallas livestream? 😃

🎠 A friend of mine works at Disneyland and is able to get us (my husband and I) into the park for free next weekend!! We only live 30 minutes from the park, but haven’t been since 2019 (pre-Star Wars land!). It’ll only be a half day, but I am SO excited. (Also might have to rent a wheelchair because of my ankle, so that’ll be a little bummer.) But mostly EEEE!

🏠 In a very strange turn of events, my husband and I are now the interim property managers for our small apartment complex. It will be an interesting couple of months for us, no doubt. 😅

Okay, thanks for reading this whole thing, brevity is not my strong suit! Haha. Have the best weekend available to you, friends. 🥰

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

I have not been thriving physically but mentally pretty ok. I'm headed to KC to babysit my 7 year old nephew, except now my brother isn't working and I'm going anyway. I'm going to have him help me clean my car- going through the fancy automated car wash that has the free vacuum and the cool mat cleaner thingies- I figure a 7 year old will like that. Also there's some sort of putty stuff you can use to clean up crumbs etc. that get in the cracks? I didn't know that existed and I am into it. I guess what I'm saying is a 7 year old and I have many of the same interests.

My husband and I are taking a short vacay to Chicago for the live show next week- leaving Thursday, returning Sunday. Neither of us has ever been to Chicago and I'm looking forward to it! He's a farmer so getting him to be away from the farm for any amount of time is hard.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Why does Julia Fox give me Miranda Sings vibes?!

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

This week I started a new exercise program which is good and kicking my butt, so sore. I have needed the endorphins as work projects have kicked into high gear and the stress factor of the next month will be high. I’m going to Maine in August for my best friends 40th and we are going to Acadia if you been and have some can’t misses I would love to hear them, as I have never been. We will be in Maine for a week and I’m so excited!

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Apr 1, 2022·edited Apr 1, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Good morning everyone! Man, so excited for all of you who are going to a live show!! I'm sure it'll be the best time. Will be spiritedly watching the live stream at the end of the month :)


- work has been *a lot* lately on multiple fronts. I work in college ministry and I've recently taken on some roles that are new to me (I think I wrote about this a while ago?) and I'm experiencing the weight of leadership in a new way these days.

- because I've taken on more of the leadership in our ministry lately, I've been very sensitive to the ups and downs of our students' experiences. When I'm being healthy, I realize that their sweet brains aren't done cooking yet and they're generally doing the best they can, and my job is to come alongside as I'm able. When I'm not, I feel like how they're doing reflects on how i'm doing as a leader. yikes! is this what parenting feels like y/n

- Carter (husband) is going back into the office on Monday after working from home since the beginning of covid. My extroverted self is *not* enjoying the idea of my fav guy being out of the house all day instead of me being able to pop in and say hi throughout the day (as I also kind of work from home). also we met during covid so we've literally never done this hahahaaaaa it's fine


- I've got two trips on the horizon that are giving me life! In May, Carter and I are going to spend a day at silver dollar city (in branson, missouri - it's like...las vegas for retired white evangelicals) and ride rollercoasters to our hearts' content.

- My dad and I are going to see Ben Rector in Dallas in June, and I haven't told him yet! Anticipating the surprise is half the fun. My dad is just the sweetest and our shared love of Ben Rector is such a delight in my life. Tell me your thoughts on the new album in the comments..."Heroes" hasn't stopped wrecking me yet.

Thanks for reading! brevity is not in my wheelhouse lol

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Good morning from my dog, who does not like it when I go back to bed after feeding her so I'm laying on the couch instead. I have been listening to Bob Dylan almost non-stop since seeing him in concert a couple of weeks ago and hot take: he's a really good songwriter. I am caught up on Call the Midwife and love Trixie more all the time. I have a new library card and whole new collections to browse.

House update: I had planned on finishing cleaning and clearing out the trailer yesterday. I was almost there (it's a little over an hours drive) and realized I forgot the keys. It wasn't a completely wasted trip, but it's gonna be a long day today. My mom and I had talked about her coming out to help me and I thought this was going to be her and maybe my grandma here for a long weekend. She doesn't really feel like she can be away right now so what she's decided instead is to drop my grandma off here for a week like summer camp. Now, I adore my grandmother and I know I'll be glad to have her help, but also there's going to be another person in my house for a whole week. Also I'm having internet drama because if you don't have to go without internet for at least a week, have you even really moved?

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Good morning sweet friends!!! Happy Friday!

I don't think I have anything to share other than..... I'm going to the Live Show tomorrow in B'ham! I'm in row L on the floor!!! If anyone has plans to meet up or something please let me know!!! I'm so super pumped!

Okay, have a great weekend!!! Can't wait to catch up in the comments!

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Good morning friends!

🏕I'm excited for all of you live show attendees to finally see each other in person. Hopefully more live events are on the horizon like Lil' Swipes Camp!

Once again it rained on Wed am, so no outdoor storytime, my branch is having the worst luck with outdoor events. We're starting indoors in June though so it should be better then.

☕️I've been off 1/2 Wed- Fri which has been lovely, my body is still in that school break schedule and has been yearning for a spring break. My college bestie is here and we've just been eating good food and hanging out.

🇰🇷 Korean BBQ last night was delicious and a really cool experience. I've been a long time fan of Korean Englishman and Jolly so it was cool to try something I'd seen them introduce to so many people.

🪑Today we're doing some furniture shopping for my little apartment. Kim's got a bigger car than me, so we could actually transport any good finds!

That's all from me, looking forward to reading all your comments tomorrow.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Can’t wait for this weekend!! Me and my 4 besties are taking on Birmingham and road tripping from Athens, Ga!! Erin, I know you will look lovely in whatever you choose to wear!!

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Good morning friends!

I finally did apply for the promotion I mentioned a few weeks ago, so now I just have to wait! The library is notoriously slow at hiring, so it'll be at least another couple weeks before I'll hear back about an interview.

I CANNOT WAIT to see so many of your faces in Chicago so soon!!!

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Erin, have fun with the first live show! I will see you next week in Chicago!

I don’t have much today, but I just can’t wait to see so many of you in Chicago next week!

If you have been here long enough to know about McKenna, I’m going to ask for prayers/good vibes/positive energy again. She amputates her leg on April 7 (next Thursday). I’m excited for her to be able to live a life again but also this carries so much weight. She would covet your prayers.

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