I’m from Iowa and our chili side is PB sandwiches. Classic school lunch.

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Chili and cinnamon rolls are a thing in SD. I prefer mine with corn chips, cheese, and sour cream so I must have just had my cinnamon roll for dessert. It is not often on my kids lunch menu because of the whole reduce white four and white potatoes thing from the Michelle Obama school lunches.

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I’m so glad you will be doing disentangle again, I actually became a paid subscriber to do Lent and disentangle but I signed up at Lent and then was planning to go back after Lent ended and I never got in a rhythm with it so I look forward to do it with the community (and not having to scroll back to where I was since substack doesn’t have a save article feature yet 🤪)

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From small-town GA, my favorite school lunch days were Chili and Cinnamon Roll day! Never knew the Midwest was about this too :)

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After reading through the comments I have so many questions about Midwestern food, but I'm not sure I want the answers.

I am once again entering the rental market gauntlet because my dog deserves her own yard instead of having to share with the punk dog next door. I've been renting in one form or another for a long time, and it seems like every time I have to look for a new place there are more and more requirements and ways to nickel-and-dime prospective renters. It's so frustrating, and I have a fair amount of financial privilege. How is anyone else supposed to do it?

Democracy may be crumbling, but we've got the jokes!


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Yes! Yes! Yes! To the chili and cinnamon rolls. But they can't touch! Native central Iowan here!

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Is that first photo of chili and cinnamon rolls ON A PLATE? Touching?!? This is the devil's work. Also there should be some baby carrots included so that we have a well-rounded meal. Chili and cinnamon rolls are indeed a thing and are the perfect pairing. One of the things school lunches get right! *shrug emoji*

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Cinnamon rolls and chili -- in the words of the illustrious Randy Jackson, "That's gonna be a no from me dawg."

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Cinnamon rolls and chili- classic Midwest combo. Wanna fill bellies for a crowd- serve this.

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Midwesterner here (Kansas City, MO) !! Definitely was served the chili & cinnamon roll combo frequently in elementary school. Though that first pic of the chili touching the roll... tragic. Also, don't think I've ever had the combo since elementary school?

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My elementary school in Washington state served this combo for lunch and WE LOVED IT. Between cinnamon roll with chili day, and cheese zombie* day, I bought my lunch more than not.

I now realize as an adult, that the school lunches at Sacajawea Elementary were the exception not the rule of school lunches.

*cheese zombies were like grilled cheese except even better somehow?

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Not in West Central MN where I grew up, but definitely in SD!

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I grew up in southern IL and have never seen the cinnamon roll and chili combo. That is wild!

This is also your reminder to change your passwords friends, hackers suck! Needed this little pick me up today after spending the morning scrambling around the internet. Oof.

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Good morning Swipes! We’ve had a chilly rainy week here in Los Angeles, which has been kind of nice, since on it was like 85° on Christmas Day. 😆

The only real “resolution” I’m doing is a 30-day experiment called the No Snooze Challenge from Melissa Urban (the gal who started Whole30 - I really like her and really trust her, and I think she’s one of the few people on the internet that balance encouragement and tough love well.) Anyway, the experiment is: when your alarm goes off, you put your feet on the floor and get out of bed. I know this will be really good for me, because not only do I hit snooze a million times, I also play a game on my phone or scroll in bed for like an hour, and then rush hurriedly to get out the door. 😅 Full disclosure, I actually started this in mid-December, and LOVED how my mornings felt! But last week thew me all the way off, so we are starting again at Day 1 today! I’m hoping this experiment will turn into a habit (which is why I’m phrasing it as an experiment not a resolution 😂). 

The other thing I’m doing ~new~ this year is the Next Right Thing guided journal from Emily P Freeman. I put it on my Christmas list last year but didn’t get it, and this year I got THREE copies 😂😂😂 (from my parents, my husband, and my beloved SIL), SO I’m returning the extra two copies, but taking it as a word from the Lord that I need to spend time reflecting this year (even though I’d really rather not).

BUT, I do have an extra $45~ to spend at Amazon now! Any suggestions on your favorite fun or necessary (or unnecessary) things I should buy? (I particularly love a fun kitchen tool)

Also, this is a weird little thing that’s bugging me and I’m just curious if anyone else has noticed this. I use the voice transcription-thingy a lot instead of typing out my texts (or for example, typing up this post on my phone), and with Apple’s new update I’ve noticed that it’s more accurate, but it keeps adding commas or periods EVERYWHERE. I feel like I have to spend so much more time proofreading. 🙄😂

Okay that’s all for me! I’m really excited for this year’s Galentine’s exchange. It’s the thing that actually got me on Elfster and I used it as my Christmas list this year, so I’m appreciative! Hope you all have a lovely Friday. 🥰

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I hail from the Midwest and can confidently say I have never seen this combo. Fellow Hoosiers/Cornhuskers/Hawkeyes/Illini/etc, am I wrong??

As always, love the tweets and feel 100% seen by the "planning a girls night" one. I am hosting a brunch in a few weeks (cause I am wiped by 8pm!) and we will absolutely be in soft pants, free of make-up and slurping coffee while stuffing our faces with carbs and cheese.

Treasures this week include I Kid You Not (seriously, SO GOOD. It was the perfect companion to my sunny walk yesterday - such a treat in January!), watching Miley & Dolly signing together, making a Costco run into a friend date, and baking after nearly two months without an oven. My kitchen is just happier with cookies.

Heading out soon to a child's rescheduled winter party - bless these teachers.

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On the 10 day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: a trip to the ER with crippling abdominal pain.

Diagnosis: gallstones, they are Legion. Will need surgery in the new year. Anyone had gall bladder removal surgery? How did you manage? (I also have a two month old who’s exclusively breastfed so I want to see if the hospital can allow my husband to bring the baby to me while I’m there because I could sob at the idea of weaning for this!)

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