Are any of y’all done with your Christmas shopping?

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Lawd I know Advent starts today and you have me convinced I was a week behind 😂. The busyness and the stress is ongoing. Going to try hard to slow down a bit. Wish me luck!

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I’ve seen this about boomer moms raising millennial daughters and I’m like what about gen x!?

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Right?! I have millennial kids but I’m a GenX mom... 😒 It’s those edge years that get you... #1966

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Last night my book club met to discuss Stanley Tucci’s Taste (definitely read this on audio. I’ve done both and audio is twice as good). We don’t usually do food, but the person who picked this book suggested we all bring a family food that means a lot to us. Listening to my friends tell stories I had never heard about where they come from and what their traditions are was an absolute delight. And all the food was delicious.

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That sounds like such an amazing book club!

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Same with the oldest daughter energy. At her parent teacher conference her teacher said she is the best hype girl for the teacher and whole class (even the mean girls). She is amazing.

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That article about the bro code -- outstanding! I recently left a small evangelical Christian university for a large for-profit one, and the culture is better in a hundred ways. I receive respect, am assumed to be competent, am never expected to take notes in a meeting because I'm a female, etc., etc. So sad for a Christian-based organization to treat women and people of color so poorly, but it's a common occurrence, unfortunately. I spoke with a friend last night who still works there, and as she was describing a situation, I just kept shaking my head and silently thanking God that I was not there any longer.

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Wow those treasures are 💯 but all you need to know about me is that bus TikTok. I’m neither kidding nor exaggerating when I say that my one single stipulation for having kids was that they would never have to do that. In hindsight, possibly should not have based my entire adult life around it.

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I was listening to the radio DJ dramatize the birth of Jesus from Mary’s POV this morning as I was driving my kids to school and he said something about her riding on a donkey for six days! I know that she probably rode a donkey but today was the first time I had the realization that the riding of the donkey is probably what kicked her into labor in the first place...and also like divine spiritual stuff...but could you even imagine what that kind of bouncing would do to a 36ish week preggo uterus!?! Mad respect to Mary. Real MVP.

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Also...all the cute trendy teachers had on cute trendy sweatshirts at Winterfest last night and carline this morning so now I think I need one too....

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Hi, it’s been a while since I have commented. ♥️

Everything is so much all the time all at once! I have things to bake and people to hold up and world trauma to grieve.

That being said, I have missed showing up here. I can’t believe it’s been so long!

If you need to buy a gift for someone in your life who is a foodie, might I suggest a print from Laurel Greenfield? laurelgreenfieldart.com Or something from Cold Cream? https://shopcoldcream.com/

As a self proclaimed foodie, I have ordered things from both of those stores and LOVE them.

I have a friendsgiving this week as well as Subbing for Santa for a family in my community! If you’ve wanted to do that but don’t have the time/funds to completely take that on, I am taking contributions! I have a mom, dad, and 10 year old boy who needs some legos that I am shopping for. It hasn’t always been financially feasible for me to take a whole family or even one child so I used to contribute towards others - so I would love to offer that! Venmo me @Shelby-Callihan and I will keep you in the loop with what your funds go towards. ♥️

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Don’t forget your cake voting link, dearie! 😊

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😂♥️ you’re right I totally forgot!

voting is a little painful but my DREAM is to meet buddy valastro, the cake boss. if you have it in your heart to vote for me, I would appreciate it ♥️


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It has been a week! I came back from thanksgiving travels to learn that someone had majorly hit my car and didn't acknowledge it at all. I took it in a for a new tire only to realize it had some pretty major damage to the suspension and need to go back in 😭. I was able to find a great local shop and it's taken care of now; I'm just annoyed that I had to pay to fix this bc I drive a cheap car and people are irresponsible!

Thankful my brother and sil have an extra car I could borrow. It's my brothers old car and he's 6'6", I'm 5' 10" and don't often feel short. Nothing has made me feel shorter than trying to drive that car, lol

The rest of the week has been good. I got to make some fun winter decorations for the library. I'm almost done with a big STEM project I've been working on. I'm off today which is really nice! I'm making a fun matching pj set and my friends are coming over tomorrow to help my hang pictures and style bookshelves 😍

Happy weekend friends!

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Eliza! I am so annoyed in your behalf about your car! That is so frustrating.

Please share your pj’s on IG! I cant wait to see then!

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Oh no! I’m so sorry about your car! I’m ticked off on your behalf 😡

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And so sorry I said the 4th but it’s the 3rd!

My brain can’t remember numbers.

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We are doing great Ann Carol! 😆😆😆😆

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I read the opening sentence in the second paragraph as “But in butter news,”........ so that tells you how I’m doing. 🧈

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Erin, did you start Advent a week early? Dec. 4th is the first Sunday of Advent. But if you did, I think it’s a good idea with Christmas Eve being the 4th Sunday this year. It feels like we’re getting cheated!

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I started early and was also days late (sick week). I don’t like the start of Advent being immediately after Thanksgiving one year and then not being that way the next year. I can’t keep up with time!

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This actually makes me so happy because I thought I’d missed the start this year and was sad.

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Lol nope my brain is just flat broken. Advent definitely starts this Sunday. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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