The baby Olympics is so darn adorable.

May is moving too fast for this mama, I need a pause button.

The world is getting wilder by the day, thank you for being a bright light Erin!

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Treasure: I’m a teacher, and today was the last Friday, and we have four more days. My seniors pranked my classroom during their senior prank, which is a true sign of their love.

Turd: taking my 6 and 4 year old out to sit down somewhere and eat, even fast food, is such a stress. They love to do it, but they cannot act right. Are there any tried and true tips anyone can share with me?

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Putting the Enneagram one on my stories as a vague sub post like the wing 4 I am

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May 17Liked by Erin H Moon

I love that Fredrik Backman speech, I think I've watched it three times already! I also follow him on Instagram and his captions are *chef's kiss*

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I too feel like my brain and I are classmates doing a group assignment. 😆

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It freaking got me. I was rolling.

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Fredrik Bachman was TOOK ME OUT.

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So great!

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I could not breathe.

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May 17Liked by Erin H Moon

Lololol, I watched all of the first half of the new season yesterday. Some during my morning before-work walk, during my lunch hour walk, and then after I put my girls to sleep. Ready for June 13th now.

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They are truly diabolical to make us wait. I get they want to June subs, but put it on June 1 for the love of God.

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Totally agree. It seems like they're starting this with all of their much-loved series - Cobra Kai is next.

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May 17Liked by Erin H Moon

April/May has been a doozy! My sweet grandma passed a month ago today. I'm forever thankful that my brother and I went to see her in early April. Gram loved a holiday and would send us cards for literally everything, but birthdays were of utmost importance. I got a birthday card from her on the 16th and she passed the evening of my birthday on the 17th. Not quite the birthday I had planned, but getting that card was just so special.

I missed a lot of work in April, but coming back and trying to finish some major summer reading projects has been so hectic. I'm off today and greatful for a chance to catch my breath.

Some treasures:

🧵 may have done a little late night fabric shopping... I've got some fun pink patterned fabric arriving today!

👩‍⚕️ Katie from Whatkatefinds mentioned Dr. Shireen recently and after watching her video on rosacea I immediately bought a few products. So far they've been great but the summer heat will be the real test.

📚 The Modern Mrs. Darcy Summer Reading Guide came out yesterday!!

💅 Olive and June summer polish colors! I'm way more into these than the spring, so I can't wait to see all the swatches/comparisons/reviews

That's all from me friends, have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you in the comments!

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I'm so sorry for your loss. ❤️

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I lost my grandmother at the beginning of this year and I am so glad for the extra trips I made home to help my mom take care of her.

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Oh I am so sorry about your Gram. What a sweet treasure to get one last card from her. My Papa would always call us and sing happy birthday, and I remember one year deliberately letting it roll to voicemail, just so I could have the audio to save. ❤️

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I have taught my sons about periods but have not taught them how to buy products. On the the list for summer goals.

I did tell them that sometimes chocolate it a great way to show care to a girl on her period. During a recent period I had my 9 year old son remembered this and shared some of his Easter chocolate with me.

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This is so sweet! ❤️

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This is precious. I love it.

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I applaud that older brother teaching his younger brother about periods and how to help women feel safe. What studs! I hope my 4 boys grow to have that same attitude.

Maycember is Too Much this year. Too Much travel. Too Much solo parenting. Too Much on the calendar. But - we got the boat out last weekend and we’re all able to take a big, deep breath of lake air and somehow we will make through this month. Why isn’t May the last month of the year? June-May, that’s how the year should go.


📚 After a bit of a book drought I’m finding my summer reading rhythm. I started In His Image by Jen Wilkin as my morning time book, and have started some excellent middle grade HP read-alikes for my fiction reads. What are you reading?? I need to load up my kindle before our road trip and love recommendations.

☀️ This Kansas weather lately has been 👩‍🍳💋. Sitting on the back deck is my personality now.

👚 I got my colors done (soft summer) and decided to update my wardrobe last weekend. I had a whole day to myself to go thrift shopping and I found some great new to me gems.

We’ve got another packed weekend but at least the weather is going to be nice. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

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I'm in my romance era because my brain can't handle thoughts right now. Just started On Location by Sarah Echavarre Smith. It has a similar tone to another book of hers I read awhile ago (Simmer Down), so I think it'll be fun.

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I'm reading the Ministry of Time right now, in the middle of it, but liking it a lot so far!

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May 17Liked by Erin H Moon

I just started reading The Cartographers for book club - so far I'm really liking it!

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Very fun book!

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I loved The Cartographers!

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Loved this book!

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I just started First Lie Wins and am hooked! I recently read The Framed Women of Ardmore House, it took a few chapters for me to get into it but I loved it.

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Ardmore House is on my TBR, so I'm glad to hear this.

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May 17Liked by Erin H Moon

It was so nice to sit down this morning with my coffee and toast and realize there would be a Lil Treasures. My daughter graduates from college tomorrow, and guess what, real life doesn’t stop throwing other stuff at you just because one of the biggest events in your life is happening, so this little break was much appreciated. As usual, laughing and crying and making me think. And yes, I absolutely called my best friend this week (who lives in a different state) to hash and rehash it all. Last night, after completely running out of the physical and mental capacity to do anything productive, my husband and I sat down and watched those auto-created photo albums the photo app makes and I think that’s exactly what we needed.

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Nothing hits like a Google generated photo montage with with some vaguely mechanical music. Sometimes it's truly all you need. Congratulations to your daughter and also to you, Kelcey! What a huge accomplishment! 👩‍🎓

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Thank you🥹

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