I bounce back and forth between wanting to save $ (driving to a different gas station to save pennies per gallon) and saying "f*** it" and dropping a bunch on a vacation. Case in point. We want to celebrate the end of summer, so last week we booked a cruise with the kids for two days after school is over (in June). I feel nauseous as to how much we spent, sweating how we're going to replenish savings, and yet feel super happy and excited about the upcoming trip. The kids are BEYOND thrilled. Perhaps this is my BIG treat to getting through the year with our kid's ADHD diagnosis, my first school year with kids in different schools, and my first school year without a full-time job. Life is short and we don't buy stuff - it's all about experiences for us. I'm not crazy, am I?

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A fun thing about being an adult is that you can spend your money however you like, so after my skating class last week I went to the pro shop and bought some skates. They're beautiful and I'm kind of scared of them. I've worn them around the house to start trying to break them in, but my first time on the ice with them will be at my class tomorrow - hope I don't die!

The trailer alone made me tear up, so the actual doc is going to be a lot, but Celine Dion is also a brilliantly funny person, so I'm not worried: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzV4mSZPke0

I was skimming the FAQ on that transcription project (thanks, Erin!) and found that there are a number of active "citizen archivist missions", including individual records by transcriber skill level if the Revolutionary War doesn't quite strike your fancy: https://www.archives.gov/citizen-archivist/missions

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enjoy those skates.. I think t hat's awesome!

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Hello!!! Long time, no comment!

We just wrapped up the final event for May and are OH-FISH-ALEE done with school!

No plans for the weekend and I’m not mad about it.

Little treasure I discovered on the TikTok is GranddadJoe. If you love Pauline & Geoffrey, you’ll love Joe! https://www.tiktok.com/@grandadjoe1933?_t=8mcvKlIcgBy&_r=1

Also, not shying away from little treat culture. We got Sonic drinks and ice cream sandwiches.

Cheers to summer y’all, we made it!

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These letters aren't just regular cursive this is colonial cursive - I'm going to have to read some already transcribed letters and then go back to help. My eyes can't take it yet... lol

Also, my 8-year-old is a new fan of T.Swift and I'm loving it so much. She's way into The Eras Tour on Disney Plus.

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I will be registering to read old letters thank you. Love some personal history not just the big names, movers and shakers. School doesn’t get out til June 7 here in MT, but we won’t be going back until August 30th or something like that. So a few more field trips and end of year gobblygook to go. Prays appreciated because I have to navigate a delicate and difficult PTO parent.

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I've got two kids graduating from eighth grade in an hour, a raft of parties, and a week until everyone heads to summer camp. I did, however, make time to watch the new Bridgerton eps, and I was mildly disappointed that Benedict isn't gay. (I haven't read the books, don't spoil anything for me!)

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OK, Erin - what is it with these sweet older brothers! 😢 Back in my day, brothers were mostly buttheads. Lol. Laughed at the OTH stuff. And excited to transcribe stuff. Thanks for the link!

My husband and I think celebration is a spiritual discipline and have worked hard to pursue and practice that even though the last decade just about took us out. Everything is awful all of the time, so we will stop the endless doom scroll and make much about the seasons, various holidays - real or fake or nerd - and life moments. We host a monthly brunch with our pals and always serve champagne, even if its nobodys birthday. We are also very intentional about looking for,celebrating, and creating beauty - particularly in simple things. David is right. We cannot resist the darkness and despair around us if we don't fill ourselves with beauty and goodness. As a daily reminder, I have a print of David's "you're gonna waste your life" poem next to this print.


(Thars a great print company btw. Lots of funny and poignant stuff.)

I'm hoping for all of us to have a weekend with something like:


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This is speaking to my soul today - I need to add celebration as a discipline!

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It seems contradictory, but it can require a lot of discipline to celebrate when the world is on fire. But it really has helped retain a sense of the human and the humane in the midst of it all. It has tuned my heart and my eyes to beauty and goodness and embodied living as a real actual like nothing else. Rooting for you as you find ways to celebrate!

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Those are some top tier memes. #blessed

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My kids are done with school and while May was busy, it was this last week that nearly laid me out flat. Middle kid’s birthday + regular end of school + 5th grader “graduating” to middle school = recovery day for all today!

I’ve been volunteering with my church in a local elementary school in the lowest-income area in our city this year, and we just found out today that the school gave our church the Community Partner of the Year award! The kids are precious and ornery, and it is so hard to hear their stories sometimes. But they are safe & fed & loved at this school, and our church people love them too. I’d rather not sob first thing in the morning, so with that, I will leave you with Emanuel the Emu: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C55DhKaqdlt/?igsh=MWwza3c1eHNwNzA3aw==

Hang in there, Swipes! ❤️

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Wow I love that emu so much

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So mischievous 🤣

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Precious and Ornery would make a great album name. 😁 Congrats on the award and surviving May!

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Thank you so much for sharing the Citizen Archivist project. I can't wait to get started. You solved my "interesting hobby I can do from my couch without learning a new skill" dilemma.

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It brings me much comfort to know that my instagram explore page isn’t the only one chock full of Polin. I need everyone to know - 3 weeks ago I had never seen an episode of Bridgerton. Now I am a member of two separate Polin subreddits. I’ll never recover.

Erin - that volunteer opportunity sounds RIGHT up my alley and I had never heard of it! Thank you for sharing!

It’s been a minute since I have shown my face in these comments. Things are so good right now and I don’t have kids (#chillmay) so I can’t relate to the Maycember Madness BUT I have found a new doctor who is CHANGING. MY. LIFE. and I am settled into my new job - I never could have known it was possible to love a job and feel so fulfilled as much as I currently am.

I leave you all with a clip of Luke Newton and Claudia Jessie (Colin and Eloise) being interviewed and charming us all, as usual. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Q_87RM9EY/?igsh=N3JzZ20xdHBhcG9v

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It is so lovely to hear all of this, my friend! Yay for good doctors amazing jobs! ☺️

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Shelby I am so glad you found a good doctor! And that you are loving your job!!

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Shelby, this is such a great update! I'm glad things are going so well!

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Hooray for #chillmay, new doctors, and a new job! Glad things are good right now. Hope you savor it!

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I’m in an accelerated nursing program and had 4 exams this week. So far I’ve passed 3 out of 4!! Fourth is today.

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You can do it! Congrats in advance. 🥂

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Thanks for the One Tree Hill update and post. I live in the home of OTH and just got to enjoy a weekend of fans flocking from all over to our town and my store literally converts to Clothes Over Bros for the event. Knowing the fan base is alive and well brings me joy.

Can we hope one day for a Bridgerton convention? I’d go there

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I am not a Bridgerton/ShondaLand fan, but nerd experience tells me that there's a con for everything, and I was almost right: https://bridgertonexperience.com/

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Of course there is!

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I'm in for a Bridgerton convention!!

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This is so cool! I’m in Richmond, VA and just booked a beach house in Kure for a few days in March for my 50 bday. Restaurant suggestions in Wilmington for a celebration?

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I actually live right next door to Kure in Carolina Beach. So many good places to eat. Downtown I’d say Sea Bird or Tarantellis. Indochine for Thai amazing atmosphere. I could go on and on haha

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