As someone who has spent significant time in east Africa, the Ugandan choir singing that particular song is very on-brand for their culture. I love it so much.

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I have zero tips for this Hoochie Coochie summer blah…but the grandma meme immediately took me back to my grandma hiding oatmeal cream pies in the back of her cupboard for us. She would sneak them for us when my mom wasn’t looking☺️🫶🏼💕

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The mental load deck about noticing was so impressive. Definitely need to start doing that at home AND in my classroom. Speaking of classrooms, just had a rough first week of school (we’re year-round) so based on Jen hatmaker’s advice we’ve done a whole lot of nothing this weekend. Right now I’m “nap-trapped” by my ALMOST 4-YEAR OLD who hardly ever takes naps anymore. He fell asleep while we were working through a LARGE stack of books he picked out during his brother’s nap time. My husband who has been working through a long and dark season of facing and healing from repressed childhood trauma and depression is actually out and about by CHOICE with an old friend who he’s recently reconnected with. In this moment, snuggling in a recliner, reading through Erin’s treasures, I can remember that life IS pretty good, I guess. 🥰 Thank you, Josh 🙏🏼

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My kids love to bastardize Bob the Builder: "Can we fix it?" "Nope! We're three -year-olds!"

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Jul 12Liked by Erin H Moon

Hi! I now totally understand what you mean by the hellish summer you all refer to. I just came home after a week in Birmingham for the Transplant Games and while we loved your city (Helen is a treasure), I absolutely do not know how you survive your summer! I was at the Pepper Place Farmers Market (I adore farmer's market) and one of the lovely farmers said only the strong survive an Alabama summer and I believe it! I came home with a medal (!!!) and enjoyed every second, except the heat of our time in Alabama!

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Denise! I am so happy you enjoyed our fair city, even though it's oppressively hot. Helen is a treasure and congratulations on your medal!

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Thank you! I have to tell you, though you probably already realize this - your fellow "Birminghamians?" are also a treasure. When we had dinner at Helen, we sat next to two other couples - three tables for two right next to each other. Within 10 minutes, we were chatting like old friends and I'm now social media friends with both of the wives in that group! Living in California for my whole life, that would never happen here (except maybe in a small town) and I am here for it! And the Civil Rights Institute! Devastating perfection.

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Evan's Enneagram One comment on the podcast this week SENT ME. As a fellow one, I get it, Evan, I get it. That particular episode might be in my top 5 Faith Adjacents. Also - Conway Fitty? What even is an internet?

Songs that will bring out the worst in me / fuel rage cleaning these days: Chingy's Balla Baby, Cardi B's I like it, and most ashamedly, Despacito by Baby Bieber.

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Jul 12Liked by Erin H Moon

My nostalgic club bangers:

Jumpin Jumpin by Destiny's Child


Home for a Rest by Spirit of the West (all Canadians go wild for this one!!)

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Jumpin Jumpin yes!

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Jul 12Liked by Erin H Moon


🔥 Waving from under the Heat Dome:


🥙 On a Mediterranean kick lately and have been cooking on our grill a version of these potatoes:


And Kendra's schwarma:


And serving them with the sides and appetizers in Shauna's post:


🍉Have been freezing summer fruit and blending it with limeade/lemonade. Sometimes we add tequila or bourbon or rum for a boozy version. Been a huge hit with everyone we've served it to. Favorite combo so far is strawberry, watermelon, and limeade. 😋

👸I'm still not online much these days, but I did see the Virtual Museum of Women in Christianity:


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Freezing fruit and blending with lemonade/limeade is genius! I'm going to try that today

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Kendra's shwarma is a STAPLE BABY

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Jul 12Liked by Erin H Moon

The heat is oppressive and makes anything outside between the hours of 7:00 AM AND 4:00 AM unmanageable. I can’t deal.

I feel bad complaining knowing my Houston neighbors have been without power for so long. DAMN TEXAS AND IT’S POWER FAILURES! 🤬

Does anyone remember the cultural club gem that was Laffy Taffy by D4L?

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I forgot about Laffy Taffy but will now be bumping it for the rest of the day

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The innuendos are quite raunchy, but that beat is bumping!!

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OF COURSE we remember Laffy Taffy! The club/dance music from that time was just so good!

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The peak of dance music for sure. 👌

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Jul 12Liked by Erin H Moon

Yay! It's Lil' Treasures Day! 😁 I live in Pennsylvania where a hateful heat dome has make hell our new home. I mean really, we're the gateway to the northeast. What in the world? While it is cooler today, it is only a brief respite. If one more person says, "Hot enough for you?" I will thoroughly throat punch them! I cannot be responsible for much when we are in the throes of hoochie coochie horrors.

Loved the art gallery pics, Erin. We have forced our daughters to suffer through many a museum/art gallery in their lives to varying degrees of success. As you might guess, we have photos that document it well...complete with grimaced smiles trying to comply with my photographic wishes so they get the promised Starbucks as a result. 🤣

Speaking of museums (we were, right?), my husband and I took a little side trip this weekend, mostly to enjoy better air conditioning that our home currently afforded, and landed in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. It's a cute little town, maybe 25 minutes from Center City Philadelphia. Lots of shops, restaurants, etc. We spent one afternoon at the James A. Michener art muesum which was lovely, but I was captivated by the Mercer Museum. This must be PA's best kept secret because I had never heard of it. It's a huge concrete castle constructed in 1913 on zero plans by an anthropologist who wanted to build the best place he could think of to house his considerable collection of "stuff". Mostly work tools and way of life type things from bygone eras. I'm not sure what I expected, but I surely did not expect to walk into a seven stories tall atrium of floor to ceiling things displayed for one's viewing pleaure. Huge pieces of 18th and 19th century farm and well equipement, contestoga wagons, sleighs, dugout canoes capped off cradles and baskets suspended from the ceiling, I'm not doing a good job describing it but it's bonkers! I sent pictures to my adult daughters and my youngest asked if we had stumbled into Hogwarts. I do not know why I feel so passionate about this place, but it evoked something to see the passion and literally hard work one man put into capturing a moment in time in the area in which I live. If you visit our humble state, you must check it out! BTW--Henry Mercer built a second castle in which to live. Because, of course.


We're in a season of transtion over here. My daughters both graduacted (one from high school, the other from law school), I'm getting ordained in a week, looking for a new ministry position, and we're all laboring along with all the drama that comes with bar prep (oldest has been at home this year after ending an ailing 5 year relationship. She's fierce.) In a few weeks they'll both move out and we'll be empty nesters. While there are many things I'll miss as this season of family life comes to a close, one thing I will NOT miss is what appears to be the Gen Z trend to set roughly nine million alarms each morning, beginning literal hours before they actually plan to arise from their comfy beds, all at top volume. What.in.the.actual.world. Is this soiling the nest? Becuase it makes me irate every day! Ack!

Okay friends, I hope you have a not so hoochie coochie day!

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Oh I am so fascinated by this museum

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I’m from Doylestown area & Mercer actually used to host a Harry Potter Camp for kids 🪄 ☺️ So neat!

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I think they did that this past week, per docents. :) Amazing! And the Michener museum had an art camp too. :)

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Gotta admire a guy that has a stuff castle AND a live-in castle! So looking forward to seeing this place someday!

And congratulations!

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Okay now I feel like I need to specifically go to the Mercer Museum

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Jul 12Liked by Erin H Moon

Happy Lil Treasures Day😅 My daughter started her first real job this week, so I’ve been watching that Gen Z video cut every time it crosses my screen. And that totally would have been her 12/13 years ago too happy for words about getting a whole pack of ramen for her birthday.

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Congrats to her!

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deletedJul 12Liked by Erin H Moon
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Oh no!

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Lordy Jackie I am so sorry! I wish I could send you a neck fan and some ice cream!

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Oh dear! I sure hope you get power back soon! That is miserable!

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