Love the idea of a dopamine menu! Mine includes iced coffee, YouTube videos, grown up coloring books, and wandering through a bookstore.

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Something similar to the door happened to a bulletin board in my dorm freshman year. It originally said “Need some extra cash? If so…” and someone rearranged the letters so it said “Need some extra a$$? If ho…” It felt like we were checking something off the Essential College Experience list.

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I am sliding into this weekend on my face. 🤪 Hoping for quality time in the garden with a book, now that it is finally cool.

📖 Speaking of a historical mystery dropped that I was able to read an ARC and I learned a ton about the Flying Nightengales.


Death of a Flying Nightingale: A Nightingale Mystery https://a.co/d/aMMDm6D

🎶 And then this amazing venn diagram of nerd-ness. A musical about the guitar effects pedals. (Electronic gizmos that guitarists use to create sound effects (Think how Jimmy Hendrix played the Star Spangled Banner.) Any way. My husband is into these pedals and follows JHS pedals on YouTube, so he played me this yesterday. Their pandemic project and it is awesome. Like an industrial musical. This page can tell you about it. But if ypu have time to kill and are charmed by industrial musicals, my favorite song is "Everything's Crap." 🤣

Pedals the Musical


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A book in the garden sounds lovely, enjoy!

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The idea that fixing the vibe is not my entire responsibility in any situation will be a game changer if I can actually take it in, oh my gosh

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Right? Same.

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But if I don’t fix the vibe then who will?

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Shannon’s book arrived yesterday for me and I’m so excited to read it!!

I think I missed my calling to be a theater kid - I am constantly doing random accents at home and it brings me so much joy (and embarrasses the heck out of my 9 year old daughter)! 🤣

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It’s not too late! Look into your local community theatre our local acting classes 💗

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Yes! My friend was just in a production of Mama Mia and had a blast!

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So glad you brought the dopamine menu to my attention! I’m not really on TikTok so I missed it. I have somewhat recently diagnosed ADHD, so continuing to learn about the role of dopamine has been fascinating. Also my therapist literally recommended Jessica McCabe’s book to me this week.

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Happy Friday Friends!

It's been approximately 1 million years since I've left a comment, but I had to share something that's been bringing me life in the afternoons, which we all know is about 25x longer than the morning.


I do this 3 ingredient smoothie (but mine is 4 because I cannot conform) from What Kate Finds and it's delicious every single time. I use plain cow or almond milk, a big handful of frozen strawberries, a scoop of peanut butter, and my favorite chocolate protein powder from Clean Simple Eats. Blend. It takes about 2 minutes to make and is so so easy.

Hugs to everyone!

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Welcome back and yum!

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I am absolutely making myself a Dopamine Menu today. Off the top of my head:

App: making tea, watching the hummingbirds

Entree: long stupid walk, reading a book

Side: listening to podcast or music

Dessert: video games

Special: hotel room getaway by myself

Treasures from the ‘gram:

📚 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9s-r5kvyN-/?igsh=bWVzNWp1NG1tcWY5


Other treasures:

🩼: we found out my oldest won’t need surgery on his leg, but it’ll be a long road to recovery.

🚤: our family got to spend the best weekend at the lake with good friends and it actually felt like a vacation instead of just a trip with kids.

I hope you all get to spend a little bit of time this weekend doing something off your Dopamine Menu!

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I love your menu. And how cute is that garden library!

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Hotel room getaway sounds delightful. I hope you get to have one soon!

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I am so sorry about the long injury recovery for your kiddo! That really sucks. Sending you big dopamine menu wishes!

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Sep 13Liked by Erin H Moon

That poem by Jordan Harrell…WOW. I’ll be coming back to reread that one a few times.

A treasure to pass on: Have you seen Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s presidential debate recap? If you haven’t, I think you should check it out! 😁

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Oh I am going to find this now!

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Oh my goodness. Fixing the vibe in a room is a trauma response is a whole word. I am constantly criticizing my husband for not paying attention to what's going on around him. This made me realize that is not it. He just doesn't have the trauma response to read the room the way I do. Yikes!

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Yep. This is a game changer.

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RIGHT?! I was gutted!

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