🪄Lil Treasures #254: Workout Spells + The Boys that Troy Bolton Raised
Clocking in at the Treasure factory
Hello, friends.
We’ve still got to bring the treasures amongst the turds. I have a job to do, and I will not let you down. 🫡
We’re gonna need an extra dose of treasures this week, so if you’ve got ‘em, flaunt ‘em.
And now, it’s time for this week’s treasures:
🫧 I’ll be thinking about this poem by Kaitlin Curtice for a while.
🏀 We love to see a generation of the boys that Troy Bolton raised unashamed in their fandom.
🤬 Feeling a mixture of grief and rage after Tuesday’s results? This post is for you.
wrote a reflective essay with a few post-election thoughts and shared some resources if you’re feeling unsure of where to go from here.💔 When I feel like my thoughts and feelings are moving in overdrive, I’m thankful for folks who are pulling together a roundup of memes that help me explain how I feel.
🤦🏽♀️ Anne Helen Petersen’s newest essay, This is How Much America Still Hates Women is an excellent post-election piece. If that same thought has crossed your mind in the last 48 hours (or last few decades), I would highly suggest you read her words.
🎃 Give me a dose of wholesome, positive masculinity, but make it spooky-themed. I know Halloween is behind us, but I could not resist sharing!
😍 A moment of silence for the charisma in this clip of Jonathan Bailey and Jeff Goldblum posing together while on the Wicked campaign trail.
💕 Before we stray from Jonathan Bailey, I would like to just state on the record that I do endorse his quads and outfit selection. THOSE QUADS ARE LITERALLY INSANE! Jonathan Bailey’s legs are self-care.
⛪ This post on the church and “soft persecution” by Jared Stacy is a must-read.
🔥 I want so many things for my daughters as they grow up in a culture that is not very pro-female. I hope they feel freedom when it comes to expressing their voices and opinions and not pressure to hold back parts of themselves in order to appease societal standards. I came across this charge to teach your daughters to be angry (among other things) and this is the kind of girlhood I hope they get to live out.
🕵🏽 We’re talking all about Christians and Conspiracy Theories on this week’s episode of Faith Adjacent! This is part one of a two-part series because honestly, there’s a lot to unpack about this conversation. Listen to the episode here!
📸 Election season often brings out some insider info of what it’s like to be in office. One of the things I saw that I loved most was the photographer who shared a few of his favorite photos after photographing every president since Reagan.
This week’s memes:
That’s it, that’s the newsletter! If you stumble upon some internet goodies this weekend, please share them in the comments. I think we all need a dose of goodness, for self-care. Love you, mean it!
As always with the treasures and the memes and the timely words. Thank you, Erin.
I am sad, and have been so grateful for wise words and empathetic, kind people supporting each other in grief, and encouraging us to not despair. Stephen Colbert's little pep talk before the cold open. Jimmy Kimmel tearing up. 🥺 Tabitha Brown's kind, motherly voice, "You woke up this morning." Diana Butler Bass, Jeff Chu, and Nadia Bolz-Webber pastoring and praying for us. Jemar Tisby and Kristin du Mez offering historian perspectives and resources. Tressie Macmillan Cottom on the Daily show, with her calm analysis. Shannan Martin and Black Liturgies reminder to not rush, but to feel all this. Marcie Alvis Walker coming in with the Gandalf quote. Taylor Shumann telling us not to be embarrassed because we had hope. Sharon McMahon reminding us that hope is a choice. Over and over, “This is so sad; don't despair. This is heartbreaking; don't despair.” Look for the helpers, indeed.
And a giant blessing in my own life is that a new bookclub I just joined has turned out to be a source of solace and love. our Most recent meeting was on Election Day, and it was emotional. The text thread has been hopping with links and memes and words of comfort. I have been so lonely, and having a group of people to process with has been good. I am thankful.
Have the best weekend available to you, Swipes.
Turd: People are just absolutely insane. What I've learned this month is that our schools systems in America do not prioritize teaching critical thinking skills or empathy at all.
Treasure: Last weekend I went to a little seaside town in CT and it was just amazing. I got to see New England in the Fall and try apple cider for the first time ever! It was delicious!
Okay, going to try to stay off the internet for the weekend. I love all of you <3