I am reading JS Park’s book literally right this minute, took a little phone break and there he was again 💔❤️

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"I'm often found with chips" will probably be engraved on my tombstone. Also, I literally snorted during the Faith Adjacent episode with. Jamie mentioned Reba. Like loud enough to alarm my kids. One of my favorite ever episodes!

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Goodness yes to many things here, but especially the many lifetimes lived since 2015 lol I am a different person now 😂🫣

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Oh man. I love JS's writings on grief. It is always. Always. And as always, the memes and reels are fantastic. I had a bananas week and didnt see anything fun online, so this was a treat!

Our Advent so far is lighting a candle, reading the BCP Collect for Advent 1 and eating dinner while staring into space and trying not to fall asleep. Are we trying to actually hibernate? I tried listening to Kate Bowlers playlist bit it was too sad. Likewise, Amanda Held Opelts, so I'm going to Lazy Genious this and listen to Kendra Adachi's winter music (like, 8 or 9 playlists-worth broken into categories). I think my own heaviness is enough to carry this year.

Wishing you a gentle holiday season, Swipes. ❤️

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Happy St. Nicholas Day to all who celebrate! I hope you received lot of treats and an orange in the toe of your boots this morning! 🍊

I am raising 4 boys, and am tucking away that post about boys and emotions for later. I also highly recommend Dave Thomas’s Strong and Smart https://a.co/d/4hLYc2E workbook for helping navigate this.

Favorite Treasures this week:

- This is exactly how I feel: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCmwfehJYXM/?igsh=amJ2czVpOXJtMWk1

- Beautiful Christmas truth from Meredith Anne Miller: https://www.instagram.com/p/DDMyJ29J9jZ/?igsh=amhjZDhlbTdlY2c=

- Pot waxing and dad jokes is the combination I didn’t know I needed: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBB0xbCP9pm/?igsh=N29mM2VocGcxNGRu

- Beautiful Advent prayer from Edible Theology: https://www.instagram.com/p/DDDC0ahBGns/?igsh=cWZxNXpsdXF1aTdp

- Some Christmas movie memes that are just right:

Muppet Christmas Carol: https://www.instagram.com/p/DCzUo_cxPBJ/?igsh=NThhbTJmNHAwOWtv

Home Alone: https://www.instagram.com/p/DDCXrKrO9uE/?igsh=MWp3ODF4azJhN3N2NA==

- My pastor used this video in his sermon the same weekend it came across my feed. Be prepared to hack your crying: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAEwjpWzcBD/?igsh=MW55dDYwOXlhOWE3aQ==

- Gen X truth: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAUl2WFuG0l/?igsh=dGVubGd6ZzhrcXo1

- The who’s-who of British theater: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCQOjl7O6Ar/?igsh=NDBvcHhkbjhweWw3

Finally, after a post from Erin about filling your own stocking for the holiday, it has become my favorite self-care practice during the hectic season. So, send me any recommendations for stocking stuffers for a female, elder millennial/infant Xer that don’t break the bank.

Hope you all have the best season available to you!

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Holeee moleee these links are gold! The Muppet Christmas Carol meme is perfection. 🤣

Also didn’t know that seeing my beloved David Tennant in fitted black trousers was on my 2024 bucket list, but here we are.

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Oh and my stocking rubrics is: a treat, a toy, a beauty product, an office/art supply, a small article of clothing (socks, gloves, etc) and something really goofy/delightful. And I, personally do mostly inexpensive things for most of this, but i do try to fill my own like I would someone else's which gives me "permission: for delightful things - really nice lotion, the coziest socks, a nice set of paints or brushes, etc.

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Oh, I love this rubric! Thanks for sharing!

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This is an amazing list of links! I love the dad jokes 😆. We celebrate St Nicks. I did not get it together for gold coins but we have oranges and candycanes. We have gingerbread cookies for breakfast, we make special donations to women's charities, and tonight we have Mediterranean Appetizers for dinner. One of my favorite days in the holiday season. 🎅

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Well this was an absolute delight to read through! 🙌

My daughter turns 10 in February and we are going to Disney World for the first time! This trip is also my own personal celebration of surviving the last 10 years, tbh. IT’S BEEN A DOOZY.

“When families throw chairs, I let them be…chairs can be replaced. But hearts? Give them all the chairs.” 😭❤️

The dads ending a call reminded me of how my FIL used to leave messages of “call me when you get this” for things that were NOT urgent. He stopped when we finally told him that those messages sent us into panic spirals. 🤦‍♀️

Anyone else struggling with Advent this year? I can’t seem to find a practice that resonates. I did attend a one day Advent retreat at my church a few weeks ago and had some pretty intense emotional/spiritual experiences, so maybe I just used up all my Adventist reserves then? 🤷‍♀️

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It's been a doozy! Hope Disney is a delight! And same on Advent. Which is OK, I think. I am feeling similar to our first pandemic lent. Like, hey, surviving is good for now, k?

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Oh that’s such a good perspective! Thank you for that. ❤️

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Chuckling at the absolute absurdity of listening to “Dancing through Life” as I spiral into madness while trying to come up with a not idiotic way to explain the complicated healthcare system of the country of India at a graduate level using scholarly references within the last 5 years which mostly don’t exist because….all of this….its fine, I’m fine, everything is fine.

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Cheering you on!

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Thanks for all the lols this morning.

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Here to serve 🫡

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