💫 Lil Treasures #268: Friendship, Lent and Whole Lot of Whimsy
Plus a friendly reminder to call your reps! And be nice to the people answering the phone!
Hey there! It’s Friday! Time for another ‘round of internet treasures.
💫 The post I shared last week where someone on the internet was crowdsourcing beautiful practices of whimsy is taking over the internet, thank goodness! Feels like everyone is chiming in and it’s been a delight to read through all of the ideas. Here's another cute lil roundup and and also one more just for fun.
🏞️ This protest from National Park workers at Yosemite National Park was such a powerful way to speak up.
✝️ Lent begins next week! Let me know in the comments if you’re practicing the Lenten season and traditions this year, and if there’s something you’re adding/subtracting from your normal everyday life as you observe. To help prepare you for Ash Wednesday (March 5), we’re discussing what other people should give up for Lent (in addition to a few other pressing items of conversation) on this week’s episode of Faith Adjacent. Listen here or wherever you get your pods!
🏈 Forever a sucker for an emotional sports moment, Josh Allen's parents reacting to his NFL MVP acceptance speech made me a blubbering mess.
💔 Ben Cremer shared this week about an Iranian woman who became a Christian convert and fled Iran to pursue religious freedom in the U.S., only to immediately get deported. The whole thing is just devastating and highlights the amount of s-word in our current immigration system. You can also read the New York Times article about it here.
🧠 This post from Sharon McMahon is a great one to read, specifically in a very polarizing season where it can be difficult to empathize with people for not changing their minds. She mentions that “adults are not able to tolerate the frustration of not knowing something, and…would rather cling to something that’s wrong because it’s safer and more comfortable.” Certainty, even if it’s wrong, is much safer and more comfortable. May we be strive to be able to tolerate the frustration of not-knowing.
Ready for the memes? Lets go!
May your weekends be filled with even more treasures than this week’s newsletter could possibly contain. You’re all a bunch of gems! See you next time!
Whimsy: one time like 9 years ago my mom tried to text me “I’m coming” and instead texted “incoming” which I found hilarious and immediately responded to with a little plane emoji. And now “incoming” is the standard way to announce our upcoming arrivals to each other’s home✈️
I’m officially 40. My birthday was yesterday. I’m taking today off to be spoiled by my friend- we’re going for a walk in the “woods” (we live in the desert so it’s a bit of a stretch but there is a lovely nature preserve), then brunch, then bookstores and coffee. Literally all of my favorite things. And it’s almost spring break and I have plans with my mom to take my two sons camping for two nights. I’m so excited! It’s nice to have things to look forward to in these dumpster fire days.
Oh and Lent is coming, which weirdly is my favorite church season. I have a stack of books to read (including one by Erin Moon🥰) and I’m tentatively planning to only shop/eat local. It seems a bit daunting but I think it would be kind of cool. Basically giving up Amazon for Lent 😂. Has anyone ever tried anything similar?
My whimsy:
When we first got our dog, if anything felt overwhelming I would go, "*sigh* Birdie" (that's her name..duh?). Almost instantly she'd appear for a lean or a pet. She passed away a year and a half ago but I still "*sigh* Birdie" daily (thanks Trump administration) and I feel a little better imagining a lean from my girl.