First time lent practicer here! (Lifelong southern Baptist, who no longer aligns with SBC, but probably won’t leave because our church special needs ministry LOVES my special needs kid so hard).

First which of Erin’s lent guides do y’all like the best? Or maybe which is best for a first time Lenter? Is Lenter a word? 😂

Giving up for lent: lounging in my bed during the day. It draws me back constantly, so as soon as I get home or finish a task, I go immediately back to my bed as my home base. I just watched the Ash Wednesday UA snuggled in my bed. I will be up and out no later than 9 and will actually make my bed and not get back in or on it until bedtime.

Adding in listening to the Bible in Streetlights Bible app.

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I think I am going to add a daily practice of a yoga to my observation of lent. I find adding something so much more difficult than eliminating something, so we'll see how well it goes...

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I have already began a Lenten practice. Today I refrained from any social media. FB or IS and will continue through Lent.

Due to the constant barrage of the administrations edicts I find it best for my mental health. My daughter & I are taking a road trip from our northern Kentucky homes to Birmingham AL to attend Melanie Shankle’s book signing. We will not be in any social media during that time.

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I'm giving up Instagram for Lent (already off FB) and am trying to adopt the practice (h/t to Sarah Bessey) of praying both for friends and enemies

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If anyone ever asks me why I think feminism is important, I should just show them those roundups and explain that women need to be celebrated in all their whimsical excellence and protected at all costs.

A few things of my own to add to the lists:

- Putting huge googly eyes on trash can lids. Instant goofy face!

- Our fridge makes a super loud squeaking noise when it opens, so I named her Margaret and gave her a grumpy old lady personality.

- Slipping into a cockney accent when our dog is being annoying. “Alfred! Wos the matta with yous???”

- Our older car doesn’t have touchscreens, so I like to pretend that I’m a pilot when I adjust the temp/music settings dials.

I’ve been feeling drawn toward the virtue of hope in my prayer lately, and for Lent I want to read “On Hope” by Pope Francis. ❤️

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Oh Whimsy in my life…I have forgotten you even existed! Time to get reacquainted with one another!

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I am definitely trying to add a daily prayer practice of some nature to my days for lent. Also had this weird idea come across my mind that I should try to wear as much black as possible and as a little color as possible. Not really sure why that crossed my mind as an idea or if I will do it, but you have it.

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Any sort of personal faith practice has been a struggle the last few years, even Advent which is usually a favorite. Last year I did Jamie's recommendation of '40 days on being a 1' which was thoughtful but also short. When Evan mentioned giving up comfort shows it made me think that I need to give up Dramione for a hot second because that's all I've been reading during my winter hibernation. I'm going to try the Streetlights App while I'm getting ready in the morning and see how it goes.

I'm enjoying seeing everyone's whimsical little practices. I feel like whimsy is really something that I've avoided and am finally starting to dip my toe into the last few years. Right now I'm loving cutsey bow themed home decor. I have the cutest little bow candle holders and ceramic jar on my kitchen table right now that just make me smile 🎀

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Josh Allen, forever my hero.

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Whimsy: one time like 9 years ago my mom tried to text me “I’m coming” and instead texted “incoming” which I found hilarious and immediately responded to with a little plane emoji. And now “incoming” is the standard way to announce our upcoming arrivals to each other’s home✈️

I’m officially 40. My birthday was yesterday. I’m taking today off to be spoiled by my friend- we’re going for a walk in the “woods” (we live in the desert so it’s a bit of a stretch but there is a lovely nature preserve), then brunch, then bookstores and coffee. Literally all of my favorite things. And it’s almost spring break and I have plans with my mom to take my two sons camping for two nights. I’m so excited! It’s nice to have things to look forward to in these dumpster fire days.

Oh and Lent is coming, which weirdly is my favorite church season. I have a stack of books to read (including one by Erin Moon🥰) and I’m tentatively planning to only shop/eat local. It seems a bit daunting but I think it would be kind of cool. Basically giving up Amazon for Lent 😂. Has anyone ever tried anything similar?

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Giving up Amazon is such a good idea.

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Happy 40th!! What a perfect celebration. ❤️

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Happy Birthday, Julie! Your plans sound fantastic, I hope it's a wonderful day.

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My whimsy:

When we first got our dog, if anything felt overwhelming I would go, "*sigh* Birdie" (that's her name..duh?). Almost instantly she'd appear for a lean or a pet. She passed away a year and a half ago but I still "*sigh* Birdie" daily (thanks Trump administration) and I feel a little better imagining a lean from my girl.

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These bring me such joy. I literally beamed at "Hey. Hey look at me. Look at my eyes. You’re doing great. You’re a real treasure. Okay, go get ‘em, champ." You're doing God's work, Erin

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Ways I add whimsy:

1) one time like ten years ago my friend accidentally texted “bye ladles!” Instead of “ladies” so now I will randomly say “sup ladles?” Or “bye ladles!” It gets a laugh I would say 4/10 times.

2) my dogs get Good Morning Treats and we always ask them, as if they would be thinking about it, “would you like…. A good morning treat?” They know it’s coming but it feels like we get to surprise them every time.

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