“You shouldn’t skip work you are a lawyer and he is a hamster” 😂😂😂😂 AND NOW THERE IS MERCH. God bless America. https://www.bonfire.com/store/thechesterstore/

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Well hello there! I’m a few days late to this post because I like to save this email for Sunday morning when I can sip my coffee and read it in peace.

First. Erin thank you for sharing that hair mask. I’ve been wanting to try dying my hair auburn for YEARS but I’m scared of the upkeep that actually dying your hair red entails. I already basically have reddish brown hair but I want to take it up an extra step.. so I’m very excited to try this and I’ve already ordered it. I’ll keep y’all posted.

Second, I wanted to share a treasure: I got a new job! I’ve been working a job for the past year that was slowly draining the life out of me. Not being dramatic it literally sent me to therapy and my therapist was even like “yo you need a different job”. It was one of those I thought this was the right move for me but I quickly realized it was very wrong for me type of positions. Well, after many applications and a few interviews and waiting and waiting for HR to process my paperwork, I just started a new position! It’s actually with the same organization but the workload and work tasks are much more suited to my personality and strengths and I’m honestly just so happy about it. I started last Monday and after a full week, I’m starting to let myself feel tentatively optimistic that I’ve found a job I can actually love. This is the first time this has happened in my (relatively short- I’m only 27) professional life. I’ve never actually looked forward to going to work before, but I found myself waking up this morning excited that tomorrow is Monday. This is a big deal as I feel like I can finally breath during the workweek and I have the bandwidth to enjoy my life again. So yeah, hopefully this continues and I’ve actually found my career. We will see, but for now, I’m just happy the constant anxiety knot in the pit

of my stomach is gone. And also, I’m proud of myself for recognizing I needed a change (again, with the help of therapy) and actually making it happen. That’s rare for this enneagram 9 😊

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It me!

also, some more All in Motion non-legging not hard pants but more in the "athleisure" section. so good I went back for more and dug through every disorganized rack until I found the one pair left in my size https://www.target.com/p/women--39-s-contour-curvy-high-waisted-straight-leg-pants-with-power-waist-28-5--34----all-in-motion--8482--black-l---short/-/A-77357440

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I began today, our 6th day of exposure quarantine, by pulling a BOOGER out of my 4 yr old’s MOLAR 🤢🤢🤢 so honestly it felt like things could only go up from there. (I have had children puke in my hands and yet this was the thing that sent me shrieking 🤷‍♀️)

@sharonsaysso’s fundraising campaign was one of the highlights of the week for me. To see so many people donate a few bucks to knock out millions of dollars of medical debt was overwhelming in the best way. It gives me hope that somehow political divides won’t get the best of us in the end.

I feel like a wrung-out washcloth so I’m off to read the comments. Happy Friday, Swipes!

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Happy Friday, all! Late to the party this week as I spent the morning doing labs and an ultrasound to see if we can figure out what’s happening with me. As an aside, what exactly do other people do when having this sort of ultrasound and are told to “have a full bladder: drink 32 oz. of water an hour before your appointment”.? Both this time and the last time the tech, immediately upon touching the wand to my abdomen, said “WOW! Your bladder is really full!” LISTEN: I am a rule follower. If you tell me to drink 32 oz of water an hour before my appt then THAT IS WHAT I WILL DO SO LET’S MOVE THIS ALONG BECAUSE I NEED TO PEE. I for real wonder - do most people not do what they’re told? Or is this the only fluid they drink all day?

ANYHOO, we are bracing for that arctic front as well (in Oklahoma). Our highs will only be in the 20s for a few days which is not nearly as cold as some of you all will be dealing with but still chilly. I’m soooo ready for spring.

Treasures this week include neighbor kids that my kid loves to play with (outdoors) and the arrival of a very happy pair of yellow pants.

I am pitching the idea of Valentine’s Day fondue to my husband as soon as I’m done posting here-this sounds like a fabulous idea.

Stay warm everyone!

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You are all so wonderful! Your shares are all so beautifully articulate!

Gosh, it’s been a week here. I’ve been dealing with some chronic pain ish. Just trying to get through today to rest!

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Y’all, I’m all sorts of feels this week. As any good enneagram 2 does, I usually stuff my emotions. Especially now that I’m a mom of a little. But I had literal lols & some sobs on the kitchen floor, all in the past 24 hours.

So here we go.

🤘🏻I finally got to have Christmas with my "family of origin" (because how do you classify your childhood peeps after you’re married with kids?) last weekend and it was restful chaos! Yes, that’s a thing.

👎🏻I realized I’m not going to lose any weight (picked up a couple of sizes in the last pregnancy & don’t want to make any future "geriatric pregnancy" — 🙄 the worst term ever — harder on me or a baby) just by power walking around the neighborhood & giving up sugar. Weight loss has always been hard for me. Especially making it enough of a priority amidst keeping a toddler alive (& somewhat thriving), being self-employed & creative, and *sometimes* paying attention to the husband/friends/church. Also, I just really hate working out by myself.

👎🏻My son turned one in Dec and is all of a sudden clingy and overly dramatic (read: tantrums already). I debated sending him to the Cirque or boarding school already. Too soon? Send wine. My sister says it’s all about consistency. Which is easier said than done. I think God is just deflating my pride after having such an angel baby.

🙏🏻My best friend offered to have a coffee date "to just chat" tomorrow and I was over the moon! It’s been so long! Then, in the middle of the night (remember, I’m not sleeping these days 🙄) I realized 1) we have plans for Galentine’s Day & 2) she’s the furthest thing from spontaneous. So now I’m worried. Y’all, I don’t have the emotional capacity to have a hard convo right now. And, why can’t I just assume she wants to hang as much as I do?! Bless.

🤘🏻I feel like I should end in a positive note. I recently found a local tea shop and bought so. much. loose leaf. It’s life right now!

I’m so thankful for your treasures and turds. Praying for each of you today!


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I have a favor ask. My ADHD son has a hard time at school. (My kids are in-person.) He is a little socially awkward and never wins the “character counts” awards or gets elected to student council. But he always CRUSHES it at the annual PTO fundraiser! The kids usually sell tickets for dinner at a local restaurant, but with Covid, people aren’t eating out at much and we didn’t want the kids going door-to-door. So we’re doing a dance-a-thon with online pledges. If you would like to help a sweet 10-year-old boy and/or his little sister (who doesn’t have the same struggles) have a “win” this year, your support would be greatly appreciated! You can FB message me for the link. I’m Melissa Katherine Morris. Thanks y’all!

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Super late addendum, but I can’t stop watching this - why is this dance so mesmerizing?


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So because my Keurig died this morning

I decided to do research because apparently there is a way to do some kind of Hard Reset on the machine

I did a search on YouTube and found this video

And the purity of this man.

I needed to share


Maybe I need to politely turn mine off.

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I also need to tell you that when you give your child's teacher that body spray for Christmas or Teacher Appreciation or whatever, it gets sent to the staff restroom to be used as air freshener. Choose your scents accordingly.

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It has been a WEEK y'all. People really be waking up and choosing chaos and bringing it into my work and I am very much not here for it. Today a certain payroll software decided to poop it's pants and I had to do it the old fashioned way and let me tell you the Lord made me for such a time as to not have to calculate taxes using a calculator.

My treasure of the week is the movie Center Stage. Currently available on Hulu, but do whatever you have to. The nostalgia is just unparalleled.

Picture it: You roll up to the AMC in your studded belt, dashboard confessional tee, cardigan, and bowling shoes you got at the thrift store that are incredibly uncomfortable but you think they look cool so you wear them every day. You and your friends enter 10th grade emo kids, and leave thinking ballet is the greatest and that if only you'd stayed in that tap/jazz/ballet class you quit when you were six maybe you too could join a ballet company and make a name for yourself in New York! Maybe you would meet Eion Bailey and he would save you from your sheltered life with his ridiculous blue eyes.

I've seen the movie no less than 20 times and it is all cheese and I just love it so much. Thanks for taking this journey with me. If you need to find me I will be eating popcorn crying about how romantic being young in New York City looks.

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Yes to Jael Day - or maybe just some sort of Eschet Chayil Day. When I was in my 20s, single, and attending a conservative Evangelical church that had no single men and no fellowship group for 20-somethings, I started a women's group for us called the Little Debbies. People thought we'd named ourselves after the snack cakes, but it was actually after Deborah (who, by the way, my pastor had never heard of when I mentioned her to him. ::blink:: ::blink:: Ahem.) Anyway, it was a group to build all us gals up and provide respite and encouragement and formation because WE were running all the other ministries, often three apiece. Our mascot was my roommates bird named Jael. She was loud and cussed and pooped everywhere. LOL (In this group we had a proto-Galentines event every year called Valentines Day Sucks where we would wear black, eat a fancy meal together, go around the room sharing what we loved about each other, and compete for a giant brownie by sharing our worst date/love stories of the previous year. The best!)

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Good afternoon, friends! Thankfully this week has been better and I can actually make it to the comments section.

Treasures this week:

✨ I sabbath'ed (is sabbath a verb? or strictly a noun? should I gently rebuke myself for that?) for the first time on Sunday of this week thanks to inspiration from Megan. Y'all, I felt like a new women after a horrible train wreck of a week last week. It was so what my soul needed.

✨ I went to the dentist for the first time in an embarrassing number of years. I have some follow up appointments I have to have and I need to consult with an oral surgeon about my wisdom teeth - but I DID IT! I gave myself an adulting award (™Erin Moon) and rewarded myself with a lavender latte.

✨ I bought a sonic facial cleaning brush and it has been *chef's kiss* in my recently revamped evening skincare routine that now includes retinol and serums. Thanks for the peer pressure fellow swipes https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07P8ZD7GS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

✨ Avery mentioned that Michael's is having a buy one, get two free sale on Belmont frames. I finally bought enough frames for all the pandemic art/prints I have purchased. I am so excited to put them all up!

✨I ordered the Energy multiplier from Liquid IV and have used it for days now. Y'all! Better than coffee, I love it SO much.

✨JJ Heller's new lullaby album came out today. Volume Two is pure magic in my classroom. We use it as a treatment for cranky students and cranky teachers. Volume Three is more adult focused and I can't wait to take it all in this weekend. https://open.spotify.com/album/0FrXB86RC2QqKhAy7XuL6X?si=dm0X6tf1TpWd8DKwxCKtfg

✨Me, in my classroom, some days https://www.instagram.com/reel/CKfZ91lhJJY/?igshid=1ta5g1l9dcigc

✨ This "Lady who always cries when speaking in church" Tik Tok sentttt me https://www.tiktok.com/@w8ing4guffman/video/6923722475171826950?lang=en&is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v2&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6904976021880784390


- vaccine distribution in SC. It. Is. A. Sit-u-ation. I cannot. Heavy Ts and Ps for teachers who are having to organize letter writing, phone calling, and social media campaigns to the governor to be included and not constantly being shuffled around in phases while he also fully advocates for five days face to face schooling.

As always, thankful for all of you and what you bring to the special place every week. I hope you have the best weekend available to you. ❤

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