I gotta know, what’s the “Peloton Hack?”

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Hi! First time commenter here! (Also I might have commented but then it was like, NO WAIT LOG IN okay now so lol we’re learning here)

Just wanted to say there used to be an exhibit in the St Louis Art Museum where you could sit in this little dark room and watch a giant projection of bird murmurations on an endless loop and it was my happiest place :)

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Wait... side parts are aged? ima need a moment for this I was NOT ready

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It is currently very cold in Texas! So no walks for me (or my dog) this weekend. But with the way this week has been, I'm not real sad about staying inside and drinking hot drinks all weekend.

My grandmother refuses to get the vaccine (she won't get the flu shot either), but my mom and I are now fully vaccinated. They don't live close but are coming to visit next weekend, so, you know, hedge of protection and all that.

I do have a goal of getting my resume updated this weekend. I'm going to have to decide soon when to give notice at my job because I am contractually obligated to give...a lot of notice. In some ways looking for your second big-kid job is more stressful than looking for your first.

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Hi Swipes! I’ve been lurking and not commenting as much lately, but I genuinely love reading each and every post and comment. Y’all are one of my main treasures every week! 🥰


💩Massive pain and infection in my back molar-a big old root canal is in the very near future. I’m terrified. But it’s so painful I don’t care. I’m hoping for some sort of sedation during the procedure. The hidden treasure here is modern medicine- yay for antibiotics and pain meds!

💩All the cars in the shop at one time or anther for the past three weeks. Ugh.


✨ My daughter-in-love, who we’ve taken under our wing as our fourth child, finally got her drivers license last Friday!! (she’s 19) And we had the privilege of gifting our very old and most beloved 1995 Volvo to her yesterday. For the first time in her life, she is independent and free to do what she needs to do when she needs to do it. I’m beside myself with joy for her. ❤️

I’m also not mad about not being her personal Uber driver every day. 😂

✨Did I mention antibiotics and pain meds?

✨I finally gave up and joined weight watchers online. I don’t need to be skinny but I definitely have to stop the gaining. It’s a thing y’all. I’ve exceeded what I weighed as a very pregnant mama. Boundaries can be good. I want to remain healthy and vibrant for my future self and future grand babies!

✨Packing and mailing my galentine! So fun! Also receiving my seriously awesome gift from Kara! Thank you so much , Kara!💖

That’s all! Have a great weekend, Swipes!

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I just love the term daughter-in-love!

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It’s been a journey, but that’s what she is!🥰

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I hope you can get that tooth fixed too. I was just telling someone that there may be no worst physical pain that that which occurs in a tooth

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Thanks, Mona! It’s pretty terrible.

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Almost forgot! My parents have all gotten their vaccines! I’m so happy and relieved. Unfortunately my hubby’s parent are skeptical and don’t want to get it and they worry me a lot. I pray they wise up and get it ASAP.

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This week was a lot. We got tricked into an ice storm here in Arkansas that I feel like none of us predicted? We knew it was supposed to be cold but getting stuck in our house with a rambunctious preschooler for three days straight was not part of my plan. 👀

Good news! We got out of the house today to get groceries and gas for our generator because now they're telling us we’re in for at least a foot of snow on Sunday/Monday. Even better? Temps are in the teens and negatives until next Friday. We in the South are not built for this...double isolation during a global pandemic? Not what I call a fun time.🙈😭


❤️My Galentine’s present from Tracey Clem arrived just before the ice and has brought me so much joy. Thank you THANK YOU. The very best thing that happened this week. Truly. ✒️📝

🥰I purchased a knockoff barefoot dreams blanket at Sam’s Club for $30. I've heard it's an amazing dupe for so much less. This dang weather has delayed delivery but I am SO excited to snuggle with it soon.

🤓I also ordered (again, delayed thanks to the ice) some blue light blockers, obviously one pair is leopard print, and I'm so excited to try them!

👍🏻I don't have gestational dibeetus, so that's exciting! Had my glucose screening first thing Monday AM. Maybe that's why my week started off so well? 😂🤪

I hope y’all are staying safe and warm! Have a great weekend!🥰

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Ashley as a fellow Southerner I sympathize. We are not equipped and the forecast is predicting a low of 7 and a high or 23 with 90% chance of snow.... WHAT?!?! That Barefoot dreams knockoff sound like something I need. Stay warm

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A foot of snow in Arkansas? 2021 is really bringing it's A game.

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Hi swipes - i'm wondering if there are any enneagram experts in the crowd. For a long time I thought I was a 5w6 but recently I was talking with my partner (really convincing him to take a test to see if I was right about my guess for his type. And I was, 8w7) and I retook my test and long story short, maybe I'm a 6w5? How can I really know? I have lots of traits of both? Anyone have any tips or good resources? I'm really trying to understand myself better these days.

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The Enneagram Institute's descriptions of the numbers and their various levels was really helpful to me. It took me a long time to figure out I'm a 4, and it was a lot of noticing small things about the WHY of how I reacted to situations that helped me get there. I've heard some of the Very Smart Enneagram People say that tests can be helpful, but "catching" yourself being your number is how you can really narrow in.

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I had that conundrum - couldn't decide if I was 1w9 or 9w1. What helped me figure it out was where I go in stress and integration. So I'm a 9w1, because when I'm stressed out I exhibit the negative aspects of a 6, and when I'm really feeling myself, I exhibit the positive aspects of a 3. So if you're a 6, you'll exhibit the negative aspects of a 3 when you're stressed, and if you're confident and content, you'll exhibit the positive aspects of a 9. 5s go to 7 in stress, and 1 in integration. Hope that helps!

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I’ve read “The Road Back to You” by Ian Morgan Cron. It was really helpful in explaining not just yourself but how you interact with others and that helped me narrow things down more.

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Same...this book helped me a lot as well.

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Longtime reader, rare commenter here, but this community seems so warm and lovely I want to be friends with you. My main treasure is the Valentine's Day gift I just bought for myself. It is a stuffed unicorn, it is very silky soft, and most importantly, it is WEIGHTED. I am elated. Still searching for a name--suggestions welcome!

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Welcome! 💖

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Eunice? 🦄

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Hello Brianna! So glad you commented. That unicorn sounds absolutely dreamy

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Hello, I don’t often participate in the chat but thought I would give it a go this week! Loved ALL of Erins’s treasures this week, especially the kindergarten teacher. I am significantly older than most of you, based on the fact that you all have littles and I have grown, 30 something girls and my first grand baby coming in September❤️ The events of my week basically involved herding 25 new nurses through orientation at my hospital and then coming home in freezing, snow and ice! Then, my poor dad, who has spent the last 11 months in lock down in his senior living community is finally getting to go eat in the communal dining room today! You think he would be excited and thankful that all the residents have been fully vaccinated and can now come out of their apartments. But no, there was daily drama as to who he was going to eat dinner with. They were being asked to “pick a small group” to sit with and plan to stay with this group for dinners for a while. It was like being in middle school and figuring out who you were going to sit with at lunch! Yes, there are clicks in senior living communities! It never ends! I am anxiously waiting for him to call me and tell me how their 4:15 dinner reservation went! I can’t wait to get old!

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Hi Katherine! I used to do library book delivery to retirement communities, so I got a tiny taste of the drama, and it's ridiculous and hilarious. Like a college dorm but everyone should theoretically k ow better. 😂

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Amanda, that is totally what it is! AND to top it all off, they decided NOT to go to the dining room for another week so their vaccine “had more time to work” . Never mind that I am a nurse and know when the immunity starts! 🤦‍♀️

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Welcome, Katherine!! Hilarious about the middle school dynamics happening at your dad’s community. What a joyful problem to be having 😂

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Welcome to the comments!

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Oh hey.

After a year of being rejected for every job under the sun, I walked into a cafe on Sunday and asked for a job. And they said yes. This is the least Tamara and least 2021 moment in the world but I am truly here for it and grateful to be taking home two day old pastry at the end of a shift.

I bought a pack of pregnancy tests recently. There’s seven in there. And I’ve decided that one of those damn pee sticks will be positive. Let it be so. LET IT BE SO. (Can one nag God into a ‘yes’ to a prayer? Let’s see.)

Two treasures for y’all:

If you enjoy Lego and flowers, can I introduce you to Lego flowers? I made them last night and they are a delight.


My dodgy left eye needs a test soon to see if it’s gotten worse. And this can only mean two things: double chin during eye tests that one cannot escape, and new face pants (or are masks face pants?). These will grace my face soon:


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Yes, let it be so!

Congrats on the job and those glasses are awesome!

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I don't know if one person can nag God into a yes, but I think a whole community of hard headed ladies can nag Him into one! LET IT BE SO.

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Hooray for jobs and Lego flowers and new face pants!!!!

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Those glasses are going to look so great on you!!

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Oh, and a turdy turd from a turd face.

At the cafe on Tuesday we were putting furniture together. A man came along to deliver shelves and overheard me saying that we were missing a piece to join the tabletops to the bases.

He swooped in and proceeded to spend twenty minutes explaining how to put the table together, in spite of myself and others saying “this isn’t the issue...”

By the time he was done I had called the Husband and asked him to get screws and a drill so we could finish assembling the table. We knew what was missing.

“You’re missing a piece.” The man told me.

“I know. My husband is bringing it.” I replied.

The man laughed. “Where is he?”

“On his way.” Says I.

(Brace yourselves, lil swipes)

“No. He has left you for someone beautiful. Found a new girlfriend.”

He then turned and hit on the tall skinny barista. Curvy short me? Made a joke and moved on.

You, sir, are a turd.

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What the actual what? Big turd energy right there.

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That Turdy McTurd was a total jackbutt who doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as you. May he never grace the doors of your establishment again. Amen.

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Girl I wish we could link my rant of an MP about this whole situation here. Because I still think of this moment and want to punch through walls to get to this disgusting crap eating specimen of lowest life forms.

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He hasn’t visited since. I’m glad for his sake.

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Just cue that up for him if he EVER comes around

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GROSS. What a Turdy McTurderson.

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The most turdy.

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Took the words right out of my mouth! LET IT BE SO!

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Then you’ll HAVE to come visit australia!

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Girl, just add to my list of reasons why I want to be there.

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The turds are aplenty this week but I'm determined to focus on the treasures today lest I have a full come-apart at work (I'm saving it for Sunday when it's supposed to snow and I can slowly cry while staring out the window at snow while I listen to this https://youtu.be/LgZjI7JRi1I

Which is my treasure #1: Ambient music playlists on YouTube. They make me unnaturally happy. Ambient Worlds is one of my favorites, they have a "The Shire" one that I put on while I'm reading.

Treasure#2: Someone flirted with me this week(!!!) Backstory: I manage a small coffee shop and our roaster comes in to train new hires. He's always been very nice to me but this week he was (respectfully!) flirty and it made my day. I'm single and this last year has been hard. I don't know if I've gone through a week without having a meltdown about dying alone at least once. Regardless of follow through, he made me feel nice and warm so I'm grateful.

Treasure #3: This https://www.instagram.com/p/CKMgC-ZBx-1/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Well, I hope you all are having a good week. I'm going to get take out chips, queso, and a mambo taxi (from Mi Cocina...if you have one near you run, don't walk) and prepare myself for next week. I'm so grateful for this community. Even when I haven't had much to say or contribute, I take so much comfort in your words. Ok, I'm crying at work now when I should be emailing someone....Bye!

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My sister has been crying so much lately about "dying alone". I wish I could comfort the both of you with some words that would make it go away. You are definitely not alone. So many people experience this. Our culture and the pandemic make it so hard to find someone. Sending love you way. Queso is heavenly. I only eat it a couple times a year but seriously how is it so good?

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Thank you for your words, i really appreciate it! For real, queso is one of those things that proves that God loves us lol

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I’m always looking for ambient music to have playing while working. Lately it’s been Bridgerton tracks, but I’ll definitely check this out!

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Thank you for the tip on ambient music! I am always looking for stuff like that. Enjoy your Sunday snow cry. 😊

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Hi, fellow single afraid of dying alone here! I don't have fancy helpful words for you, but I do want to tell you you're not alone.

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Thank you!!!

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Mmm mi cocina! Enjoy your take out!!

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Love this list!

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1. I was away from my weighted blanket while my husband and I took a mini ski-trip to Colorado. I asked the front desk clerk for extra blankets and he asked if there was a problem with the thermostat. I politely said "no, I just need extra blankets". My husband then asked me why I didn't tell him the truth. I said, "and what is that? that I'm mentally unstable and need a weighted blanket to keep from going crazy?" I don't think I feel that way but last night at home with my weighted blanket was PURE bliss. My husband also has a weighted blanket and he didn't realize how much he missed it until he crawled into bed last night.

2. What is a "Peloton hack"? Did I miss something?

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The Peloton hack is basically a cheaper way to get the Peloton bike experience. Instead of spending a couple grand on the actual Peloton bike, you get a cheaper bike (I got mine from FB Marketplace for $200), a bluetooth cadence sensor from Amazon, and download the Peloton app on an iPad. It's not exactly the same, but it's close!

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I’m in the Sads this week. Everything feels like a lot. I’ve done nothing but lay in bed eating graham crackers. I’ll be back next week with more words. In the mean time, I’m going to read through all of your treasures and try to pull myself out of the Sads. Love y’all, mean it.

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Sending love your way Riley. Let me know if there is anything in particular you'd like me to pray for 🧡

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Thank you, sweet friend! I’m scheduled to have surgery in just over two weeks and I’m just feeling a little defeated.

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Of course you are. Praying the surgery will go well and that you will be filled with peace in the upcoming weeks.

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Feels the sads...they’ll move along after a bit. ❤️❤️

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Graham crackers are the best. I hope your sads resolve themselves soon. Sending you love!

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Everything is a lot right now, sending love and more popsicles.

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It’s ok to chill in the sads! Any chocolate to go with the Grahams?

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No chocolate, but that’s mostly because chocolate hates me. Plenty of popsicle cups though!

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Eh, pulling yourself out of the Sads is overrated sometimes. Sometimes we just need to be there. It's okay if that feels the best right now.

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Riley ❤️ You eat those graham crackers, girl. Love you back.

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Erin H Moon

Thank you for saying that, Erin. None of us are equipped to deal with this right now. That became glaringly obvious last week when I couldn't get rid of severe chest pains for two days. My doctor ran all the tests, I got an EKG for the first time in my life and all of it came back clear. So she asked me what I'm doing to manage my stress....blank stare from me. What stress...I'm fine. Totally fine. Well, your body is telling us something different sister. Long story, short she gave me my very first anti-depressant and an acid blocker because stress is causing reflux and put me on a bland diet which is just adding insult to injury. You're telling me to figure out how to manage my stress without chocolate or ice cream.

Treasure: The meds are working, I do feel better.

My class is finished and I'm booked into an ocean view room next to find peace and quiet and a stress management plan.

I am blessed to have at least five different group texts where I asked for prayer for all of this last week.

These joggers from our favorite Stars Above https://www.target.com/p/women-s-beautifully-soft-fleece-lounge-jogger-pants-stars-above/-/A-77361656?preselect=54580400#lnk=sametab

Stupid Walks have been keeping me level all week


The pandemic of it all, affects my future in Ireland, my future of being able to see friends on a regular basis, my future health. I want it to be over and I'm over it.

Figuring out a stress management plan is stressful

Note to self: Tell your shared account members you are sending something to a stranger through your Amazon account so they don't think their account has been hacked by a Lil Swipe.

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I have those pants and the matching top! They're fantastic!

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Oof I’m so sorry. I’m glad you’re on a path to healing. I had to cut out chocolate for a couple months for a stress pain issue last year, and it gets easier after awhile

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I went through a similar thing back in college--chest pain, etc due to stress. It's so scary. Glad you've got some stuff to help, and I'm glad they are working.

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The physical effects of stress are no joke. I’m glad your meds are working.

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Molly! What a gift that your doctor tuned in to what you truly needed. So glad you are feeling some relief. Stress does some wacko things to us.

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Feb 12, 2021Liked by Erin H Moon

Hey, everyone! Happy Friday. Hope you're having as good of a day as you possibly can. As I said to my bestie this past week, my malaise and anxiety just sort of...keep growing. So, I do my best to do one day at a time. It's all any of us can do.

Here are some things that are bringing me joy lately:

-Rereading "The Bone Season" series by Samantha Shannon. The fourth book in the series just dropped, and it's been three years since I flew through the first three. If you like fantasy/dystopia (that isn't America in 2021), you will love this series.

-Super Bowl meant Buffalo Chicken Dip, and God bless America, it truly is the reason for the football season. We've been eating leftovers all week and it's been speaking to my soul.

-I started doing step aerobics because it's colder than (insert profanity here) here in Michigan and I can't walk outside. I am having so much fun trying to learn the steps and it feels like a happy way to move my body.

-After months of barely dressing myself because...who cares anyways?...I've gone back to my happy place of wearing obscenely big earrings no matter the outfit or occasion. I encourage you to find your own piece of flare and embrace it fully.

Love to you all. One day at a time.

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I'm here for the big earrings energy.

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Maybe I should take a page from your book and reunite with my statement earrings. I’m sure they miss me!

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Do it, girl! It has honestly been this little thing that has helped me feel more human.

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Step Aerobics for the WIN!

And the power of big earrings is one to respect!

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ooooh i made a buffalo cauliflower dip and it hit the spotttt. I ate almost all of it myself.

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Obscenely big earrings just bring a whole mood to the day don't they?!

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Big earrings are a definite mood improver!

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Oh! And my parents got their first vaccine this week! I feel so thrilled and relieved.

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I call the superbowl Buff chicken dip day!

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