Friend from TX here. Survived the week!! And the plus side is the weather delayed my Galentines delivery so still had that this weekend to bring me joy. Thanks to this community!!

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Umm. I’m late. Does anyone still check in here after the Friday onslaught? 😬 I’m just going to go on record anyway with the week’s recap, especially being a Texan and how we were all over the news again. [I’d very much like Texas to have a *good* news event for once. The “leaders” (ahem) of this state are making us all look bad, all.the.dang.time.]

I currently live 10 miles from the Red River, the border with Oklahoma, straight north from Dallas, so we got the inches of snow but were very fortunate to avoid the ice. In my 52ish years of life I’ve never seen straight powder in a winter storm. It was gorgeous and so much less threatening than I’m used to. Ice is our enemy – black ice especially – and we have no equipment or infrastructure to combat it. Hence the stories you hear (and jokes at our expense) about everything just shutting down. But when you get true winter once every 5-10 years, it’s just not cost-effective to keep all the equipment on hand to combat it. This particular winter event hasn’t happened in 100 years, I think, and these kinds of low temps haven’t happened in 30+ years, so you can see why it was such a shock of unpreparedness for us.

I felt waves of delight and sadness throughout the storm, equally irritated at people not changing driving habits when the weather changed (and causing preventable wrecks) and at the failure of our power grid, as well as great joy over the outpouring of assistance from across the country. I hated seeing so many suffer, but I also hated all the blame from our governor on the “system” when I know that the legislators don’t give money to the entities that can shore it all up. (And Texas apparently thinks “independence” is the answer to everything, so that even our power grid has to work alone.) A lot of blame got thrown around this week, and it was just a wicked display of anger at the symptoms instead of taking responsibility for the root causes. My dad spent his career in a Texas electric company and I know from his years of working ice storms that the *workers* do everything possible to restore electricity and keep it stable, but the state (and boards) do very little to support them. It’s always a money issue. It’s always about cost-cutting. But it’s the individual power companies (and managers like my dad) who have to field the anger and balance the power grid in their areas. I spent a lot of time this week yelling back at the governor and other blame-shifters about where the problem lies and how “they need money to fix the problems!” It was not pretty. I felt such great sympathy toward the CEO of ERCOT (the grid’s overseer), knowing he was taking the heat for a problem that stretched far beyond his job description. I also learned more about our Texas power grid from The Daily than I ever knew from actually being a lifelong Texan. 🤦🏻‍♀️


For us personally, we never lost power and only completely lost water for a portion of one day. The water pressure was very low all week, and we still have a boil order due to power loss at the water treatment plant, but Mom and I both got showers on Thursday-Friday and were soooo grateful to leave the community of The Great Unwashed. In the midst of the worst temperatures, I found myself grateful for our continual heat while also feeling guilty while so many were literally freezing inside their homes. Guilt was certainly a companion this week. I was torn with wanting to help and offer our homes to others but knowing we could not because of my mom’s vulnerability and COVID concerns. I thought of you guys A LOT when guilt cropped up; I could hear you in my heart reminding me that guilt is a lie and should not be entertained. I could hear you guys reminding me to stay focused on my mom, as she’s the current work of my life. It has truly carried me through this week (and continues to carry me through this season of life).

With that in mind, we had a good week, all things considered. Mom’s shoulder is healing well; she’s not fighting me on exercise and movement; and her mind cleared up from the drug fiasco of the previous week so that she was back to her new-reality self. We have a first evaluation with a psychologist this week in order to determine next steps regarding mental degradation. Her neurologist wanted a full 6-hour eval to look for dementia/Alzheimer’s/etc, but Mom balked at it last month. I’ve convinced her it’s necessary, so we’re going on Wednesday for the initial conversation. (Prayers appreciated.) What I’ve learned is that I can set the tone with my mom and she’ll follow if I can show her *why*. During the weekend after her shoulder surgery, with Mom hopped up on an opioid, my sister was with us to help with Mom’s physicality, and my mom saw how different we sisters are in caring for her. I’m very logical, very evidence-based, and use intellect to point out all the ways Mom’s brain and body are failing her. My sister is emotional, using a lot of language like “yes, you *are* going to do this” and “no, stop that. I think you need Home Health.” My sister spent one challenging day with us (the worst day) and has decided I can’t care for Mom and Mom can’t do anything on her own. I know better, and I’ve spoken with all the doctors about Home Health, and Mom’s just not a candidate because of her high level of mobility. After spending just a couple days with my sister, my mom sees the difference in how I care for her. And she’s more willing to work now than before, if only to keep my sister away. 😏

I had a few treasures this week, too, in the form of binge-watching while being creative with my hands. I hopped around a lot on streaming platforms but finally landed on The Looming Tower on Hulu. It’s based on the book about the rise of Al Qaeda, written by the author of the best book I read last year (Fall and Rise: The Story of 9/11), and it’s just so compelling. I don’t quite understand the casting of old-guy Jeff Daniels as the womanizing head of the FBI task force (but there’s also Peter Sarsgaard as a wily snot for the CIA counterpart), but the story itself is just riveting. I have learned so much about the failures of our government agencies in the “war on terror” and about how relevant those 9/11 events still are to today’s political climate. It’s a great miniseries, if this subject interests you or you just feel the need to see America in a new light.

Alright, that’s a lot of review on the week. I think this place has become my personal diary. 😬 But I appreciate the platform. 😊

Praying for you guys this week, especially those of you walking through Lenten together. (I miss that!) Just wanted to share that we’ve had a better week, respectively, and y’all have been on my mind a lot. Much love!

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I'm catching up almost a week behind, but I see you! 💕🤗

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Jules! So glad to see you here and that you and your mom made it through *all* of the events in Texas this week. Absolutely, you alone know what is yours to take care of in all of this. I’m glad we could be of some comfort in this even from afar. Praying for the eval appointment this week 💜

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I don't know if this will be seen on a Saturday afternoon, but it's a seasonal story, so here we go.

I'm a veterinarian in real life, which is not a thing I share in public very often because people get weird. I also grew up SBC and have never observed Ash Wednesday. Two years ago on Ash Wednesday, I was a grand total of 5 months into my career and showed up to work to find a client waiting for me, which at 7:30 a.m. is never good. I euthanized the dog, which needed to be done and is not something I am typically resentful of doing, but it's not my preferred way to start the day. The rest of the day passed pretty routinely until about 5:00 when a client showed up with a goat in labor. I was able to deliver a huge, healthy goat kid at the very end of the day and all I could think was "well, ashes to ashes, I guess". I think about that day every year.

My only busted pipe is outside drowning a flower bed and it's a sunny 55 degrees here in central Texas today. Ted Cruz is welcome to come by and fix it while he explains what exactly he has ever done to earn his salary.

I did not finish my resume, but I did start it. Why is it so hard to summarize my job in bullet points? I will never know.

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What a lovely lent story! I mean, as lovely as a story about euthanizing a dog can be. But it does remind me of the title of Erin’s lent study this year. I’m a former SBC-er as well and this year is my first time observing lent.

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Beth! I just finished writing the same thing about maybe not being seen on Saturday. LOL I see you!

I also see Ted Cruz. 🤬 Why won’t our people vote him out?!? (Narrator: “They are not your people.”) So glad you had minimal damage from the storm.

What a wonderful Lent story, too. I ran the emotional gamut just reading it. As a former SBC-er myself, I relate to the tender footsteps into Lenten practice. Encouraging you to dive deep. It’s the most sacred season I’ve ever experienced, even (and especially) when I don’t try very hard to live it.

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When the guy who tried to take your job still manages to be better at your job than you, it's not a good look.

I've dabbled in Lent before, mostly in a sense of increased mindfulness rather than any structured approach. I went to vet school in the UK, which exposed me to liturgical traditions for the first time and was such a gift.

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Here's my question of the week, and I couldn't think of a better place to ask than here-

Let's start with a brief explanation: yesterday was the first time in weeks where I was able to fully clean my house. No but guys, seriously, it was like a hard core cleaning! I even scrubbed the tubs (a chore I usually skip by convincing myself that it doesn't need to be done since water is "always running through that area." It's a lame excuse but I use it way more often than I should). I sat down after and had that wonderful sense of accomplishment. I felt good. In those moments, I felt like a great awesome mom and wife.

Obviously, that feeling isn't bad. However, here in lies the problem: the two weeks prior, I was exhausted. Sick. Worn down from gestating life (36 weeks pregnant) and entertaining my 19 month old while my hubs (who is awesome and supportive and puts absolutely no pressure on me to do anything) is working like a dog.

So my question is: how do I hack that feeling in times when it isn't feasible to get it the honest/legitimate way? Anyone have any good tips or tricks? Letting go of the feeling all together? Adding things to a list like "watched my daughter entertain herself for 10 minutes" then crossing them off to hopefully replicate it? Throwing in the towel altogether and hiring someone to do all the things I no longer have time or energy for?

I like getting stuff done. I also know I have limitations. But I just hate the opposite feeling- that worthless unaccomplished bad wife and mom feeling. Soo I'm asking the Swipes hive mind for advice! Any and all in appreciated!

Oh and PS- Thank you to all who gave me advice a few weeks ago when I was struggling with the decision of how to have my newborn enter the world (C-Section or Vbac)! You all were so supportive and gave me some excellent tips that helped me prioritize and narrow it down. My new baby girl will be joining us via scheduled C-Section on March 9th and I can't wait!


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Oh girl. Tying your value to whether you've got a clean house (or polite children, or toned thighs, or, or, or...) is SUCH a losing battle. I know how good it feels, but real talk: it's just going to get trashed again. And it doesn't actually prove you're a good wife and mom, it just shows that sometimes you clean stuff. What if, instead of viewing it as a commentary on your worthiness, you look at it as a game of CandyLand? Which is to say, some days you win, and some days you lose, but no one says to their kid, "I can't believe what a pathetic CandyLand player you are." Similarly, you don't love your child more because they win at CandyLand - there are too many variables, no strategy, and sometimes you find yourself in the Peppermint Stick Forest when you really want to be with Queen Frostine. You celebrate the wins, and you get over the losses.

IDK, maybe I'm taking the analogy too far. But there's so much more to you than how good you are at winning at CandyLand, and I think the way to hack that feeling is to recognize that your value doesn't lie in how consistently you do anything. It lies in the fact that you EXIST. Period. You exist. You love your people and you keep playing CandyLand, and those things are beautiful and important, but truly, the only reason they're beautiful and important is because you are a part of them, just the way you are. Don't sell your lovely self short. ♥️♥️♥️

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We got a lot of snow in Chicago this week. I had to shovel which I do my best to avoid but it wasn’t the kind I could just drive my car over and wait for it to eventually melt. Boo. In person school was canceled but remote learning was not. Double boo. My three younger children who I am homeschooling this year were given a snow day because I am in charge (said in my Captain America voice). Please don’t report me to the truancy police.

Yesterday I learned that Wanda Maximoff from the Avengers is played by Elizabeth Olsen. As in the little sister of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. 🤯

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Hello. Hi. Hey.

Look, it’s been a bit of a weird week around here and if I’m honest with you, there’s some guilt around it. I mean, there’s a global pandemic happening and Texas is frozen - yet I found myself crying over the fact that I wanted to go sit by the ocean but couldn’t because I don’t yet have a drivers licence (I was a city girl for a long time and didn’t need one).

But also, more importantly, one of my friends had a miscarriage and she’s hurting and has a toddler running around demanding her energy and I just want to mute the toddler and give my friend time for a nap. This world sucks sometimes.

Another turd is Riverdale. Make it stop.

Here’s a few treasures though.

- this orzo recipe that I made yesterday after crying through Enola Holmes. It is simple and comforting and cheap and I will have another bowl thanks. https://www.thekitchn.com/one-pot-orzo-peas-parmesan-recipe-23123610

- Erin & Kendra talking faith was everything. I listened whilst on a bus and cried a little because crying a lot would be awkward. I look back and see so much fear in the way I reacted to others previously and now that I’ve found myself in a deconstruction space I feel fear of others rejecting me - and they have in some cases. But I have people swimming with me. And that’s the best.

- remember the tale of me trying to find a church? Well, I don’t know if you have these in your churches but your girl got elected to parish council this week at her new church and also made coffee for it because that’s how she feels at home.

- the Bridgetown Daily with John Mark Comer is the quiet faith vibe I need right now.

- after yesterday’s cry and then orzo, the husband and I went out on the paddle boards in spite of feeling tired and emotionally done. It was magical. Glassy water, barely anyone around, and we saw a stingray, a jellyfish and many many fish. What a delight.

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Girl, I am so grateful for you as you are. Thanks for sharing it all!

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I loved Enola Holmes. It quickly became a comfort movie for me.

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That orzo pasta recipe looks so good! I'll have to try it. Also way to go on parish council!

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I loved Enola Holmes. How ironic that we are talking about the language of flowers and she speaks that language.

Riverdale is traaaaaash LOL. I loved our convo about it this week. I loved our convos about many things this week.

But I may have to watch this week's ep tomorrow and let you know my thoughts. We can suffer together (hahaha).

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🚘 I decided on Sunday that I would go down an hour and a half to my bf’s town on Wednesday and stay through the weekend and I’m getting a taste of what life will be like after we are married and it’s wonderful.

🍙I’m on an Asian food kick recently and y’all. Ramen is amazing. REAL ramen. Not the college survival food. Good, fresh, flavorful, full of tasty things like boiled eggs and pork .... gives it to me precioussss

🧶+💕 my socks are knitted up and ready to give to my friend, who unexpectedly gave us a free afternoon to have a Valentine’s Day date. We hadn’t had a real date on our own since the beginning of January. It was wonderful. And honestly the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had in my 32 years of life on this earth. And all we did was eat poke bowls and look at furniture. I’m old now aren’t I?

🎙Erin and Kendras podcast about having a faith crisis gave me SO MUCH LIFE this week. I needed it all SO badly, and for the first time ever I went on my instastories and plugged it to my little 88-followers-private-account because I felt so strongly that everyone needs to hear it. I’m in a huge transition in my faith and while I feel confidant I’m not losing my faith in Jesus, I’ve lost my faith in the church. Big time. NOT a treasure, but the podcast helped me now I’m not alone and gave me some great resources to use to navigate things as I process. If you listened to the episode, and need someone to swim with you, I’m right there with you! Let’s build a raft out of flotsam from the wreckage and sail to another shore where those haters won’t be standing!

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Ramen is the BEST! Sounds like you are having a lovely week 💕💕

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I’m here for rafting away from the haters!!

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Handknit socks are the best gift.

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hello from the PNW. Praying for Texas. Ted Cruz makes me really angry.


- listening to The Switch by beth o'leery on audiobook. BRITISH ACCENTS! the story of a grandmother and her granddaughter and some light romance thrown in. HIGHLY recommend.

- Haim's newish album Women in Music. Such a mix of genres and sounds and is a feel-good play for sure.

- making a HUGE thing of bread dough and using it throughout to week to make rolls, cheesy twists, cinnamon bread, etc. WORTH the tiny amount of effort to have fresh bread all week long. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/7882201/no-knead-refrigerator-bread-dough/ (Also way easier than sourdough.)

- I BOOKED A TRIP. In MAY. WITHOUT KIDS. I'm going to do something. I am so excited. I mean, we'll see what the world is like, BUT YAY! Restrictions where I live have been among the country's strictest consistently this past year -- like schools are still not open, have never been open -- no eating in restaurants, still, and to think about going somewhere in my future... I just can't even fathom it.

- Austin Channing Brown's most recent post here is so good. "I needed to challenge the premise that the connections between the Gospel + race + justice are difficult to find, or require “wrestling” at all" https://austinchanning.substack.com/p/dear-nice-white-people

- Erin, your interview w/ Kendra was wonderful. I don't want to vilify who I was when I believed different things. I had my exposition of faith a number of years ago with a few things related to equity, belonging and other don't-touch-this church items, and it's good now to look back and process that journey I took and give grace to those who are on similar journeys - just at a different time.

My husband and I are doing a Feb spending freeze and it's been really good... and I'm using some of the time to not randomly purchase things, but be thoughtful and research what I want to buy. I'm thinking about some key things I want to refresh my wardrobe for spring, and a few things I want to add to my house. I did this also in October, and it's been a good practice to take a step back from buying things the moment I think (keyword here is think) I need them.

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Erika, have you ever heard the song “Dear Me” by Nichole Nordeman? It came to mind when I read what you said about not wanting to vilify yourself for the things you used to believe. It helped me tremendously when I started really going through my faith crisis a couple of years ago and holds a very special place in my heart.

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That Austin Channing Brown piece is so wonderful

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So so excited for your kid-free trip plans!

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I started the Switch but had to return to library audio book before I was done. Will need to put another hold for it if it is good :)

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Hello from Texas! Winter is here and it's just as bad as Jon Snow said it would be.

Honestly, though, I've felt incredibly lucky with what happened vs. what could have for my own family. We had rolling blackouts and have been on a boil water notice, but I've had friends without power for days, pipes burst, etc.

I've been most worried about the refugee's I work with in East Dallas, though. I volunteer with a literacy program that works out of the community rooms in their apartment complexes so I am intimately familiar with the issues they already face with cooling/heating during the normal seasons. If you could keep them in your prayers I would appreciate it so so much. The little girl I mentor's name is Wah, she is 5 and the sweetest little girl. I was out sick (non-covid related) a few weeks ago and when I came back she reminded me about 50 times how worried she was for me and how happy she was to see me again. (We currently have plastic barriers, are wearing masks at all time, and socially distanced.) If you are looking for somewhere to put your dollars, World Central Kitchen has been providing them with warm meals (https://donate.wck.org/give/327060/#!/donation/checkout).

I do have some very timely treasures, as well!

1- The coffee shop I manage has had power this whole time, so to try to provide a little warmth for the community our firefighter owner has been picking up the staff who live closest (and want to come in) and carpooling them up to the shop for a couple hours in between his own shifts. The videos I've been getting of the carpool are hilarious, and it's adorable.

2-This is the justification I needed for all of the candle purchases I have had in the past year. I will no longer hesitate to purchase that random candle because I might need it for 45 minutes of every hour after the sun sets!!! Also cute matches I bought for what I thought was no reason. Jesus knew there would be a reason.

3- Reading books by candlelight is a new type of bougie that I may be too easily slipping into. Do I have several Little Women style nightgowns saved on etsy? yes. Do I also have some beeswax candles and a handheld taper holder in my amazon cart? double yes. Catch me dressed like a March sister, cup of tea in hand, reading by candle light from now on.

4- It felt depressing to bring home the unsold valentines flowers from work last week but it's been so so so nice to have some pretty fresh things around the house this week. Leftover flowers I appreciate you! *cue "I jus wanna be appreshated" tiktok*

Ok, that's all. Thanks for being the best place on the internet!

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I’m so glad you are okay and don’t have any burst pipes!

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Yes to #3! Love it. You are a kindred spirit. Is it bad that I was a little sad when the power came back on and life immediately felt more hurried again?

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For real! My mom and i both said it was way too bright lol

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I agree that this week was another mixed bag of turds and treasures. But I have a friend who had a sudden cardiac arrest at home last weekend, who is hopefully getting discharged home from the hospital today. We genuinely did not know if he was going to be ok. Pretty much everything else has been turds (surprise painful medical test with mediocre news while dealing with covid vaccine side effects anyone?). So grateful for this space of amazing humans.

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Update: he was discharged and is home with his family!!

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Oh, that's wonderful!

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Oh, so scary! Glad your friend is okay and gets to come home today. Hope your weekend makes up for the awful week.

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Sorry it was such a turdish week, Kellie.

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Oh my gosh, Kellie, that's terrifying about your friend. So glad to hear he is being discharged soon.

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I don’t know when I set this picture of me or how to change it, I am a bit of a lurker on here and maybe posted once but am off social for lent and went to more deeply invest in my subscriptions...so hi! I’m Malorie.

I just want to say that I really appreciate everyone’s honesty and assertion that life is hard right now, the winter is long and someone other than me is struggling.

My husband has also been working a ton leaving me managing the kids (almost 4 and 1.5) on my. And here in month 11 of the pandemic I really just don’t have a lot left. He works from home so it’s also a lot of trying to keep the kids from bugging him (which he’s really wonderful about). We don’t really have support. So if I want a break, he needs to watch them. I became a SAHM when my daughter was born 1.5 years ago and then the pandemic hit and then I started homeschooling my now almost 4 y/o. It kind of feels surreal....like I haven’t actually done anything other than change diapers, wash laundry and dishes and feed everyone for 11 straight months.Oh and yoga with Adriene. That’s a treasure!!

And my other treasure is (even though I would really love to be alone for an hour without any responsibilities), my daughter kisses me and hugs me on each side of my neck before nap and bed and I’m 95% certain she does it because I need it and not because she needs it.

My last treasure and possible hot take is WandaVision. It’s my favorite thing in the MCU.

Also, congratulations to Sarah! It’s really great to share in your joy. My husband is my treasured companion. We sometimes bug each other but mostly just genuinely like being around each other. Even for 11 straight months with two small kids :)

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WANDAVISION FOREVER!!! Welcom Malorie! Thanks for showing up with your whole self 💕

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love yoga with adrienne! welcome to the comments :)

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Yoga with Adrienne is my favorite! Hang in there, those littles grow up so fast...It's cliché for a reason I think.

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As a mom with an almost 4 year old and a 16 month old, I'm with you, friend. These ages are HARD. And yes - those moments of sweet cuddles and affection are everything.

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It's really special when kids can tell you need affection. My son is our most affectionate one, and some nights he kisses me all over my face before bed, and usually exactly on the nights I need it.

Also, Wanda Vision is AMAZING.

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Sledding on Monday in Texas when the snow was still fun

Watching our community rally and help as we could

WandaVision today! hearing my teen watch all released episodes for the first time with his little sister. And hearing him be flabbergasted and her saying “just wait...”

Not being on IG and actually able to concentrate on a book and finish it!

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Yes! Not being on IG and actually having the focus to read a book, and it's just the first Friday of Lent! :)

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-I'm feeling incredibly blessed this week to have power at my house. Over here in Oregon, we also had a winter ice storm last weekend and about 90% of the city lost power late Friday/early Saturday morning. Somehow, we were lucky enough to get our power restored by noon on Saturday, but a huge portion of the city is still without power/water/internet, including most of my coworkers and friends. I'm praying for the rest of our city to get power restored, as well as those in Texas in the same boat.

-I've been having fun putting together our wedding registry this week. The Lil Swipes over in our Marco Polo group told me to over-register, so I've been putting all. the. things. on there. I was initially inclined to under-register so people would be more inclined to give cash gifts, but when am I ever going to have the chance to ask for people to gift us all these things again? It's been great!

-Last month, my parents insisted on having a small engagement party for us despite our trying to decline, so we're doing that this weekend. It'll just be my immediate family (mom, dad, Oma, maybe sister & fam) and Michael's immediate family (mom, bro, sister-in-law) so they can all meet before the wedding. The Boy and I told my parents we wouldn't do the party unless we all wore masks, which neither they nor his family were happy about, but thankfully they obliged since it's the only way we'd come to our own engagement party. The best thing about this party might be that we get to sample wine selections and cake for the wedding. 😂

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you all have a relaxing weekend, and if you're currently without power/water, I'm praying it gets restored ASAP!

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Sampling wine and cake? It's the perfect party! I hope you'll have a lovely time!

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YESSSS to the over-register. Share us the links when you are ready. Future shopping makes me so happy.

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I love hearing about all the engagement happenings! :)

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The other fun thing about over-registering is the discount you get on things people didn't buy you! 🤩 I hope you have the loveliest masked-up engagement party! Can't wait to hear about it!

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I will drive to Ted Cruz with you and to Governor Abbot for blaming the majority of power outages on the minority source of energy. I have So much angry political mom vibe in me right now. Now I will keep reading but needed to internet high five the urge to give a tongue lashing. I have drafted several strongly worded letters...in my head as a Texan.

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I'm pretty sure I've said it before, but I AM SO TIRED OF LIVING THROUGH HISTORIC EVENTS! How to I tap out? Where is the off switch? I am really starting to think I agree with Jamie Golden that if the Zombie Apocalypses happens I'm just going to turn myself over to the zombies. I AM NOT EQUIPPED!

Deep in the Heart of Texas this week has been so hard. 46+ hours with no electricity, a broken pipe (exterior thankfully), no water, every blanket we own on the couch, a terracotta space heater and lots of tears. We had to make the difficult call early this week to take the girls to my ex-husband because he had heat and a generator. I'm happy they have been warm and safe, but I hate not having them with us. WINTER JUMANJI SUCKS! Through all of it the Lil' Swipes have continued to be such a blessing. Also these candles (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FDVVRRU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) that I purchased for Holy Showers came in really handy.

I have LOTS of words about Ted Cruise...LOTS! I think Texas Monthly has done and excellent job of summing them up. https://www.texasmonthly.com/politics/13-curses-to-mutter-against-ted-cruz-while-you-boil-snow-to-drink/ Seriously considering one of these for my next crosstitch sampler.

Kasey Musgraves is a goddess!!!! I am here for the energy she is throwing at Ted!



That's all I've got! My whole heart is with my fellow Texans as we recover from the damage the last week has done and brace for what is still to come. I am sincerely grateful for this community and looking forward to reading all your treasures.

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Man, what a tough decision, and glad you are living. And Kacey is a FAVE

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So proud of you and the way you handled this week. Love you!!

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Why do I see icicles with the words "Enjoy Your Roof Poop" under them? LOL

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Those curses are amazing. Oh how sorry I am. Being cold freaks me out so I can't imagine what you and your community have been going through this week. Sending prayers and warm thoughts your way, Lauren!

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Lauren, those curses to mutter are EVERYTHING. So glad you and your sweet family are safe and warm now. ❤️

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We made it to Friday. Again.

These last two weeks have felt raw. At the beginning of last week I reached the very end of my Hope Rope. I have tied a knot in the end and am hanging on by my fingernails, but even that is starting to unravel. I feel a deep, existential dread in my soul as we come up on the 1 year anniversary of the Covid lockdown. I have fought so hard to be grateful and point my kids towards gratitude, but that is wearing thin as I reflect on The Lost Year. I find myself sitting, staring into the middle distance while my family approaches me cautiously to ask if I’m okay - and what’s for dinner.

It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything is fine.

I read this article this week about why we’re all hitting a pandemic wall right now, and felt seen.


This book of liturgies for every day moments has been a lifeline this week. If you ever wished you had a prayer for Drinking Your Morning Coffee, Laundering, or Changing Diapers, this is for you.


Thankful for this group - shared treasures lift the spirit, while shared turds make me feel less alone.

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That article definitely resonates. I have hit my wall by experiencing 2 separate panic attacks that came seemingly out of the blue. I’m learning that too much noise can really trigger my sensory overload. I’m feeling the need for the Every Moment Holy book!

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Knox posted that article in his newsletter this week and I'm feeling it too! I've been seeing a lot online and talking with friends and it seems like we're all hitting another wall with this thing.

Also, I'm adding that Every Moment Holy book to my Amazon cart RIGHT NOW. PUT IT IN MY VEINS.

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Hugs to you. The wall(s) is real. Our nervous systems were not build for this. <3

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Every Moment Holy was perhaps my very favorite "serious" purchase of 2020. There is a Liturgy for when you feel overwhelmed by too much information, and man that one hits every time.

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I like that one too.

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Yes, maybe that's why my shoulders and body ache today? I hit the pandemic wall.

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Seems logical.

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I have been feeling the pandemic wall alot more lately.

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Maybe the question is “what number pandemic wall have I just hit?” Because it’s certainly not the first one.

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Ummmm yes. Thank you for the revelation.

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Yes good point. We have become hurdlers 🤦🏻‍♀️

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