🤯💡 Question 2 on the Q&A! Why haven’t I realise that??? It’s such a relief to learn that I don’t need to share [insert another new hobby here] with anyone. And certainly don’t need to post it to smithereens on IG, Twitter, etc. I can just enjoy and practice in obscurity. Duh me! Thanks for this, Erin.

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I had that realization too!

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This week’s turds:

💩 a close family member was diagnosed with incurable cancer

💩 our governor lifted our mask mandate for discernibly no reason

💩 my sister and BIL booked their ticket to North Africa to finally go be missionaries. I mean, I’m happy for them but also sad they’ll be gone after spending a lot of time with this over the last year.

This week’s treasures:

💎 I got my second dose of the vaccine

💎 we took our first trip as a family of 5, the first time out of town since feb 2020

💎 the trip is to the beach and I think going to the beach in 65* weather may be my new favorite thing. Also seeing my 3yo live his best life in the ocean is magical.

It’s been a freaking roller coaster this week and I am exhausted by it. And yet it feels like... this is just what adulthood is like? Is that right? I’m only 32 (almost) so I haven’t lived much adulthood, but lately it just seems like a lot of crappy moments with sports of joy. Is this what it will be like forever?

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"A lot of crappy moments with spots of joy." Wow, yeah, that's exactly what it feels like. Although I really hope that's not what it will be like forever!

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I don’t think we can judge anything by what we’ve experienced during the last year. Also, it sounds like you have small kids which is the most intense parenting timeline. I’m much (much) older than you and I can definitely remember times when things rolled along pretty predictably. Hang in there, Mama.

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This week has felt like an entire month! I honestly feel like I have experienced the full range of human emotions and have had a feelings hangover for a few days.

I just started a new job as an adoptions case manager with the state last month, which is equal parts amazing, heartbreaking, heart mending, frustrating, and fulfilling. This week included amazing tales of families falling in love with kids and heartbreaking moments with some of my other kids who still haven’t found their forever home. It’s a lot and I love it and I’m trying to figure out how to set boundaries so that my job stays my job and doesn’t become my whole life. I’ve never loved a job the way I love this one and it’s great, but this job is still very draining and I know if I don’t set up boundaries I will burn out quick. Anyone in a similar position with advice on how to set boundaries on careers you love?

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Not my job, but my daughter is a social worker for kids with developmental disabilities. She has learned to set hard start times and end times each day. She also learned that she can put her work phone and email on hold over the weekend. It teaches people how to treat you. Good luck!

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Your dad's advice on the job is excellent! Especially for me and I am 55. I want to move to another city but would probably need to take a pay cut. In my present job I have decent benefits work with good people. Plus I really do not want to start a new job working from home. I feel like it would be a disaster. So thanks for that!

As far as the Royal family goes, I'm over them. I was over them after Diana died because I just couldn't deal with the family. I was an '80s teen, and I was a hard-core Diana fan. I thought things would be better once William and Harry got married but it's not. I say good for Harry and Megan live your life. William and Kate are happy. Don't get me wrong, I'll definitely watch the Oprah interview.

I really enjoyed the Q&As! Have a great week!

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The week is done and I am so glad! I've been missing out on catching up with you Lil Swipes each week but I feel like March 2020 Ashley right now. What is time? 😖🤯

❤️Made it to week 28 of pregnancy only to have the whole family come down with what could have been Rona, but actually turned out to be the Preschool Plague. I'm sure many of you are familiar! Sadly for the pregnant mom, I drew the short straw and am still sick because most modern medicinal cures are off limits to me. So, I'm headed to sinus infection land. If you're counting, that's strep, a stomach bug and now a sinus infection...all before the third trimester. Lord help me. 👀😂

💁🏻‍♀️Finally decided the beginning of my second trimester was high time to start nesting/actually preparing for the imminent arrival of Baby 2! Up until this point we have done nothing and still don't have names picked out 😂😳. BUT I did order my son’s big boy bed and all the trappings that go along with his new room so I can start on the nursery at some point before May (he's currently occupying that space). As much of a planner as I am, it's startling to everyone around me how little I'm stressed about this. 🤷🏻‍♀️

💔I have so many friends going through it right now, medically and personally. Life is still hard. It's hard to know the right things to say or do, but I'm doing my best Enneagram 2 and sending food delivery and coffee gift cards when I don't know what to say.

TikTok Treats:

❤️ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeMVxWwM/






Have a great weekend, gals! ❤️❤️

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Heavenly farts, I CANNOT

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Welcome to the third trimester! We didn’t have my second’s name picked out until after his arrival - I was also surprisingly chill about it. We even ended up naming him one we had vetoed earlier on (anyone else remember the Friends episode where Phoebe suggested Rachel & Ross name their baby “Veto”? 😆😆)

Life is much chiller the second go around & I imagine a pandemic pregnancy means you really do just have to go with the flow. Enjoy your third trimester!

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We really made it difficult by choosing not to find out the gender either pregnancy so I'm only anxious because ideally we need to have a name for each. 😂😂😂

Oh well, maybe we’ll be inspired in the hospital. 🤪

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Happy 3rd trimester!

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Things have been... really hard. I will start with turds and see if I can find some treasures.

The year started off with an insurrection, and the fallout from that means that my husband and I are not in relationship with our families and old friend groups any more. My 50th birthday was on inauguration day, which seems like maybe it would be fun. I mean Lady Gaga's dress and that poem (!), but it was actually an emotional, stressful day. We live in a capital city and there were warnings of more unrest, so we didn't leave our house. My husband did his best to celebrate me, but mostly we just watched inauguration stuff and lamented. At least there was cake!

Then in early February he had a diverticulitis flareup which, several times, has nearly sent us to the ER (which we are trying to avoid, bc our Covid numbers are bad here) and which he is still fighting. The fear and worry and stress (we are self-employed business owners, and he is the only one working hours right now, so we are losing all our income) and sleeplessness (the dogs and I have to sleep on the couch) has been taking its toll. I can't leave the house much when he is really sick in case he has an emergency, so no Stupid Walks for days on end, which means my two herding dogs are bored and sad (they think they are in trouble).

Needless to say Valentines Day sucked. And we'd already lost out on our 10th anniversary celebration (we were supposed to go to the ocean for our actual anniversary and then to Italy over Christmas). And my husband is still in recovery mode after two rounds of antibiotics, so we will not be able to celebrate HIS 50th birthday either. No cake. No booze. No fun foods at all. And he is emotionally worn out from everything. It sucks.

And the final delight is that one of my eyes is having "flashes" which could be normal eyeball stuff or my retina tearing. Yay! I have been navigating insurance and referrals and whatnot all week, and hopefully can get in to the ophthalmologist next week. But any potential exposure to Covid for us is super risky, so I am bummed that I have to have a bunch of people all up in my face for an hour when we are *so close* to getting vaccinated. I mean. Couldn't this happen, like, in October when my husband is well and we are both riding the antibody waves? Sigh.

And all of this without family/friend support. It has just been too much stuff. Thank you for "listening". Things that are saving my life:

- Wandavision + snacks. I make the junkiest microwave popcorn I can and dump a box of hot tamales into it and go to town. I also watched The Crown and re-watched Schitts Creek. I'm about to watch Queen's Gambit...

- Beautiful spring flowers. I mean, it is a bummer because we really need rain. (My state spends several months a year on fire even when we do get rain, so it makes us all nervous when it doesn't rain.) But man. Sitting on the patio in the sun, watching bees bob in the flowers and all over the trees in bloom. Helps a LOT.

- Our little dogs. They are bored and sad. But cute. And they know we are upset, so they are being extra cute and snuggly.

- Teatime - To create some kind of sanity in the working, cleaning, nursing, cooking two sets of meals, managing all the admin work, doing all the maintenance/yardwork for our duplex, and trying to take care of these dogs, etc. I have been having teatime every afternoon. LIke, actual teatime with china cup and saucer and little cute cookies. I even made little tea sandwiches a few times. I ordered an actual teapot, which should arrive tomorrow and I am dorkily excited. It is my 20 minutes of calm every day.

- Siete taco shells - Thank you Bri McKoy. In These Unprecedented Times a taco salad does not cut it, and I have a corn sensitivity, on top of needing gluten free, and needed to choose between my popcorn or tortillas, so I chose popcorn (otherwise I have painful skin blisters). The last few weeks I made actual tacos Taco Tuesday and felt like a person.

Phew! Thanks again for listening. If I think up more treasures, I will add them as comments. I'm sure there are more. I'm just tired. Thanks for sharing every week, Swipes. I don't often get to comment, but I do like this lovely spot on the Internet.

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That is so much! I’ll be thinking of you & your husband this week. Your teatime ritual sounds so lovely.

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Thank you!

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That’s a lot to manage, Dawn! I hope you are finding ways to nurture yourself while being an around the clock caretaker. Praying things make an upswing soon.

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Thank you!

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I love your tea time ritual. Great idea!

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It has really been a life saver.

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You & your husband sure are going through a LOT! Maybe we can be surrogate family for you in a way? Thank you for sharing all that you did, I hope it makes the load feel a little lighter. I love the idea of daily afternoon teatime! A pause to take a little time for you. 😊

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Thank you! And yes. That break makes all the difference!

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My goodness, that is a lot for two people to handle. I’m so sorry for the losses and challenges you are facing. Thank you for sharing with us and letting us be a part of your life right now. Sending love from Texas!

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Thank you! Sending love back to Texas, y'all have had a wild month too!

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Hello! I have been a swiper since the beginning, but I have a don’t read the comments kind of philosophy usually, and I haven’t hung out here. That’s kind of changed since doing momento mori and so here I am! You all seem nice and I want to be your friend.

The things you should know about me—

I am (a)

🍩 Reader.

🍩 Teaching virtually part time this semester after some time away from the profession (I worked at a library!) I have chronic pain so this suits me well, but I miss actually seeing students. I teach Public speaking right now but my background is in English. Let me know if you need a paper proofed—I’m your girl.

🍩 Generalized craft enthusiast

🍩 Recovering Southern Baptist and know-it-all. For me, that Venn diagram is a circle.

🍩 Reluctant Taylor Swift fan

🍩 Enneagram 4 and INFP who is delighted by all the feelings in these posts. This is my jam.

My life is okay at this moment, but I’ll let you know when that changes. I feel like I’ve already taken up enough space.

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Hi Katey! Welcome!

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Glad you are here 🎉

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Hello! 👋

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Welcome! There is way more space for you. I love that you used donuts for bullets. I want a donut now... :)

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Y'all... whatever else has happened this week - God has shown up. I got my tax refund super quick. My state's unemployment back-paid me for time that a benefit extended for those only working part-time (which is where I'm still at). And then my Instantcart shopper, who was an absolute gem while shopping, delivered the wrong order - so now I get all the food/stuff delivered by accident, plus a $10 credit, & they're reshopping & delivering my order in the next few hours. (I'm not on a time restraint, so I have 0 cares for when I get things.)

Whatever low-key stressing I'd been doing in regards to protection/provision, God is showing off about how He is my ultimate Protection and Provision. <3

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Hello friends!

Apparently my Mondays lately have been wanting to truly be Mondays. My dad went to the ER for back pain but it turned out to be some muscular damage to floating ribs.

I screamed into my newspaper over my senators and my governor (IA) decisions and questions and wondered why on so many levels.

Anyway my treasures.

1) Switching my showers to the morning instead of at night and taking a bath night on Fridays. I have been doing this for a week and it is a game changer to my days. I also give myself a foot massage while I'm in the shower and it is bliss.

2) Finished a beautiful puzzle from @wander puzzle company. Such gorgeous designs and messages!

3) More time outside in the sun because IA weather is strange and beautiful. It is March so I am expecting at least one more snowfall but it is nice to see my garden beds re-emerge. Also the birds have returned to the area and I love hearing them singing in the mornings.

4) Threw together a little nook under my picture wall so the corner is now usable! I also highly recommend @arloandelm candles especially Oak-Moss Fig and Coffee Arabica. They are a local company to me and the light in my nook under quotes from saints is a gift.

Love to all!

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The singing birds are what give me a lot of hope right now.

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I love your Friday night bath ritual! That sounds lovely. Checking out the puzzle recommendation too - we always do one at Christmas but would love to be working one year round!

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I don’t often post in these comments - for one thing, it’s usually afternoon before I read through everyone else’s (not sure why but something compels me to read everyone else’s first!) and I feel a little bit like that kid who stands to the side of the group, watching but not feeling comfortable joining in. It’s how I’ve always been, I’m sure being an introvert, 9, and a HSP creates the perfect storm! But I want to be a part of this lovely community so will screw up my courage.

I will be sharing Erin’s dad’s brilliant advice with my husband. He has been really frustrated at his job for a while now, and wondering if he should look for a new one. The problem is he is 58, and it took a year and a half to get this one after he was laid off 3 years ago. Ultimately it is up to him, after all he’s the one who has to work there, but maybe this perspective will help him decide if it’s worth it.

One of my treasures is how my Lenten fast of no Instagram (except for Sharonsaysso) is going. I thought it would be really difficult but I have hardly missed it. I magically have time to read books, knit, and get things done around the house - it’s embarrassing how much time I was spending scrolling endlessly!😫 The Memento Mori study & community are another treasure - lots of good stuff to think about & process!

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I am the same as you with comments. We can hang out at Camp. :)

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That sounds awesome! ☺️

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I also want to read everyone else's comments first, and by the time I have, a dozen more have been posted! 😂 I'm glad you found the courage to comment because we love to hear from you!

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Thank you, friend!

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I hope the words of wisdom help your husband. That's a tough place to be in. And girl, I regularly have to remind myself it's ok to post first, read later. I'm glad you found your courage!

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Thank you, friend!

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I've been trying to decide whether I need time away from social media but it is also how I am getting my social connection these days. It is hard to find balance but I might start implementing weekend breaks. Also, hello fellow Governerd!!!

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Hello! Isn’t she wonderful?!

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Thank you, Dana!

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The first half of my week blew chunks. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday about Hanks speech therapy and IEP. One of his speech therapist (the county school therapist)stepped way out of bounds. The amount of sobbing I did left me feeling like the poster child for raisins and in need of six liquid IVs. Thankfully my girl gang was there to calm me down and fire me up! I met with all the people for Hank and we gathered a plan, a good plan for Hank.

Then today I got the best surprise. What feels like a literal gift from Jesus himself. When I picked up Hank from preschool his teacher whom I love reminded me that her son had needed speech therapy. And he in fact had taken speech from the very same therapist Hank sees privately. She said she’s been pulling out all her old tricks to engage Hank! She then topped of my day by telling me that Hank had such a good week behavior wise ( after being told by the county therapist he has behavior issues) that he earned a prize from the prize box!!! I want to rub it in her dang face! But alas that is not Christ like... God is in the details y’all. Even the teeny tiny ones!! He sees the big picture and the small! Hold tight to that my friends!

All my love to the best internet gang in all the land!!!

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I think crying in an IEP is a given. They can be so tough. Glad the week ended better!

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They are tough, but I don’t think they should be. I just don’t know how to fix it!

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My son has been in speech therapy since he was 3 (he is now 9.5). The beginning is the hardest. You just keep advocating for your baby and he will do just fine. I am so sorry that the IEP was so hard. They are so monstrously hard at the beginning. Lots of hugs to you!

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Thank you!!!

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One other treasure I forgot to list.

My husband made this purchase last week



This thing is a GIFT.

It makes the most perfect breakfast sandwiches.

I love it with my whole heart

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Holy mackeral! My husbands favorite thing is breakfast sandwiches. I think I need this.

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You will not regret it!

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Oh my goodness, I've never seen anything like it!

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IT IS THE BEST THING EVER. It makes absolutely perfect sandwiches. I have been making them with a scrambled egg mixed with half and half and they are like souffled eggs and so so perfect.

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Well, now I'm hungry! That sounds so good.

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I just watched the video - that is slick!! Where was it when I was making breakfast every dang day for my kids?!

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You still have to get it. GET IT!

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I love that sandwich maker. It is a game changer.

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IT IS THE BESSSSSST!!!!! Our teenager (14) loves it so much, he is excited for breakfast each day which is also a win.

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Soooo are we group watching/tweeting the Oprah special?!

This is the week my son’s ice and roller hockey seasons overlap so I need something to cling to...

My son (13) will not be a great hockey player. He doesn’t even really try to be, he is there mostly because hockey is all around him (my husband and I met at hockey and my husband works/owns sports medicine company that covers almost every youth hockey club in STL) and for the camaraderie. We purposefully keep him on the less competitive rec teams and this year there was only one in his age bracket and at the lower skill tier. Perfect for him but because of Covid and not wanting to pay the extra for travel and competitive teams that wouldn’t be able to travel and compete in tourneys, our team ended up with 12 players (no goalie)

with a huge gap or “diversely” skilled on one team. Literally one kid put skates on for the first time at our first practice and other kids have been playing since they could walk. I was worried but it ended up being the best experience on any team so far. Each player on the team is better for it. The more skilled inspired and supported the less. The less skilled worked hard and listened. There were games where the natural high scorers stopped taking shots and instead patiently passed over and over and over to give their teammates a chance to have big moments. The kid who just learned to skate worked hard and ended up on top line by end of the season. Their teamwork paid off and they were able to upset the #1 seed and take the division title last Sunday. They even got a championship trophy cup to pass around the next two weeks (Stanley Cup style). So proud of them and know they will be better adults and coworkers when it’s their time.

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Can't wait for Sunday night! It feels a little like the super bowl?

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This is the best! I love it so much.

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Umm...my eyes are leaking. What an amazing experience for your son!

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Forgot to add we had to borrow goalies from the next lower age division and the team always embraced and thanked them for helping out at games. For any of you that haven’t experienced middle schoolers who have to interact with elementary kids, this alone is worthy of all the awards.

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Haha my brother was a goalie and I definitely remember him being "borrowed" to play for other teams all the time!

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Cindy - thank you for restoring my faith in humanity to come. Give them all awards! :)

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Definitely a “the kids are alright” moment.

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I love this! Congrats to the boys!

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I’ve never felt more seen than reading about Erin’s dad taking them on an annual pilgrimage to Branson, MO. I know that wasn’t the point of that Q&A but that was my exact life. Plz can we compile a list of our sad and trashy but also delightful Branson faves? Here are mine:

🎢 Silver Dollar City, obvs.

🤠 Dolly Parton’s Stampede (bonus points if you’ve been to the Gatlinburg version as well)

🐟 That BIG Bass Pro

💵 When they got the good outlets (I had to think hard but I just remembered it’s called Branson Landing)

🪙 The Five and Dime

🏰 The Knight’s Inn with truly elite medieval theming

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When I was in high school (in Illinois) our choir went on spring break tour in Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas, and we stopped in Branson and saw the Osmond Family. After the show we got to come up on stage and sing for them - mostly I was disappointed that we didn't get to go to SDC. I grew up in Oklahoma, and the highlight of my life as an eight year old had been the log ride.

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I live about two hours from Branson and my grandma used to live there, so we went ALL the time!

I can still smell the unique mixture of hot asphalt and kettle corn at SDC on a hot summer’s day right now.

Did you ever get one of those old-timey pictures made? Loved those!

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My treasure this week: a moment of "normalcy" in class today as my students sang along to the song "We Are Young" because it was stuck in my head. Teaching this year is of course challenging, and that was a glimmer of light I needed!

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Thanks all, for your prayers last week for my birth! And thanks Erin, for sharing that victory with everyone! I had a successful VBAC! I got the benefit of lowering my stress by scheduling a C-Section, without having to actually have the C-Section. It was awesome!

Here's a quick recap of my birth story:

Basically, my water broke around 6:30 Thursday night and for 24 hours pretty much nothing happened! Anyone else been there? I was doing all the things to get contractions going: long walks through the labor and delivery halls, bouncing on a peanut shaped exercise ball, and pumping to my heart's content, to name a few. Contractions would start but as soon as I stopped, so too would the contractions. It was just never consistent and after 24 hours, I hadn't progressed at all. I was super discouraged, hungry (they don't let you eat if you're a risk for a c-section.) Enter epidural and pitocin. I know for some people those two terms are scary. But in my story, they get the title of heros. I came to understand through the process that with a VBAC, they try their hardest to not medically intervene and let your body do it's thing because that generally gives the best chance for it to work. But my body just wasn't responding. After starting pitocin and getting an epidural, I was finally seeing changes. And 5 hours later I was pushing! The best part by far was the moment after she entered the world, everyone in the room celebrated along with me! Cheering and hugging each other. High fiving and congratulating me! It was just the coolest thing! Here's a group of women who do this all the time, but that didn't make the celebration any less awesome. Besides actually getting to hold my newborn and kiss my husband, that is my treasure for the week. May we all encourage and celebrate each other in that way! If you made it this far, thanks for reading! And thank you all so much for your prayers last week!

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Congrats Robyn!!! Woo hooO!

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Robyn, congrats on your VBAC! I absolutely remember after my first VBAC feeling like I was on top of the world and everyone was up there with me and I agree. It's the coolest thing. YOU DID IT. She's here, and you did it. Way to go you.

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So happy for you! She is darling!

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I had a VBAC too and it was so scary but awesome and the perfect baby boy who came from it is now a surly, moody 12-year-old. Thank you for sharing your story...I do love reading/hearing birth stories...maybe that's why I love "Call the Midwife" so much!

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Congrats Robyn!!! I’ll always count laboring my two babies among my top accomplishments. It’s hard work no matter how it happens, but I am so glad you got the birth you wanted! (Love a good birth story - they always make me tear up! 😭)

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After last weekend, I think I'm beginning to love them as well.

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Congratulations!! She is so beautiful! So happy that all things worked out well. Enjoy those sweet snuggles and take care of yourself!

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Congratulations! She is so precious, what a gorgeous baby! And I love how they celebrated with you.

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Congratulations, Robyn!!! I love birth stories, and yours is extra joyful.

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Welcome to the world, sweet Ivy Joy!! You are a loved baby and you have the sweetest name!

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I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, ROBYN. Congratulations. She is absolutely beautiful, and you ROCKED that birth, mama. I also love pitocin + epidural. My second birth was freaking great because of that combo. For my first, I opted for no meds, which was its own thing haha. I mean, I don't regret it - in fact, I think it made me appreciate the second experience that much more!

Again, congrats & blessings to you and your fam. 💜

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Thank you! And thank you for your encouragement!

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What a sweet story! Congrats, Robyn! I have tears thinking about delivering my second in just three short months! 🥺😭❤️

I too, loved me some Pitocin and epidural. Of course, this time I’ll ask for the epidural sooner 😂🙈

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They are heros in their own right!

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Yay for a successful VBAC! I had one in April :)

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Hopefully never going back! 🤞

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