It's Tuesday now - we've almost made it to Friday ;). I am working out of town this week and thought I'd make it to the beach. Oh the bridges are still out from the last hurricane that blew through. Guess I'll stick to watching my porn...pimple popping at Vietnam spas! (It's a sickness, really. Anyone else??)

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My treasures this week in part have been being vaccinated and spending part of my birthday celebrating Mr. Rogers' birthday https://thankyoumisterrogers.com/.

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The closest I ever get to a New Year's resolution is "I should probably try to do x." This year, x = trying to get on top of my health because I'm 30 now, and a Big Girl. Did you know that doctors can give you medicine to make you feel better? I did not, apparently, but anyway my ankle hurts less and I'm sleeping a little better and I have another appointment Monday to go over routine labwork.

The deer have eaten all but two of the daffodil blooms I was so proud of. It was nice while it lasted.

Having never seen a single Mission Impossible movie, I have spent the last few weeks watching the entire franchise, and...they're great? I mean, some of them were written entirely around one or two big action sequences and it shows and I love it. Highly recommend this as a weekend activity.

On another note, I am teetering on the edge of professional burnout, and I think the only thing that's keeping me sane is the existence of an exit strategy. I'm hoping that better physical health will help me push through (see above), but I've still got several months to go and it's going to be a long summer. Also, this is the first job I've ever had without a pre-determined expiration date, so if anyone has advice on how to quit a job, I'm all ears!

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Love this on de/reconstruction. Exactly this.

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Honestly, if it weren’t for your Swipe Up, I wouldn’t know it is Friday.

Quick second introduction, my name is Bandi and I couldn’t tell you 5 songs I’ve listened to in the last ten years. I will not be assembling any lists. I crave silence or audio books when I have my own time to control the radio. I’m surrounded my small people who ask Alexa to play “Cat flushing a toilet” or to play every single version of “Mr. Grinch.” (If you’re curious there are many.)

We bought a new car this week. A real legit new car. My first new car. Ever. Not used. Not new-to-us. I am the first driver and I don’t know what to do with myself. We took the fake car payment we’ve been making ourselves since we paid off my old car in 2015, the stimulus money, the trade-in penance on my hoopty van we’ve driven until the wheels fall off, and got a real life new mini van. I appreciate all Ts and Ps at my will and determination toward keeping all food and non water drinks OUT of my mama car. This van has big shoes to fill, and I desire less questionable gunk at the end.

I’ve spontaneously hosted my fully vaccinated parents, and grandmother this weekend, and met my sister halfway to borrow her kids the past two days and it has filled my cup right up. They all leave tomorrow and I need a nap before we begin the big haul to the end of the year. Here we go no breaks or vacations or school holidays till may. 💪🏼

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I am the same about craving silence and I don’t even have littles anymore! Most of the time all I need is nature sounds otherwise I feel overstimulated. My music listening loving husband and I have had to work out a compromise over the almost 36 years we’ve been married! Good on you and your first brand new car!! Very exciting - enjoy that new car smell for me. 😉

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Also I just called Thursday and Friday “this weekend” in my post. Obviously I have a clue what day it is. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Long week for me this week- my boyfriend lost his grandpa on Monday due to COVID, I had a job interview that I felt like went okay but haven’t heard back from them, feeling more and more like another week at my current job will make me go actually insane.

But! I made chicken pot pie filling to freeze on Wednesday and have not yet come down from the high of how tasty it was 😍 and my roommates are out of town so I get some alone time.

Also I’m in love with Target’s flavored coffees. I’m having a decaf creme brûlée flavored coffee right now and it’s all I need ☕️

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I had a little emotional break down last week and again this morning I got with my therapist. My 24 yr old niece whom I ADORE is getting married in May, and staring at the wedding invite has me in my feelings about being the spinster aunt. I remember when I assumed this little bit would be my flower girl... and alas, here I am at 42, as single as ever. I’m happy, I love my life, but the weight of singleness hits hard when it hits.

Another thing I talked to my therapist about today was body image and how I’m figuring that out after losing 85 pounds due to an eating disorder that I was praised for because I didn’t “look” like I had an eating disorder. Anyway, I’ve healed my relationship with food and exercise but I still don’t love who I see in the mirror. So I’m in my feelings about that too... but I did see this on Instagram today and I’m sharing because these are my words even if I didn’t write them. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMman0GhWyp/?igshid=tmg56z549b7u

Thanks for being such a kind and lovely group when the world is anything but. 💙

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Sending you so many hugs Erin! I feel you on both fronts-- I'm 36 and single AF (and mostly fine with it)- and struggling with my body these days- weight and health are battling each other, and then I just want to give up and lose motivation. Wish both of these topics were easier to navigate. You are not alone and I'm so glad that you've come to a great place about yourself.

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Powerful IG post. Thanks for sharing!

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Happy Friday afternoon to all!

Can I just say.... Daylight Saving Time can kiss my whole butt. I was doing so good at the beginning of the year with waking up early to have God time and workout before 8am, and now that has all gone down the drain. I spent part of my week writing all of my legislators to let them know how I feel, but I don't think they care :(

These past few weeks with work have been so strange. I can't seem to care about much at all and I'm just ready for a change. With that being said.... I have an interview for a different job on Tuesday and would really appreciate your prayers! I've had a lot of rejection in that area recently and it's been hard to keep the faith that something better lies ahead.

Moving onto treasures!!!!

- I got my 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine on Monday!!!! I'll get my 2nd dose on April 7th and then I'll be free to lick all the doorknobs.

- we survived another tornado outbreak with no structural damage

- When you get your stimulus check on Paddy's Day: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMhecIYBteP/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

- I can't wait to dance at a bar again (yes, I used to be a heathen): https://www.instagram.com/p/CMNjPiqBJZb/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

- I can't wait to go back to Nashville and ride a mechanical bull again: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMU6rtJFokT/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

- the vaccines as real housewives: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMDi3FphdGc/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

- if the Johnson & Johnson vaccine could talk: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMFFZ2LHGN3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

- look at this baby pony: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMM0gbZoxOf/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

- now look at this fake pony: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMIMKtHqtLs/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

I can't wait to catch up with everyone in the comments! I love y'all soooo much!

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We're in complete agreement on Daylight Saving Time. Praying for your job interview!

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Prayer for that job interview! Hope it goes well.

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Thank you fellow Lauren!

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Hi friends!

I keep trying to think of a mix tape and it's nothing but paralysis with the options. I'm going to have to chew on that a bit more and see if I can get something together.

For now, my treasures are:

-L'il Swipes book club of All Things Reconsidered by Knox McCoy

-Weekly Bachelor watch parties with Megan (and accompanying pizza and adult beverage). For real, b/c giving up television for Lent was SUCH A DUMB IDEA. So this is where we're at. Excited for Bachelor.

-Jacki (from the comments here) shared this recipe, which I made this week and could swim in b/c it's that delicious: https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/asian-beef-bowls.html

-A few surprise calls/Facetimes from friends spread near and far this past week.

-My church is returning to in-person (outside, socially distanced & masked) services starting Easter Sunday. I'm a little teary at the idea of getting to see beloved faces on Easter morning.

-A friend had a horrible skiing accident two weeks ago (had surgery on his back and wrist) and I got the first positive, smiling communication from him yesterday since that all went down. Thrilled he's recovering.

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What a wonderful list of treasures! I love it and I'm so happy for you!

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Thank you!!!!!

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I think I have officially decided I have to watch the next season of the Bachelorette. Especially if I get to watch it with you and Megan.

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I need IN on this too! I watch Mondays bc I cannot live in a spoiler world.

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We have had such fun. I think Avery and Mel have been watching together, too.

Ridiculous adult drama is made much better with beloved community...

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I think I have officially decided I have to watch the next season of the Bachelorette. Especially if I get to watch it with you and Megan.

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excellent treasures my friend! so excited for you to get to return to in-person church!

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Mini mix tape! Mine are songs that I have loved for years, mostly from my college days in the mid-90s, which is the last time I seriously bought or listened to music.

1. The Language of the Heart by David Wilcox. Really, everything he's ever recorded, and a lot that he hasn't.

2. Basta, Basta, Basta by Louis Prima and Keeley Smith. Their collaborations bring me so much joy.

3. Lead Me On by Amy Grant. This was one of the first albums I ever bought for myself (in middle school?) and I still love it.

4. Love Your Enemies by Andrew Peterson. He's such a terrific songwriter.

5. No by Meghan Trainor. That whole album makes me want to dance, and I love listening to it with my kids around!

What else? We got two feet of snow on Sunday. The kids had one snow day and one remote day. I didn't step foot outside from Friday night to Wednesday morning, which was long, but not unpleasant.

I'm curious why there's been so little conversation around why Asian women seem to predominate as employees in "massage" parlors. I'm having such a hard time calling this a hate crime when the demographics would make it impossible to shoot up a massage parlor and *not* kill an Asian woman. Am I wrong about this perception? Can we talk about the injustice of a system that sorts Asian women into either nail salons or massage parlors if they speak little to no English and have no immediately applicable job skills - both places where the employee is clearly subservient to the customer? If I'm wrong, please tell me because I want to avoid preconceptions that are inaccurate and stereotypical.

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I think it’s a hate crime because he killed Asian women. He went to those massage parlors because he knew he’d find his chosen targets, regardless of why they were working there.

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According to the reporting, he was targeting employees of specific massage parlors he'd gone to previously, and those employees happened to be Asian. He wasn't looking to kill Asian women, he was looking to kill massage parlor employees. It's nuanced for sure.

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Good Morning Friends! Can I tell you how much I treasure this space? It is the bright spot in my Fridays for sure. This week has been a mix of treasure and turd for sure. My new heart just turned 3 (yay!) and part of that includes a bunch of testing that is the absolute definition of no fun...(boo!). I had a reaction to the catheterization process and now my right let is about 50% bigger than my left, and the technicolor bruise is something to see (boo!). The results of the cath though were great! The surgeon came in and said my arteries are pristine! (Yay!) I am on strict rest restrictions through the weekend and therefore had to cancel a camping trip to the redwoods I had planned. (boo!). Grateful to still be here and for those beautiful pristine arteries! Organ donation is a miracle and that is never lost on me. It is ALL worth it. The reality of God is good is driven home through these hard times - because I get to get up in the morning.

My PSA to all of you parents out there. If you have any history of heart issues in your family, please get your kids a cardiac screening. Especially if they're athletes. Why it's not required as part of the sports physical is beyond me. My transplant resulted from a genetic issue that wasn't caught until I was 29. I made my kids go get screened and all of my friends kids have heard my PSA too. You are all my friends, so you get my heartfelt PSA too!

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Sorry you had to cancel your trip but praise the Lord for pristine arteries!

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You're cherished smell reminds me of a time a few months ago I was about to get out of my car to go into Target. I put on my face mask and immediately could smell my Nan. It left as quick as I smelled it, and I can't even tell you what perfume or makeup she wore, but it was a new mask so I can 99.9% guarantee I was not wearing anything that she did. She passed about 12 years ago. I almost cried right there in the parking lot. It was such a bizarre thing, but I'm grateful for whatever it was!

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A 5-song mixtape is such a fun idea and if somebody does do some sort of compilation I hope the link will get posted in an obvious place. :D

Mine would definitely be in constant flux but if I'm building one right this second, it would be...

1. "Feeling Good" - Michel Bublé

2. "Higher Ground" - Stevie Wonder

3. "I Miss the Mountains" - Alice Ripley (Next to Normal)

4. "God is Not Abusive" - Common Hymnal/Brittney Spencer

5. "Back to Before" - Marin Mazzie (Ragtime)

Tossing in some musical theatre 'cause I know Erin will dig it and also I just really miss performing.

My treasure this week was telling my dad that in a week's time, when both our vaccinations have reached full efficacy, I'm gonna come over to his house and hug him and sit in his living room unmasked to chat. He's 74 and I haven't hugged him in over a year. I can't wait.

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Praise God for getting to hug your dad again

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Hooray for hugging your dad! That's wonderful!

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what did I do instead of working this a.m.?

put the songs into a collaborative Spotify playlist:


and my 5 additional:

- superstition by Stevie wonder

- glorious by macklemore

- it was always you by maroon5

- can't hold us by macklemore

- undeniable by mat kearney

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Erika, great minds think alike! I’ve been planning to make these mixtapes into a collab Spotify and was building the list only to finally reach this comment and see you did it already. Yay!! Glad you were on top of it.

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P.S. You might want to share the link again on the next newsletter post. It might have gotten overlooked in the comment swarm (like I did). 😏

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West coast problems! :) It's a collaborative link, so feel free to add to it! And I did email Erin it directly as I think it likely was lost.

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also for those deconstructing or doubting or whatnot, this sermon from Portland's Bridgetown church is wonderful: https://bridgetown.church/teaching/future-church/deconstruction-doubt-with-a-j-swoboda/

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Hi friends!

For my mix tape, I picked songs that never fail to make me feel something deeply. So, while the vibe is more melancholy/gritty than I feel like I am personally, that's just where we are today.

- Sailboat by Ben Rector

- All too Well by Taylor Swift

- Let it Matter by Johnnyswim

- Still Wonderful by Johnnyswim

- Dear Me by Nichole Nordeman

- Showing Up by Alex G

Treasures this week:

- Book club with fellow Lil' Swipes. It was just so nice to get to see everyone in person.

- I ordered this citrus press and it came in this week. https://www.amazon.com/OXO-Good-Grips-Citrus-Squeezer/dp/B0002BFZ16 10/10 would recommend - It made mixing up a cocktail much easier.

- I picked up The Push at my library yesterday. I can't wait to dive in.

Happy Friday! So thankful to be here with you all! 💜

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I love me some Johnnyswim!

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They’re the best!

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Oooh MP me all your thoughts about The Push.

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Will do!

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Is that Bri's citrus do-dad?

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I thinks so!

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i love that you gave us bonus tracks! and ordering this citrus squeezer :D

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I’m always one for a good bonus track ☺️

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Mixed tapes were my life in the 90s. This was actually something my 10 year old asked me 2 days ago. I had to pick 5 songs and it really stressed me out 😂😂 cause so many hold such special places for me. I might be alone in my love of this genre, but I am who I am 🤷‍♀️ You can tell I have a aversion to happy songs, I love songs that make me feel something deep, help me get to emotions I cant get to on my own.

The Replacements - Within Your Reach

Tori Amos - Tear in Your Hand

LIVE - Pillar of Davidson

Neko Case - Maybe Sparrow

Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye

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