I've spent the whole week trying to recover from a fall down my porch steps on Monday. We've had a lot of rain here recently (every weekend for 3 or 4 weeks, which was great to start with but now I'm over it) and I slipped on the wet steps and landed HARD. I played soccer for many years of my youth and work with animals, some much bigger than me, for a living and have never had the wind knocked out of me so hard in my entire life. It was a pretty scary couple of minutes lying on the ground trying to find the on switch to the ol' breathing apparatus and figure out how broken I actually was. I spent most of Monday lying on the couch (at least I got out of the staff meeting) and definitely should have taken Tuesday off, but the soreness has gotten a little better every and I think I'm no worse for wear.

I had the kind of day where I could not focus on anything for more than 30 seconds, partly because Friday and largely because we had a building full of little yappy dogs which are like a jackhammer in my brain.

Putting in my notice at work initially was a huge relief, and I'm still glad to have the light at the end of the tunnel, but the anxiety about what's next is starting to creep in. Will I be able to find what I want where I want it? Will I be ok if I don't? Through a winding road of circumstances, I've never had to do much in the way of interviewing (college, scholarships, jobs, whatever), so it's a skill I've never really developed and I constantly feel like I'm on the back foot now that I have a big kid career. Basically, any job/life transition tips welcome.

My rose of Sharon is going bananas and I saw a hummingbird this evening. I think the winter storm pushed spring and summer back a bit this year and I'm so thankful for the prolonged spring and delayed hellish heat.

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You could try using your college’s career center to help you brush up your resume and interviewing skills. That’s where I used to work and we helped graduates of all ages and stages 💗

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Hey hey!! So it’s been a DAY and a week, but I made it. And WE made it!! Pats on the back or glasses of vino all around if that’s your thing!

Survived a week of solo parenting two kids with two different school drop off and pick up times 🙄 while keeping a newly re-homed dog and kitten alive and working full time, so go me!

We also have 3 more weeks of school and while it stinks, it is sort of nice to only have to plan for 6 weeks of summer childcare. Always try to be glass half full.

Treasure: I asked for what I needed - an office, because working from home for the last two years has made me crazy! - and they said yes!! 🙌🏼 Very excited to create some better boundaries.

Very grateful for the long weekend, weeks where we get to skip Monday are my favorite! Hope all of you get at least some of the rest that I know we all need!

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An office, or at least dedicated space, is a game changer for separating work and life. Congrats!

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I’ve learned that I’m not a world from home person. I’m very excited.

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True confession: I don't know how I feel about summer. I am a stay at home homeschooling mom of four, so what summer changes about my life is.... we don't do regular school lessons. And the pool is open. But that, honestly, is about it. So while others struggle with wondering what to do now that their kids are home, I am struggling to know what to do when SC heat makes us all irritable but if I let them have uncontrolled screen time the kids become terrible people. (It's a run on sentence I know.) I rejoice that I have access to a nice neighborhood pool, and praise Jesus all four kids can swim so I don't have to monitor as much. Also praise Jesus I don't classes this summer so I can read whatever fluff I want. All this word vomiting to say: summer doesn't always provide much change for me, and that can be discouraging at times. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

Brief update-- after I finished my thesis/research project, I took a vacation instead of attending graduation, and I read Andy Weir's Project Hail Mary and Patti Callahan's Surviving Savannah. Very different types of fiction but both delightful treats after my writing. Thanks to all who offered suggestions and encouragement.

Something I could use some Lil' Swipe help with-- I have not had a full time job in over 14 years. I am not currently interested in a full time job, but I see my children getting older and more independent and I think the day will come when a job of some kind would be welcome (and needed, because did I mention four kids? college tuition???). Is it possible to just work 10-15 hours a week from the house? Without being an MLM? I think my skills could work as a virtual assistant but I have no idea how to start finding a job, or what skills I might need to improve in my absence from the work force. I'd love any thoughts or suggestions.

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As a former homeschool mom I GET how summer isn’t much of a change from the school year. We also live somewhere where it gets stupid hot. My suggestion is to use the pool as much as you can. Kids loooove to swim and you can read while they do. We scheduled regular “home days” too. No one had to get up and rush anywhere. If they are out swimming most days maybe you won’t feel so bad about screen time on the days you stay home. @thelazygenius had a post recently where people sent in their summer tips. If you haven’t seen it, check it out. @sharonsaysso recently had a question similar to yours about working. Her advice was virtual assistant. I would think the Google would have something about setting yourself up. Good luck!

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I can't get enough of that punk teen band. 😂

It's been a wild last several weeks and I've been mostly absent from the comments. But, we're just 8 days away from the wedding! This is the last time I'll be commenting before saying 'I do'!

While I am SO excited for the wedding and to be married, it's going to be a bittersweet day. The Boy's mom most likely won't be able to attend. She was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer last month (which has spread to her cervical spine, lung, bronchial tubes, and now femur). I'm pretty sure I commented about that when it was first discovered, but it's been a really rough six weeks or so since then. She was discharged from the hospital for about a week, where she went back to her boyfriend's house, despite us urging her to stay in the hospital until she had a more stable environment to go to. The Boy and I already didn't like this boyfriend and how he treated her, and when she was in the hospital being tested and diagnosed, he decided to leave and go to Vegas for a week and be a dumbass and bring Covid back. So when she was discharged to his place, he gave it to her. THE WOMAN HAS CANCER. So, she went back to the hospital with Covid, pneumonia, and another infection. She's been there ever since and is still dealing with really severe effects from all of that combined with the cancer. All that to say, she will probably still be in the hospital on our wedding day. 😔

So, it's been a wild several weeks. I don't know what else to say after that word vomit, but that's where we're at. Prayers for comfort and healing for my MIL, low stress in the coming week before the wedding, good weather on the wedding day, and peace for Michael as he's dealing with most of the mom stuff on his own (obviously with me, but none of his family is being helpful or supportive) and it's A LOT for him to be carrying.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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Oh gosh, that's terrible. Praying for all of you!!! ❤

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Oh, goodness, it is so hard to hold joy and sorrow at the same time. Praying for you and your fiance and families during this season of waiting for both the wedding and the cancer. Blessings to you.

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Sarah, that is such a lot to process and continue to plan for your wedding. I'm sorry that you're having to deal with all that, but I hope you get some relief and are able to enjoy the day and The Boy and being married!

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prayers for MIL and her healing and all the wedding festivities!

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Hey friends!

I missed you last week (still trying to find the time to open last week's Swipe Up 😂) and I can't wait to dive in and see what you've been up to!

😡 Weevils have taken over my patio and are killing my plants. Can you sue bugs? I mean they might as well be chewing their way through my money...

💉 As of tomorrow, both my parents will finally be fully vaccinated and I am so relieved!

📚 I finally got my hands on The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and I can't wait to read it. I hope it's as good as you all say it is.

👶 My dear friend who had a baby a month ago says she wants to come see me and has promised I can snuggle the baby if I test negative. I cannot wait!

❤ And tomorrow I'm going on a small road trip to see my sister and her family. You guys, I'm so excited!!! Even though I'm not exactly an introvert, I'm still pretty ok with being by myself most of the time so I didn't realize how much I miss people but I really, really do!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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I really enjoyed Addie LaRue and I think Schwab is a really beautiful writer...happy reading!

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It took me 3 separate times putting that book on hold and having it expire before I actually read that book, and once I got in a ways, I FLEW through it! Enjoy the road trip!

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Oh, that's good to hear! I'm a slow reader and a little nervous I won't finish it until I have to return it.

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hi Rebecka! yay for vaccinated parents and good books and baby snuggles and road trips!

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yay for baby snuggles and road trips!

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I hope you have a great weekend Rebecka. I have that book on my shelf too but haven't gotten to it yet. It will be fun to hear what you think of it!

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I'll let you know!

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It's the last day of school here in Denver, and the atmosphere at our house is...subdued. I think after all the craziness of the last year, my kids aren't quite ready to say goodbye to their friends and teachers. There was weeping last night at bedtime. It's also the last day of elementary school for our family, which is a little sad for all of us.

I've been on the Pill to try to regulate my periods, and it's not working well. Their lighter (I'm no longer anemic), but they last THREE WEEKS now. Guess whose husband is not okay with that. And it's making me super depressed, which I don't have time for. So I'm on the hunt for a gynecologist and looking at other options to deal with my perimenopause. Sigh.

On the upside, it's supposed to rain all weekend, so I won't have to do outdoor stuff and maybe I'll get through more of my library books!

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Heidi, I'm so sorry, that does not sound fun whatsoever! I hope you find someone who can help you asap!

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Ugh, three weeks? I really, really hope you find someone who can help you!

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It's raining here today and my books are taunting me

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Hi friends! I comment on others more than I post here, but I do actually have a few interesting treasures to share!

📺 I finished the first season of Imposters this week on Avery’s rec and I loved it! I also subscribed to the PBS Documentaries channel through Amazon Prime and i now have all the nerdy history I want at my fingertips. Did I let my kids stay up as late as they wanted late last Saturday night with the caveat that we were going to watch a full length doc on the Donner Party? Absolutely, I did. We have also watched many an animal documentary this week (bunnies, skunks, and cats so far)

📖 My sci-fi/fantasy loving preteen daughter and I have been working our way through the Lunar Chronicles series and we are thisclose to finishing Winter. It’s been so nice to connect with her as she is also entering middle school this fall and is doing that “I don’t need my PARENTS anymore. What do you think I am, a BABY??” (She did need me to help with a late night math worry last night, though.)

🤦🏻‍♀️ Speaking of the almost 12yo...She is pushing for social media access and we are v v v v hesitant about that situation. But I did let her sign up for an account with Storygraph yesterday. Me: Sure, a book site. That seems harmless! Set her sharing settings to private, if she wants to add a friend she knows, she has to ask me first, I am feeling so good about letting her stretch her baby internet wings. *5 minutes later* Her: Mom, what’s “erotica?” 😳

🙏 If y’all think of me, pray for my geriatric millennial back, which has decided to ruin my life and not allow me to walk upright pain-free anymore. It is a sit-u-a-tion. (Read that in a very Sarah Stewart Holland of Pantsuit Politics voice.) I have given many doctors and a chiropractor lots of my money and tears and was promised that I will feel a lot better after the weekend. I have taken all the names and if I still cannot walk on Tuesday, I will be doing something drastic. (This is a lie; I will likely just cry some more.)

Wishing you all the best weekend available to you!!

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Truly backs can make or break our lives and sanity, hope you get some relief soon.

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Jillian, have her read Six of Crows! I swear, every time I read a good book, I cannot stop talking about it. But it's really interesting and doesn't have what feels like the usual YA longing and throbbing parts (gross) that seem to get in the way of the story!

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Cracking up at “what’s erotica” and you know we’re praying for your back!

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She pronounced it “e-row-tica” which made me feel even more terrible about exposing my sweet baby to the wilds of the web. 🤣

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Feel better Jillian!

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Happy Friday, Lil Swipes!

It's been a crazy few weeks and I haven't posted here in awhile. Spring semester is over and I feel like there's a little breathing room. Still working from home for the next few months. They're going to be starting a reno of my office which will probably delay our return to campus until after the fall semester starts (I'm not mad about it).

I need to start practicing mask wearing with my little squish in prep for vacation later this summer. How I wish we were going the first week of July instead of the first week of August. First week of July, he won't be two yet and would have been exempt from mask wearing. First week of August is 2 weeks past his 2nd birthday and he'll need to wear a mask on the plane. Please say prayers or send good vibes that we can get this to work.

Highs this week:

Work was great. The right balance of meetings and productivity. And my VP is out until next Wednesday. A lot of people are off today for an extended long weekend so it should be nice and quiet today.

Caramel Cone Haagen Dazs. Also Blue Bell Texas Sheet Cake ice cream. If you don't have Blue Bell ice cream where you live, I'm so very sorry.

My almost two year old squish seems to have all the words now and he is finding them at the best times. One morning this week we were running late and I had to keep reminding him to eat his breakfast so we could keep on with our morning. After the fourth reminder he looked me dead in the eye and said, "I know" with his hands out in exasperation. I laughed so hard.

Lows (just one):

Said squish who has always been an excellent sleeper must have had a nightmare or something because he now has separation anxiety around bed time. He's fine with the actual act of going to bed, but once he thinks we're leaving the room, he loses his mind. It's getting a little better, so I think we just need to ride this wave.

Also - his curls kill me. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPPOkprHp3z/

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Nicole, baby curls are the sweetest thing. My baby's hair gets SO curly in the heat, I love it!

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Happy Friday! It's raining and dark out and it makes me want to sit inside and drink tea and read a book. In reality I have 500 lbs of laundry to do and prep for our weekend away at an alpaca farm in the Middle-of-Nowwhere, IN 😂. We are staying in an 1870s log cabin with no kitchen, tv, or wifi. It sounded like a fun adventure for the kids so I booked it and now I'm wondering why I never think of my own needs and wants! I just kept thinking of how the kids would love to help feed alpacas and see how Laura Ingalls might have lived. One of the reviews suggested there are a ridiculous amount of spiders in the cabin. I'm going to be sleeping with one eye open for sure. But I do have several books to read and with nothing else to do I'll have time for them!

I have had a sick feeling in my stomach all week regarding the situation in Israel and the occupied territories. I keep learning more and I continue to be horrified that American money helps to keep this going. You all were so kind last week - I don't know why I was so afraid to share. I hope you will indulge me again and take a look at the links I share here regarding the things I've learned. I don't want to be that annoying person going on about the same things all the time, but I go to sleep and wake up thinking about the Palestinians and they horrors they face. I find myself unable to look away. I'm exhausted from it but then I think how on earth must they feel if I'm just exhausted from watching?

it can take hours for people in the occupied territories to reach Jerusalem to go to University. They might have to wake up at 4 in the morning to make it in time for class at 10. This makes it extremely difficult and mostly impossible for students in the occupied territories to go to University outside of them and there are hundreds of checkpoints in the occupied territories. Checkpoints are an inhumane political tool. Swipe through to see what the lines look like. As someone who is claustrophobic, I simply would just never go anywhere outside of my neighborhood. Which is Israels point. They want them cut off.


Zionism is a political project and not synonymous with Judiasm. Many Jews do not support Israel. Although American media can have you thinking otherwise, being anti-zionist is not anti-Semitic (fun fact: Palestinians are a semitic people - you can look up what semetic means).


Gabor Maté a holocaust survivor and his powerful testimony on the horrors inflicted on the Palestinian people and how Judiasm cannot be conflated with Zionism. It's long but worth every minute.


Don't buy the propaganda:


Why do peace talks fail:


Now some fun things:

Video that had my laughing so hard. I think I watched it 700 times


A pretty poem:


I really don't like chicken, I try but I feel that the Crock Pot is where meat goes to die (again). But this crockpot bbq chicken sandwich recipe has me wanting to try again 😭


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I appreciate you shining light on this topic Mona! Can't wait to hear the cabin report!

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First, your trip to an alpaca farm sounds horrifying. No internet, huge animals, and spiders. That's a no from me dawg.

Thank you so much for sharing all the information you do. It's devastating that other countries can commit to sending so much relief money and aid to Gaza, and our country continues not to do much at all. Really disappointed in our government right now.

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Lol none of the other reviews said spiders so I'm hoping this lady was just extra sensitive 😂. I'm obsessed with history and historical homes and mostly excited to see what it might be like to stay in one. Hopefully it's not horrifying 😂...I'll keep you posted

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Thank you for continuing to educate on a terrible situation.

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ALPACA FARM??? How fun!!! Enjoy your weekend away!! 🦙

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As someone said last week: well well well.

Y'all, what a week. Nothing like sliding out of May like it's a too hot/too cold/too emotional slip 'n slide mud pit. June, GET HERE.

Last Friday was my 10 year anniversary, so since my sister was visiting (praise), my husband and I went out for the first time in about 16 months. On a Friday night. When mask mandates had been totally lifted 2 days before. I had a full-blown panic attack about 30 seconds after we walked in to what we thought was a restaurant with limited seating (we had made a reservation a couple weeks prior) to find a crazy-loud, packed space. Friends, I was not ok whatsoever, and I felt like the world's worst spouse. Luckily, I married the absolute best guy, and we grabbed Portillo's and had a car date where we chatted about the patriarchy and women in church leadership instead. Bonus was that when I vulnerably shared what happened with The Internet, my Lil Swipe friends showed uppppp. I will forever be grateful for how this community supports it's members. (Happy ending: we went out for lunch a couple days later, ate outside, and had a much better time!).


- My sister visited us last week. We got her hooked on iced chai, HSM (TMTS), and Rummikub. She's one of my very favorite people in all the land, and while it's still slightly weird that she's an adult and has all these big thoughts, it's also delightful to have deep conversations with a family member (and not have to stick to on-the-surface topics).

- Halloumi. Y'all, get this cheese. Grill it. And put it on slightly toasty baguette. It is delicious.

- Actually, grilling in general. Last summer I wanted to learn how to grill, so I taught myself with the following recipe. Jess at Plays Well with Butter does a grilling series every summer, and I made SO many tasty dishes. YUM.


- I love Lil Swipes Book Club, it's truly a bright spot in my weeks right now.

- I just finished reading Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo and it felt like fantasy mixed with YA mixed with a bit of Oceans Eleven. Very heist-y and without all the throbbing of some YA. Cannot wait to get the sequel in at the library.

All in all, a mixed bag of a week, but it's a long weekend, we will definitely do more grilling, and my garden is starting to thrive. COME ON JUNE.

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I love that you grill! Lady grillers are so cool!

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Halloumi is delicious as heck. And you are absolutely not the world’s worst spouse for putting your foot down on your limits post restrictions and I love that your husband was so understanding of that. Also, I missed the memo on the Lil Swipes book club, what the heck. 😭

And with me and my Olivia Rodrigo obsession intersecting with my love for HSM, I need to sit down and watch it, I have Disney+!

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There's a Lil Swipes Book Club? How have I missed this? And yes, halloumi is the best! I can't have dairy but sometimes I eat halloumi anyway, it's just so good!

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I don't eat much dairy either, but will break that for halloumi, it's so delicious!!

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I love a heist, so I'm definitely adding Six of Crows to my list, that sounds amazing!

May as a slip n slide mud pit is cracking me up! 🤣 So ready for June!

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I flew through it, it was really good without having to rely on a lot of teen angst and romance, which I think sometimes if difficult to do in YA. And YES to June!

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yo, SIX OF CROWS WAS GREAT. i just got my notification that crooked kingdom came in at my library, so looking forward to that. Like Shadow and Bone was fiiiiine, but i am really into Nina/Matthias :|

and let me know if you ever want to discuss HSMTMTS :D

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Girl, Inej is my jam. She is #goals and I love her character so much. Also, my sister basically binged the entire first season all in one night because she's 19 and can still stay up and not be destroyed the next day. But I predicted who was going to be Belle OFF THE BAT and felt super proud of myself.

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Inej is GREAT TOO! Glad they were included in the Netflix series

And jeally of your sister’s stamina. Can’t wait to hear what you think of today’s ep!

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OOO that's right! We watched one episode of Shadow and Bone, felt old as tombs because everything felt dark and confusing, and chose to watch a backlogged season of GBBO instead. I'll have to go back and watch it now!

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Happy Anniversary!

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Good morning, Lil Swipes!!! TGIF!!!

I really need to get back in the habit of saving my internet treasures throughout the week so I have something delightful to share. I pinky promise my post next week will be filled with links of goodness for y'all to enjoy :)

This week was such a rollercoaster. I'm in the middle of a tough job situation and really struggling with what to do. Do I stay at my current job? No, I shouldn't stay. But I'm comfortable here, I don't want to leave and be uncomfy!! Then again, life isn't meant to be lived in the comfort zone. But I'm a super-introverted enneagram 5, if I never left my comfort zone again I don't think it would bother me at all. This has pretty much been my stream of consciousness all week. If you can, please pray I will hear God's voice because I know he is speaking and has a message for me, even if that message may not be what I want to hear.

Lots of plans this week that include taking my mother-in-law to a fancy shopping center in Birmingham for lunch and a new piece of jewelry for a belated Mother's Day, and then helping my parents pack up my childhood home they very recently sold. I'm v sad about it, although I knew this day was coming for awhile now.

I hope everyone has a safe Memorial Day weekend!! If you are a service member, veteran, or a supporting family member, thank you for all your sacrifices!!

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Just did the childhood home thing (only from afar) glad you can say a proper goodbye to yours!

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Praying about your job! That's so stressful!

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Hey friends! I'm going to keep it short this morning -

TREASURES: My neurology appointment went so well! My Dr and I bonded over Outlander novels (ugh my obsession last year - cannot wait for Bees in November!) and we have a plan for all that's been going on. Such a weight off of my shoulders when she looked directly in my eyes and said "you are normal, and I can help fix this". Truly felt like 50# was lifted.

TURDS: We unexpectedly had to put down our rescue dog of 10+ years this weekend, and walking my seven year old through his first big loss and subsequent grief was heartbreaking. at one point he just started screaming "I am so sad, and hurt, and angry - but I don't know who to be mad at". His verbalization skills already surpass mine, so there's a small treasure I suppose.

Also, this Hamilton/OR remix is LIFE. I am way too old for OR but am HERE FOR IT. Happy long weekend, all!

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Thanks all for your kind words about our dog. She was my first pet, and we are definitely feeling her loss, but also getting used to a quiet(er) house.

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Love a doctor that listens and gives you hope and a plan to go forward! Sorry to hear about your puppy, and all the big feelings that accompany that loss. ❤️

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"...I don't know who to be mad at" is very true. I'm so sorry for your loss.

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AMEN to finding a doctor willing to help you and figure out this puzzle!! ❤️👏🏼🎉

I’m so sorry to hear about your pup 😭 You are a great mama for raising a child with emotional intelligence. It’s so so hard but in cases, like what you just went through, it’s amazing how well he was able to articulate the pain he was feeling. Hugs to all of you ❤️

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I love that your doctor was so reassuring. What a relief! And your son's articulation of grief is actually spot on. I am sorry that you had to say goodbye to your pup.

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I'm so glad your appointment went well!

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💔💔💔 so sorry about the pup. Pets sure do become big parts of our lives!

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Oh my gosh those tweets! So good. R. Eric Thomas is my favorite.

Swipettes! How the heck are you?!

Today is the last day of school: cue the angel chorus.

I have a new phone and am now locked out of my gmail. (Who knows what's happening there? Not me and Google is being very withholding.)

This week has been another doozy but all is well. I have a touch of bronchitis - nbd.

So guess what?! I HAVE A DATE with the 30year old and we've spoken on the phone and it is going v. well. I had a hilarious thought: she's a nurse who does hospice and loves taking care of old people. Which is probably why she likes me hahahaa! (I'm having a lot of fun.) One of my colleagues helped me shop online for a cute top. He took it very seriously and asked "Are you looking to highlight your bazingas?" We all need a friend like that.

Not much else is going on. I'm watching Peaky Blinders and it's getting good. Tom Hardy is just so fun to watch.

I'm reading "Fulfillment" by Alec MacGillis. V. good so far.

And I am still on my music kick. Check out Caamp if you like bluegrass. So good!

Well friends, I need to get to it. Can't wait to hear how you all are. Have a great long weekend!


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Oh so exciting! Can't wait to hear the date report! Hope your school controversy ended ok or at least is pausing for the summer.

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You have a date! That's so exciting!!! And I think I love your colleague.

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He's the best and our Performing Arts Dir. He and his wife were both on Broadway and she did a play with Cillian Murphy in Ireland. It's so much fun to have someone to totally analyze movies and TV with.

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Ok, now I love him even more! The "friends" I analyze movies and Tv with are all podcasts 😂

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Ha! @Rebecka! You struck at my heart with that comment! Me too - my husband is always hearing ‘my friend’ (mumbled; ‘on such and such a podcast’) ‘said so and so about that movie’ x @Dana: enjoy that date!

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I just have to say, I love how enthusiastic you've become in the past few months. Based solely on the Swipe comments I had you pegged as an emo loner all fall and winter, and it's so lovely to see that I was wrong! Or maybe, I'm wrong now. Dating in springtime looks good on you! ♥️

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That is just the loveliest thing, Heidi! Thank you. I have been in loner/emo mode for longer than I care to admit and it's so nice to be out on the other side of it.🧡

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I was just coming to delete my comment because it sounded pretty harsh when I mentally reviewed it. I'm glad you took it in the way it was intended!

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I really appreciate it.

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Enjoy your date!

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"Highlight your bazingas" I can't 😂.

Also, I LOVE Caamp! I basically exclusively listened to them in the fall. "Misty" will forever make me think of the fall of my first school year at this job.

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Yay! I have that song download but have been listening to Strawberries.💔 and By and By on a loop!

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Looking to highlight your bazingas?? 😂😂😂 I haven't heard that term. Have fun with the nurse! Can wait to hear how it goes

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It definitely gave me pause, lol.

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Your bazingas!!!! That is too funny! We all need a friend like that! Have fun on your date!!!

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I want to be friends with your colleague! lol enjoy your date!!

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He's the best. He's why I'm watching Peaky Blinders. We made a deal: he wanted me to watch it and I said I would if he watched The Boys.😊

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I’m watching Peaky Blinders too! Just started season 2. There is a lot of hope and happiness here with the end of school and the date and it is good.

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I just watched the first 2 episodes of season 2 last night. Season 1 didn't really thrill me but I'm glad I stuck with it because it's getting good now.

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Serendipity! We are at the same point in our watching!

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Oooooooh I need to watch Peaky Blinders! When Helen McCrory passed away, a bunch of friends came out of the woodwork to talk about her on Peaky Blinders and it seems really great. Good luck on your date!

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Happy Friday Friends,

Grateful to see another week/month go in the rearview. Can’t wait to listen to that remix Erin. Thanks for the heads up!

I am in the mid/late 3rd tri stage where I know each day is probably going to be a little more uncomfortable than the last. Good news I did get scheduled for an induction on June 22 (if I make it that long) so I know there is an end in sight...even so come quickly baby girl!

Our TV died unceremoniously in March and I told my husband that I needed a new one before the Olympics started. Simone Biles and Katie Ledecky deserve to be seen on the big screen! Thankfully the one he wanted just went on sale and so we have a huge box in our living room waiting for a friend to come help install. I am looking forward to entertainment that will no longer be ipad sized! (Although having Daniel Tiger and Baby Bum Bum confined to the tablet has been nice). Speaking of Daniel Tiger, for other weary parents Spotify has recently added the Daniel Tiger “Countdown to Calm Down” album. It is the least obnoxious one by a mile (and actually really helps with calming down for nighttime routine).

For adults on Spotify I am continuing to love the music that Good Shepherd Collective (a church in NYC) puts out. This week they released a cover of “You Put This Love In My Heart” and it is a winner.

In the book world I whipped through Emily Henry’s “People We Meet On Vacation.” I think I liked “Beach Read” better but living near Palm Springs I enjoyed the setting of this one. I am partway through Abby Jimenez’s latest “Life’s Too Short” and it is fine? Verdict is still out (heads up: it does have a baby forward storyline if that is something you want/or want to avoid).

To Live and Die in LA was one of my favorite podcast series a few years back and season 2 just dropped this week so I am looking forward to checking that out. I am halfway through “The Line” podcast right now and enjoying it. I think I would listen to just about anything that Dan Taberski does. It seems like a good thing to finish up Memorial weekend. Hope you all have a great one!

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Looking up those books now. Thanks for the recs!

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Happy reading! Beach Read is excellent.

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Just added Good Shepherd Collective to my queue! I'm excited. I love a good hymn cover.

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Nice! They have a good IG page as well with music videos.

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June 22 was my dad’s birthday. I have a niece born on that day and it always makes me happy when it swings around again. I just read Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes. Since you liked Beach Read I think you’ll love it.

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Oh I love that that was your dad’s birthday. Yes I really enjoyed Linda’s book. I I follow her on Twitter and I think she might be reading another book. Yay!

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Should say writing another book 😆

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Happy Friday my dears! We've finally made it, graduation is tomorrow and by next Thurs I'll be free for the summer.

Honestly, the whole week has been a treasure:

We arranged our testing differently this year, so I haven't had kids this whole week. It's been a combination of boring and restful. I've actually worked on revising some curriculum for next fall and did a couple of canvas training for my staff.

I've been sewing a lot in the evenings and have almost finished the 2 tops and pair of shorts I cut out last Sat.

My roommate is house-sitting for her parents this week and it's been like a vacation in my own house. I'm putting in my notice this week and looking for my own place.

Rumor has it the principal is letting us leave early today, so I'm looking forward to an afternoon on the porch with a book.

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Man do I love being home alone. It totally feels like a vacation! Porch with a book sounds amazing too

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I would love to see what you made. And hoping you find a great place.

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Ooo, I hope you get an afternoon on your porch with a book. That sounds delightful!

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Hope you get your book + porch time - what a lovely way to kick off the weekend!

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I get a half day today and those are the BEST. I need to learn how to sew too, and I am also interested in seeing your creations!

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Sewing is the best! There are lots of great beginner tutorials out there, I'm happy to send you some if you want.

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Yes please! My email is jachampi@mail.usf.edu. :D

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I think it’s very cool that you sew. I feel like it’s a dying art.

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I’m so impressed by all the clothes you sew!! Enjoy your afternoon porch reading!

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Thanks, Avery! It's fun to take the time to see all of them together.

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i would love to see your sewing projects, and hoping you can find your own place!

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Thanks! I'm hoping it won't be too hard to find something.

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Ahahaha Erin! I sent that email reply tweet to my coworker and asked if we could institute that rule in our email-heavy job. What a dream that would be!

Friends, it has been a fun, wild, weird week full of treasures in big ways and quiet moments.

🏰 I got to meet Avery in real life and partake in one of my favorite activities: walking around Epcot 😂😂 this community is such a gift, it was so good to give her hugs in real life, and I cannot wait to squeeze you all at camp!

⛱ got a mid-week beach day with another friend, and it was the chillest day at the beach ever. I am nursing a slight sunburn from underestimating how long I’d be frolicking in the waves (Jesus be Aloe Vera gel), but WORTH IT

🎧 the youths on Tiktok are at it again with ways to enhance our listening of SOUR. My two faves? This playlist that pairs each SOUR track with a Taylor Swift song (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1NjmyPKvN1qkEAwabJUWYp?si=cUcZAUG0ThK0fsqOn2aXuA) and this megamix (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMec6ukMG/)

📱speaking of tiktoks, here’s a small offering! Many more to come on Memorial Day for a mega post 😂

🌀hot girl summer anthem - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMec6nY5M/

🌀”it’s a shared space” - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMec6CBrh/

🌀I’m with Hank on this one - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMec6pg71/

🌀acapella offerings - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMec63djG/

🌀petty spaghetti - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMec6Q4hE/

🌀and finally, I didn’t authorize filming this video and calling me out LIKE DIS - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMec6Qt1b/

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Jesus be Aloe Vera gel 😂 Sounds like you had an awesome week!

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I've only been to Disney once and never to Epcot, but it sounds so fun! Now that I'm in Florida, I definitely want to go!

Jesus be Aloe Vera gel is my new summer motto 🤣 I burn if I'm outside for more than five minutes!

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I wish I was close by, I'd love to go to Disney. I've never been and it would be fun to go with someone who knows all about it.

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As someone else who utilizes Disney songs to my advantage, I felt that Colors of the Wind one. Can we have Lil Swipes camp at Disney World??? I VOLUNTEER.

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Am I the only one who finished that in my head with "as tribute"?

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To go to Disney World? YES PLEASE.

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I would for sure be in for this! 🏰

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Seconded! I actually sang Colors of the Wind at my pastor's birthday party a few years ago. He did a talent show where for people who volunteered to sing, he chose the songs. He gave me the choice between Colors of the Wind and Tomorrow by Annie and I made the superior choice.

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I mean, I am always down for Disney World!

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When it's not so darn hot outside, let's do a Disney date! I am always down for a Flower Garden/Food & Wine hang.

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YES MA’AM 👯‍♀️

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