Erin, thank you for granting me permission to start wearing my overalls again. As the mom of a 14 year old, I felt like if I wore the now-trendy overalls that I have owned since the last time they were trendy (1999-2002ish), I would just look like I was trying to hard. But now? Now I will wear them, maybe even out in public, and love every minute of it!

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Iā€™m sure others have answered this, but that plant is called Osmanthus. Its common name is fragrant tea olive. Itā€™s one of our favorite aromas/plants. I put one in my momā€™s yard.

I wore nothing but camp pants or John Deere overalls as pants throughout high school and college, so it amuses me greatly when those things become ā€œcoolā€ enough to be sold for adult women to wear. Because usually the things I love arenā€™t available, because theyā€™re not cool. Which is why I learned to make clothes. But now I have too many kids and too poor sensory processing to do things like that.

Re: accidentally air dropping the Colbert tweet to family group text, itā€™s the truth. So itā€™s educational. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

I loved your gentle rebuke in the Judas episode. Also loved the Faith Adjacent Hamilton edition, and have shared with friends.

We had a week off of virtual school (which takes all my energy every day) for fall break and I had high hopes to get fun things done for me, but Iā€™m just so exhausted. Itā€™s so difficult to see all the things go un-done. Yard work, the house (both renovation and cleanliness/messes), art jobs Iā€™ve committed to (And already been paid for some), certainly friendships outside 3 very good ones. I feel like a captive because I canā€™t go out with 4 kids and theyā€™re all under 12, so itā€™s nerve-wrecking to leave them at home. But Iā€™m sure they feel even more captive.

My dad has early onset Alzheimerā€™s, and moved himself out of his facility this week that I put him in last year (the year of trashing my health and family to get his affairs in order), with the help of his new fiancĆ© (someone I knew as a kid). I havenā€™t answered their calls because Iā€™m overwhelmed and I donā€™t trust them to respect my boundaries. And I feel so much guilt over that.

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I am double posting, and I apologize in advance for that but:


Yesterday, I moped about how my last house had little baby tea olive bushes and I missed them at my new house. Then at midnight last night I stepped outside to see the moon and Mars align (my husband is out of town, which is why I was up--I never stay up until midnight), and the air smelled sweet. Gloriously, beautifully, deliciously sweet. I knew instantly that my complaining had been unfounded, because my new house has a GIANT tea olive TREE at the end of my driveway. Right now it is filling my yard and even my neighborhood with the most amazing scent. I almost wept for joy last night, and also for sorrow because I had been so quick to complain instead of paying attention to my surroundings. Anyway, I just had to share my joy.

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Oh Swipes.. where to begin? I think I'm over 2 weeks with no update on here. I have to admit that if I don't get on here right away, I get so overwhelmed with the comments. Crazy right?

šŸ“Š My company did a massive round of layoffs, over 500 people including 20% of my department. Luckily, I still have a job, but my heart is broken for my friends and colleagues who have to deal with this amid everything else.

šŸ‰ FNL Update: I'm close to the S2 finale. Here's my thoughts: Quote that made me laugh out loud Tammi "What is that thing on our porch? It's moving... oh, it's Buddy Garrity" šŸ¤£; Bo Miller is adorable and immediately fell in love with him. I hope he comes back? Jackie's storyline is uncomfortable- first with Tim and then with his brother??? EW and I think Tyra's hair is getting shorter and shorter with every episode.

ā˜€ Finally in FL we had a week with the highs in the 80s and it was glorious.

šŸŽƒ I bought all the pumpkin things at Trader Joes to try: Waffles, biscotti, ice cream...

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That R Eric Thomas article was amazing, and I need to bump his book to the top of my TBR.

Treasures this week:

1. Watching Hocus Pocus with my six year old daughter for the first time. I was a little concerned it would be too scary for her, but she LOVED it and we had a wonderful time.

2. The fall weather we are having in SC right now is giving me LIFE. I am not here for heat and bugs, so SC is rough for this VA girl (not that VA is all THAT much better), but it's amazing.

3. We are getting our pandemic puppy--a rough collie (i.e. Lassie dog) on Sunday! We lost our beloved old Sheltie in June 2019, then got a rescue pup in September who turned out to have a painful, crippling genetic disorder and we had to put her to sleep in January. So I'm nervous but also excited and hopeful that this will go better. Her name is Moony and she's adorable.

4. Rearranged my living room bookshelves by color and it is AMAZING how much difference it makes! I always hesitated before because of being kind of book snobby about the books being out of order or not grouped by series and I REPENT! It motivated me to rearrange the room a little and it looks so good--ready for puppy hair and accidents, lol.

5. My husband and I were talking on Wednesday about the turds of this week (gestures at the general state of, you know, the world) and he started grinning at me. I asked why and he said he likes it when I'm passionate. He knows I'm passionate about many things internally, but I rarely express it (five here). I've been letting it out lately and it shows. It made me feel pretty good about it despite mixed feedback elsewhere.

This thread gives me so much joy, y'all.

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An organized and good looking room is life giving. I know because I cleaned and organized my office and desk space and even my kids were like "it's so nice in here..." šŸ˜‚ Good luck with your pandemic puppy!

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Oh, also! These pumpkin muffins. They are called Best Ever Pumpkin Muffins, and that is NOT hyperbole. https://lovelylittlekitchen.com/best-ever-pumpkin-muffins/

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A treasure: My husband unexpectedly lost his job last week. The CEO of the credit union that I work for heard about it, and he pulled me aside yesterday, and offered to put the loans that we have through the credit union into forbearance for the next three months. I gleefully accepted, because being able to do that is really going to help our financial situation, and then he let me know that if we need more help after that, just to let him know, and he would make it happen. I was blown away by his kindness!

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Popping in super quickly to say: Did you all listen to Miley Cyrus' cover of Heart of Glass?? I'm kind of shocked by how much I like it.

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*adding it!*

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Hello Lil Swipers!

It's my favorite day for many reasons but 100% because I so look forward to our Lil Swipes Shenanigans. I haven't read all the comments yet and am planning on reading them tonight with my Apple Cider/Fireball adult beverage in hand. Can't wait!

Focusing on Treasures today...

*Erin, tea olives are a gift from the LORD. I had them planted all over my yard when we lived in South Georgia because of that AMAZING scent.

*I purchased the Target overalls a couple of weeks ago and can confirm with Erin that they are a wonder, and I sincerely believe I am still as cute in them as I was in the mid 1980's in my beloved Guess overalls. They have juuust the right amount of stretch, too.

*One treasure is that I just received my Olive & June manicure set today with all the fall colors, and I am incredibly excited to do my nails this weekend. It's definitely the little things bringing the joy lately.

*I am acting like an adult and buying a few Christmas presents each paycheck, which may sound like a no brainer to you very sensible Lil Swipes...but this is a big step for my procrastinator, generally overwhelmed, and slightly irresponsible self.

*Went to Raleigh to see my middle son for the first time since we moved him into his apartment for fall semester at NC State last Saturday. He has been battling a very debilitating autoimmune disorder for over a year and it went haywire over the spring and summer...it was one of the most terrible things I've had to watch my children endure. Anyways, right before moving him in, his amazing immunologist started him on some medication that has given him his life back. My baby look happy, healthy, and just a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as he should. It was such a gift to see him so well!

*Now hang in there with me Swipers...this may seem like a turd (both literally and metaphorically), but it's truly a treasure. My sweet little almost 17 year old dog, had some terrible constipation/butt explosion thing happen last Sunday evening. (I am the daughter of a veterinarian who has never seen such a thing in all my life...it was bizarre.) My sweet little doggie had a softball size wad of you-know-what stuck to her behind and she was just a bewildered as we were horrified. She's so old that any little thing is a always a little scary, but I am happy to report that I got her all cleaned up, checked out, and she has been perfectly healthy and happy ever since! Yay!

I'll be returning later to read all your offerings this week! xoxoxo

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Let's hear it for apple cider and Fireball. It's been my MVP lately, too.

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Iā€™m so glad your son is feeling like himself! Thatā€™s such good news for your momma heart!! Your poor sweet doggy.šŸ¤Ž

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You've convinced me to head straight to the store after work and buy some apple cider and whiskey, Valerie! Also, SO pumped for your son's renewed health! And clean bowels for your dog!

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I identified with your dog here more than I care to admit.

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Same to be honest...midlife brings many unexpected events

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Ugh...apparently the "s" key is difficult for me to hit when I'm typing the word "as"

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Taking a chance here...anybody an expert in fighting against county rezoning?! My neighbors and I are in the process of opposing a rezoning of over 300 acres of farmland and woods (that includes streams leading to the water supply) surrounding our houses that they want to turn into heavy and light industrial. It just makes me so sad that our rural country neighborhood could be destroyed. We've been writing letters, and circulating petitions, and testifying at hearings. I've spent WAY too many hours engaging with Internet strangers on NextDoor and Facebook to drum up support (Lord help me). Feels like an Erin Brockovich-type situation at this point.

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I know nothing about this but my heart is broken for you. I can't stand what we lose in the name of "progress" and how everyone seems ok with it. I've been living for literal years with construction noise and a mix of mariachi music and rage against the machine (idk why these extremes) as a neighborhood goes around my property.

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Mona, that sounds like no fun at all! Quite the eclectic mix of new neighbors for you. I'm sorry you're dealing with that too.

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Any chance that a local lawyer would be willing to look at the legal documents surrounding this rezoning? It might be helpful to get some legal knowledge in your pocket. Maybe there are loop holes or delay tactics they might know? An environmental lawyer might be a place to start.

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Karen, yes I think that's the next step. Although my husband's idea was that we all go picket outside the land developer's house. We figured out where he lives, lol.

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Gah I wish I knew anything about this, but of course, I wish you Erin Brocovich energy in your endeavours.

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

You know that look people get when they walk into a restaurant where 25 people yell ā€œsurprise!ā€? The way they bend down at the waist and cover their face. And then look around all wide eyed and unsure this is actually happening but so delighted. Thatā€™s me right now in the richest comment section Iā€™ve ever visited! So many incredible ladies sharing such wisdom. And Erin, the perfect hostess gathering us all together. Am I the only extrovert here that talks way better than I write? Can we all just meet on my front lawn? I wonā€™t make you wear a mask Once You Are Seated. Have a great day people!

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Iā€™ll be right there!

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coming right over for a lawn gathering!

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

hello lil swipes. Can I have your besest and most treasured dinner recipes? I'm in a bit of a RUT and am so sick of my favorites. My toddler won't eat meat, so bonus points if you have vegetarian recipes, but we also just pick the meat out for her.

I'll start with some of my fave recipes:



ALSO. Last night I watched the pilot of Pen15 and it hit the NAIL on the head, perfectly, for my middle school experience. If you are in your mid-30s, I recommend it - even if it's just the pilot. I was dying laughing and immediately pulled up TLC's FanMail album to listen to Unpretty.

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*taking notes for my Lazy Genius meal matrix*

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Pen15 so so perfectly captures the awkwardness of middle school we all experienced.

As far as dinners go, I love any recipe from I Heart Umami. Seriously, I've never tried one that I haven't fallen in love with. These are a couple of my favorites (definitely involve meat, but you could always throw the sauces over some steamed veggies or rice or something for the toddler).



The Defined Dish has some great kid-friendly recipes too. One that is sure to please:


The best mac n cheese ever:


Veggie-centric soup. I add some white beans for more protein.


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Why is Katie Porter not our debate moderator? Or even our next president? When she repeatedly cuts him off and says ā€œLet me reclaim my timeā€. It is my new mantra for life.

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

It's been a long week, so I'm just popping in to give the promised update on The Boy meeting my oma. It went so well! She definitely wasn't at her best since she was recovering from surgery and all, and it's so hard seeing her when she's feeling weak, but she was just as mentally alert as ever and we visited for a few hours. She asked if things between The Boy and I were serious and I said yes, and she texted me later saying she very much approved and was really happy I brought him over to meet her. He was even so sweet to politely listen to her go on about her love of Trump and how America is cursed because of Roe v. Wade and so it's a good thing he's putting in his Supreme Court nominee and all the things. I love Oma, but oof. Bless him for carrying on a polite conversation with her while I just sat in silence not wanting to insert my opinion as per the usual. Anywho, she approves and he loved meeting her and overall it was a great time!

I'm too spent from this week to share anything else, but I wanted to make sure I updated y'all! Cheers to the weekend (almost - still gotta get through another seven hours of work)!

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So glad to read this. Glad it went well!

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Awwww, this is the sweetest! Thank you for sharing it with us.

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wow, a REAL WINNER, Sarah. don't let him go, and so glad you got oma approval!

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Hello Everyone! The last couple weeks have been a blur. 1. We finally found our pandemic puppy! Everyone is congratulating me like I had a new baby but after the first night I was sobbing for the entire next day. Turns out virtual school, no sleep, and a bitey puppy DO NOT MIX. My husband stepped up and made dinner that night and starting taking one of the night potty breaks (3am one) and giving me the earlier slot when he was against this whole puppy idea to begin with. I have never been so grateful for the man. I will never leave him now šŸ˜‚. I will say I do not understand why anyone gets a dog, they are expensive and hardly endearing when they are so much work. Praying for a dog that eventually chills out so we can chill on the couch and eat cookies. Any advice for bitey dogs? He seems to want to assert dominance and play rough with my youngest kids. He's definitely turned out to have a strong personality.

2. I guess I'm old now because my friend who is my age said she enjoyed the movie "bookclub" and recommended it. I watched it and wasn't able to relate much. Which was a relief šŸ˜…

3. The debate was horrifying and I don't drink but I wish I did now. I did occasionally smoke cigarettes in college and to relieve the tension with the political climate rn and dog stress I bought a pack. Just one. I don't have them every day. But I do need to find something else. Why can't it be exercise šŸ˜œ...anyone have an exercise routine that isn't hard on my chronic pain inflicted body but that actually burns calories?

4. Reading "practical magic" for my october book because of its "spooky" themes. So far enjoying it even though I don't really read books about ghosts and magic...it's so hard for me to suspend belief. But there is also apparently a movie based on it with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman and I'm excited to check that out.

Have a great weekend all!!

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With the biting puppy, you might try always having at hand a toy that you can give him when he gets bitey, training him what is ok to bite. We had a really bad biter a few years ago and Iā€™ve got the scars on my arms to show for it! I hope your little guy turns a corner soon with housebreaking and no more biting!

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How long did it take for the biting to subside? He's a herding dog mix so he's mouthy in general...

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I hate to reply in this way, but we ended up making the incredibly difficult decision to have him euthanized at 9 months because he had severe hip dysplasia in both hips. It was the worst case the orthopedic veterinarian we consulted had seen. He was a German Shepherd and never got past the bitey stage unfortunately. One activity our trainer suggested was to create treasure hunts, either inside or outside with little bits of food or treats. Our puppy seemed to do better when his brain was engaged to wear him out.

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We are picking up our pandemic puppy on Sunday, so I will be right there with you! The bitey stage ends...eventually...I'm trying to remind myself, because I know that bugged me with our old dog and now with children, it will be worse.

Also, the movie Practical Magic is great! (I'm a Goran Visnjic fan, though, I'm biased. He's delightfully scary in it.)

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Awesome you guys are making me extra excited to watch it. Good luck with your puppy. I hope it is the most well behaved puppy in all the land. There is only one I'm sure of it, and it's not mine šŸ˜‚

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Hi Mona! bitey puppy stage totally ends, but you'll need to work on some behavior and training now. lots of exercise helps, whether walking and allowing them to sniff and some teething toys and making it clear what is okay to bite. they calm down, and are so fun!

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I hope he will be because for now he's a ton of stress! I feel I have to constantly supervise him between the biting and the peeing in the house I'm exhausted. My vet told me this morning that I can't walk him because he doesn't have all his vaccinations yet and I'm like no. What am I supposed to do with him all day otherwise? Do you have any recs for potty training? I have bells but he doesn't seem to get it

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i picked very specific times to potty so my pup got used to going at specific times; i also had to learn how she signaled that she needed to go outside. My pup would sit quietly by the door, but it may be a head in your lap and not playing, whatever! a little trial and error. Also don't feel bad about using baby gates to keep your pup contained to an area that you can supervise or crate training. feel free to email me if you want to talk thru anything! jilliankmf [at] gmail

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Bless you! I probably will email you, I know nothing. The first vet visit was today and she was going on and on and it was like a foreign language.

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I wish I could do rage pushups...I can barely get down more than a couple inches even doing it with my knees in the ground. The least athletic person I know is me

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deletedOct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon
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It does but not a big calorie burn

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Just going to dive right in this week:

1. Mark Hamill's post-debate tweets: https://twitter.com/HamillHimself/status/1311198722001235968

Who knew Luke Skywalker was funny??

2. My local library is killing it with kid activities in the time of COVID. We're very excited for the Mystery Spooky Scavenger Hunt: https://lplks.org/blogs/post/mystery-spooky-scavenger-hunt/ My oldest 2 also just finished up a free cooking class via Zoom put on by the library and they were both bummed it was only for the month of September.

3. There is a lot of HP reading going on! I just finished 5-7 for the 3rd or 4th time. I know each has their own opinions on the best book, but my favorite is #5. I really, really relate to teen angst Harry in Order of the Phoenix. I also love to hate Umbridge.

4. I also started Who Thought This Was a Good Idea?: And Other Questions You Should Have Answers to When You Work in the White House by Alyssa Mastromonaco. It is delightful. As a former, small scale event planner and executive assistant, her stories both intrigue and terrify me. I love it.

5. Hubs and I get to have an overnight without kids (thanks, grandparents!) in a city neither of us have been to (here we come, Wichita!) and I have been looking forward to it ALL. WEEK. LONG. Equally excited - my children, who keep asking me when we leave.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and week! Love you all in this little space!

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I'm desperately trying to finish a book I already started so that I can re-dive into HP with full abandon. It's been a few years since a re-read and if 2020 needed anything, it's an HP re-read. #6 is my fave of that trio you mentioned. So much interesting backstory.

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I love to hate Umbridge too, plus I love the sneaking around to LEARN. It warms my Hermione-esque heart.

Though my fave is probably seven. Idk, it changes!

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i love to hate Umbridge too!! looking forward to that Alyssa Mastromonaco book. Have a GREAT time with your husband!

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That Alyssa Mastromonaco book is GREAT.

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Ha, loved that tweet by Hamill!

I hope you'll have a wonderful trip!

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Oh I forgot something!!! Do yā€™all call an SUV a truck or car? Example: go get that thing out of my car. Or go get that thing out of my truck.

Iā€™ve been saying go get that thing out of my big van for 15 years!!

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I've always called it a car, but a dear family friend of our ALWAYS referred to her Suburban as a "truck" so I think it depends on where/who you are!

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Okay Iā€™m in the south, does that make a difference?!

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Iā€™m in the south too! And I think itā€™s actually more southern to call it a truck...or at least a specific kind of southern. So I still say youā€™re okay either way!

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Just donā€™t wanna sound bonkers šŸ˜‰

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Car. I've driven an SUV for 15 years. Never once called it a truck, lol.

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I say Car too

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Car, definitely car

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mmm the car, i think

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Yā€™all Iā€™m tired. Deeply tired of all the things. The closer we get to the end of the week the harder it is for me to find words or figure out how I feel other than tired

Erin, at this moment my hearts greatest desire is patio drinks and snacks with Lil Swipes and the sweet smell of Tea Olives! Swoon! Will have to see if Tea Olives grow in Texas so I can create a close approximation in my backyard. Anyway... I am happyto take some time to sip coffee and catch up with all of you.

On with the Treasures!

- On Monday a year long litigation dance with my ex-husband following my petition to have sole decision making power regarding counseling and mental healthcare our girls among other things was resolved in mediation. Everything we requested was agreed to in some form our fashion and I am just so grateful. Odd bonus is the new phrase ā€œThat husband of hersā€ stolen from my ex and now used obsessively...as in ā€œit would be great if that husband of mine would take out the trash.ā€ Lol

- Harry Potter! Our family read along continues and my delight in watching my girls and ā€œthat husband of mineā€ discover this land and fall in love with these characters has not ceased. We are getting ever closer to the end of The Goblet of Fire.

- Iā€™ve already devoured Erinā€™s episode on The Daily Prophcast and excited to go back and listen to more of this podcast.

- The Cincinnati Zoo Facebook and YouTube feeds are my favorite and I have watched this video of a baby rhino with zoomies more times than I can count


- For years my mom and sisters and husband have encouraged to open an Etsy shop and Iā€™ve always come up with reasons not to ( if Iā€™m honest I was too scared to fail). Iā€™ve run our of excuses and 2020 has ā€œgiftedā€ me with time I took the leap, launched the shop and had sales in the first 24 hours. Still feeling nervous but also optimistic

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Thank you so much! Itā€™s so nerve-racking to put myself/my creations out there.

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I was today years old when I found out I love baby rhinos!

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Isnā€™t he the cutest!?!?!

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congrats on the shop opening and BIG WINS This week! and Goblet of Fire is a potentially perfect 4th book in a series of 7 (perhaps a capstone?)

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Congrats on your shop debut!!!

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What's in your Etsy shop??

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The inventory is not huge but I knew if I waited for ā€œperfectionā€ Iā€™d chicken out.

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

This week was a major turd in a lot of ways. Majorly depressing. Iā€™m having more issues with endometriosis that make me want to throw things and eat chocolate (even though that makes me feel worse). I have another appointment with my doctor today. Thereā€™s a lot to discuss and the um... *physical* aspect of my appointment today makes me nervous. Iā€™m also trying to figure out all the college things right now and itā€™s way overwhelming. Do I want to be a special ed teacher or an occupational therapist? Do I want to stay close to home or move 3.5 hours away? Do I want a small campus or a large one? Christian or not? Financial aid? COVID policies? Parent opinions? I wish that the decisions were easier, but theyā€™re just not.

Treasures this week were pretty slim. But!

šŸ’• I got to spend some time with friends last night. Theyā€™re going through a lot of the same things that I am and itā€™s helpful to know that Iā€™m not alone.

šŸ˜ Let this video wash over your soul. Itā€™s amazing. *language warning*


šŸ˜‚ This whole family. I canā€™t explain why I love them so much... but I do. https://instagram.com/itsthemcfarlands?igshid=1anqvw4kthn49

šŸ˜ŗ My family adopted quarantine kittens. Theyā€™re seven months old now and theyā€™re the funniest things. They donā€™t understand that the chairs in our den/dining room area downstairs have wheels. They jump on them and scare the crap out of themselves when the chairs move. They bodyslam each other into everything. And theyā€™re getting SO. FAT. Itā€™s the cutest. Only if you call the one ā€œfatā€, he shames you. We now have two *f-words* in our household...šŸ˜‚

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Hey there---I work with high schoolers for a living, including doing some college planning/application help/future contemplation. If you need help, let me know and I can get you my contact info. :)

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Thank you, Karen! I might take you up on that away some point!

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The college decision is so hard. Thinking about you as you're working through this!

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The college decision is so hard. Thinking about you as you're working through this!

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Thank you!šŸ’•

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I also have endometriosis so I empathize with your pain and frustrations and nerves surrounding physical exams. Praying you get some answers and/or find ways to manage the pain that work for you. ā¤

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I was going to write almost the exact comment, Sarah šŸ˜Š Praying that things went well today, Riley, and that your doctors and nurses listened well and saw you ā¤ļø

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Thank you ladies! The appointment went well. I somehow escaped the physical exam!šŸŽ‰ Iā€™m currently trying to manage the side effects of the pills they put me on, which is a trip. But I have a good doctor that cares about me, which is such a blessing. I have an ultrasound scheduled in two weeks just to make sure weā€™re not missing anything. Thank you both for the prayers and encouragement!!šŸ’•

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A good doctor is such a blessing! Iā€™ll be continuing to pray for those side effects, and for the follow up. Keep us posted! ā¤ļø

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Thank you! I always fear that Iā€™m over sharing when it come to this stuff. I so appreciate that Iā€™ve found a community!!šŸ’•

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Praying for your health, your appointment and peace as you make decisions about your future. ā¤

I kinda wish I could see the kittens jump on the chairs and scare themselves! šŸ˜‚

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Thank you! The sheer look of terror is one of the most amusing things. I shouldnā€™t find it nearly as funny as I do.šŸ˜‚

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sending love and prayers and calmness for your appointment today! also sending love for college decisions - I think my advice is if you are not wanting to go into a field with very specific requirements (dr, nurse, accountant, teacher), pick a place where you learn how to learn and can have good community!

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Thanks! Iā€™ve narrowed my choices to a top four, which does make things a bit easier!

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My profession is in higher education, so I'm here to sound off if you need someone who isn't your parent to talk to :)

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Thank you!šŸ’•

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1. Erin I see you on that feed lot smelling like ā€œmoneyā€ comment. My step dad used to grow field corn and turned it into silage for feed šŸ¤¢.

2. The video and article about Rep. Katie Porter by R. Eric Thomas made me laugh and throw up fists in solidarity. So good! Definite Julia Sugarbaker energy.

3. Iā€™m loving that the SEC is finally playing football again! Last Saturday was truly one of the highlights of the year for me and Iā€™m hoping this Saturday will be more of the same football goodness.

4. Looking forward to possibly pumpkin patching with my boys in the next week or so.

5. The cooler weather (think 50s and low 80s) weā€™ve finally gotten in the FLA so that I can pretend to live in a place with four seasons.

6. Apple cider and bourbon - separately or together.

Thanks for the newsletter! Itā€™s a bright spot! šŸ˜Š

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Happy Friday, fellow swipes!

Annie F. Downs once mentioned one of her friends texting her the following phrase ā€œyou are in the center of Godā€™s kindness right nowā€. Iā€™ve always held tight to that even life doesnā€™t feel very kind - last week was one of those weeks. But this week there have been lots of little moments that just felt really kind.

šŸŒŸ All of you here are just the sweetest

šŸŒŸ Iā€™ve been saving for a new couch for a while now as my old one was my great grandmotherā€™s and it looks and feels like it. I was almost to the point where I felt confident in the amount I had saved to start looking when a former co worker posted her in-laws barely used, second couch on Facebook for sale. Yā€™all, it was exactly the style and color of leather couch I wanted! It also came with an armchair and an ottoman for wayyyyyyy less than I was planning on spending. I smile every time I have looked at or sat in my living room this week.

šŸŒŸ I currently live on the third floor of an apartment building with no elevator - which makes the whole couch situation quite tricky. My best friends have the best husbands who graciously helped me get my old couch out and the new one in - it was no easy feat. At one point it involved the couch being about 1/3 of the way over the porch railing. Thank goodness for best friends' husbands who step in to make life a heck of a lot easier.

šŸŒŸ One of the best friends, her husband, and I had a thoughtful conversations on abortion, gun rights, the direction of government, third parties, and all the other things. We all got real passionate, but also sought to understand and find common ground. It was wonderful to remember that conversations like this can exist.

šŸŒŸ Pantsuit Politics episode on RBG and gender roles. I held off listening because I knew I would cry, and I did, but totally worth it.

šŸŒŸ During the debate, I emotionally bought this shirt: https://www.threadless.com/shop/@threeletterbirds/design/strong-women One for me and one for my sister's Christmas present. 50% of the proceeds go to Democrats in tight senate races.

šŸŒŸ The acoustic version of Ben Rector's "It Would Be You". It was released today and will be on loop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2hcnDDjX48&ab_channel=BenRector-Topic

šŸŒŸ As food service employee during the summers, I felt this: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFcIz74p3sC/?igshid=15u0sj00f1j0w

šŸŒŸI get to see my best friend and my three year old niece this weekend. She lives about two hours away, so these trips are always a treat.

I hope you all have the best weekend available to you! I can't wait to read your treasures and turds!

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I'm so excited on your behalf about the couch! It's nice when things work out like that!

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I love your treasures and I very much love that you got to feel the kindness this week!

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What a great conversation - that gives me hope for America. Also YAY for new couches at a discount that is ** exactly ** what you want. Lovely.

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i am SO excited for your new couch, and as a fellow lady without a husband, i am so grateful to the many friends who have come to moving rescue! what a treasure <3

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Congrats on furniture deals and a real-life PIVOT moment!

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

I mentioned this months ago, but around the time the pandemic hit, I self-published a little book about singleness. With *all of these things* going on in the world, I took a break from marketing it because 1. it felt unimportant and silly when there are so many other important things to be focusing our time, energy, and money towards and 2. I ironically have been feeling kind of "meh" about my singleness the last month or two and I didn't feel ~in the mood~ to post on social media about how being single is great and important and blah blah blah...

I then received a message a couple days ago from a coworker telling me that she was feeling very sad that she was almost 40 and was single, not dating, etc. She said she took out my book and it was a source of encouragement for her.

I share all of this not as a weird way to publically pat myself on the back in this online forum, but just to say that sometimes when you feel called to small or big things in life- whether that be to write a lil book, write a newsletter (ERIN MOON!!), pay for someone's Starbucks, etc. - you just don't know how God can use these small acts of obedience to bless others and make them feel known and loved. I've learned a lot over the last 7 months that, that's all we really are yearning for in this world. It's been a joy to see the way strangers have helped each other during this time, and although I really want things to go back to some kind of normalcy, I pray that we don't stop listening to each other's stories and picking each other up when we feel down!

That's it. That's the treasure.

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This is so sincere and well-written and true. Thank you for taking the time to share.

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Well done!

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I adore this in a big, big way, Lilllian.

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this is so lovely! I share your prayer for continued listening, community, and caring for each other!

(also please drop the link to your book, i am v interested)

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Youā€™re so sweet! Hereā€™s the link to the book! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08762VNBD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fab_hK5DFbRV6G7SY

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This is so lovely!

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Weā€™ve had another survivable week here at the mansion.

The turds- I got a speeding ticket. Like five minutes after my mom said donā€™t speed. Itā€™s hard not to speed when you havenā€™t had a fast car for 15 years! I mean my trucks name is Buzz Lightyear, I have no choice but to speed. The officer asked why I was speeding and I said I have no reason I just was. I was doing 65 in a 45 but he gave me a ticket for doing 55 in a 45 which is better. I think my honesty helped.

The best thing was my big ole shipment of scratchy bath towels! I love them so much!!! There are so many of them and I no longer have to search for towels! Added bonus they exfoliate your whole dang body!

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"I can't help it, officer. The truck is named Buzz Lightyear!"

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BUZZ!!!!!!!! You picked the name!

Your towel update was EPIC and ICONIC! :)

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First time commenting, so I'm wondering if something can be a turd AND a treasure? A turdsure, if you will? (I hate myself.)

My 2 year old's been sick since May with no real known cause. We've done inpatient at the local children's hospital multiple times and the doctors called last week to say they're out of their depth and want us to seek a second opinion. They're not comfortable giving a firm diagnosis but, more than that, the only treatment they know of is steroids every other week until he's 12. So I'm grateful for that doctors who know their limits!

After requesting appointments at multiple recommended children's hospitals and getting turned away, I was at my wits end on Friday and requested an appointment at Mayo Clinic. And they accepted. We're going to Rochester, MN in a week and a half and...I'm barely holding myself together. I'm trying to wrap everything up at work (because of course an event I coordinate is that week lolz) and figure out an 11 hour road trip with a 3.5 year old and 2 year old, food, doctor's appointments, my 3.5 year old asking me "Is Ev still sick or can he play now?", COVID testing, *the general situation of the world*, and all of it feels like too much. Going to Mayo feels BIG and overwhelming and my Ennea 6 self is trying to stay afloat. On top of all that, he hasn't had a flare in a couple of weeks which makes me feel like we'll inconvenience doctors and they'll say he's fine. And the spiral goes on and on and on...

BUT I'm reminding myself that Mayo wants to see him! That means they want to help and there might be alternative treatments. We're going to MN in October so we'll see a real fall! with an apple orchard!--not like what we have here in Oklahoma. And my husband and I were just saying with all of Ev's in-and-out we wanted to get away. We were more thinking like a local bed and breakfast with the grandparents watching our kids but I guess God was like "Nah, y'all-you need to GET AWAY." ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

Also Braum's came back with their holiday ice cream and if that's not a treasure, I don't know what is. IYKYK. If you have kid friendly audiobook recs that won't make me want to bang my head against the dashboard, please let me know. Paddington is fine and all but not for 11 hours. :)))

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My family has loved the Chronicles of Narnia audiobooks, Winnie the Pooh, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. Ramona the Pest/Brave/Ramona and Beezus would be fun as well, though I haven't listened to all of those. I'm not "up" on podcasts, though :-( Praying for you as you undergo this ordeal, and especially praying that there will be plenty of Braum's on your roadtrip.

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"Turdsure" made me laugh out loud. Your struggle with your son did not. I'm so sorry that things have been scary and uncertain, and I really hope that Mayo gives you some information and/or answers.

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TURDSURE. Yes. Officially entering the lexicon! The Harry Potter audiobooks are great - he won a Grammy for them!

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That is SO hard. Grateful that you have an appointment at the Mayo Clinic! I pray the appointment there feels hopeful and sets you on the path to get answers.

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Thank you so much, Erika!

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I hope you get the answers you need. Can I just say I am so impressed with how you're taking the time to notice the positives like the fall foliage and apple picking in MN. Those are great things!

Good for you for trying to see the good! I hope they can figure out what's wrong. Sending much love your way ā¤ļø

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The years of therapy are paying off! šŸ˜‚

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So, just so you know. When you go to The Mayo, they might throw out every test that you've already had and redo them. They are BIG about diagnostics and will run their own exams and whatnot. My mom was a Mayo patient when going through ALS and to diagnose her she went through all the tests her former care team did. They are going to be very evasive to cover all their bases.

Rochester is a lovely city

And you are catching us at peak leaves.

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Ohhh, that is SO good to know about Mayo. I didn't think about them running similar labs and imagining. Thank you, Melissa! So appreciate that.

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Just know they could do that. So prepare yourself. Diagnostics are their BIG deal. How long will you be there? Did they explain you might be there for longer than what timeframe you initially planned?

I pray it goes well for you and you get answers.

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Praying for answers and little joys on your trip. My kids love the Story Pirates podcast, and it is so clever that I can handle it as well. Audiobook ideas: Chronicles of Narnia, Hank the Cowdog, Peter Rabbit.

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All great ideas--thank you!

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I hope you get firm answers! I know getting a diagnosis is a long and stressful process. Praying for answers! Also BRAUMS. I miss it. I had it growing up in DFW and now I don't have regular access in central TX and I miss it.

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Sending you virtual burgers and milkshakes. ā¤ļø ā¤ļø ā¤ļø

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Oh my gosh that is a LOT. So grateful you are on your way to getting more answers. Also why is it when we make appointments for our kids, the issues seem to resolve/go dormant in some form or another? My 3.5 yo has eczema & I feel like every time we reach out to his derm, it goes away. Like itā€™s listening šŸ˜‘ Anyway, prayers for you as you navigate all of this! And my kiddo loves the Circle Round podcast. Sweet stories with good voice actors (different every time!). šŸ’—

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My mom always says the doctor's office waiting room has healing powers. Praying for you and your little one, that you get some answers!

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Ohhhh I just looked at Circle Round and I'm very interested! And yes-it's like their little bodies think, "oh HECK NO" and fix themselves. šŸ™ƒ I have to remind myself that I will really, really regret cancelling if he has a flare anytime soon.

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wow Kayla, what a turdsure for sure! I'll try to think of kiddo books, and praying for answers in the meantime!

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you are TOO kind <3

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Thank you, Dana! ā¤ļø

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Hello, lovelies! Thank you for filling my quiet/boring morning at the office with joy. Jillian's TikTok ministry is alive and well and that Kylo as Troy video just did my heart good. Speaking of Kylo, I found these masks this week at RedBubble and now just have to decide how many I'm gonna buy...




Also there is a bush outside my office building that flowered recently and has been smelling SO lovely and I couldn't figure out what it was and now I know! I'm a spring-loving person who hates colder weather, so this bit of new life feels like a God wink.

Last treasure is spending last Friday evening sitting on my porch in sweats drinking Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale with my younger brother. I 10/10 would recommend for a very lovely time.

There were some BIG OL turds in my week but I just don't even have the energy to focus on those today. Thanks for being here, y'all!

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AHAHAHA those MASKS <3 and new life and renewed life! i love all this!

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That sounded like a fantastic Friday night. I hope next week will be lighter on the turds.

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Thank you, Rebecka! We can always hope!

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It was so sweet! It's been crazy to watch him grow up, and now to be adults together and talk about life is a real gift.

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

I was rendered unable to speak for ten minutes after seeing the bust cakes. It was too much. They took it so seriously, they tried so hard. God bless GBBO āœØ

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Man, I'm four minutes away from clicking on to a meeting and that We Got You story has me in TEARS. Y'all really are the best people.

Treasures for this week:

Biscuits and gravy. I made it for dinner this week and there are no words for how comforting it was on a soul level. Not only is it delicious, but it's something I grew up eating regularly (we were hella poor) and it's nostalgic.

Sleeping with my phone in another room/app boundaries. I don't want to be yet ANOTHER person bragging about how they have amazing boundaries with their phone (because I don't) or how they sleep with it in a different room and they're just "SOOOO detached from technology" because I always roll my eyes at those people. But y'all. I'm just saying that I'm getting some of the most restful sleep of my life. I figure while I can't control how much screen time I have in the day due to working from home, I can control how much screen time I have outside of work duties. I've been embracing the concept of "parenting your phone" (I heard about it from AFD and she heard about it from someone else) where you "put your phone to bed" before you go to bed and you wake up before your phone "wakes up." I am not a parent so I don't know how much this actually mimics the realities of parenting, but for my phone, I'm really digging it.

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I make biscuits and gravy but add bacon to my gravy! Cause itā€™s bacon!

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This is some phone wisdom. Here for it.

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I think you just convinced me to buy an alarm clock.

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Yesssss please do it and let me know how it goes! I got a fancy alarm clock a couple of years ago that mimics the rising of the sun which is helpful for Chicago winters when we basically get about 6 hours of daylight. Before this whole experiment, I wasn't even using it and just using my phone as an alarm, which I thought was kinda silly. However now I'm in a place where it'll start to glow and get progressively brighter and I have a moment in my mind every morning where I think "UGH. IT'S GLOWING. THIS IS ALMOST OVER." But prayerfully you'll have a better attitude about it than I do.

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No, I'm pretty sure it was Amazon.

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Mmmm, biscuits and gravy. I may need to put that on meal rotation this week.

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I also had biscuits and gravy for dinner this week! It was yummy.

Ok, yes, I KNOW in my head I need to put my phone back in the bathroom for the night as I once did, and I am in the process of making that happen. I'm borrowing an alarm clock from my mom that gradually turns on a lamp until it awakens you with light and bird noises, and so far that has been good. Last night I re-set-up the Screen Time settings, which have gotten significantly more helpful and customizable than when I used them previously. (I was averaging ALMOST 7 HOURS A DAY, PEOPLE) Next step, putting my phone to bed!!! I love that idea. As a parent of 3, the analogy holds up, IMO.

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B&G is now becoming a staple in my fall/winter meal list.

I also have one of those alarm clocks! It's very helpful for Chicago winters when it's dark ALL THE TIME. Also, setting screen time limits has been very helpful at making me actually put my phone to bed and not pick it up until I'm ready to "wake it up."

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We had biscuits and gravy last night as part of my breakfast dinner buffet. I feel the same way about that comfort.

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Honestly, I don't have a recipe. But it's very simple!


Breakfast sausage (not patties or links, but the kind that comes in a tube and you're gonna wanna use the whole tube)


Whole milk



Brown the sausage in the pan and don't drain it.

Remove it from the heat and sprinkle enough flour on top to cover the meat.

Add the milk (the amount of milk depends on how saucy you want it. I added about a quart-ish.

Return to heat on medium low and stir it until it thickens.

S&P to taste (I like a lot of pepper).

For the biscuits, I grew up eating canned biscuits and I'm still in search of a good biscuit recipe to make them from scratch.

Also, I'm not from the south south (the St. Louis area), but it's common to eat this in more rural communities.

Also, I feel like real southerners throw butter in there somewhere, but I haven't done that or tested it so use that information as you will.

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The Pioneer Woman's recipe is the best gravy recipe I've found!


I use the classic Betty Cocker baking powder biscuit recipe instead though.

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OMG that typo. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ½Betty CROCKER.

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The pressure of finding the right recipe for Biscuits and Gravy is INTENSE RIGHT NOW.

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This is my response post to Erin's treasures since my treasures post was already long, haha!

The Sex in the City re-enactments are purrrfection (heh heh); I've been considering getting a voting shirt as well as some for my kiddos -- so you may have influenced me; the scent of magnolias in the air is extremely precious to me, so I am happy you have sweet air! I would be suuuuper curious to see what MM as a presidential candidate would be like... and we should all consider if Beth Moore would approve our tweets, posts, and text messaged before we submit them, amen.

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The SATC TikTok straight up ended me.

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ahahaha maybe we should start a Erin, here are our reactions to your content thread, and comment as usual with all our other stuff.


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We should! I keep forgetting to comment on all the cool stuff Erin blesses us with...

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Hey evvvverrrrybodddddy! (Said like Dr. Nick from The Simpsons)

I'm masked, I'm at my desk, I'm eyeing my coffee, and its Friday.



1. Great British Bake Off is BACK! We watched it last week as a family -- every Friday night we pick different movies/shows to watch as a family and try to be off our phones as much as possible. The whole family watched this and did our usually commentary as we did. We are like Mystery Science Theatre when we watch shows. We all are talkers. It's why we are also a subtitle house. I can't wait to watch the new ep tonight.

2. Last week we also watched Enola Holmes and crap, now I love Millie Bobby Brown. That role was PERFECTION for her.

3. Loving the I Got This tab and now I am a knitting machine working on projects requested. I am hoping to finish scarf 1 that was requested, then I have requests for another scarf, 2 hats and maybe a cowl too. I will try to honor requests as they came in. LOVING being able to pass along some knit goods and use some of my yarn stash.

4. New show I'm kind of loving --> Filthy Rich on Fox. Quite an interesting take on the whole PTL type sitch. Anyone else watching?

5. This past week I also reached my 1000 mile mark of my 1135 mile goal for 2020. This is tracking miles on Charity Miles for the ALS Association. As of today, I only have 119 miles left to reach this goal. If I'm not able to go outside to walk/run that 3.1 minimum, I do indoor walking workouts (yeah go old school with Leslie Sansone youtube links, go ahead and mock me, but I love her) and it gets me moving, which is the goal truly. Intention movement. Intentional stepping and earning miles.

6. Lasagna. I love lasagna, but my husband dislikes ricotta and cottage cheese, my older son also isn't a big fan. But Lincoln (my 7 year old) has been watching episodes of Garfield on Amazon Prime and was all "Mom, do I like lasagna?" -- so I made a pan. Spoiler alert: He loves it. Like licked his plate clean. I now have a lasagna buddy in my house and will be making it quite often this winter for he and I to happily enjoy.

7. Jillian making me laugh "Ma'am!!!" "GIRL!"

8. Voting early. 'nuff said- I did THAT the night of the debates and didn't watch them. #Win

9. Looking into becoming a Grief Educator. David Kessler is in the process of developing curriculum and I am putting my toe in the water about this.

Erin: loving that link from The Outrage and now I want to buy ALL THE SHIRTS!!!

I hope this finds everyone well.

Keep healthy

Keep being you

I see you :) You're doing awesome,


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In the UK lasagne is made with bechamel sauce layers instead of the cheese ones. I donā€™t think itā€™s as good, I usually make Inaā€™s recipe, buuuuut it might be a lasagne your whole family can enjoy. Also we spell lasagne with an E!

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I always want to spell it with an E. I think it looks better that way. Ha. Maybe I'm secretly British.

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Lasagna is family. For real. When I found out post-wedding that Ben doesn't like chili, I cried.

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I married Darin (19 years on Tuesday) knowing he has issues with (1) lasagna and (2) mashed potatoes --really he just has issues with the textures of cheeses and mashed potatoes, its also why he doesn't eat hummus and needs guac to be CHUNKY. I know. It's a lot. I must actually love him (laughs). He has passed this aversion to Lincoln but seeing as Linc does love lasagna, I hope I can turn him around on mashed potatoes.

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Mashed potatoes are everything.

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My dad hates all condiments/dressings/etc. due to texture issues, and we have always given him such a hard time for it. My mom said that when they first started dating, he wouldn't even sit next to her if she was eating ranch dressing. And now, I somehow managed to find The Boy, a person who also hates all condiments/dressings/etc. Who will I share my love of potato salad, mustard, tuna/chicken salad, guacamole, and all things dressed with? It baffles me.

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Woof---lasagna AND mashed potatoes? That's a rough go...

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I married my husband knowing that he only likes cheese slices that are covered in a wrapper. He also thinks Swiss cheese is super fancyšŸ¤£

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I won't eat cheese slices covered in wrapper...I call it 'plastic cheese'!

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I know!!!! Itā€™s the worst!!

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You are in for a treat tonight! This week's show-stoppers were awesome!

(I'm working so hard not to spoil the show for my friends across the pond. The only thing I've wanted to do all week is to discuss Bake Off with all of you! Lol.)

I think you'd be a wonderful Grief Educator!

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Aww thanks....

And re GBBO: If my family doesn't want to watch tonight, I'll be watching tomorrow when my husband is at golf and knitting.

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I read this as if your husband would be knitting while playing golf. šŸ˜‚

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If this ever happens, it would be one of Erin's Treasures:-)

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I'm sorry that's way too much male multitasking lol

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My favorite lasagna recipe (after Bri McKoy's butternut squash lasagna) uses a beschemel sauce instead of ricotta or cottage cheese. (You layer it the same with red sauce)

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While a butternut squash lasagna has its place.

I am very much team red sauce lasagna.

I would make a bechemel sauce for me. I will get there with Linc haha.

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Team red sauce, yes! I didn't explain well: so the bechamel lasagna is red sauce, noodles, red sauce, white sauce, noodles, red sauce, white sauce, noodles, repeat. Top with mozzarella, of course. There might be mozzarella in the layering, but I don't remember. Anyway, it is so, so good

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That sounds downright decadent.

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Garfield is the reason all my boys eat lasagna. And lasagna is my husband's love language so...it is made often here. So glad you've got a lasagna buddy now!

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That makes your house amazing!

And yes, I am SO happy I have a lasagna buddy now.

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Mel, you must make lasagna soup! Then you can have it for lunch and never hear another complaint from your family!

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I actually do this! I make a tomato based soup where i break up lasagna noodles and then add seasoned ricotta to the bowls separately. But even then it doesn't QUITE hit all the "yum points" that a well-rested lasagna does.

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Soooo did it take me all afternoon to get that? Yes. Yes it did *giggles* Yes, without a nap it gets all messy ;)

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If you can't find gluten free lasagna noodles near you, I'm sending you some from Sweden! You need lasagna in your life, woman.

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I love making soup! Fill a pot, feed a herd!

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Soup is my love language. I made a soup the other night with random veggies jussssst riding the line of "are they getting sad?" (carrots, celery, onion, tomatoes, red/orange pepper, kale) - chicken stock, a bit of italian sausage, and a partial box of larger couscous -- It's totally my way to use up all the things.

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You should try Bri McKoy's pumpkin soup. It is spicy and flavorful and fall in a bowl. https://oursavorylife.com/pumpkin-chili-recipe-perfect-chilly-weather/

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I made that this week! So good!

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My fave fall soup: cubed butternut squash, a good ground breakfast sausage, leeks, kale, garlic, chicken broth, coconut milk, and allllll the sage. šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤

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That sounds AMAZING!

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Oh see, that would be a big ol NOPE from me too -- there are some batches of food I make over the weekend that are SOLELY my lunch food and that lunch food keeps me from going crazy on people. I become Ross when someone ate his Thanksgiving leftovers. LOL

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Barilla makes some

Target brand Simply Balanced does

There are so many! Do this!

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I love this update. It feels buoyant. And I just recently learned what a treasure the GBBS is...so I canā€™t wait to watch this new season!

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Oh the joy that is watching GBBO for the first time. It's so so so lovely.

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"Lovely" said in a sweet British accent.

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um, GIRL, drop me some deets about the Grief Educator stuff. that sounds wonderful and like a way i'd love to help serve. cheering you on always, and if anyone comes for Leslie Sansone, i will fight you.

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Well I bought his most recent book and now get his emails and right now he was just sending out a survey "Looking ahead to next year, I'm in the process of creating a training program for people who are interested in helping others navigate the pain of loss."

So I'm doing that and going to see where it goes.

I love Leslie and all the people in her crew. If I want to feel like I'm sweating my entire body off, I do one of her workouts led by Rocky. She's amazing.

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Ok, I really want to watch Enola Holmes, but a few weeks ago it took my husband and I 3 sittings to watch the new Lion King because of time constraints, so I'm just depressed by that lol. I LOVE that you're knitting for people! So cool! And lasagna is one of my favorite foods. Maybe your husband and son would like it with mascarpone?

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So Enola Holmes took me three nights!

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I looked at it last night and was like TWO HOURS? nope thats too big a commitment for this girl. gotta start earlier or break it up.

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The Boy wanted to watch Titanic last weekend and after me pausing three times and saying, "there's still ___ hours left of this?!", we called it a night and finished it the next day. I can't hang with long movies. šŸ˜‚

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PreKids? I'd be like "oh 8 pm? Let's watch a movie!" -- now? I'm like "8 pm? I can't watch something so late!!"

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I keep thinking I can start a 2-hour movie at 9 and be in bed at 11 and every time I get surprised when I fail. (How many bathroom and snack brakes do I take?)

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I'm already at that point without kids. šŸ˜‚

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HA! See, I saw the time and the time I started it I was all "well I know I won't watch this all tonight!" ;)

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HA! It took me a couple. We started it Friday, but *I* finished it sometime Sat or Sun? LOL

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Ok you guys have inspired me!

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I may have to try that....mascarpone. Or not and Linc and I can have a whole pan just for us LOL.

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I've been wanting to watch Filthy Rich! I loveee Corey Cott ever since I went to New York and saw him in the musical Bandstand. He is dreamy and was good friends with one of my coworkers in college and just sounds like the nicest guy. I'll have to go watch!

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It has been a romp. I say give it a whirl, I know its on Hulu for streaming to catch up.

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Oh we are a FAMILY of yellers. When that tray got knocked over. My 13 year old and I were literally clutching each other. This is big for him and all his teenage angst HAHA.

We also love giggling over the bios (cue my gentle Noel voice) "He's from hampshireforrestglen and when he's not baking enjoying doing interpretive dance in his garden"

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My favorite was listening to Viking metal and doing yoga šŸ˜†

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There are just times when we are quiet, but other times? TALK THROUGH IT ALL! HAHA.

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Over the past few years the trick-or-treating in our neighborhood has dwindled. Last year I think we went to maybe 10 houses, and we had a ton of candy left over. Everyone seems to be trunk-or-treated out by Halloween night. So this year I have decided to have a glow in the dark candy hunt. My four year old is super excited about Halloween this year and I did not want to just blow it off. I got some white plastic eggs, that I am going to draw faces on, and some mini glow sticks to put in the eggs. So that is what we will be doing on Halloween night. It may become a new tradition.

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That sounds awesome! Your four year is gonna love that. Halloween has become super lame where we live too. Hardly anyone out, and just bowls left outside of darkened homes. What is with trunk or treat anyway...why is this how we trick or treat now? It's too much candy overall and it's just not the vibe I'm going for. Takes away from the big night. Either way, this year we aren't doing it...if it's lame on a regular year, I can't imagine how it will be this year during a pandemic.

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UH this is brilliant.

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That sounds so fun!

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So fun!! What a great and creative idea šŸ˜Š

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This is such a great idea! My boys love glow sticks and anything glow-in-the-dark; I may be stealing this idea!

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Well, hello there!

Last week I got a text message from my landlords asking if I could stay out of my apartment between 12 and 8 on Saturday. I had a feeling/was hoping they would install a new shower cubicle since mine has been broken and kind of gross for a while now. When I got home, not only was there a brand new shower cubicle, they had also gotten me a new (to me) washing machine and a very nice, brand new refrigerator! I was blown away! Best part? The new fridge doesn't make weird noises that wake me up at 1.30 at night! Between this and the fall decorating I've been doing, I've had a pretty good week. Oh, and I made jam!

Some internet treasures: I can't stop watching this baby getting its hair washed. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDt99JWjxLs/

How cute is this kid? https://www.instagram.com/p/CE2bslHn8Ih/

For my fellow Bake Off fans. Noel Fielding as cakes. A thread. https://twitter.com/Pandamoanimum/status/1310876452678705153

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If my landlords were like "stay out of your house for 8 hours." I would need to know EVERYTHING that they were going to do.

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Even when we've agreed on what they're going to do, they always do something else as well, like change a light fixture without asking. They do it out of kindness but it doesn't always go with the rest of my decor... So I just hope for the best. šŸ˜‚

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Well that is delightful!

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I am so jealous of that baby getting its hair washed!

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Me too, it looked so relaxing!

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I need someone to wash my hair like a baby.

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As an up-until-recent apartment dweller, this made me feel so happy for you. Updates in your living space make such a difference!

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Aw, thank you! And yes, it almost feels like I've got a whole new place!

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JAMMMM!!! What flavor?

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Lingonberry, the most Swedish of jams! But now I want to make others. I'm thinking blueberry next...

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OMG, funny story about one of my experiences with Lingonberry jam. So, my husband and I were at IKEA and to give you a timeline, this was not long after Napolean Dynamite came out. So we are at the cafe and I'm in my happy place eating meatballs and gravy and jam and just stuffffing mysellllllllf. My husband had a smaller meal and was already done as I sat there again, VERY happy eating and he remarks "TINA EAT YOUR MEAT TINA! EAT YOUR DAMN MEAT!" (in best Napolean Dynamite voice) -- now I'm gigggggggling as I'm eating happily and the people next to us probably thought he was a crazy mean person.

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Bahahaha, I love this! If I ever get married I hope my husband does stuff like that all the time.

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It was such a dorky moment.

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Amazing! What an exciting surprise to come home to šŸ˜Š

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Appliance upgrade + Fall decor + jam = awesome

Noel Fielding as cakes is everything I didnā€™t know I needed this morning!

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So great!

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congrats on the upgrades! And as a new GBBO fan, that Noel thread was a true delight!

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I don't know how people come up with this stuff but I'm glad they do!

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Excited for you on the upgrades to your digs.

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Thanks, friend!

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

My treasure this weeks is the coffee pot I dug out of my garage last weekend for brunch. Iā€™m all for my fancy Nespresso but this coffee pot has a SELF TIMER...trying to wake up before the rest of the house and my coffee already being made for me is a game changer. Old fashioned and less hipster than my French press for the win. Also, Palo Santo wood burning around my house is my new fave. Seems a little whoo whoo but donā€™t knock it till you try it.

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I wanna try this wood burning situation. Will report back.

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We set out coffee timer each night before bed. Itā€™s all ready when I get out of the shower and can grab a few quiet minutes on the couch before the cacophony descends upon the house. Enjoy!!! Also, fancy coffee is my jam! I have no use for Folgers. šŸ˜‚ I love a good dark dark roast. I joke that I want a little coffee hand to come up out of my cup and slap me itā€™s so strong!

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listen, the joy of coffee cannot be underestimated!

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My brain cannot process everything that happened this week. Last night after a really blah day at work, I started to say, "Why am I feeling this way? Wait, that's a stupid question." THE WORLD'S CIRCUMSTANCES are making me feel this way.

It's just that I'm a pretty high-functioning, productive, to-do-list-killing enneagram type 1, former RA. I'm used to getting ish done. And lately I just feel so blah. My husband was like, "You're probably literally slightly depressed, like everyone else right now." So I'm trying to accept that because these circumstances are just SO far out of my control I need to focus on what I can control and not be so harsh on myself.

So despite the new population of worries and what-if's that have set up camp in my brain since this morning's news, I DID try to write down treasures as I found them this week! Here we go:

1. @bethereinfive's Arbys highlight on Instagram. I just discovered Kate recently (I think from a share by Erin?) and my husband and I were literally crying laughing at this highlight this week. Basically, her hometown Arby's experience was very different from most.

2. This is the best chocolate cake recipe out there, don't fight me. I made it for my son's 3rd birthday this week, and it is our signature birthday cake now after 3 years. It's super moist and rich: https://addapinch.com/the-best-chocolate-cake-recipe-ever/

3. This playlist I made like 7 years ago called Pep in My Step. If you just need a musical pick-me-up, listen: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3dJwoJiZziBJcWuHgQ222J?si=s4ymcSknTDaR0vEq84BirA

4. Great British Bake-Off is back on Netflix, praise the Lord! If you watched the first episode, this tweet is for you: https://twitter.com/hollierebekahx/status/1308509395563749378?s=21

5. This video/animation artist's highlight real is JAW DROPPING and so charming!! https://twitter.com/kevinbparry/status/1310276317221449731?s=20

6. I think I saw Jamie share this after I saw it, but this TikTok series of a man guessing paint colors as they're mixed is the perfect distraction: https://www.tiktok.com/@christianmhull?_d=secCgsIARCbDRgBIAIoARI%2BCjyx12Ru3Ram8rENpBD%2F5lszZCqhuR3xoQRRIUXMsONt%2FZ07to7SyeE7OvMrjSjQoU%2B0jhzpU1Cp98aS7BwaAA%3D%3D&language=en&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAAdABeWDWlWBBH-aJLHXfFpokmQGyw4CT1grOE0H7AFrygVDnictr2OF7UvqLYt1he&share_author_id=6733706134547579910&share_link_id=6484E178-0665-4928-AC2A-70DD730268E4&tt_from=copy&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy&source=h5_m

7. Speaking of TikTok, the Washington Post has an account, and as a journalism school graduate, I am so pleased. The videos are pretty fun.

8. If you need some excellent Daveed Diggs wordplay about our president... even if you don't want to hear about our president... Daveed's talent is enough to click! https://www.instagram.com/p/CFxEnNSgn_6/?igshid=5ymetmx3nd49

9. If you've been missing good auto-tune parodies, Weird Al's debate response: https://twitter.com/alyankovic/status/1311415596509278209?s=21

10. The Chicks' new album is SO GOOD. If you need some angry woman music, this is for you.

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That Arby's story is killer.

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Girl your playlist is a DELIGHT! I squealed over some of the artists and tracks. Annie Waits from Ben Folds Five! They are one of my favorites from the 90s/00s FUN FACT: one of my dearest friends and I saw them at the infamous First Ave in Minneapolis and we were BELLY AGAINST THE STAGE and this was when they were touring off their first album and played "Where's Summer B" and during the line "HEY THAT'S DARREN'S GIRLFRIEND" me and my friend Missy screeaaaamed it. Why? Because I had just starting dating someone new. His name? Darin. He's my husband now ;)

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That's a good concert story. REMEMBER LIVE MUSIC? *sobs*

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Great treasures. That highlight video was fascinating!

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thank you for ALL these treasures. Kate's unraveling realizing that not all Arbys are fast casual beautiful was so wonderful to watch :D Dave at WaPo and all these musical treasures will sustain me through the weekend!

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This is one of my favorite BTI5 moments of all time. :D

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My favorite part was when she was like, "Wait, you guys all thought I had a weird obsession with Arby's and were okay with it??"

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yes, Kate, we Beths will follow you to the ends of the internet earth

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Love The Chicks! LOVEEEE

That GBBO Tweet *cackling like Ursula* (tm Danielle)

Totally must go favorite your playlist!

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

My treasures this week are school-related: my oldest (2nd grader) went back to school a full month after all her classmates did and the school is still open! No cases of Covid! I genuinely did not think that would happen. And! Iā€™m checking out a new preschool today for my 4 yr old thatā€™s just across the way from my oldestā€™s school. I COULD HAVE 2 OUT OF 3 KIDS GONE FOR 3 HRS 3 DAYS A WEEK! It ainā€™t much, but itā€™s a bit. (It really says something about the past year/6 months for me to be so excited about that.)

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We're all just celebrating the little victories, so 2 out of 3 gone for 3 hours 3 days a week is BIG W. šŸ‘

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Discovering R. Eric Thomas has been a delight of 2020 for me. That article made me actually LOL. My good thing is Iā€™m finally sleeping decently after not for a while. My turd is my kid is acting like a psychopants and Iā€™m not sure if I should blame it on being 3 or back at school. Maybe some of both.

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He is truly delightful.

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he is doing a scaredy-cat recap for each episode of Lovecraft Country, and they are equally delightful! :)

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Oh, the Sex and the City tiktok!!! I need more!

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Let's do some winners and losers over the past week or two, shall we? Bad news first:

*My second born turned 12 this week. That means his older sister is OLDER than twelve. That means my birthday, which is later this month, firmly lands me in the ACTUAL forties, not just dancing around the edges... and that's weird. Also, my 12 year old son is taller than me, sounds like a man every other sentence, is growing something on his upper lip, and always smells a little bit stinky, even if he's just showered. Someone hold me and help me--I am not prepared for this growing up thing!

*I have decided that my kids are relying on screens too much to entertain them when the weather outside is absolutely delightful and there is NO REASON they should be indoors. So, moving forward, screen time will be allowed for school work but outside of that, only on the weekends. Pray for me. My kids are about to get really bored.

*I am taking an online philosophy course this semester and I don't understand it. I am trying, but truly feel like my brain is failing. I have a midterm to take this weekend, and would appreciate all the prayers that my fog will lift and I will have enough clarity to at least answer the questions:-)

Good news:

*FALL is here in Upstate South Carolina and it is truly delightful and life giving. I really think this weather is a sweet gift from the Lord during a uncertain and crazy time.

*I thought my fiddle leaf fig was going to die but it recently unfurled gorgeous new leaves and I was as proud as if I had birthed another child. Now to see how it survives cooler temps.

*Last week I introduced my husband and oldest child to Twins the New Trend channel on YouTube and it was so much fun to see my 13 year old have similar reactions to the twins (though she has heard Johnny Cash, which they hadn't-- we are raising her right!). This video might be my favorite one, but they are all delightfully distracting gold: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHv0u19fJqE&t=307s&ab_channel=TwinsthenewTrend

Thanks as always for being a light in the darkness.

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HI, Neighbor! I didn't know there were any other upstate SC people here! And the weather has been GLORIOUS! I hope it holds but I know it won't.

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Iā€™m in the lowcountry and freezing!

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Greetings! What part of the Upstate do you reside in? I'm in Tigerville/Travelers Rest. Isn't this fake fall amazing? I am delighting in every moment, especially grateful that a porch swing was installed on our front porch a few weeks ago and we are using it non-stop!

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We're outside Easley. And YES. I have the windows open right now and I'm CHILLY. It's wonderful!

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Those Twins videos are so great!

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I hardly recognized your boy in the pictures this week! he's grown so much!!! Prayers over Midterms!!!

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He's a giant preteen stranger living in my home... who thankfully still likes to snuggle with his mommy. I just sometimes cannot handle his smell :-)

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I took Danaā€™s advice from last week and started keeping an open note on my phone. (Thank you, love! It made all the difference in reminding me to *notice* the moments of joy.)

First, the trash.

Insomnia. Straight up, no sleep for long long hours at random times of the day. Iā€™ve mentioned here that I live with my mom after the sudden death of my dad and her dealing with several health issues the past 3 years, and with COVID, weā€™ve basically shut the door to keep out the Devil since March. My 2 younger sisters donā€™t do their part to isolate in their lives (the pandemic is *not* political! šŸ¤¬), so Iā€™ve had to be aggressive in keeping Mom and myself safe. Which means hard feelings and angry words and my sisters thinking Iā€™m trying to lock Mom away from them till she dies. ::sigh:: Big Sigh. Iā€™m stressed and Iā€™m sad and Iā€™m still grieving the losses of 4 years and counting. Thus, I donā€™t sleep. Itā€™s not that I even lie awake in worry; itā€™s that I just canā€™t *settle*. And Iā€™m unable to take sleeping meds ā€“ they have reverse effect on me into hyperALERTness (ugh) ā€“ so Iā€™ve been channeling my college self and trying to push through until I collapse. Lots and lots of all-nighters, but Iā€™m not 21 anymore and my body gives out between 9am and noon, whereupon I sleep like a bear and wake up 6-8pm to do it all over again. šŸ˜– Mom had a stroke in December that also wrecked her sleep, so our evenings are mornings and wee hour mornings are bedtime. At this point, time is truly irrelevant. But I hate it more and more each week. Sigh.

With all the (literal) dark hours in my life, I get a lot of reading done and came across these JOYS this week:

* For some reason I never knew Robin Sloan had a newsletter and an *inspired* social media platform (not surprised though. His books are divine!), but he shared this from The NY Times and I was mesmerized. Itā€™s a breakdown of a self-portrait by painter Albrecht DĆ¼rer. Iā€™ve never used the term before but Iā€™m pretty sure this is the 16th century equivalent of BDE. šŸ˜¬https://twitter.com/robinsloan/status/1309609759071326209?s=21

* This ā€œmagicā€ book blew my mind (found through Strong Sense of Place): https://twitter.com/drkarrschmidt/status/1157618865691615237?s=21

* And I *am* this little lass who doesnā€™t understand why she canā€™t go to the pub: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CFsZs2MBQFf

Hereā€™s to seeing the joy in our weeks! šŸ„‚

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Insomnia is so hard. I have struggled with it forever and it's so rough when I'm going through it. Hugs.

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You're doing good, Jules. Keep it up.

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Not sleeping is the absolute worst! I'm so sorry, Jules. Praying for you and your mom.

"Why can't I go to the pub? I'm six!" I love her. šŸ˜‚

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I love that she kept saying it. ā€œIā€™m six!ā€ I mean, duh. Thatā€™s certainly old enough, right? šŸ˜‚

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I have big sister energy! I routinely yell at my siblings ā€œI gotta do everything around here!ā€ I feel your pain. You are doing good work. šŸ¤Ž

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I donā€™t have any wise words or advice but I want to tell you that you are doing a great job protecting your momma. It is hard (especially in these times) but oh so very important. Sending prayers for peace and rest friend.

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I can SO relate to these feelings with insomnia. For me, its really being strict about elements related to my sleep hygiene. I took the tv out of our bedroom. I lower the lights in the house. I TRY to be off my phone UNLESS I'm using it to listen to Lectio 365 or Sleep With Me podcast. I also keep a small notebook by my bed and sort of free write various worries, concerns thoughts, to-dos, etc. I don't use it for like a journal with clear thoughts and observations, just truly getting out the words in my head if that makes ANY sense. I do take melatonin (a small dose) and I think it does help me. But establishing a clear routine of events I do to shut-down for the night has helped me immensely on my insomnia journey.

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I do have some luck with melatonin, though not consistently. Itā€™s the absolute only sleep aid that doesnā€™t make me wonky and/or hyper. And I do well in keeping my bedroom a sanctuary, plus journaling, etc. I think Iā€™m just in a weird season of life, coupled with being at home sooooo much and without a true schedule. Honestly, I think Iā€™m probably experiencing what parents go through, listening for my mom in case she needs something. (She had cancer in 2017, and I used to wake up at every little sound, as well as ā€œsleep when she sleepsā€, etc.) Iā€™m not a parent so itā€™s foreign to me, but insomnia has long tortured me in hard seasons. Iā€™m just muuuuuch older now and my body is being wrecked in ways it never was before.

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Yes! Thereā€™s a lot made of the senior years and decline of the body, but middle age ainā€™t no joke. Especially for women. I hit perimenopause in my early 40s, but finally had a hysterectomy and foolishly thought that would end the hormonal mess. Nope. Hot flashes persist and all other non-menstrual ails of menopause hung around. Itā€™s just awesome. šŸ™„

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Just get past the smell ;)

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Is there any way to use it that lessens the smell? Because I tried, and it makes me tired but unable to sleep because the smell is so awful I get nauseated.

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I have nothing good to add except sending you a big virtual hug šŸ¤— Thank you for protecting your momma. Thank you for sharing ā¤ļø

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Yes! That girl is a treasure, and it appeared her mom had a great sense of humor about her. But yes, sheā€™s gonna be *something*. šŸ˜‚

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It was me! I was the one who DMd you about the R+Co Suncatcher air dry cream! Friends, Iā€™m here to tell you itā€™s the best. Watch Ashley Streicherā€™s Instagram videos, itā€™s her product. I scrunch some in my wet hair and thatā€™s it. Donā€™t comb, donā€™t touch. Just let it dry. I had the mini bottle and it lasted me a month using 4 pumps each time. Just bought the full size. Totally worth it.

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What is this magic cream and where can I get it!? šŸ˜‰ Googling now...

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I got mine from Amazon but you can buy direct from R+Co or see if a local salon near you carries it. It smells so good too- like a woodsy cool girl smell.

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Hey hey šŸ‘‹

Yā€™all, sleep deprivation is basically what I imagine some realm of hell to be like. I mean, Iā€™m not at Edward Norton Fight Club level, but Iā€™m for sure at a level I do not want to be any longer. SIGH. I love my kids and want to give them the skies, and yet when they are awake at night, it feels like a never ending black hole of doom & YES that sounds dramatic but it is what it is šŸ˜…

Still, I am so grateful for the advice I got last week here about helping my 3.5 yo sleep. We tried everything with some success, but heā€™s still waking up a lot & not falling back to sleep easily. Just gotta tell myself this wonā€™t be forever & go fill up my coffee mug again. šŸ„±

Anyway, on to treasures!

šŸ‚ This gorgeous fall collection by A Spoonful of Faith. I got some cards & Iā€™m so pumped to send them. https://www.spoonfuloffaith.com/shop

šŸ“š Finished ā€œEverything I Never Told Youā€ by Celeste Ng this week. I freaking LOVE books like this, you guys. A deep dive into the life of a fictional family is my favorite (Commonwealth by Ann Patchett, The Dearly Beloved by Cara Wall are two others that fall here for me). The ending surprised me. I cried. It was lovely and sad and just really well done. Will definitely be reading Little Fires Everywhere eventually & anything else Celeste gifts to the world.

šŸ§ Abeā€™s wild blueberry smash vegan muffins from Whole Foods. I donā€™t usually go for vegan options, but these little muffins are delish. My boys love them too.

šŸŽµ The album ā€œChapter 2ā€ by Juke Ross. His voice is like butter. https://open.spotify.com/album/3N5XKeovbZHLKdeORgHEJ1?si=At3tZAbYTuW6JOCw2oyVxg

I think thatā€™s about it this week. Hereā€™s hoping for rest for all of us. There is so much information being jammed into our eyeballs these days, so Iā€™m grateful for the respite of these Treasures. āœØ

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Ok, that Juke Ross album, so good! I've been playing it all afternoon. Thanks for recommending it!

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YES, Rebecka!!! So glad youā€™re enjoying him! šŸ™Œ

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Hannah will you shoot me an email? hello@erinhmoon.com ā¤ļø

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Are you in my brain? "I love my kids and want to give them the skies, and yet when they are awake at night, it feels like a never ending black hole of doom & YES that sounds dramatic but it is what it is" I spiral whenever my kids don't sleep -- I have a 5 month old, so I expect him not to sleep, but when the 2.5 year old wakes up, it's like WHAT?!? Praying for you. Sleep is so important. FOR ALL OF US.

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Oh my word, Erika. THE SPIRAL IS REAL. Thanks for the prayers - Praying for you too! šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ’—

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Ok, I have family drama books to recommend! I love them, too. EINTY was great and I loved LFE.

The Dutch House by Ann Patchett

The Most Fun We Ever Had by Claire Lombardo

If You Want to Make God Laugh by Bianca Marais

Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane

All We Ever Wanted by Emily Giffin

The Mother-in-Law by Sally Hepworth

We Were Liars by E Lockhart

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Literally just took a screenshot of this...this is a super list. Thank you!

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Just put a few of these on hold and added the rest to my reading list. Thank you!

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This. is. a gold mine. Iā€™ve literally read zero of these šŸ˜‚ THANK YOU! šŸ™Œ

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Yay! Happy reading!

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Sleep deprivation is no joke! I'm praying both you and your kiddo will get to sleep through the night.

I loved "Everything I Never Told You"! Did you know they're making it into a movie?

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Thank you for praying! šŸ’— & NO I didnā€™t know that! Thatā€™s amazing šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤© have they cast anyone yet?!

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I think Julia Roberts is going to play the mom!

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Never mind, it seems like they're making a series instead and Julia Roberts won't be in it. https://www.vulture.com/2020/05/everything-i-never-told-you-gets-tv-show.html

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Wow!! Not sure I would have picked her for that role, but I guess now weā€™ll never know what she would have brought to it šŸ˜…šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Canā€™t wait to see who they cast.

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I am WITH. YOU. on sleep deprivation with my 3.5 year old! I might need to look at last week's thread for advice. We've started sleeping on the floor which is NOT great...in the trenches with you on that one, friend.

And The Dearly Beloved wrecked me, but I felt like it wrapped up too quickly for me. I feel like the little girl in the AT&T commercial saying "We want more! We want more!"

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Kayla šŸ˜­šŸ™ it is a major comfort to know we are not the only ones struggling through it. And yes! I totally could have kept reading about all of the characters in The Dearly Beloved. Itā€™s one of those where you miss them a little bit when the last page turns. šŸ’—

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May rest come swiftly and may your coffee be strong in the meantime

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šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ thank you!!

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So much yes to The Dearly Beloved. I read that book this week in two days. What a triumph.

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100% agree. Triumph is such a great word for it.

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I just posted about my own insomnia situation and I can RELATE. Itā€™s brutal.

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YES, Jules. With you, friend. šŸ’—

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UGH exactly. šŸ˜³šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜£

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Hannah! will be praying for some rest for you and the tallest mugs of coffee in the meantime. I loved both Everything I Never Told You and Little Fires Everywhere. The Hulu adaptation of Little Fires Everywhere was so good, and would recommend watching as well.

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Thank you, Jillian! Your prayers mean so much. And yes, Iā€™ve heard such good things about the LFE show. Need some of that in my lifeeee šŸ˜Ž

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Yes! The LFE show was great and honestly I really liked the few changes they made from the book to the show.

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon


Things I loved this week:






The entire 33 posts of this story!!!!


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The hairband TikTok was perfect. Also I feel like I need to spend some time with the HoNY post because I keep seeing people rave about it!

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That second TikTok really got me! šŸ˜‚

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yes! sweet smelling air!! and i SO loved the Stephanie stories on Humans of NY. cried a little when i saw the final gofundme numbers; so glad she could reach so many

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Same sis, same.

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

Imma just gonna jump in...

*Fall weather has official officially arrived in Michigan and I am happier than a pig in $#!+. So, Iā€™ll just start there. As an eternally Sweaty Betty, cooler weather is like balm to my soul and a break for my deodorant. Sweater weather is my heaven.

*My dadā€™s birthday is today and Iā€™m so excited to spend time with him and my mom doing all the fall things in sweaters. (There is a theme here...)

*I work for myself doing high school tutoring and after being underemployed for weeks and weeks, business has finally picked back up to somewhat normal levels. This is wonderful and also I kind of secretly miss the thick of quarantine where all I was doing was making homemade donuts. Lol.

*Iā€™ve been in recovery from an eating disorder for over a year now and, after a long break, Iā€™ve just gotten back into running. Iā€™ve been a runner most of my life but it had turned into a way to punish my body instead of a way to enjoy movement. Iā€™m training for a virtual 5K, and itā€™s really hard right now. But also very good to be in a better mental space.

Hope everyoneā€™s weeks treated them gently. Looking forward to hearing all the updates. ā¤ļø

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Love this Karen. Way to GO!

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Fellow Sweaty Betty here - the sweater weather has been AH-MAZING.

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Enjoying the movement is key. When I do outside runs I try to take at least a couple minutes of them to "run like Phoebe" -- I swear it helps. It tends to always make me laugh and remember when running was FUN --> https://youtu.be/2QNTp6IiFxE

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"Watch out for the horse!"

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Haha...amazing. I am slowly but surely remembering how happy running can make me feel. ā¤ļø

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YES. While in it, I'm like "dang, this is hard, why do I CHOOSE to do this?" and then I get home and holy crap I'm like "That was hard, but oh my word I feel so good right now!"

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Karen, cheering you on SO hard in your 5k training! I hope you can enjoy the "hardness" of it as good for your body and soul and that it isn't a punishment. If you ever need to talk about that, please let me know. and enjoy your sweater weather!

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I really appreciate that. ā¤ļø

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Mad props (is that still a thing? šŸ‘µšŸ») to you for doing something hard that you also love. Itā€™s such a fine line between what the heart wants and what the mind will use to keep us down. Please please please shout out to us (or someone trusted) if your running takes a turn back toward negative thoughts. Donā€™t try to wade through it alone. If thereā€™s one thing I know itā€™s that the brain is a bully, so keep a good line open with others as you navigate self-talk while training. Wishing you strength and JOY in the season. ā¤ļø

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Thank you so much. ā€œThe brain is a bullyā€ is SO true. Itā€™s hard work...but itā€™s worth doing.

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Same, girl...same. (I was going to insert a sweater emoji here. Whyyyy is there no sweater emoji? This is a problem.)

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We made it to Friday, friends! Itā€™s been a tough week with some continued medical mysteries, but Iā€™m trying to stay positive. I love the month of October and kicked it off with waffles for dinner and Harry Potter (all of the HP movies are free on Peacock this month!!)

Some treasures:

- In a move to preserve my mental health, I chose to not watch the debate and instead watched Enola Holmes on Netflix which was a total delight.

- Iā€™ve seen two separate cars in the last two weeks with Golden Girls windshield sunshades. Is this a thing now?

- The story of these silly birds cracked me up https://abcnews.go.com/Weird/wireStory/gray-parrots-separated-zoo-swearing-blue-streak-73333169

- This video on restoring old paintings is fascinating https://www.instagram.com/tv/CCTvr2IAIkZ/?igshid=9xafh7xen0t7

- This week I learned that Kiera Knightley was only 18 in both Love Actually and Pirates of the Caribbean. She won an Academy Award at 20. Sheā€™s currently 35. Iā€™m a little mind blown

- I tried Sarahā€™s apple cider mimosa recipe for Saturday football watching, and it was delicious!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! šŸ˜Š

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Avery, also forgot to tell you I read Night Circus in a weekend! I was a little unsure of how I would like it, but halfway through, I understood the rhythm and HAD TO KNOW.

*Pros: excellent story telling, MAGIC IN ALL THE RIGHT WAYS

*Things I had to consider: the absolute early 2000s color palette at first - blue and pale gold, etc. i got so distracted :D

Thank you for the recommend!

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This makes me so happy!!! Iā€™m glad you liked it!! ā¤ļø

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Season 4 of the Good Place instead of the debate at our house!

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Yes!! I binged it last weekend once it got on Netflix!

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Iā€™m trying. so. hard. to take my time watching it. I wasnā€™t able to watch it when it was on TV, and am just trying to savor watching the last season for the first time, but it is SO hard to stop watching!

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I have no self control when it comes to tv watching this year

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Enola Holmes is on my treasure list too!!

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I feel thisā€”I watched the Great British Baking Show instead of the debate. I just couldnā€™t.

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I watched father of the bride 3 ish instead of the debate. It was magical.

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I am excited to watch Enola Holmes this weekend! and might have to pair it with the mimosas!

AHHH i forgot one of my animal related treasures! IT IS FAT BEAR WEEK - https://explore.org/fat-bear-week go vote for your favorite plump ursine Alaskan Park resident!

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Oh my gosh this is amazing!!

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The swearing parrots are my new symbol of 2020.

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Yay! So glad the Apple cider mimosas were good!!

I need to watch Enola Holmes still! I loved the books as a tween!

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No judgment. I had them by myself too šŸ˜‚

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

I donā€™t even know where to begin. To say that this week has been all sorts of odd is 100% correct.

I had the honor of watching my nanny kiddos for 2 nights/3 days while the parents unplugged away from the kids for the first time in 5 years. We all hung in there and kiddos did great! It gave my aching someday-mama heart purpose for a few days even though I questioned if I would be a good parent when the toddler thought it was a great idea to chase after a moving vehicle and I screamed. Ha.

I got stung by a yellow jacket on the way to taking one of the children to preschool only to come home and find out that my college-ex (who cheated on me with multiple women) had come out of the closet. My elbow was throbbing from the sting while my heart felt so much relief.. so many questions answered 13 years later.

My husband and I tried to purchase a used vehicle a few months ago and it was a bust... so itā€™s been a few months of waiting, praying, saving more money. We went yesterday to finally pull the trigger and the one we wanted sold the night before after being on the lot since June!!! I may have pouted and watched British TV all day yesterday. Then, my sweet husband wanted to try one more place last night and we drove home with a ā€œnewā€ used vehicle at 10pm last night!

Feeling relieved after bouts of tension and angst is the theme of the week.

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Ok that whole college ex thing is a MOOD. Life is interesting...

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What a week! I hope your weekend will be restful and enjoy that new car!

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Kaillie, what a WEEK! Cheers to making it through and hope you can enjoy the relief!

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Also, Erin, Iā€™m googling tea olives right now!! This Ohio gal is curious! It smells like corn and manure currently so the idea of a sweet smelling tree sounds delightful!!!

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GUYS I found candles and perfumes and I ordered all of it so we'll see what is the winner next week. I'M FINE, NOT PROCESSING THROUGH SHOPPING AT ALL.

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Processing through shopping is my SOPšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

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Cannot wait to hear the results. My last house had little-baby tea olives that had not yet produced flowers but they have to be mature enough now:-(, and I am desperate to put some in my new home:-) They smell lovely.

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It truly is

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Same in Lancaster, PA! From my research there are a few varieties that should be able to grow in zone 6b/7a, so I may try to plant one here šŸ¤ž

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I have cousins in Lancaster! šŸ™‚ Beautiful area!

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And I have family scattered all over Ohio! (Well, mostly in the Mennonite areas šŸ˜†)

Lancaster really is so beautiful. I literally drive to work through corn fields and watch hot air balloons floating all over the sky. Itā€™s a treasure that I donā€™t always do a great job of recognizing.

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I grew up in a Mennonite and Amish area!! And family near Wooster, Ohio (the ā€œbig cityā€ of Wayne County haha). What are the odds!?

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I have so many family members in Kidron! Haha!

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Ah, Erin, I would LOVE to come over and smell those tea olives. It sounds like the perfect moment of respite. And no one should ever be afraid of tromping, it ainā€™t my territory! The world is wide enough for us all to share, and Samantha cat is a gem not to be missed! Thank you for your words and the laughs they bring and thoughts they provoke.

Had a huge turd watching many in my community get laid off from jobs at Disney. I was laid off from a job at Disney 3 years ago, and my heart is aching watching former coworkers, bosses who taught me so much and stay in touch with me, long lost pals losing some stability. Honestly gonna have to hack my crying with an Act 2 Hamilton viewing to let this weight from my chest go - ā€œthey are going through the unimaginableā€. Smaller turd in my dogsitting charge digging in naughty places when I turned my back for 5 min šŸ‘€šŸ‘€. Made the treasures even sweeter though: chatting with a few Swipes via IG (fun to do virtual life with you, Sarah, Mel, Lil!!), wakeup greetings from my dog (just always so happy to see me!), sending some snail mail, and finally getting into GBBO. A coworker advised me to watch Rahulā€™s season (Collection 6 on Netflix) and I am ALL IN.

Wow the Tiktok hits just kept coming this week, so here you go!

TJ callout: Kansas City (whole series is worth a watch) - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJUHhaKb/

The club playing the REAL bangers - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJUHjGPr/

Kylo Ren as Troy - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJUbkA6L/

This gate request tho - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJUcGCuU/

UNCUT šŸ„“šŸ„“ REYNOLDS - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJUcpHto/

This man guesses the final paint color and his anxiety working it out is *chefā€™s kiss* - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJUcqbTx/

Starting to narrow in on my dance move for this challenge - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJUcchtM/

Mosquitos amirite? - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJUTY7Gs/

Canā€™t stop thinking about my new boo - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJyY5jy6/

The sweaters and house shoes may have been filled?! - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJyS9STc/

Country WAPs šŸ¤ šŸ¤ šŸ¤  - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJyyQGR7/ / https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJyyqoh2/

Your gateway to office supply Tiktok (slight language advisory) - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJyyX3fT/

Fall recipe and a family story - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJyy9GJt/

So majestic, beauty and grace šŸ©° - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJyfLyny/

A solid music joke - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJyfBtmB/

A great PSA to send to friends - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJyfHyhr/

The weekly Anglo music Tiktok - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJyuBgWy/

Chaotic GBBO - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJyXgysq/

Presidential debate recaps in classic memes: Lily recommended this one https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJygKJH5/ / this classic - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJypAWmy/

If you need the archive, it is ready for you: https://jilliankmf.substack.com/

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I need your IG Jillian!

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True story: not on Tik Tok so when I started seeing these links from you I ignored them. NO. LONGER. These are gold! And I can watch them on the Internet like an old person! No app needed! The Hamilton one is amaaaaaaze.

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mwahahahahah i love this confession, and welcome to the fun! there are some really dumb things on there, but i manage to avoid them and get these gems for ya :) the Hamilton one made me wheeze

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i just...it was too good

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- I went on a deep dive into that girl's TJ Houston videos. So interesting!

- Kylo Ren as Troy, YES! Huge grin on my face.

- The bacon video was the follow up I didn't know I needed

- one night I went down a TikTok rabbit hole and found a bunch of people doing photo shoots as sheet ghosts and I died laughing

- Mister Rogers' beard is so nice and even though i am married i am also a little sad he appears to be married??

- obviously i need those sharpie pens

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AHHH i agree to ALL of these, and would happily take your favorite sheet ghost tok if you care to share!

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Youā€™re joking with the šŸ„“ Reynolds. Oh my word. šŸ¤£

Sending you lots of internet hugs as you walk with your friends in their loss. šŸ’— Watch out for some snail mail from PA soon! ā˜ŗļøšŸ’Œ

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gotta love a put in rehearsal and that she shared that moment with us! it makes me die laughing.

and thank you! cannot WAIT :D

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Gah, Rahul. I love him so much! And the TikToks were brilliant as always. I feel like I say this every week but it's true!

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i definitely fell hard for him, what a sweetie! I have some Indian colleagues, and his mannerisms definitely reminded me of them, and they are truly the best.

thank you - i am here to serve and uplift <3

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KYLO AS TROY :) :) :) thank you for this ministry

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ahahaha i CRIED laughing at that one

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I got a shout out! HAHA! Who's going to be watching all these links after my morning meeting??!! THIS GALLLL!

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oh yes, my friend :) nothing like a good voice note. can't wait to hear your favorite

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1. I could watch paint color guy ALLL DAY if anything for that shriek of glee.

2. Mosquitos -- replace that with gnats and its my life

3. Chaotic GBBO: Cure my major cackle

4. Um excuse me as I feel the need to rush to walgreens to see if they have this pen!! I LOVE A GOOD PEN!!!!!

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Girl. SAME.

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agreed, and he is SO good at it! how does he know? and buying that pen asap as well! LIKE KRISTI YAMAGUCHI

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Her squeal, like paint guy, TELL ME EVERYTHING.

Also, buying that one is a reward since I never bought myself anything during School supply season.

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Iā€™m so sorry to hear about all the heaviness in your community this week šŸ’› but glad to be able to contribute to the treasures.

Canā€™t wait to look at the round up this week! Iā€™m gonna stretch it out over my morning at work!

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thank you my friend! i've gone a little overboard, but i think we needed it this week. tell me yo fave :)

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I need someone to open the club that only plays Disney bangers please. Iā€™d be there every night šŸ˜‚

I also feel the mosquitoes intensely. Theyā€™ve been extra aggressive this year!

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I legit killed a mosquito so big that I was worried that it mightā€™ve been a humming bird!

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I got seven bites on my legs a few weeks ago. My brother told me I should wear long pants. I already was. Denim does not stop them!!

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Why is a crunk Disney club not a thing?! We need it! šŸ˜†

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They could franchise across the country! Has no one thought of this before??

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the licensing battle might previously been a hard sell, but maybe times have changed!! :D

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Think of all the choreography... gonna go watch Newsies and brush up this weekend to prepare just incase. šŸ˜‚

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i also could be persuaded to leave retirement from the club scene for Disney Bangerz :) and those mosquitoes sure have :|

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SAME! I've been IG'ing with Jillian and its been a DELIGHT!

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only the highlights in this long week!

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Just remember, secrets and lies and "could they be my son?" LOL! Also, I cannot stop thinking about Lenny Kravitz. This is not a bad thing. THANK YOU.

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oh, i gotta tell you about my favorite crush tonight, not quite Lenny Kravitz

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Speaking of Lenny. That cover of Men's Health magazine? SIR! You have my attention!!!!!!

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Favorite crush??! *ears perk ala Scooby Doo*

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looking forward to even more conversations <3

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i would not be surprised if our FYP were VERY similar, we've done an excellent job curating.

and oh office supply girl, a Leslie Knope trait i do possess. looking forward to EVEN more.

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Oct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon

I have never heard of tea olives and now I desperately want to try to find them! In a similar vein, one of my biggest treasures this week is that our fig tree is producing so many figs this year. This is the first year since we moved in that weā€™ve been able to eat any of them. Even though our grape vines seem to have been killed by the blasted spotted lanternflies, we have figs and Iā€™m delighted to put my kids down for a nap, walk on to my porch, and pick fresh figs for my ā€œI survived half of my dayā€ treat.

Also- Iā€™m raising a house of little wild women. My youngestā€™s current obsession is running to the kitchen when Iā€™m otherwise occupied, climbing onto the bottom oven door, holding onto the top oven door, and just leeeaaaannning backwards. Super fun for her, until she hits the floor šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

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More Little Wild Women stories!

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I love that you are raising little wild women! One of my fave parts of the newer Little Women is the girls on Christmas morning rowdily shouting over each other, smothering each other with love, and it is just such a beautiful picture!

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Yes! I love Little Women so much. I hope that is the dynamic in our house- spicy and sweet and loving and never boring.

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I mean, to be fair, you basically were hurling down the stairs, BUT you were flying!! Love it

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deletedOct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon
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I am šŸ˜Š Itā€™s been nice to sit on my couch in my comfy clothes eating all the snacks while watching heartfelt, encouraging, enlightening speakers. I especially loved the circle of singers/poets at the end of the day! Iā€™m also looking forward to watching the sessions again. I think youā€™ll really enjoy it all!

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I decided to wait until I can (God-willing, one day!) go in person, so I'm also having Evolving Faith FOMO and filling the gap by listening to the podcast. Enjoy!

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I am also experiencing EFFOMO!

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I'm jealous. I'm currently experiencing Evolving Faith FOMO. My friend Tanya is speaking (tomorrow, I think). I hope the conference blesses you whenever you get to watch it!

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deletedOct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon
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Finding life's hidden glittering. Such a beautiful way to phrase it!

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Love it!

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carbonara recipe PLEASE! :D glad to hear that the gif emails are still bringing the cheer!

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Dude. *I* can make that!

Also, I have one of her cookbooks, and it is everything beautiful.

Too, I read her "Delicious" novel and it was delightful. Have you heard of it? Read it? I'm happy to mail it to you if you'd like to borrow it! And yes, borrow. I like it that much.

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Save Me the Plums was fascinating, too. A look inside the publishing industry with food as narrative.

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The day I discovered that bacon (not just pancetta) works well with pasta litā€™rly changed my life. šŸ™ŒšŸ»

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deletedOct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon
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The "accomplished" compliment sentttt meeeeee. I just CANNOT.

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I have a confession. I have somehow managed to make it to 28 having never had a Jell-O shot.

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Jell-O shots and pie forever.

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I love all of this! Well, not the sleep deprivation. But that TikTok dance, and enjoying The Boy's bff and hammocks and vapors and...

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Your updates are my favorite. Thanks for sharing all the swoons!

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Your Peanuts dance is *chef's kiss* and the Austen-ite vibes are swoonworthy.

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Oh I feel all the twitterpation of love over here!!

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Well, I for one is relieved you didn't fall in love with the best friend! šŸ˜‰

Since you mentioned Jane Austen and being an Enneagram 8 in the same paragraph, I just have to tell you about one of my favorite t-shirts. Just in case it's something you might like. https://www.etsy.com/se-en/listing/601671340/obstinate-headstrong-girl-jane-austen?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=obstinate+headstrong+girl+shirt&ref=sr_gallery-1-19&organic_search_click=1&col=1

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he's the 8 - I'm a 5, but this STILL applies. I need that shirt! :D

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Well, I should read more carefully! šŸ˜‚ I'm a 1 and I love my shirt! (The fit is a little snug around the middle but it's oh so soft!)

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Girl, your update made me grin so big! Such great treasures - happy for you!

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Um Jell-O shots and pie are now all I want in life. You're winning at being an adult, Sarah!

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The Boy. We love the Boy so much. He cares about you to want to learn your Jane Austen heart. Excuse me while I melt....

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AHHHHHH AND SO ACCOMPLISHED, as evidenced by your very discerning choice of dance moves šŸ˜‚ (I am still debating mine). What a lovely week, just reading about it gives me the warmest of feelings. Please let me know when you introduce the Boy to the 95 Pride and Prejudice. I have a feeling he may enjoy some of the quotes. (Fun fact: my dad was SUCH a nerd that he made quotes like ā€œshelves in the closet, happy thought indeedā€ a sound to play when you clicked on an icon in Windows95 šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø)

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I love your dad!

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he was truly a delightful man. i love sharing this memory of him!

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Your dad is the best nerd Iā€™ve ever heard of šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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agreed, i inherited many nerdy qualities from him, and forever grateful to have that in my blood

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That combination of Jell-O shots and pie is glorious. Well done on adulting.

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Ohhh my goodness, the hammock, the boyā€™s comment about your Jane Austen heart! Iā€™m here for it šŸ‘šŸ¼

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deletedOct 2, 2020Liked by Erin H Moon
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Number 4 KILLED ME. I love your dad so much.

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I love this so much

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This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing! Your parents sound hilarious.

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Oh Lily. I laughed so hard I cried at #4. Just perfection.

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This post was just the perfect encapsulation of your experience. I hope writing and sharing it helped you preserve your memories even further. As for the lewd randomness, it made me think of my straight-laced sister who has these anatomically correct penis bottle openers that her husband keeps trying to get rid of - but I love opening her drawer and seeing them next to the pristine silverware organizer and thinking about all our ridiculous experiences together. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Number 4 and 5 just warmed my anxious heart. Blessings.

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What a beautifully bittersweet list. And oh my gosh, your husband and the tea jug, marinade plate, and seed scale. Just... Thank you for trusting us and blessing us with these things.

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I am a puddle šŸ„ŗ

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I donā€™t have anything beautiful or profound to say. Just sending you love, Lily. And thank you for sharing these beautiful things. Your parents were hilarious!

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Oh what a delight and grief filled time that mustā€™ve been for you. So glad you had a sturdy support team.

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What a beautiful, and hilarious, list of treasures. Thank you for sharing it with us!

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My hand is on my heart as I read this.......Thank you for sharing all of this. For trusting us. For letting us see this. I'm so unbelievably sorry that you are on this journey, but we are here for you as you keep walking through it.

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False. You know we love you and miss it when you're not here just being yourself.

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NO ONE here in this space is doing that. And if you are. (Stands up to my full height with big power pose vibe) I have some strong 8 energy that I will unleash for our Lily.

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Okay why is today "tear up over nice things" day?!!

But for real. I will go in the ring for you. You have been through loss that, oh my heart its so much, its too much, its ..... (again hand to heart)

And you are still doing all the doing. All the hard things. ALL THE THINGS.

And I see you in this.

I see you as you are going through it.

And if anyone doesn't want to hear this. If they things its *hard* to just sit and listen and be a good human.

Like they need to not.

As I look at my ring and pause and have a moment reflecting on my mom and know its Friday so my dad will be calling around 6:45 pm as he always does.

That loss. Your loss. It has changed you forever. It has imprinted on you. And while I didn't know you well *before* I see you now. And you are a phoenix. You are light. You are living in this. And you are doing all you can and still at it.

I cannot say enough things as to how you are continuing to be a light.

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Lil, thank you for sharing the true bittersweetness of the cleaning out. Praying for good sales at the estate sale and some continued respite as you are home šŸ’•šŸ’•

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This is such a beautiful list of memories and what made your parents who they were. I cannot imagine the grief you must be feeling, and Iā€™m glad you shared with us.

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Lily, thank you for sharing this. Finding sweet nuggets of nostalgia and memories is a whirlwind of a emotions. Iā€™m so thankful for your family tribe to support and love you through this hard time. Thank you for sharing both the sentimental finds and the hilarious #4 finds!!

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Lily. šŸ’› when you share with us about your familyā€™s artifacts and treasures, youā€™re making them live in our memories too, and now Iā€™m crying about grass seed scales. Thank you for sharing these with us. šŸ’›

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Oh my goodness. I am laughing so hard at #4. That delightful weirdness is my kind of family.

And Iā€™m nodding my head so hard to the turds that fertilize flowers. Such a good reminder to stop and take a look at the hard things Iā€™ve walked through and the beautiful things that Jesus made (or is making) as a result. ā¤ļø

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