Hi sweet lil swipes! It's been a hard and hopeful week for me and I am always amazed at how those two things can fit together.

I've been on spring break from my preschool job and also one family that I nanny. I was able to fit some reading, some house cleaning, and some family hang time in this week which was so restorative.

I was able to get my car back - it was at the body shop for three months after I hit a deer in December. Every single part they needed was back ordered so we've been playing a very long, exhausting game of musical chairs. I was thrilled to get my car back on Wednesday and then deeply frustrated to find out it needed a new battery that we didn't really have the money for but I put our need in the We Got You Club spread sheet and I had money in my venmo only hours later. I may have cried, just a bit.

It has been a very long, hard few years for me and my husband as we both walk through mental health landmines and unhealthy coping mechanisms. This week we had a difficult conversation with my in-laws that ended with some financial assistance for treatment and a great weight lifted off my shoulders.

I'm ab bit exhausted, but that seems to be my personality at this point. I've enjoyed the small break but am ready to get back into my routine, especially now that I've got my car back.

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I had an absolute day today, with a long, hard day at work followed by an hour of flatpack furniture hell. Surely the more you spend on furniture, the clearer the instructions should be? The trend seems to be the opposite, unfortunately. Anyway I didn't get very far and my new inner mantra became "do not swear in front of your grandmother, you canNOT swear in front of your grandmother." So anyway here are some links:



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Thank you to Erin and Lady Gaga and dogs reuniting with their owners for wrecking my zoom makeup this morning. 😭 And thank you for the Amazon lists for your friends! Gonna dive into all your comments tonight after work, but real quick for the Swipes who've been cheering me on, we closed on our house yesterday. Amen. Me and my 🍕+🍷will see you all tonight!

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Hello hello! My youngest children (12-year-old twins) return from a week of camping and mountain biking in Moab this afternoon, and I have not yet had enough of the peace and quiet. They're having such a good time - do they really need to come back so soon?

My treasure this week was watching Dead Poets Society last weekend with my fifteen year old daughter. It was the first movie I saw in the theater with friends, and that had more mature themes, and it was my cry-hack movie all through the 1990s. I haven't seen it in a couple decades, and I personally didn't cry this time, but my daughter was sobbing by the end, and for quite awhile afterwards. As far as I'm concerned, my work here is done.

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Good morning, Lil Swipes! Hope everyone has had a great week. It’s our Spring Break so naturally the working mom has had to shift to working from home this week. My oldest went on a trip with my parents to Boston (they’re Christmas gift to him) so, we’ve been spoiling the baby (6 yrs old). Then I caught the cold of death that I thought was allergies. Reader, it is not allergies. But still riding high from Popcast Live Bham last week and wishing I was in Chicago tonight! My mom and I had the best time. We laughed til our bodies hurt. Loved meeting some of y’all in that crazy long bar line! Hey Alicia, Katie and Sarah!

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022

Hello! I am absolutely loving seeing everyone's updates on the live shows. I feel like I'm living vicariously through you all!

- turd - my pastor said something that shocked me in a sermon last week, completely something I did not expect from him, and it has sent me into a tailspin all week that culminated with my husband having to reassure me while I ugly cried that even though he and I (my husband and I, not my pastor & I) have differences of opinion on some things spiritually, that that's okay & not something I need to worry about. It didn't help that also last week, my dad asked my husband what "traumatized" me as a kid that makes me & my mom not close (spoiler alert - no one traumatic incident, just decades of her believing I'm not really a Christian because I don't align 100% with her on everything church-wise). Such a long story, apologies, but basically I hate how much energy this took up this week. I feel like I should be able to brush these kinds of things off by now, but I guess I'm *still* processing after many years of therapy. Erin, I was super encouraged by what you said on Pantsuit Politics about you feeling like there has to come a point where we all learn how to get along again without agreeing on everything. It's hard to imagine being stuck in these same conversations for the next 60 years or however long I live for, you know?

treasures - Indian food last weekend after finishing whole30. Maybe the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. :) A one-week free trial of BritBox on Amazon so I could catch up on season 9 of Father Brown. Hanging the hammock back up in the backyard. It should hit mid-70s here in the next few days - and we're just a few weeks away from rhubarbaritas in the hammock season! BBs (our local dented cans grocery place) had unexpired Siete chips for 25 CENTS each, so bring on summer!

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Today, it dawned on me that this is the perfect place to ask this question: How do I make a friend? Is there an adult version of sesame street where I could learn this? (There is. It's called Avenue q and it's not exactly what I am looking for, PS:don't search adult version of sesame street to find a friend, I'm sure the results are terrible and likely unsuitable for work) Is there some past version of the swipe up explaining? Maybe a hidden Bible binge episode sharing friends making tips?

We moved to South Korea almost eight months ago. I have two littles (age 2.5 and 13 months). My husband works six days a week (and very long hours).The odds are stacked against me already. But I'm sort of desperate. And sort of super awkward (even worse odds). I need an actual step by step list at this point. I'm isolated in a foreign country, almost always by myself with my two girls (who I love dearly) and honestly, I'm just lonely. I've already tried out for softball (almost a disaster) and got called out of Bible study because my kids couldn't handle childcare (my youngest still takes a morning nap so anything around that time, she is a complete bear), I go to a no excuse moms workout twice a week and mommy and me dance class, but I've yet to make any connections. I'm chasing two toddlers so it's hard to have a moment to connect. I would just love some encouraging words and maybe some constructive advice? Thanks in advance.

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Loving seeing everyone meet IRL at live shows....wish I coule teleport there. It has been a rough stretch here with moving, a million repairs, more sickness for my family, and how about getting mastitis as the cherry on top 😵‍💫. Vicariously living through your travel and fun💜💜. One sale treasure to share...I have been on the hunt for new night shirt/gowns for awhile, and I finally found it. It is soft, washes well, and nursing friendly while still looking cute. Best part is that it is under 20 dollars right now in a great sale on Nordstrom Rack. Search for Honeydew Intimates Nightshirt. Ok have the best time tonight everyone!

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Good morning, sweet Swipes!!!

Erin, it was sooo much fun seeing you live in-person at the bham show last weekend!!! I so wish I could go to every single show and meet up with all the other swipes. If you haven't seen the show yet, y'all are in for such a treat! I was so impressed with the entire show, and Erin's parts are so well executed. Well done! And we need to know where you got your entire outfit!!!

I must admit I saw several Swipes at the theatre, but I am a super introvert and was scared to say anything and now I regret it. Next year I vow to say something to every single person I recognize at the show!!! I pinky promise!


- I had a scary convo with my boss about applying for a leadership role which only comes open once in a blue moon and she was so supportive. It went way better than I thought it would! I have an appointment with our CEO to talk about something else on Monday, but while we're together I'm going to tell him I plan to apply and get his feedback. Wish me luck!!!

- I have had issues with tummy discomfort for a long time, which is probably caused by my diet, but I haven't really tried anything to fix it, UNTIL.... I started drinking Kombucha. I know you are probably thinking that Kombucha is gross and weird, but it has helped me so much. The Health Ade Passionfruit Kombucha tastes more like a fruity tea than anything else and it does a great job of settling my stomach and not making me feel bloaty. I get one bottle from Publix and drink on it all week and it has changed my life!!!

- My best friend lives over 10 hours away in Maryland and is having her 2nd baby next month! She doesn't have a registry because most of the stuff from her other baby still works. She has 0 family in the area, but her husband is in the Air Force and will be allowed to take off work a few months to help her once the baby is born. What are some good gift ideas for a new mom who doesn't necessarily need baby stuff?

Okay, that's it! Can't wait to catch up in the comments! Love y'all so much!!!

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Apr 8, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Hiiii everyone! Erin, why’d you have to do us like that with the tweet about the oldest girl sibling 😂 (it’s me)

Really weird week. My husband went back to the office and that’s shifted our schedule pretty dramatically so I’m probably not giving myself enough credit for how that affects my days…I’ve tried to keep myself busy so I don’t miss him too much, but it is definitely a big shift!

The Allergies have me feeling really crummy and I might miss a work event tonight that I didn’t really want to go to in the first place but also feel guilty for missing…my husband and my mentor (like, back to back) recently both told me something along the lines of “um, hey, did you know you’re really hard on yourself? have you considered…not doing that?” And they’re right and I don’t really know how to move forward in that yet.

Treasures: Honestly, Carter (husband) has really made me laugh a few times this week. Not that that’s unusual, but it just felt really bright this week. He’s an enneagram 5 who holds his cards really close to his chest so it’s always a delight when he lets himself be goofy. A few notable funnies:

- he confused Lil Jon with John Legend

- he couldn’t remember the word for “shimmy” so he called it a “front wiggle”

- at small group this week (we’ve only been going for about 6 months, and like I said, takes him a while to show the goofy side to a big group, so this was a big deal) we did highs and lows and his low was since he’s now back in the office he can no longer fart with reckless abandon. Half the room bust out laughing, the other half was like “wait what” and it was great.

Hope you all have the best weekend available to you!

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I read the first 5 chapters of Now What? yesterday and just stopping by to say “go preorder your copy now!”

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I've not commented in ages but I always enjoy reading the Swipe Up (and the comments when I have the chance to). It is a bright light and amazing community during what can be gloomy days (though spring is showing up here in South Carolina and quite boldly showing OFF in many places-- the flowers! The leaves! THE POLLEN!). Also, I am trying really hard (and failing, lol) to not be jealous of those who are in Chicago for The Lazy Genius and the Popcast. What a dream!

I have a couple of treasures and then I need some crowd-sourcing help, please and thank you.

1) This skincare kit from Maelove has greatly improved the texture and quality of my skin. I'm not *that* old thankyouverymuch but I am in my forties and this trio is helping my skin glow and look more youthful. Love it so much (HT: Jamie B Golden suggested the retinol from Maelove once):https://maelove.com/collections/kits/products/aging-skin-kit

2) My friend wrote a book about cross cultural adoption, and it is so good! I cannot recommend it enough to both those in the adoption triad and anyone who wants to support those in that triad:https://www.amazon.com/Takes-More-than-Love-Cross-Cultural/dp/0802424155/ref=sr_1_1?crid=H65UI8NLU4AC&keywords=it+takes+more+than+love&qid=1649420765&sprefix=it+takes+more+than+%2Caps%2C472&sr=8-1

Lastly- I need help finding a dress, and I'd love suggestions of places to look. The dress needs to be summer-y, but professional, worthy of wearing in California but giving a presentation in front of a large audience. I would prefer a dress to separates. I've looked at all kinds of stores but am hoping there might be stores I don't know, or an online shop I should try. Thanks so much, my fellow treasures!! You are a gift.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Trash with a hint of treasure:

A friend from decades ago (just recently connected again IRL at our son’s competing hockey game) could use all the prayers she can get. Her 16 year old son was taken to hospital a little over a week ago and ended up transferred to local children’s hospital in heart failure and on life support.

This family has been through it. She lost her father in September, her 37 year old brother the December before that, and a grandmother a few months before her brother. LORD, THAT IS QUITE ENOUGH on top of global pandemic and political unrest, etc. etc.

Though in my own faith and existential crisis, I find myself praying constantly for Frankie’s whole healing here on earth. (Then hearing those song lyrics “praying to a God (I’m not sure) I believe in”, but that’s my burden to deal with).

The updates have been mostly unhopeful. He was put on a ventilator, ECHMO, and finally successfully on a feeding tube. He is stable but heart is very sick. Lots of inconclusive tests and unsure what exactly he’s fighting.

Then yesterday, a glimmer of the miracle. First, we do not even deserve nurses. Battling on every front, they are still caring and loving on our loved ones. Yesterday was Frankie’s 17th birthday and they decorated his ICU room and then this:

“The best present today, the hospital did some music therapy for his birthday. They decided to take him of sedation for a short period so we could sing him Happy Birthday. While the sedation was wearing off, Frank squeezed his moms hand, looked her in the eyes and smiled and said mom with his lips. His Papa also told him he was going to cut his hair and Frankie shock his head no. The heartbreaking moment was when his mom said his daddy was here. He looked around until Frank held his hand. Frankie squinted his nose and eyes and started to cry. The nurse asked if he was in pain and Frankie shock his head “No”. They asked if he was “sad” and he shook his head “yes”. They told him he had nothing to be sad about and that he was doing an amazing job and they loved him.”

When I tell you I was sobbing in a freezing hockey rink at my own 14 year old son’s practice…

If you have a spare prayer, please pray for Frankie, his family, and for the medical team who are all fighting amid the rest of our global battles.

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Well I have survived the week of “getting back to real life” after fun vacation trips. I am so excited for those of you still to see The Popcast Live! It was so much fun and I only wish I could be at every one to meet all of you that are going!

My husband’s mortgage company has a Faith and Community division and last night they hosted an Easter Worship service at our church. It was incredible music, led by mostly our church’s worship team, a message, a video with stories of people’s faith and struggles, a poet and more. It was just a beautiful night and I cried through a lot of it.

This weekend our church is hosting a potential student pastor candidate. I will have several opportunities to meet with him and hang out. He sounds great already and we are eager to get a youth pastor but of course we want it to be the right fit. He’s the first truly qualified AND interested candidate we’ve had so I am trying not to be overly excited and tamp down expectations a little but also really wanting it to work out.

I finished a new book by Rebecca Serle this week, “One Italian Village”. I really loved it. It was sweet and made me cry and also made me want to go to Italy very badly.

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Erin H Moon

Happy Friday! It's been so lovely seeing so many of you meeting up in Chicago and loving on one another. I'm sad not to be there, but excited to follow along on IG.

📚 Is anyone going to Kendra Adachi's book launch in NC in May? Greensboro is only 1.5hrs from me, so it seems silly not to go.

💳 We've been bemoaning that my branch isn't open to the public and the commissioners haven't given any indication about opening/closing/updating etc. So we started putting together a small update plan to propose with a reopening June 1. They said: "Well, why not Thursday?" Excuse me! We've been curbside for 2 years and would like more than 24hrs notice, so we're opening Monday. I'm both excited and frustrated. Excited to finally have patrons in the building but frustrated because we've been closed almost a year longer than the main building and the other branch for no discernable reason and could really have used some new paint and carpet which we now won't be getting because they'd have to close us again. Ugh. And I'm working the late shift at the other branch Monday, so I won't even be there our first day back.

👗 Anyway, I have a 1/2 day today so I'm hoping to make a start on a final project and continue working on my bday dress. I've decided to finally make myself a gorgeous satin formal dress bc "I'm turning 30 and I do what I want".

🖊 Anyone have a good Bible study recommendation? I just finished His Testimonies My Heritage which I loved!!! I'd like something more text based to help me study, I feel like I've gotten out of that habit lately and want to set myself up for success by having something ready to go after Lent.

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