My husband and recently started walking at 5:30am before work. It’s a quick 20 minutes and we mostly just fart and talk and wake up for the day. He teases me because I talk really loud and probably wake up the neighbors and I love it. It has been so easy to get out of bed to spend that time with him. If this is the definition of a Stupid Walk, I’m in!

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VBS is next week, I'm the director, and therefore I completely failed at Father's Day. 😬😬😬

I ordered something for my husband, but it won't get her me until Tuesday or so. And I *thought* about getting and mailing a card to my father, but only ever at 11 pm and not when I could have actually done those things. 😬😬😬

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We have VBS this week also- I'm only the photographer NOT the boss 😜 and my dad will be getting his card next week. To be fair my mom hasn't gotten her mother's day card either!

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Just wanna say thanks to all for your well wishes and prayers for my son Joel at his little league championship game. He did not have his own individual moment of glory, but the team won! He was delighted. It was a really special night. Humbling as it was to be a supporting character all season, he learned how to be a team player and have fun with his friends no matter what. ❤ I am so proud. He also inspired his little brother to go for it next season. So the fun will continue!

Have a lovely weekend y'all. 😘

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Hello, friends. June is flying by! One thing that I would complain about is the lack of rain. It's so dry here! Although, it did lead to a treasure of watching my father attempt to use a kids' hippo water toy to see if that would solve a brown grass problem. His verdict was no.


-Helping my mom watch my cousins (2, 5, and 8) twice this week. Their personalities are all so different and I love them all.

-Continuing to watch my cousin who works for our city's Civil Rights Commission doing her thing and being awesome at it.

-My best library haul yet this summer! I post book reviews on @sarahgrows__ if you would like to see my takes on them. :)

-My first garlic harvest! I bought the seed garlic from a local farm and they grew into beautiful garlic bulbs. Now to see if the drying process works! Fingers crossed!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

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Denver resident here! I was relieved the Nuggets won because for decades, any time I watch a playoff game, the team I'm rooting for loses. And I only watch playoff games, if I watch sports at all.

We have vbs next week (Who else is doing "Stellar: Dinners Jesus' Light"?), and I'm the registration coordinator and the facilities manager, so I'm pretty stressed out right now. Today and tomorrow is my weekend, so I'm trying to be kind to myself, but it's hard to take care of yourself when there are younger people in the house who also require your attention at random and uniformed times.

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That June meme and the personal life Wikipedia tab tweet ... accuracy, and perfection.

I don't know why I love this TikTok so much, but now I kinda want an anklet: https://www.tiktok.com/@myinternetcousin/video/7243983781097671982

I'm hoping that I can somehow obtain some of that summer bucket list energy soon. 😂 I mentioned last week that there's been a tragedy in my church where I'm on staff that has left us all reeling. It's in my pastor's family, and I'm the only other full-time employee. Our elders/deacons are great and everyone has been so forthcoming to show me support, which I appreciate. But I've still been in the initial fog and not really able to name what exactly I need help with. Anyway, in the midst of this I have more fully realized how much I love my community and how lucky I am to be among and lead these people.

Erin, thank you and the BB team so much for these excellent Pride and LGBTQIA+ conversations and resources! As a church leader who has been on the journey to becoming affirming for a while, it is so helpful.

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We just finished VBS where I work this week... and the church is deathly quiet. I'm not sure how my brain feels about it --- probably better since I'm not being bombarded by the same song over a 4 hour period and sugar laced treats every minute.

I tried the new Southwest Veggie Wrap from CFA to counteract the junk and lemme tell you --- it's my new go-to. Get it with the Creamy Salsa and have a great day.

While shopping the ol' Food Giant, I happened upon one glorious gallon of Blue Bell Dr. Pepper Float ice cream. It's better than anyone says. If you can find it, buy it immediately.

I'm in a show funk - finished Mrs. Maisel, Ted Lasso, and Shiny Happy People - my only saving grace is that my husband waited until after the finale to start TL, so I'm watching it again with him.

And we're leaving for the beach on Monday and I'll be in hog heaven.

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That's a heavy bunch of shows all in one go. Hope your beach time is dreamy!

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I also loved those TV show lists. They were dead on!

It is a rough time. Three friends husbands have had massive, scary ER/ Hospital/ Surgery/ Complications/ Botched Care experiences starting in May and it has been hard and sad in all directions.

Two other friends have had to put down their beloved dogs, and my own dog seems to be suffering from some mystery pain that we can't figure out.

And the general awfulness of humans on a global, national, and local scale. Too many instances to describe. Blerg. So I'm clinging to the few sweet things/fun I can. A handful of treasures:

My husband and I have our own ridiculous take on Christmas jammies. Last year I got green and red flannel bottoms and this tardigrade tshirt:


This year I am cranking up the geek cred by going with the OG Three Wolf Moon tshirt:


(If you are not a nerd you can read about it here:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Wolf_Moon )

I'm going to try to make the Jammie bottoms this year and I'm trying to decide if I should do, like a wintery Forrest pattern or just lean in:


I mean Together Time… Super Snuggle - that's pretty cozy overdosy. Anyway it's all making me laugh during a sad season. What a week! Yeesh.

In summer news, I'm almost done with my pretty cornhole boards. (Zinnias and sunflowers.) Next up I sew the bags for two teams: the Bees and the Butterflies.

And I've been building a summer playlist, and this thing is a musical journey. Audio Adrenaline and the Kinks. Rhett and Link and the Blestenation version of Cruel Summer. Madonna. Joe Diffey. Baby Michael Jackson. 😁 It's been good to bop around while i paint. And to hear my husband say, "This is a good playlist." Even while he rolls his eyes so hard.


I watched the finale of Mrs Maisel and all of Shiny Happy People. 😶 So as a palate cleanser I watched Pitch Perfect for the first time. So fun! 🎶 🎤

I picked up some books at the library and they had Yellowface on the "Lucky Day" shelf. And I'm still reading "Epitaph for a Peach".

My garden still seems a little wimpy, but I'm happy to report that we have a few peppers. And a ton of squash blossoms.

That's all for me, looking forward to your treasures.

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I LOVE the wolf pattern!!!

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So sorry your people have had rough times. Hopefully the next weeks bring a reprieve for them (and you)! Definitely go with wolf pants, then you can essentially wear a full wolf pack!

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I feel like this is wisdom. Plus, having wolf pants seems like something I should do.

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The rare Friday where I actually get to participate in comments during the day! I traded shifts with someone this week and had to be up at the crack of dawn to get both me and my dog to various medical appointments. Those are finished and I'm about to eat a breakfast sandwich that looks very promising. And I'm going to the river with some friends tomorrow. Banner weekend!

I continue to be infuriated, saddened, and utterly unsurprised by the actions of the SBC, which is the denomination I grew up in. Jonathan Merritt has some good thoughts here: https://religionnews.com/2023/06/15/the-southern-baptists-rid-themselves-of-women-pastors-their-latest-self-inflicted-wound/

There was a lot of discussion here recently about a particular focus/sleep app? I think I want to try a new one - could someone refresh my memory?

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Endel is the app you're looking for! It acts like you have to pay for a subscription, or give them your credit card to try it out, but don't - there's a free version that is great for exploring.

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Thank you!

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They are losing so much over these stands. I just keep thinking this is just like the racism stuff a few years ago. How many churches will leave over this? And how many more individuals? The vice grip is squeezing the life out of the church.

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Cut to me reminding myself through gritted teeth that Al Mohler is also a beloved child of God.

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Happy Friday, all! We have plans to eat dinner & swim at our small group member’s house tonight-Ts & Ps for a warm evening bc right now the state of IN has lost its mind weather-wise. (Currently 58 at 10 am IN JUNE WTF)


🪧I’m Appalachian-adjace and this guy kills me every time: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs7c1muNtRn/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

🐱Putting this on my weird attraction must-see list: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrjZ6JzAnvm/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

👜I bought a lovely purse on Etsy this week from this shop https://www.etsy.com/listing/743363981/ and while it’s more than I usually spend, it’s PERFECT for me and I’m donating most of my other purses as a result. Plus they train & employ Thai women! https://www.braverly.com/

Hope you all have a warm-but-not-too-hot weekend!

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Our current state treasurer in Alabama is Young Boozer. That is his real name. He's been a local politician for a while, so I'm used to his name, but it still makes me wonder what his momma was thinking.

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Booger for Sheriff! 😆

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Must be the most fun ballot to vote on 😆

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It would be nice if we could split the difference between your 58 and our 84 but feels like 94 with humidity.

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My high school served Otis spunkmyer (sp?) chocolate chip cookies medium rare and I’ve never met a cookie that lives up to that standard since

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We had them in the college student union, and I was over the moon when I discovered I could buy just the ball of dough and not have them bake it at all.

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We had some type of brand at school that was called like "Grandma's Cookies" or something and people went bananas for them. They were so good!

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Ughhhhhh I miss those! Crumbl cookies will never come close.

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I do NOT understand the obsession with Crumbl cookies. Hello dry overbaked powder ..

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Seriously! 😩

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Oh my goodness, YES. I can still taste and smell them decades years later.

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Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about warm cookie day in the high school cafeteria.

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Same. It haunts me.

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Happy weekend swipes! I'm looking forward to hopefully relaxing a little bit amid lots of activities.

Speaking of the Silly Willy West Wing, I'm going there this weekend! My boyfriend goes to the White House every now and then for work but this will be my first time doing a tour after living here for 6 years. We have some friends who work there and they offered us tickets to a special tour they do one Saturday night a month for friends and family of staffers - I'm so excited!

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Hey, I live here too! Lemme know if you want a local lil swipes pal!

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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023

Oh my goodness yes I would love that! My instagram is @gracemoser if you want to add me/send a DM! :)

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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023Liked by Erin H Moon

Good morning everyone! Thoughts from the week:

🌈 Erin, you guys did such a lovely job with the episodes this week. Really quality work.

👶🏻👶🏻 The boys had their 2 month old checkup this week, and during their intake (you know, when they run through the checklist of questions) I was asked “are they happy to see you when you walk in the room?” and I said “…no?” because they are preemies and are doing their best on milestones but not quite there yet, thank you very much, but I didn’t want her to think we suck, so then I followed that up with “but I mean, they don’t get upset when we walk in the room…” and she just stared blankly at me. 😂🫠

🤸🏻‍♀️ I am going to audition to be a barre3 instructor! B3 has been a transformative place for me over the last few years and I would love to share that with others. Excited but nervyyyy.

Have a great weekend!!!

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Your intake answers were great! 😆 Good luck with your audition!

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Good luck with barre3! Group exercise classes have been a game changer for me and the coaches/instructors' passion really makes them so much more impactful! You're going to do great!

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Lol at “….no?” Exactly what I would’ve said too and I never had premie twins 🤷‍♀️ It’s like all my adult-ness exits my brain at check-in.

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Why do I get so flustered at the ped office? The things I say are truly unhinged. 😆

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I feel similarly about my friend’s one year old girl. She doesn’t light up when she sees me, but she also doesn’t decline snuggles from me, so we take what we can. 😂

Good luck on your audition! 🙏🏻

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Morning, Swipes!!!

My husband has somehow convinced me to try to sell our house ourselves instead of using a realtor and I am instantly regretting it 😭😭😭 this is the least fun I’ve ever had in my life. I’m praying God will help our house sell within a week because I don’t know if I can handle it beyond that.

But I think I did a decent job taking pics of everything considering I barely know how to use an iPhone. Let me know what y’all think: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/541-Sheila-Blvd-Prattville-AL-36066/84552_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare

I hope this weekend is exactly what you need it to be 💗 can’t wait to catch up in the comments 💗💗💗

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It's hard enough with an agent, I can't even imagine! Your photos look great!

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FWIW if we lived in the same city I'd try to buy it.

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These look good and give me a sense of what the rooms look like, which is all I need to know when looking at houses online.

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Good luck! The photos look great!

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"Least fun I've ever had in my life" Ts and Ps, Lauren!

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I think the listing looks really good! I work adjacent to the real estate industry and honestly, this looks a lot better than what some seasoned realtors do. Good luck on selling the house!

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Erin H Moon

I actually saw the Bible theme songs one and thought of the lil swipes! I guess the algorithm is learning 😉

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God bless that algo!

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