Have fun on the tour. And ma’am please don’t forget that I need you and Sarah Bessey to do a show soon 🫶🏾. And I’m glad you still them “tweets” and not “X’s” or whatever 😂

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Hello, friends! I hope that you are all doing well.

My first treasure-health! The coughs and sniffles have left me for the time being.

-Vincenzo. I was skeptical about this Netflix k-drama series at first as it's more violent than I usually like, but the acting won me over in the end. Spot on 5 episodes in.

-The first day of Sharon McMahon's book club (why do I feel like it's the first day of school?).

-The garden is growing gloriously. Tomatoes, green beans, raspberries. I can't wait to try some new methods of freezing fresh food so we can have garden grown food for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

That's it for me! Have a wonderful, restful weekend!

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Your garden sounds so lovely!!!

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See you in Austin!!!!!!!!!!!! ✈️❤️🌮🎉

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This Seattle girl is AUSTIN BOUND... can’t wait🤘

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I couldn’t hit follow on that sandwich guy fast enough.

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Morning, Swipes!!!

I love sauces and dips and my fridge is full of them. Can't stop, won't stop.

This may be kind of weird, but has anyone felt like they struggle with having no ambition? I'm at a point where I just don't care to move up in my career. Am I doing the absolute most I could? No. I have the potential to do so much more than this, but I have no desire to. Is it a problem that I feel this way? Is this feeling temporary? I feel guilty that I'm not helping women break more glass ceilings, but right now I just want to do my little job, have little to no stress, and then go home and read books.

ANYWAY...... it's the last lake weekend of the year, and I can't wait to relax in the water and have a few adult bevys and some chicken wings. Everyone please be safe this weekend and if you're going to the live show please have SO MUCH FUN!!!

Can't wait to catch up in the comments <3<3<3

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This is fine, actually. Jobs are there to support your life, not the other way around. Maybe the feeling is temporary, maybe it's not, either way you get to live your best life.

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I feel you about the ambition, but I also think it's great? Like, having a job you're content in instead of one that makes you miserable is so valuable!

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Lauren, yes! I can relate. Especially to the, "I just want... to go home and read books." We need that on a t-shirt. <3

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Lauren, I think we’ve been so conditioned to think that we always have to do more, be more, give more, want more that when we don’t feel that way, there must be something wrong with us, but that is a patriarchal load of nonsense! Are you enjoying your work? Is it challenging enough to keep you engaged? Do you have both the time and energy to have a life outside of work, instead of wanting to collapse with mental and physical exhaustion the minute you get home? If your answers are yes, and it sounds like they are, then I’d say you’re doing it right. It’s not a lack of ambition; it’s respect for who you are as a complete person and not just an employee. So enjoy the water, read the books, eat all the dips, and tell that guilt to take a hike.

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Lauren! I have been wondering about the ambition question, especially when my ambition is similarly “bad on paper”. I am currently interviewing for jobs and the what’s your five-year plan question makes me break out in hives. I have been wondering though if our reframe is actually a good one, to refuse to work under unsustainable systems and be ourselves, especially when it looks like love and peace for us and our communities. With you in it!

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I’d like to reframe your lack of ambition into contentment. Sometimes we get to just be content with where we are and what we’re doing. Life has a way of stepping in and effing everything up. Sit still where you are right now if it feels good.

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👆This. Co-sign. In my last job before kids, some of my bosses were hinting at me taking on different, bigger roles because “potential” but honestly? I loved being the support role behind the leader, and being able to leave my job at the office. I found contentment. Then I got pregnant and we moved so I didn’t have to deal, but I wonder what I would have done in response to the pressure to move up.

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I feel you re: no ambition. I’ve been at my job for 10 years and any shifts in my role have been lateral at best. But I feel like we have enough money and I have time to read and be a person so...that’s fine? But I also struggle with feeling like I should WANT to move up and out of this job I’m so settled in.

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I find when I’m stressed at work my ambition to do more than my job is no where to be seen. Enjoy your long weekend on the lake!

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Ok, no one’s ever accused me of being cerebral- please help. I am subscribed to your substack, obvi- but what is The SwipeUp+? The “+” is what’s throwing me off- will I automatically get to be a part of the dis/entangle study? Thank you!

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If you are paying the monthly $6, you will be able to view the study via Substack. It’ll just pop into the feed automatically without you having to do anything. If you’re viewing Erin’s great stuff for free, then you’ll miss out, but you’ll still get the great free stuff!

When the study has been mentioned previously, underneath that blurb should be a note that says something like “you’re already subscribed” or it will show a link to “gift a subscription” to someone else. If you aren’t seeing that, there is likely a link centered underneath that will take you to a place where you can subscribe for the $6 a month.

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Too good not to be subscribed! Sorry for the overkill on the explanation but thought it might be helpful for others too!

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Thanks for the explanation! I was wondering myself! Already subscribed... Whew! 😊

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Oh good! Thanks so much!! I’m already subscribed :)

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🎤 The JoBros concert was so much fun! We were 5-6 rows back behind the stage and had a great view across the stadium. Such a fun time and now I want to go to more concerts!

🏡 I bought a house!!! I closed yesterday, it's getting cleaned this morning, and I get to start painting this afternoon. I moved 6 times in the last 8 years and was almost always living with someone else, so it's exciting to have a permanent place that is mine.

🎂 My SIL loves to celebrate and have lil treats, so she got me a cake for closing!

📺 Popcast livestream! I probably won't be able to watch it live tomorrow, but I'm excited to catch the replay later this week.


😫 My SIL's parents came during a very busy weekend and it was too much. I was hoping to have Friday to recover from the concert before I worked Sat-Sun and it was totally the opposite.

😭 My solo reading vacation was a bit of a bummer. I was having the worst period and felt like I'd been hit by a truck. The weather was SO COLD! I wasn't prepared for it to be 55 and cloudy. So, after feeling sad and lonely by myself, I just went home early.

Have a lovely long weekend friends, can't wait to catch up with you all in the comments ❤️

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Congratulations on being a homeowner and on seeing the Jonas Brothers!!! 🎉🎉

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Ahhhh HOMEOWNERRRR 🥰🥰🥰 congrats!!

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Sorry about your vacation, that stinks.

Congrats on the house and have fun painting!

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Hope it’s a great Austin Live Show, Erin! I’ll be watching the live stream.

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Hope no one minds, but Imma just going to copy and paste my list of what’s saving my life right now from Tuesday’s Swipe+ prompt because 1) they are also my treasures and 2) it’s been that kind of...season...

Treasures/Saving my life

- Chili Lime pistachios

- kombucha

- 3 children who are capable of looking after themselves when mom has to deal with a sick 2 year old.

- Kaitlyn Scheiss

- With God Daily devotions

- podcasts

- having things to look forward to

- friends

- husband who shares kid responsibilities

- snail mail

- buying prezzies for strangers, family, friends

- Sharon McMahon @sharonsaysso

- candles that smell like fall so I can pretend it’s fall even though it is a hundred degrees.

- really good, easy, curry (thank you, Trader Joe’s)

- early mornings on the back deck

May the Austin live show be filled with tacos, AC, and venues that pay you! ❤️

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Tell me more about With God Daily devotions! Book? Podcast?

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Re: the sauce tweet, my unusual sauces are Mike’s Hot Honey and Trader Joe’s corn dip. They’re not really all that weird, I know.

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