"Is anyone ready for Twilight?" - I first saw it as an adult and I don't know if I was. ;)

Cozy movies: Emma (Gwyneth version, but A T-J is growing on me) and Ever After were the movies I rotated renting from our local video store. And I know it's not a movie, but Anne with an E on Netflix feels so cozy to me.

Happy fall-ing! No Move November is sounds really good after our bonkers fall. :)

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For movies, Sense and Sensability, Steel Magnolias, Return to Me, Mr. Holland’s Opus, Mona Lisa Smile. I think I cry at all of these. That says so much.

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Best group chat name I am a part of: Heaven Vaginas. We were all in a religion college class together during Covid and I don’t remember the topic the teacher was talking about but one of my friends sent in our zoom chat “do you think we will have vaginas in heaven” and the other two of us were just trying not to laugh while on zoom. It was great. And that’s been our group chat name ever since.

Also my husband named the group chat with my side of the family “big oof” as a joke but then nobody else changed it and it stuck

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My group chats include:

(Taylor's Version) ...for Taylor Swift Tiktoks

Book Lovers ...for my book club!

Enjoy Atlanta! <3

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Went to a Practical Magic party last night and you should definitely cue that up with your girls (some scenes may be, as the youths say, Suss) but I feel like the oldest can handle. Such a delightful, cozy magic movie of 90s nostalgia.

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Just hopping in here to say: don't overlook Sense and Sensibility. Emma Thompson is magnificent, Kate Winslet is adorably annoying, there are way too many Other British Actors, and Alan Rickman as Colonel Brandon is IMO better than Colin Firth AND Matthew MacFadyen.

Also, Remember the Titans is quoted daily around here, so it's a thumbs up from us!

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Re: Pride and Prejudice - I watched it my first semester of college and never touched it again until my pandemic-addled brain demanded it. Now it's one of my favorite movies and I watch it every few months. Which is all to say, give it a shot with your kid, it may or may not stick, but it will live in her subconscious until the universe decides she's ready for it.

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While You Were Sleeping/ Runaway Bride/Sabrina ( old or newer)

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Oh wait…Sleepless in Seattle, My Best Friend’s Wedding, Dirty Dancing and Footloose!

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How about straight up 80’s brat pack classics. St.Elmo’s Fire, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, Say Anything….and then of course Goonies and Ferries Bueller’s Day Off!

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We have been crazy over here dealing with trying to make our basement flood proof and maybe, finally are done as of today? I hope? So I am extra on-board for no-move October and November.

I say yes to all the movies you’ve listed. My soon-to-be ten year old also wants to be introduced to things I love and I’m trying to decide which are appropriate enough (we aren’t super strict with content but I’m still unsure) too. She loved Remember the Titans! LW feels like winter to me but maybe this is because I haven’t seen the Greta version? 🫣 I’ve been rewatching Gilmore Girls all the way through for the first time since the revival and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. The revival made me sad but now I can separate the two enough to ignore that. Other required viewing: Practical Magic, You’ve Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally. Used to include Hocus Pocus but the girl went through a phase a couple years ago and I am still a bit sick of it. 😂

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Meg Ryan fall obvs, but I LOVE Practical Magic!

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My Fall favorite cozy watch is Supernatural. Hear me out. A) the cast is smoking hot, B) they are always wearing jackets, C) it's filmed in Vancouver, BC so all the settings just look like an autumnal paradise.

And I will be at the live show on Saturday! I cannot wait!!

Also, as for group chats, mine are:

- Belfast Besties

- Running Coffee

- Meowy Messages

- Trash Panda Texts

- Rainbow Resistance: the Gay Agenda

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I will be there on Saturday!!! Cannot wait!!!! We did not get VIP tickets, but we will be with all the regulars 🤣

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I can't recommend any fall movies because I truly hate watching movies hahaha but I have re-entered my puzzle season (it's so much better to do puzzles during cozy seasons) and I love having the Harry Potter movies on in the background!


This week I emptied out some candle jars and refilled them with new candles and my house has smelled divine just from making them for the last few days and it has been a delight!

I also did a little secondhand fall haul with money I had sitting in my ThredUp account and I found so many great pieces for so cheap! Yay!

And one not-so-treasure: Over in DC we're readying for another government shutdown which means my SO is about to be furloughed until the Republicans can get their s-word together. Fortunately, he is able to pay his bills and he's not at any risk of financial stress, but most federal employees do not have this luxury. Please pray for them. Last time we had a long shutdown so many people were lining up at food banks, my apartment building was doing donation drives, etc. It's so crippling for so many people to lose access to a single paycheck, especially when they have no control over the situation.

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Ya! Def think about Harry in the fall for some reason!! Probably because it was an October that I met that character by finally picking up the books!

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I forgot about Harry Potter - the soundtrack alone feels autumnal.

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Every fall, pretty much without fail, I end up watching Rudy, Halloweentown, October Sky, and Practical Magic!

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Rudy! Oh man. I forgot about that one.

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