Fall is the best season of them all. Never mind that October's the month of my birth, my brother's birth, my mother's birth and my step-daughter's birth. It's the most beautiful, and the mild temperatures after months of life-sucking heat are too delightful for words! Obviously, I love a Retha post, and I know Erin wouldn't ask just anyone to sub in, which is a definite hat tip to you, Retha!

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Loved reading what Retha shared and y’all’s comments as well!

Currently up late cause we were finishing up Trunk or Treat decor (thankfully my husband is far my craft project talented than I am…I may or may not have gotten a lesson on the proper way to glue corners down). We’ve never done a trunk before and I’ve had all sorts of anxiety over it. We are doing a Monsters inc theme because my husband and I own Mike Wazowski and Sully onesies. If nothing else I’m hoping our kids love it!

All the talk of fall temps makes me a little jealous since I we recently moved to FL and I wore shorts and a tank top today (I may lose a lot of water weight in the Sully onesie tomorrow 💦). Though at the same time I am excited for a warm winter and soaking up outside time with my littles.

Erin, I hope your healing process continues go smoothly! Looking forward to next week!

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Retha Nichole

📚 A true treasure of my week is our library social media manager. Last week my coworker and I emailed her and asked if she wanted to do an Arthur tiktok recreating this iconic moment and she said yes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyxEDSnegTU She's just so fun and creative!

⛪I visited a tiny neighborhood Episcopal church the last two weeks and I'm really liking it. I've very new to the tradition, but the worship has been sweet and the people welcoming. I came from a small church and didn't really want that again, but the Lord has a sense of humor. Ten minutes into service I felt right at home and knew I needed to come back the next week.

🏡 I've been at my house full time for 3 weeks now and I'm loving it. I'm finding my routines again and just feeling much more settled and stable at work as a result. My brother and SIL are AMAZING, but I truly love living alone.

I will hopefully have wifi at the house this weekend, but in the meantime I've been reading lots. Most have been enjoyable, but no real standouts to share. I've got a couple of spooky season holds that I'm hoping come in soon!

That's all for me, friends. I'm working this weekend, so really just trying to make it to Monday when I can rest.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Retha Nichole

Welcome Retha! No judgement. Janesha looks adorable in all those looks. Did you buy any of them? Your family is beautiful. Boomer looks proud to be there.

Hey Swipes. It is crunch time at my place with work and house projects. But I scared up a few treasures:

🏠 I need to meet our needs for security lights (we have to park our vehicles outside), ease-of-use (I have way too much in my brain to remember to turn lights on and off), and asthetics (we live in a small 1959 California ranch/cottage home that does not need commercial style industrial strength flood lights. I do not want to live in a warehouse or spaceship.) After some research and found these which I think will work and get good reviews. https://www.vaxcel.com/inspiration/technology/dualux-lighting/

I'd love recommendations if anyone has some. We need two garage lights and a larger porch light.

📻 In these dark days of war and sadness I've got the latest Porter's Gate on repeat.


📻 And then when my heart is lighter I listen to my Autumn Harvest playlist, which is pretty banjo-tastic, but has just the right groove for making pumpkin pancakes on a golden Saturday morning. https://spotify.link/adhaZmM89Db

📚 I just finished and enjoyed Hester. A fictional origin story for the Scarlet Letter. Nice for Spooky season. https://bookshop.org/p/books/hester-laurie-lico-albanese/17856048

📚 I just started When We Believed in Mermaids https://bookshop.org/p/books/when-we-believed-in-mermaids-barbara-o-neal/11125933

📺 I just finished Ms Marvel with my husband and finished season 1 of Glee, which I never watched at the time. I watched the first episode of the new Ken Burns documentary American Buffalo. Spoiler: Americans are greedy and destdowner. And we destroyed the buffalo specifically in order to destroy the indigenous folks who depended on it. The second episode details efforts to save the Buffalo, so I hope that one is less of a downer. To cheer myself up I've watched I'm Just Pete a few times: https://youtu.be/O-UfkZKKGc0?feature=shared

🎃 I haven't had much time to do a lot of reading/watching etc because work has picked up with end of the year deadlines, and I've had a lot of activities, including, Taylor Swift Era's movie, which was fun, and if anyone wants bracelets I have some left over. 😆 Now I am getting our theme ready for our church's trunk or treat. I have this whole ridiculous game where when the kid gets a certain card I play the purple button on this and dance like a dork:


🧥 After a mild summer, it is cold and has rained a few times and snowed in the Sierras already. I feel like it is the mid 90s again. I'm wearing this shacket all the time. I used it to dress up for the Eras movie and saw another woman in the same one. It is super soft and cozy! https://www.duluthtrading.com/s/DTC/womens-folklore-flannel-shirt-56461.html?color=NVR

Look forward to catching up in the comments.

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Checked out your autumn harvest playlist!! So awesome!! It will be played tomorrow morning.

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Oh yay! We are listening today too, but this time with apple cinnamon pancakes. Waving my spatula your way!

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*greedy and destructive

I can't edit posts anymore. 😔

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Retha Nichole

Should have known when I saw this was Retha that I would laugh and cry and want to print the whole thing out so I could highlight the great advice and pin it to my bulletin board.

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First Jamie, now Retha?! We are blessed with these guest writers.

Anyone else feel the tension of what to watch this weekend? It's like I want to watch Practical Magic AND Hallmark Christmas movies. I want to eat Reese's pumpkins AND drink hot chocolate with a candy cane stirrer.

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I am fighting with everything in me to not shift to hot cocoa and Christmas movies. We just need to make it until Wednesday. Come on we can do it!!!!!!!!!!

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We must stay strong!

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The weathere where I live got cold all of a sudden, so I feel that mish mash of seasons too.

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Hmmm...it's still 80 degrees here in South Carolina AND YET I am making soup.

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My toxic trait is thinking I could pull off every one of Janesha’s outfits as well as she did 🤦‍♀️ she’s making it all look cute, whereas I wear the same athleisure that I bought at Costco every day.

My town has a Parade of Pumpkins where people (mostly kids) decorate pumpkins and display them downtown. There were over 400 this year and some of them were sooo cute! I noticed painting your pumpkin instead of carving it is really in right now, which I personally think is cheating. Just give me that round pumpkin with the 3 triangles and snaggletooth grin.

Can’t wait to catch up in the comments 💗

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I am 100% the same way. What looks adorable on IG does not always translate IRL!

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I am with you on the outfits. And with the traditional jack o'lantern. How cute is a Parade of Pumpkins!

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The parade of pumpkins is the cutest idea I've ever heard. Do you live in Stars Hollow?

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It is sooo cute and fun! Our city is about 39,000 people, but the downtown is very Stars Hollow-esque. It’s all small businesses and restaurants and runs alongside a creek. They go all out decorating everything for Fall and Christmas and people come from all over to see it. It’s very special.

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Retha, you are a treasure. I absolutely look at so many clothing items and think “how do I wear that??” so those IG accounts are a lifesaver.

I live in Lawrence, KS and the Taylor/Travis talk is hot hot hot. Poor Emma. She’ll never leave a situation to go to the bathroom ever again!


🏈 I never thought I was a football fan until my 9 year old decided to give flag football a try and now I am ALL THE FOOTBALL. He loves the game and has loved his coach and experience. Meanwhile, I have discovered that I have a dormant sports fan inside of me just aching to cheer for all the things. He and I are the only sports fans in our family of 6, but at least now we have each other.

📚 Shameless plug here, but I have had two IRL friends have books published this fall and I am very excited and proud of them:

First, a fun, spooky season read: Dracula Daily: Reading Bram Stoker's Dracula in Real Time With Commentary by the Internet https://a.co/d/6MlWjLB

Second, a book about faith and deconstruction/reconstruction: Sandbox to Museum: What To Do When The Faith You Knew Doesn't Work for You Anymore https://a.co/d/eqEMLsu

🍂: it’s FINALLY sweater season here, and I have been using thredUP to update my wardrobe, with mixed results. Do you have favorite sweater brands?

👯‍♀️ I have a dinner and a breakfast planned with good girlfriends this weekend, and I am really excited for both. Both are groups of friends that I’ve been part of and meeting up with consistently for probably 5 years and it is always cup-filling to get to spend time with them.

That’s it for me. We have snow in the forecast this weekend 🥶 which seems too soon but I am also all for freezing all the bugs out. Hope you all have great weekends!

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I have bought some of my very favorite sweaters from Madewell! ThreadUp is always hit and miss for me too - but usually better when I search for a specific brand & item (ie madewell black jeans). At least until I get overwhelmed. 😂

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Yes! I have much better luck on ThreadUp when I'm searching for specific brands that I already know fit me.

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I love that you and your son have an interest to share. That will be a cool bo ding thing as he ages. 😊

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Thred up has always been so hit or miss for me. So glad that I can do returns with them. No sweater suggestions as still on a look out for that. Have so much fun with your friends as we all need those cup filling times!

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You have some great looking guys in your life, and Boomer's not bad either! Now I will leave the table, that one made me laugh out loud this early am! Have a great weekend!

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