Is anyone familiar with Rosaria Butterfield’s (good name for an imaginary friend) “Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age”? I gathered up the courage to ask my used-to-be kindred spirit (our path diverged during the Trump/pandemic/BLM hellscape) what she’s reading and this is it. I read the introduction and a mix of supportive and critical reviews. My question is do I have to read the whole thing to tell my sweet friend I respectfully hate it?

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“This is not friendship weather. Stop inviting me places.” <<<Me (a hard-core introvert) for all of January and February (who also experiences seasonal affective disorder) 😅 #imnotgoinganywhere

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Two words. PAPRIKA APP!! it is paid, but only once. It is the best $3.99 I ever spent. You take your internet recipes and magically import them!! You can meal plan with it too! I also check cookbooks out from the library and if I like them and cannot find them online it is super messy to type them right in!

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My mom turned me on to the Paprika app and few years ago! It's AMAZING!

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Also, if you are using apple products and sharing with your family, they can download your paid for Paprika and create their own log in. Then when, for example, your 21 year old asks you for your chicken and dumplings or beef stew, you can just text him the Paprika file and it goes right into his app.

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What?!? Awesome. My 15 year old loves to cook. This may come in handy.

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Words cannot describe my love for Secretary Pete (he will always be Mayor Pete in my heart). Who else could bring the riveting details of US infrastructure policy to the masses?

The US Figure Skating Championships are this weekend, so that will be my entire viewing schedule. This is where the ramp-up to the Olympics starts getting serious, so it's worth tuning in.

Tyler Huckabee wrote this article after the 2016 and it has only become more true: https://www.fathommag.com/stories/dying-before-we-reach-the-promised-land

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Using an ad blocking browser is a GAME CHANGER for reading recipes online! I have Brave on my phone and Arc on my MacBook. If a page accidentally loads in Chrome, I essentially fall off my chair and bury my face from the sudden onset of stimulation.

I am celebrating that our weather in mid-Michigan is now in the low 20’s instead of a windchill of -20! 🥶 Our daughter had a 5 day weekend and we were all very happy for her to go back to school yesterday. Sending warm vibes to the folks still dealing with severe cold, especially in areas that aren’t used to it.

I decided on Election Day to upgrade to the paid Pantsuit Politics subscription and only get my news and analysis from them, and this week absolutely proved that to be the right call for me. They had a conversation earlier this week with Sen. Cory Booker that just made me want to group hug the three of them. They are such a gift.

The meme about the joy of finding something new to obsess over made me lol. On the flip side, I have been joyfully and obsessively planning our family’s first ever Disney World trip, and I’m worried that returning from it two weeks before the 2nd anniversary of my mom’s passing without something to take its place is going to be a doozy. 😕

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Ohhhh becoming a patreon member with Panstsuit Politics may just be the thing to get me through. Thank you for this!

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Greetings on whatever day this is! We’ve been snowed in down here in southern east Alabama for the past few days and if I was unsure last week on what day it is, I am now even MORE unsure. Kids were off Monday for MLK and ended up getting the whole rest of the week off. So fun.

The snow was absolutely magical and we had a blast watching it, playing in it, building a snow man and watching our goofy dogs in it. We were predicted getting 2-4 inches and ended up getting 6-7inches! It has not snowed like this since 1973! We don’t know how to act, drive or live in this! 🤣 I am in awe of our northern and mid-western sisters and brothers who deal with this every year. *hat tip*

Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm!!

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That is so much snow!!! Have the temps been frigid?

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This is indeed NOT FRIENDSHIP WEATHER. Also yes you're so vein mirror dance. I can't wait to read the piece by our sweet Pete.

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I have been so sad this week, for many reasons, like so many of us. However, I work for a maternal health non-profit and I've been inspired by people reaching out because they want/need to do something right now. Come quickly Jesus.

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Needed the memes and did I start sobbing at the reminder of Pete B, yes I sure did. I'm one of the unlucky ones that got their job eliminated with the Executive Orders signed this week and I just gotta say 2025 can kick rocks.

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I'm so sorry. 😔

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Thank you🩷

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I’m so sorry, Sara. ❤️

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Thank you 🩷

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I'm sorry you lost your job.

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Thank you 🩷

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In one of my Marco Polo groups, Pete is the profile picture because of our deep love for him and desire for him to run in 2028.

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I’ve been writing recipes in glitter gel pen and let me tell you it’s very fun and exciting.

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I print the recipes. (Jump to recipe. Print.) They go in a binder- specifically the front pocket or just shoved in. Every 5 years or so I hole punch & categorize. I am not a binder person. I hate them. But this works for me! So if you are even a smidge of a binder-lover, you might like this.

Also, my sister subscribes to Americas Test Kitchen & they have pretty much every recipe in their app. No ads. If there’s a video tutorial, it is there. There’s like 5 curried chicken salad recipes. Mug cake? They’ve got you.

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I do the same! Recently, I got a bunch of plastic page protectors and alphabetized the whole lot. I hated every minute of it but now all our favorites are in one place and easy to find. I can't stand looking at a screen when I cook and now I can grab a protected page, attach it to my over-range microwave iwth a magnet and voila....easy to follow..hard to mess up.

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The recipe reel was so accurate! Recently a friend taught me a hack that changed the game for me though. When you get to the bottom of the recipe screen where it has everything summarized there’s usually a print button. That will open the recipe in a new tab without all the adds and then you can read it from there without actually printing it out 🤯

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Why have I never tried clicking print before??? Thank you!

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Big poem day in the treasures, Erin! I fear you knew we needed them.

So so excited for I've Got Questions to be released into the world! I wish I could come to a book tour stop but alas I'll be cheering you on from the comfort of my couch in Virginia.

This week has been so very dark. My job requires me to be super in tune with all the news right now and it's so depressing. On top of that, my partner works for the federal government so there's really no escaping it for us. The threats against civilian federal employees are a lurking presence everywhere we go. (Not to mention the threats against immigrant and LGBTQIA+ communities.) We have so many friends who have worked for the government for many years who have suddenly lost their jobs for no reason other than they were basically at the wrong place at the wrong time, and have nothing to do with "disloyalty" to the current Administration. It's nice (?) that we live in a place where a lot of people are kind of in the same boat, so we don't feel alone; all my friends at church and at the gym are sitting with this same uncertainty and fear. I really can't thank past me enough for finding a church family ahead of all this.

Finding joy where I can playing stupid little board games, going on stupid little walks, seeing friends at the gym, cooking tasty dinners and reading Onyx Storm with the rest of the romantasy lovers. But Taylor Swift really was prophetic when she wrote I Hate it Here. (FWIW I did love your Joyful Resistance Plan, Erin, I'm just here in the comments to complain to some internet friends who get it.)

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I’m definitely a comment lurker, so fine… I’ll comment today, Erin. I too have a recipe binder but I’m also just as likely to be searching my Safari history or my Pinterest boards (does anyone still use Pinterest?).

I set up a Blue Sky account this week because the IG kerfuffle with the automatic follows was decidedly not passing the vibe check. Remains to be seen if it’s any better there but when Zuck gets mad and locks my account I’ll have somewhere to doom scroll.

This week has just felt like a lot. Scratch that, this whole month has felt like a lot. I am probably going to go buy an entire half gallon of my favorite cold brew from O’Henry’s (I did not know this was a thing you could do until I saw someone else’s to go order) and finally take down my Christmas tree (we listen and we don’t judge).

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I use Pinterest almost exclusively for recipes. There are a few that I've had saved for so long that they now no longer exist, so I really need to start saving them to an actual document.

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I just took my tree down yesterday... ok, fine. I took the decorations down, but I can't be bothered to pack up the tree just yet.

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The recipe reel has me dyinggggg. Recently I found an app called Recipe Box where you copy the link to a recipe from a website and it gives you just the ingredients and instructions - it’s my dream come true! Nothing beats cooking from a real cookbook, but this app is a game changer!

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I’m searching for the correct app. There is one called My Recipe Box that reviews indicate removes ads and the whole story part of recipes. Is that the one you are referencing?

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Thank you.

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I think I have the same one! In the one I use, there’s a cute little cartoon of a chef dude chopping a carrot that plays while the recipe imports, and it makes me so happy.

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Oh my gosh that is brilliant

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